/// absv - absolute oVerflow /// * @panic if value can not be represented pub inline fn absv(comptime ST: type, a: ST) ST { const UT = switch (ST) { i32 => u32, i64 => u64, i128 => u128, else => unreachable, }; // taken from Bit Twiddling Hacks // compute the integer absolute value (abs) without branching var x: ST = a; const N: UT = @bitSizeOf(ST); const sign: ST = a >> N - 1; x +%= sign; x ^= sign; if (x < 0) @panic("compiler_rt absv: overflow"); return x; } test { _ = @import("absvsi2_test.zig"); _ = @import("absvdi2_test.zig"); _ = @import("absvti2_test.zig"); }