// This file is included in the compilation unit when exporting an executable. const root = @import("root"); const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const assert = std.debug.assert; var argc_ptr: [*]usize = undefined; const is_wasm = switch (builtin.arch) { .wasm32, .wasm64 => true, else => false, }; comptime { if (builtin.link_libc) { @export("main", main, .Strong); } else if (builtin.os == .windows) { @export("WinMainCRTStartup", WinMainCRTStartup, .Strong); } else if (is_wasm and builtin.os == .freestanding) { @export("_start", wasm_freestanding_start, .Strong); } else { @export("_start", _start, .Strong); } } extern fn wasm_freestanding_start() void { _ = callMain(); } nakedcc fn _start() noreturn { if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.wasi) { std.os.wasi.proc_exit(callMain()); } switch (builtin.arch) { .x86_64 => { argc_ptr = asm ("" : [argc] "={rsp}" (-> [*]usize) ); }, .i386 => { argc_ptr = asm ("" : [argc] "={esp}" (-> [*]usize) ); }, .aarch64, .aarch64_be => { argc_ptr = asm ("mov %[argc], sp" : [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize) ); }, else => @compileError("unsupported arch"), } // If LLVM inlines stack variables into _start, they will overwrite // the command line argument data. @noInlineCall(posixCallMainAndExit); } extern fn WinMainCRTStartup() noreturn { @setAlignStack(16); if (!builtin.single_threaded) { _ = @import("start_windows_tls.zig"); } std.debug.maybeEnableSegfaultHandler(); std.os.windows.kernel32.ExitProcess(callMain()); } // TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265 fn posixCallMainAndExit() noreturn { if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.freebsd) { @setAlignStack(16); } const argc = argc_ptr[0]; const argv = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, argc_ptr + 1); const envp_optional = @ptrCast([*]?[*]u8, argv + argc + 1); var envp_count: usize = 0; while (envp_optional[envp_count]) |_| : (envp_count += 1) {} const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, envp_optional)[0..envp_count]; if (builtin.os == .linux) { // Find the beginning of the auxiliary vector const auxv = @ptrCast([*]std.elf.Auxv, envp.ptr + envp_count + 1); std.os.linux.elf_aux_maybe = auxv; // Initialize the TLS area std.os.linux.tls.initTLS(); if (std.os.linux.tls.tls_image) |tls_img| { const tls_addr = std.os.linux.tls.allocateTLS(tls_img.alloc_size); const tp = std.os.linux.tls.copyTLS(tls_addr); std.os.linux.tls.setThreadPointer(tp); } } std.os.exit(callMainWithArgs(argc, argv, envp)); } // This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it, // and we want fewer call frames in stack traces. inline fn callMainWithArgs(argc: usize, argv: [*][*]u8, envp: [][*]u8) u8 { std.os.argv = argv[0..argc]; std.os.environ = envp; std.debug.maybeEnableSegfaultHandler(); return callMain(); } extern fn main(c_argc: i32, c_argv: [*][*]u8, c_envp: [*]?[*]u8) i32 { var env_count: usize = 0; while (c_envp[env_count] != null) : (env_count += 1) {} const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, c_envp)[0..env_count]; return callMainWithArgs(@intCast(usize, c_argc), c_argv, envp); } // General error message for a malformed return type const bad_main_ret = "expected return type of main to be 'void', '!void', 'noreturn', 'u8', or '!u8'"; // This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it, // and we want fewer call frames in stack traces. inline fn callMain() u8 { switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(root.main).ReturnType)) { .NoReturn => { root.main(); }, .Void => { root.main(); return 0; }, .Int => |info| { if (info.bits != 8) { @compileError(bad_main_ret); } return root.main(); }, .ErrorUnion => { const result = root.main() catch |err| { std.debug.warn("error: {}\n", @errorName(err)); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } return 1; }; switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(result))) { .Void => return 0, .Int => |info| { if (info.bits != 8) { @compileError(bad_main_ret); } return result; }, else => @compileError(bad_main_ret), } }, else => @compileError(bad_main_ret), } } const main_thread_tls_align = 32; var main_thread_tls_bytes: [64]u8 align(main_thread_tls_align) = [1]u8{0} ** 64;