const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; const ZigClangSourceLocation = @import("clang.zig").ZigClangSourceLocation; const Context = @import("translate_c.zig").Context; const failDecl = @import("translate_c.zig").failDecl; pub const TokenList = std.SegmentedList(CToken, 32); pub const CToken = struct { id: Id, bytes: []const u8 = "", num_lit_suffix: NumLitSuffix = .None, pub const Id = enum { CharLit, StrLit, NumLitInt, NumLitFloat, Identifier, Plus, Minus, Slash, LParen, RParen, Eof, Dot, Asterisk, // * Ampersand, // & And, // && Assign, // = Or, // || Bang, // ! Tilde, // ~ Shl, // << Shr, // >> Lt, // < Lte, // <= Gt, // > Gte, // >= Eq, // == Ne, // != Increment, // ++ Decrement, // -- Comma, Fn, Arrow, // -> LBrace, RBrace, Pipe, QuestionMark, Colon, }; pub const NumLitSuffix = enum { None, F, L, U, LU, LL, LLU, }; }; pub fn tokenizeCMacro(ctx: *Context, loc: ZigClangSourceLocation, name: []const u8, tl: *TokenList, chars: [*:0]const u8) !void { var index: usize = 0; var first = true; while (true) { const tok = try next(ctx, loc, name, chars, &index); if ( == .StrLit or == .CharLit) try tl.push(try zigifyEscapeSequences(ctx, loc, name, tl.allocator, tok)) else try tl.push(tok); if ( == .Eof) return; if (first) { // distinguish NAME (EXPR) from NAME(ARGS) first = false; if (chars[index] == '(') { try tl.push(.{ .id = .Fn, .bytes = "", }); } } } } fn zigifyEscapeSequences(ctx: *Context, loc: ZigClangSourceLocation, name: []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tok: CToken) !CToken { for (tok.bytes) |c| { if (c == '\\') { break; } } else return tok; var bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, tok.bytes.len * 2); var state: enum { Start, Escape, Hex, Octal, } = .Start; var i: usize = 0; var count: u8 = 0; var num: u8 = 0; for (tok.bytes) |c| { switch (state) { .Escape => { switch (c) { 'n', 'r', 't', '\\', '\'', '\"' => { bytes[i] = c; }, '0'...'7' => { count += 1; num += c - '0'; state = .Octal; bytes[i] = 'x'; }, 'x' => { state = .Hex; bytes[i] = 'x'; }, 'a' => { bytes[i] = 'x'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '0'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '7'; }, 'b' => { bytes[i] = 'x'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '0'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '8'; }, 'f' => { bytes[i] = 'x'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '0'; i += 1; bytes[i] = 'C'; }, 'v' => { bytes[i] = 'x'; i += 1; bytes[i] = '0'; i += 1; bytes[i] = 'B'; }, '?' => { i -= 1; bytes[i] = '?'; }, 'u', 'U' => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: TODO unicode escape sequences", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, else => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: unknown escape sequence", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } i += 1; if (state == .Escape) state = .Start; }, .Start => { if (c == '\\') { state = .Escape; } bytes[i] = c; i += 1; }, .Hex => { switch (c) { '0'...'9' => { num = std.math.mul(u8, num, 16) catch { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: hex literal overflowed", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }; num += c - '0'; }, 'a'...'f' => { num = std.math.mul(u8, num, 16) catch { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: hex literal overflowed", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }; num += c - 'a' + 10; }, 'A'...'F' => { num = std.math.mul(u8, num, 16) catch { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: hex literal overflowed", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }; num += c - 'A' + 10; }, else => { i += std.fmt.formatIntBuf(bytes[i..], num, 16, false, std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .fill = '0', .width = 2 }); num = 0; if (c == '\\') state = .Escape else state = .Start; bytes[i] = c; i += 1; }, } }, .Octal => { const accept_digit = switch (c) { // The maximum length of a octal literal is 3 digits '0'...'7' => count < 3, else => false, }; if (accept_digit) { count += 1; num = std.math.mul(u8, num, 8) catch { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: octal literal overflowed", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }; num += c - '0'; } else { i += std.fmt.formatIntBuf(bytes[i..], num, 16, false, std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .fill = '0', .width = 2 }); num = 0; count = 0; if (c == '\\') state = .Escape else state = .Start; bytes[i] = c; i += 1; } }, } } if (state == .Hex or state == .Octal) i += std.fmt.formatIntBuf(bytes[i..], num, 16, false, std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .fill = '0', .width = 2 }); return CToken{ .id =, .bytes = bytes[0..i], }; } fn next(ctx: *Context, loc: ZigClangSourceLocation, name: []const u8, chars: [*:0]const u8, i: *usize) !CToken { var state: enum { Start, SawLt, SawGt, SawPlus, SawMinus, SawAmpersand, SawPipe, SawBang, SawEq, CharLit, OpenComment, Comment, CommentStar, Backslash, String, Identifier, Decimal, Octal, SawZero, Hex, Bin, Float, ExpSign, FloatExp, FloatExpFirst, NumLitIntSuffixU, NumLitIntSuffixL, NumLitIntSuffixLL, NumLitIntSuffixUL, Done, } = .Start; var result = CToken{ .bytes = "", .id = .Eof, }; var begin_index: usize = 0; var digits: u8 = 0; var pre_escape = state; while (true) { const c = chars[i.*]; if (c == 0) { switch (state) { .Identifier, .Decimal, .Hex, .Bin, .Octal, .SawZero, .Float, .FloatExp, => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, .Start, .SawMinus, .Done, .NumLitIntSuffixU, .NumLitIntSuffixL, .NumLitIntSuffixUL, .NumLitIntSuffixLL, .SawLt, .SawGt, .SawPlus, .SawAmpersand, .SawPipe, .SawBang, .SawEq, => { return result; }, .CharLit, .OpenComment, .Comment, .CommentStar, .Backslash, .String, .ExpSign, .FloatExpFirst, => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: unexpected EOF", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } } switch (state) { .Start => { switch (c) { ' ', '\t', '\x0B', '\x0C' => {}, '\'' => { state = .CharLit; = .CharLit; begin_index = i.*; }, '\"' => { state = .String; = .StrLit; begin_index = i.*; }, '/' => { state = .OpenComment; }, '\\' => { state = .Backslash; }, '\n', '\r' => { return result; }, 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_' => { state = .Identifier; = .Identifier; begin_index = i.*; }, '1'...'9' => { state = .Decimal; = .NumLitInt; begin_index = i.*; }, '0' => { state = .SawZero; = .NumLitInt; begin_index = i.*; }, '.' => { = .Dot; state = .Done; }, '<' => { = .Lt; state = .SawLt; }, '>' => { = .Gt; state = .SawGt; }, '(' => { = .LParen; state = .Done; }, ')' => { = .RParen; state = .Done; }, '*' => { = .Asterisk; state = .Done; }, '+' => { = .Plus; state = .SawPlus; }, '-' => { = .Minus; state = .SawMinus; }, '!' => { = .Bang; state = .SawBang; }, '~' => { = .Tilde; state = .Done; }, '=' => { = .Assign; state = .SawEq; }, ',' => { = .Comma; state = .Done; }, '[' => { = .LBrace; state = .Done; }, ']' => { = .RBrace; state = .Done; }, '|' => { = .Pipe; state = .SawPipe; }, '&' => { = .Ampersand; state = .SawAmpersand; }, '?' => { = .QuestionMark; state = .Done; }, ':' => { = .Colon; state = .Done; }, else => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: unexpected character '{c}'", .{c}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } }, .Done => return result, .SawMinus => { switch (c) { '>' => { = .Arrow; state = .Done; }, '-' => { = .Decrement; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawPlus => { switch (c) { '+' => { = .Increment; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawLt => { switch (c) { '<' => { = .Shl; state = .Done; }, '=' => { = .Lte; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawGt => { switch (c) { '>' => { = .Shr; state = .Done; }, '=' => { = .Gte; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawPipe => { switch (c) { '|' => { = .Or; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawAmpersand => { switch (c) { '&' => { = .And; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawBang => { switch (c) { '=' => { = .Ne; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .SawEq => { switch (c) { '=' => { = .Eq; state = .Done; }, else => return result, } }, .Float => { switch (c) { '.', '0'...'9' => {}, 'e', 'E' => { state = .ExpSign; }, 'f', 'F', => { result.num_lit_suffix = .F; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; state = .Done; }, 'l', 'L' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; state = .Done; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .ExpSign => { switch (c) { '+', '-' => { state = .FloatExpFirst; }, '0'...'9' => { state = .FloatExp; }, else => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: expected a digit or '+' or '-'", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } }, .FloatExpFirst => { switch (c) { '0'...'9' => { state = .FloatExp; }, else => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: expected a digit", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } }, .FloatExp => { switch (c) { '0'...'9' => {}, 'f', 'F' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .F; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; state = .Done; }, 'l', 'L' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; state = .Done; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .Decimal => { switch (c) { '0'...'9' => {}, '\'' => {}, 'u', 'U' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixU; result.num_lit_suffix = .U; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, 'l', 'L' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixL; result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, '.' => { = .NumLitFloat; state = .Float; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .SawZero => { switch (c) { 'x', 'X' => { state = .Hex; }, 'b', 'B' => { state = .Bin; }, '.' => { state = .Float; = .NumLitFloat; }, 'u', 'U' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixU; result.num_lit_suffix = .U; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, 'l', 'L' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixL; result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, else => { i.* -= 1; state = .Octal; }, } }, .Octal => { switch (c) { '0'...'7' => {}, '8', '9' => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: invalid digit '{c}' in octal number", .{c}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, 'u', 'U' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixU; result.num_lit_suffix = .U; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, 'l', 'L' => { state = .NumLitIntSuffixL; result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .Hex => { switch (c) { '0'...'9', 'a'...'f', 'A'...'F' => {}, 'u', 'U' => { // marks the number literal as unsigned state = .NumLitIntSuffixU; result.num_lit_suffix = .U; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, 'l', 'L' => { // marks the number literal as long state = .NumLitIntSuffixL; result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .Bin => { switch (c) { '0'...'1' => {}, '2'...'9' => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: invalid digit '{c}' in binary number", .{c}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, 'u', 'U' => { // marks the number literal as unsigned state = .NumLitIntSuffixU; result.num_lit_suffix = .U; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, 'l', 'L' => { // marks the number literal as long state = .NumLitIntSuffixL; result.num_lit_suffix = .L; result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; }, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .NumLitIntSuffixU => { switch (c) { 'l', 'L' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .LU; state = .NumLitIntSuffixUL; }, else => { return result; }, } }, .NumLitIntSuffixL => { switch (c) { 'l', 'L' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .LL; state = .NumLitIntSuffixLL; }, 'u', 'U' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .LU; state = .Done; }, else => { return result; }, } }, .NumLitIntSuffixLL => { switch (c) { 'u', 'U' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .LLU; state = .Done; }, else => { return result; }, } }, .NumLitIntSuffixUL => { switch (c) { 'l', 'L' => { result.num_lit_suffix = .LLU; state = .Done; }, else => { return result; }, } }, .Identifier => { switch (c) { '_', 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9' => {}, else => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index..i.*]; return result; }, } }, .String => { switch (c) { '\"' => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index .. i.* + 1]; state = .Done; }, else => {}, } }, .CharLit => { switch (c) { '\'' => { result.bytes = chars[begin_index .. i.* + 1]; state = .Done; }, else => {}, } }, .OpenComment => { switch (c) { '/' => { return result; }, '*' => { state = .Comment; }, else => { = .Slash; state = .Done; }, } }, .Comment => { switch (c) { '*' => { state = .CommentStar; }, else => {}, } }, .CommentStar => { switch (c) { '/' => { state = .Start; }, else => { state = .Comment; }, } }, .Backslash => { switch (c) { ' ', '\t', '\x0B', '\x0C' => {}, '\n', '\r' => { state = .Start; }, else => { try failDecl(ctx, loc, name, "macro tokenizing failed: expected whitespace", .{}); return error.TokenizingFailed; }, } }, } i.* += 1; } unreachable; } fn expectTokens(tl: *TokenList, src: [*:0]const u8, expected: []CToken) void { // these can be undefined since they are only used for error reporting tokenizeCMacro(undefined, undefined, undefined, tl, src) catch unreachable; var it = tl.iterator(0); for (expected) |t| { var tok =; std.testing.expectEqual(,; if (t.bytes.len > 0) { //std.debug.warn(" {} = {}\n", .{tok.bytes, t.bytes}); std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, tok.bytes, t.bytes); } if (t.num_lit_suffix != .None) { std.testing.expectEqual(t.num_lit_suffix, tok.num_lit_suffix); } } std.testing.expect( == null); tl.shrink(0); } test "tokenize macro" { var tl = TokenList.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer tl.deinit(); expectTokens(&tl, "TEST(0\n", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "TEST" }, .{ .id = .Fn }, .{ .id = .LParen }, .{ .id = .NumLitInt, .bytes = "0" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ -37\n", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__" }, .{ .id = .Minus }, .{ .id = .NumLitInt, .bytes = "37" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "__llvm__ 1\n#define", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "__llvm__" }, .{ .id = .NumLitInt, .bytes = "1" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "TEST 2", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "TEST" }, .{ .id = .NumLitInt, .bytes = "2" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "FOO 0ull", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "FOO" }, .{ .id = .NumLitInt, .bytes = "0", .num_lit_suffix = .LLU }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); } test "tokenize macro ops" { var tl = TokenList.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer tl.deinit(); expectTokens(&tl, "ADD A + B", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "ADD" }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "A" }, .{ .id = .Plus }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "B" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "ADD (A) + B", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "ADD" }, .{ .id = .LParen }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "A" }, .{ .id = .RParen }, .{ .id = .Plus }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "B" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); expectTokens(&tl, "ADD (A) + B", &[_]CToken{ .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "ADD" }, .{ .id = .LParen }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "A" }, .{ .id = .RParen }, .{ .id = .Plus }, .{ .id = .Identifier, .bytes = "B" }, .{ .id = .Eof }, }); } test "escape sequences" { var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; var alloc = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buf[0..]); const a = &alloc.allocator; // these can be undefined since they are only used for error reporting expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .StrLit, .bytes = "\\x0077", })).bytes, "\\x77")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .StrLit, .bytes = "\\24500", })).bytes, "\\xa500")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .StrLit, .bytes = "\\x0077 abc", })).bytes, "\\x77 abc")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .StrLit, .bytes = "\\045abc", })).bytes, "\\x25abc")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .CharLit, .bytes = "\\0", })).bytes, "\\x00")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .CharLit, .bytes = "\\00", })).bytes, "\\x00")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .CharLit, .bytes = "\\000\\001", })).bytes, "\\x00\\x01")); expect(std.mem.eql(u8, (try zigifyEscapeSequences(undefined, undefined, undefined, a, .{ .id = .CharLit, .bytes = "\\000abc", })).bytes, "\\x00abc")); }