const std = @import("std"); const math = std.math; const testing = std.testing; const __divxf3 = @import("divxf3.zig").__divxf3; fn compareResult(result: f80, expected: u80) bool { const rep = @bitCast(u80, result); if (rep == expected) return true; // test other possible NaN representations (signal NaN) if (math.isNan(result) and math.isNan(@bitCast(f80, expected))) return true; return false; } fn expect__divxf3_result(a: f80, b: f80, expected: u80) !void { const x = __divxf3(a, b); const ret = compareResult(x, expected); try testing.expect(ret == true); } fn test__divxf3(a: f80, b: f80) !void { const integerBit = 1 << math.floatFractionalBits(f80); const x = __divxf3(a, b); // Next float (assuming normal, non-zero result) const x_plus_eps = @bitCast(f80, (@bitCast(u80, x) + 1) | integerBit); // Prev float (assuming normal, non-zero result) const x_minus_eps = @bitCast(f80, (@bitCast(u80, x) - 1) | integerBit); // Make sure result is more accurate than the adjacent floats const err_x = @fabs(@mulAdd(f80, x, b, -a)); const err_x_plus_eps = @fabs(@mulAdd(f80, x_plus_eps, b, -a)); const err_x_minus_eps = @fabs(@mulAdd(f80, x_minus_eps, b, -a)); try testing.expect(err_x_minus_eps > err_x); try testing.expect(err_x_plus_eps > err_x); } test "divxf3" { // qNaN / any = qNaN try expect__divxf3_result(math.qnan_f80, 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fffC000000000000000); // NaN / any = NaN try expect__divxf3_result(math.nan_f80, 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fffC000000000000000); // inf / any(except inf and nan) = inf try expect__divxf3_result(math.inf(f80), 0x1.23456789abcdefp+5, 0x7fff8000000000000000); // inf / inf = nan try expect__divxf3_result(math.inf(f80), math.inf(f80), 0x7fffC000000000000000); // inf / nan = nan try expect__divxf3_result(math.inf(f80), math.nan(f80), 0x7fffC000000000000000); try test__divxf3(0x1.a23b45362464523375893ab4cdefp+5, 0x1.eedcbaba3a94546558237654321fp-1); try test__divxf3(0x1.a2b34c56d745382f9abf2c3dfeffp-50, 0x1.ed2c3ba15935332532287654321fp-9); try test__divxf3(0x1.2345f6aaaa786555f42432abcdefp+456, 0x1.edacbba9874f765463544dd3621fp+6400); try test__divxf3(0x1.2d3456f789ba6322bc665544edefp-234, 0x1.eddcdba39f3c8b7a36564354321fp-4455); try test__divxf3(0x1.2345f6b77b7a8953365433abcdefp+234, 0x1.edcba987d6bb3aa467754354321fp-4055); try test__divxf3(0x1.a23b45362464523375893ab4cdefp+5, 0x1.a2b34c56d745382f9abf2c3dfeffp-50); try test__divxf3(0x1.a23b45362464523375893ab4cdefp+5, 0x1.1234567890abcdef987654321123p0); try test__divxf3(0x1.a23b45362464523375893ab4cdefp+5, 0x1.12394205810257120adae8929f23p+16); try test__divxf3(0x1.a23b45362464523375893ab4cdefp+5, 0x1.febdcefa1231245f9abf2c3dfeffp-50); // Result rounds down to zero try expect__divxf3_result(6.72420628622418701252535563464350521E-4932, 2.0, 0x0); }