const std = @import("../index.zig"); const event = std.event; const assert = std.debug.assert; const os = std.os; const mem = std.mem; pub const RequestNode = std.atomic.Queue(Request).Node; pub const Request = struct { msg: Msg, finish: Finish, pub const Finish = union(enum) { TickNode: event.Loop.NextTickNode, DeallocCloseOperation: *CloseOperation, NoAction, }; pub const Msg = union(enum) { PWriteV: PWriteV, PReadV: PReadV, OpenRead: OpenRead, OpenRW: OpenRW, Close: Close, WriteFile: WriteFile, End, // special - means the fs thread should exit pub const PWriteV = struct { fd: os.FileHandle, iov: []os.linux.iovec_const, offset: usize, result: Error!void, pub const Error = os.File.WriteError; }; pub const PReadV = struct { fd: os.FileHandle, iov: []os.linux.iovec, offset: usize, result: Error!usize, pub const Error = os.File.ReadError; }; pub const OpenRead = struct { /// must be null terminated. TODO path: []const u8, result: Error!os.FileHandle, pub const Error = os.File.OpenError; }; pub const OpenRW = struct { /// must be null terminated. TODO path: []const u8, result: Error!os.FileHandle, mode: os.File.Mode, pub const Error = os.File.OpenError; }; pub const WriteFile = struct { /// must be null terminated. TODO path: []const u8, contents: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode, result: Error!void, pub const Error = os.File.OpenError || os.File.WriteError; }; pub const Close = struct { fd: os.FileHandle, }; }; }; /// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes. pub async fn pwritev(loop: *event.Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, offset: usize, data: []const []const u8) !void { //const data_dupe = try mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []const u8, data); //defer; // workaround for var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } const iovecs = try loop.allocator.alloc(os.linux.iovec_const, data.len); defer; for (data) |buf, i| { iovecs[i] = os.linux.iovec_const{ .iov_base = buf.ptr, .iov_len = buf.len, }; } var req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .PWriteV = Request.Msg.PWriteV{ .fd = fd, .iov = iovecs, .offset = offset, .result = undefined, }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{ .next = undefined, .data = my_handle, }, }, }, }; suspend |_| { loop.linuxFsRequest(&req_node); } return; } /// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes. pub async fn preadv(loop: *event.Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, offset: usize, data: []const []u8) !usize { //const data_dupe = try mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []const u8, data); //defer; // workaround for var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } const iovecs = try loop.allocator.alloc(os.linux.iovec, data.len); defer; for (data) |buf, i| { iovecs[i] = os.linux.iovec{ .iov_base = buf.ptr, .iov_len = buf.len, }; } var req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .PReadV = Request.Msg.PReadV{ .fd = fd, .iov = iovecs, .offset = offset, .result = undefined, }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{ .next = undefined, .data = my_handle, }, }, }, }; suspend |_| { loop.linuxFsRequest(&req_node); } return; } pub async fn openRead(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle { // workaround for var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, path); defer; var req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .OpenRead = Request.Msg.OpenRead{ .path = path_with_null[0..path.len], .result = undefined, }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{ .next = undefined, .data = my_handle, }, }, }, }; suspend |_| { loop.linuxFsRequest(&req_node); } return; } /// Creates if does not exist. Does not truncate. pub async fn openReadWrite( loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode, ) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle { // workaround for var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, path); defer; var req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .OpenRW = Request.Msg.OpenRW{ .path = path_with_null[0..path.len], .mode = mode, .result = undefined, }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{ .next = undefined, .data = my_handle, }, }, }, }; suspend |_| { loop.linuxFsRequest(&req_node); } return; } /// This abstraction helps to close file handles in defer expressions /// without the possibility of failure and without the use of suspend points. /// Start a `CloseOperation` before opening a file, so that you can defer /// `CloseOperation.deinit`. pub const CloseOperation = struct { loop: *event.Loop, have_fd: bool, close_req_node: RequestNode, pub fn create(loop: *event.Loop) (error{OutOfMemory}!*CloseOperation) { const self = try loop.allocator.createOne(CloseOperation); self.* = CloseOperation{ .loop = loop, .have_fd = false, .close_req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .Close = Request.Msg.Close{ .fd = undefined }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .DeallocCloseOperation = self }, }, }, }; return self; } /// Defer this after creating. pub fn deinit(self: *CloseOperation) void { if (self.have_fd) { self.loop.linuxFsRequest(&self.close_req_node); } else { self.loop.allocator.destroy(self); } } pub fn setHandle(self: *CloseOperation, handle: os.FileHandle) void { = handle; self.have_fd = true; } }; /// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes. pub async fn writeFile(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8) !void { return await (async writeFileMode(loop, path, contents, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable); } /// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes. pub async fn writeFileMode(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode) !void { // workaround for var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, path); defer; var req_node = RequestNode{ .next = undefined, .data = Request{ .msg = Request.Msg{ .WriteFile = Request.Msg.WriteFile{ .path = path_with_null[0..path.len], .contents = contents, .mode = mode, .result = undefined, }, }, .finish = Request.Finish{ .TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{ .next = undefined, .data = my_handle, }, }, }, }; suspend |_| { loop.linuxFsRequest(&req_node); } return; } /// The promise resumes when the last data has been confirmed written, but before the file handle /// is closed. /// Caller owns returned memory. pub async fn readFile(loop: *event.Loop, file_path: []const u8, max_size: usize) ![]u8 { var close_op = try CloseOperation.create(loop); defer close_op.deinit(); const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, file_path); defer; const fd = try await (async openRead(loop, path_with_null[0..file_path.len]) catch unreachable); close_op.setHandle(fd); var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(loop.allocator); defer list.deinit(); while (true) { try list.ensureCapacity(list.len + os.page_size); const buf = list.items[list.len..]; const buf_array = [][]u8{buf}; const amt = try await (async preadv(loop, fd, list.len, buf_array) catch unreachable); list.len += amt; if (list.len > max_size) { return error.FileTooBig; } if (amt < buf.len) { return list.toOwnedSlice(); } } } pub const Watch = struct { channel: *event.Channel(Event), putter: promise, pub const Event = union(enum) { CloseWrite, Err: Error, }; pub const Error = error{ UserResourceLimitReached, SystemResources, }; pub fn destroy(self: *Watch) void { // TODO cancel self.putter; } }; pub fn watchFile(loop: *event.Loop, file_path: []const u8) !*Watch { const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, file_path); defer; const inotify_fd = try os.linuxINotifyInit1(os.linux.IN_NONBLOCK | os.linux.IN_CLOEXEC); errdefer os.close(inotify_fd); const wd = try os.linuxINotifyAddWatchC(inotify_fd, path_with_null.ptr, os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE); errdefer os.close(wd); const channel = try event.Channel(Watch.Event).create(loop, 0); errdefer channel.destroy(); var result: *Watch = undefined; _ = try async watchEventPutter(inotify_fd, wd, channel, &result); return result; } async fn watchEventPutter(inotify_fd: i32, wd: i32, channel: *event.Channel(Watch.Event), out_watch: **Watch) void { // TODO var my_handle: promise = undefined; suspend |p| { my_handle = p; resume p; } var watch = Watch{ .putter = my_handle, .channel = channel, }; out_watch.* = &watch; const loop = channel.loop; loop.beginOneEvent(); defer { channel.destroy(); os.close(wd); os.close(inotify_fd); loop.finishOneEvent(); } var event_buf: [4096]u8 align(@alignOf(os.linux.inotify_event)) = undefined; while (true) { const rc =, &event_buf, event_buf.len); const errno = os.linux.getErrno(rc); switch (errno) { 0 => { // can't use @bytesToSlice because of the special variable length name field var ptr = event_buf[0..].ptr; const end_ptr = ptr + event_buf.len; var ev: *os.linux.inotify_event = undefined; while (@ptrToInt(ptr) < @ptrToInt(end_ptr)) : (ptr += @sizeOf(os.linux.inotify_event) + ev.len) { ev = @ptrCast(*os.linux.inotify_event, ptr); if (ev.mask & os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE == os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE) { await (async channel.put(Watch.Event.CloseWrite) catch unreachable); } } }, os.linux.EINTR => continue, os.linux.EINVAL => unreachable, os.linux.EFAULT => unreachable, os.linux.EAGAIN => { (await (async loop.linuxWaitFd( inotify_fd, os.linux.EPOLLET | os.linux.EPOLLIN, ) catch unreachable)) catch |err| { const transformed_err = switch (err) { error.InvalidFileDescriptor => unreachable, error.FileDescriptorAlreadyPresentInSet => unreachable, error.InvalidSyscall => unreachable, error.OperationCausesCircularLoop => unreachable, error.FileDescriptorNotRegistered => unreachable, error.SystemResources => error.SystemResources, error.UserResourceLimitReached => error.UserResourceLimitReached, error.FileDescriptorIncompatibleWithEpoll => unreachable, error.Unexpected => unreachable, }; await (async channel.put(Watch.Event{ .Err = transformed_err }) catch unreachable); }; }, else => unreachable, } } } const test_tmp_dir = "std_event_fs_test"; test "write a file, watch it, write it again" { var da = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init(); defer da.deinit(); const allocator = &da.allocator; // TODO move this into event loop too try os.makePath(allocator, test_tmp_dir); defer os.deleteTree(allocator, test_tmp_dir) catch {}; var loop: event.Loop = undefined; try loop.initMultiThreaded(allocator); defer loop.deinit(); var result: error!void = undefined; const handle = try async testFsWatchCantFail(&loop, &result); defer cancel handle;; return result; } async fn testFsWatchCantFail(loop: *event.Loop, result: *(error!void)) void { result.* = await async testFsWatch(loop) catch unreachable; } async fn testFsWatch(loop: *event.Loop) !void { const file_path = try os.path.join(loop.allocator, test_tmp_dir, "file.txt"); defer; const contents = \\line 1 \\line 2 ; const line2_offset = 7; // first just write then read the file try await try async writeFile(loop, file_path, contents); const read_contents = try await try async readFile(loop, file_path, 1024 * 1024); assert(mem.eql(u8, read_contents, contents)); // now watch the file var watch = try watchFile(loop, file_path); defer watch.destroy(); const ev = try async; var ev_consumed = false; defer if (!ev_consumed) cancel ev; // overwrite line 2 const fd = try await try async openReadWrite(loop, file_path, os.File.default_mode); { defer os.close(fd); try await try async pwritev(loop, fd, line2_offset, []const []const u8{"lorem ipsum"}); } ev_consumed = true; switch (await ev) { Watch.Event.CloseWrite => {}, Watch.Event.Err => |err| return err, } const contents_updated = try await try async readFile(loop, file_path, 1024 * 1024); assert(mem.eql(u8, contents_updated, \\line 1 \\lorem ipsum )); }