#!/bin/sh # This script must run on a lot of different platforms. # It assumes that the following things are installed: # * curl # * jq # * cat # We do not set -x because this would leak the oauth access token. set +x set -e VERSION="$1" OAUTH_TOKEN="$2" YML_FILE="tmp.yml" cat <"$YML_FILE" image: alpine/edge packages: - py3-pip - curl - jq secrets: - 6c60aaee-92e7-4e7d-812c-114817689b4d sources: - https://github.com/ziglang/zig tasks: - build: cd zig && ./ci/srht/update_download_page $VERSION EOF jq <$YML_FILE -sR '{ "manifest": ., }' | curl \ -H Authorization:"token $OAUTH_TOKEN" \ -H Content-Type:application/json \ -X POST \ -d @- "https://builds.sr.ht/api/jobs"