/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include "bigfloat.hpp" #include "bigint.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "os.hpp" #include "softfloat.hpp" #include #include static uint64_t bigint_as_unsigned(const BigInt *bigint); static void bigint_normalize(BigInt *dest) { const uint64_t *digits = bigint_ptr(dest); size_t last_nonzero_digit = SIZE_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < dest->digit_count; i += 1) { uint64_t digit = digits[i]; if (digit != 0) { last_nonzero_digit = i; } } if (last_nonzero_digit == SIZE_MAX) { dest->is_negative = false; dest->digit_count = 0; } else { dest->digit_count = last_nonzero_digit + 1; if (last_nonzero_digit == 0) { dest->data.digit = digits[0]; } } } static uint8_t digit_to_char(uint8_t digit, bool uppercase) { if (digit <= 9) { return digit + '0'; } else if (digit <= 35) { return (digit - 10) + (uppercase ? 'A' : 'a'); } else { zig_unreachable(); } } size_t bigint_bits_needed(const BigInt *op) { size_t full_bits = op->digit_count * 64; size_t leading_zero_count = bigint_clz(op, full_bits); size_t bits_needed = full_bits - leading_zero_count; return bits_needed + op->is_negative; } static void to_twos_complement(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op, size_t bit_count) { if (bit_count == 0 || op->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } if (op->is_negative) { BigInt negated = {0}; bigint_negate(&negated, op); BigInt inverted = {0}; bigint_not(&inverted, &negated, bit_count, false); BigInt one = {0}; bigint_init_unsigned(&one, 1); bigint_add(dest, &inverted, &one); return; } dest->is_negative = false; const uint64_t *op_digits = bigint_ptr(op); if (op->digit_count == 1) { dest->data.digit = op_digits[0]; if (bit_count < 64) { dest->data.digit &= (1ULL << bit_count) - 1; } dest->digit_count = 1; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } size_t digits_to_copy = bit_count / 64; size_t leftover_bits = bit_count % 64; dest->digit_count = digits_to_copy + ((leftover_bits == 0) ? 0 : 1); if (dest->digit_count == 1 && leftover_bits == 0) { dest->data.digit = op_digits[0]; if (dest->data.digit == 0) dest->digit_count = 0; return; } dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < digits_to_copy; i += 1) { uint64_t digit = (i < op->digit_count) ? op_digits[i] : 0; dest->data.digits[i] = digit; } if (leftover_bits != 0) { uint64_t digit = (digits_to_copy < op->digit_count) ? op_digits[digits_to_copy] : 0; dest->data.digits[digits_to_copy] = digit & ((1ULL << leftover_bits) - 1); } bigint_normalize(dest); } static bool bit_at_index(const BigInt *bi, size_t index) { size_t digit_index = index / 64; if (digit_index >= bi->digit_count) return false; size_t digit_bit_index = index % 64; const uint64_t *digits = bigint_ptr(bi); uint64_t digit = digits[digit_index]; return ((digit >> digit_bit_index) & 0x1) == 0x1; } static void from_twos_complement(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *src, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { assert(!src->is_negative); if (bit_count == 0 || src->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } if (is_signed && bit_at_index(src, bit_count - 1)) { BigInt negative_one = {0}; bigint_init_signed(&negative_one, -1); BigInt minus_one = {0}; bigint_add(&minus_one, src, &negative_one); BigInt inverted = {0}; bigint_not(&inverted, &minus_one, bit_count, false); bigint_negate(dest, &inverted); return; } bigint_init_bigint(dest, src); } void bigint_init_unsigned(BigInt *dest, uint64_t x) { if (x == 0) { dest->digit_count = 0; dest->is_negative = false; return; } dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = x; dest->is_negative = false; } void bigint_init_signed(BigInt *dest, int64_t x) { if (x >= 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, x); } dest->is_negative = true; dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = ((uint64_t)(-(x + 1))) + 1; } void bigint_init_data(BigInt *dest, const uint64_t *digits, size_t digit_count, bool is_negative) { if (digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } else if (digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = digits[0]; dest->is_negative = is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } dest->digit_count = digit_count; dest->is_negative = is_negative; dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(digit_count); memcpy(dest->data.digits, digits, sizeof(uint64_t) * digit_count); bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_init_bigint(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *src) { if (src->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } else if (src->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = src->data.digit; dest->is_negative = src->is_negative; return; } dest->is_negative = src->is_negative; dest->digit_count = src->digit_count; dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); memcpy(dest->data.digits, src->data.digits, sizeof(uint64_t) * dest->digit_count); } void bigint_deinit(BigInt *bi) { if (bi->digit_count > 1) deallocate(bi->data.digits, bi->digit_count); } void bigint_init_bigfloat(BigInt *dest, const BigFloat *op) { float128_t zero; ui32_to_f128M(0, &zero); dest->is_negative = f128M_lt(&op->value, &zero); float128_t abs_val; if (dest->is_negative) { f128M_sub(&zero, &op->value, &abs_val); } else { memcpy(&abs_val, &op->value, sizeof(float128_t)); } float128_t max_u64; ui64_to_f128M(UINT64_MAX, &max_u64); if (f128M_le(&abs_val, &max_u64)) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = f128M_to_ui64(&op->value, softfloat_round_minMag, false); bigint_normalize(dest); return; } float128_t amt; f128M_div(&abs_val, &max_u64, &amt); float128_t remainder; f128M_rem(&abs_val, &max_u64, &remainder); dest->digit_count = 2; dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); dest->data.digits[0] = f128M_to_ui64(&remainder, softfloat_round_minMag, false); dest->data.digits[1] = f128M_to_ui64(&amt, softfloat_round_minMag, false); bigint_normalize(dest); } bool bigint_fits_in_bits(const BigInt *bn, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { assert(bn->digit_count != 1 || bn->data.digit != 0); if (bit_count == 0) { return bigint_cmp_zero(bn) == CmpEQ; } if (bn->digit_count == 0) { return true; } if (!is_signed) { size_t full_bits = bn->digit_count * 64; size_t leading_zero_count = bigint_clz(bn, full_bits); return bit_count >= full_bits - leading_zero_count; } BigInt one = {0}; bigint_init_unsigned(&one, 1); BigInt shl_amt = {0}; bigint_init_unsigned(&shl_amt, bit_count - 1); BigInt max_value_plus_one = {0}; bigint_shl(&max_value_plus_one, &one, &shl_amt); BigInt max_value = {0}; bigint_sub(&max_value, &max_value_plus_one, &one); BigInt min_value = {0}; bigint_negate(&min_value, &max_value_plus_one); Cmp min_cmp = bigint_cmp(bn, &min_value); Cmp max_cmp = bigint_cmp(bn, &max_value); return (min_cmp == CmpGT || min_cmp == CmpEQ) && (max_cmp == CmpLT || max_cmp == CmpEQ); } void bigint_write_twos_complement(const BigInt *big_int, uint8_t *buf, size_t bit_count, bool is_big_endian) { if (bit_count == 0) return; BigInt twos_comp = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp, big_int, bit_count); const uint64_t *twos_comp_digits = bigint_ptr(&twos_comp); size_t bits_in_last_digit = bit_count % 64; if (bits_in_last_digit == 0) bits_in_last_digit = 64; size_t bytes_in_last_digit = (bits_in_last_digit + 7) / 8; size_t unwritten_byte_count = 8 - bytes_in_last_digit; if (is_big_endian) { size_t last_digit_index = (bit_count - 1) / 64; size_t digit_index = last_digit_index; size_t buf_index = 0; for (;;) { uint64_t x = (digit_index < twos_comp.digit_count) ? twos_comp_digits[digit_index] : 0; for (size_t byte_index = 7;;) { uint8_t byte = x & 0xff; if (digit_index == last_digit_index) { buf[buf_index + byte_index - unwritten_byte_count] = byte; if (byte_index == unwritten_byte_count) break; } else { buf[buf_index + byte_index] = byte; } if (byte_index == 0) break; byte_index -= 1; x >>= 8; } if (digit_index == 0) break; digit_index -= 1; if (digit_index == last_digit_index) { buf_index += bytes_in_last_digit; } else { buf_index += 8; } } } else { size_t digit_count = (bit_count + 63) / 64; size_t buf_index = 0; for (size_t digit_index = 0; digit_index < digit_count; digit_index += 1) { uint64_t x = (digit_index < twos_comp.digit_count) ? twos_comp_digits[digit_index] : 0; for (size_t byte_index = 0; byte_index < 8 && (digit_index + 1 < digit_count || byte_index < bytes_in_last_digit); byte_index += 1) { uint8_t byte = x & 0xff; buf[buf_index] = byte; buf_index += 1; x >>= 8; } } } } void bigint_read_twos_complement(BigInt *dest, const uint8_t *buf, size_t bit_count, bool is_big_endian, bool is_signed) { if (bit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } dest->digit_count = (bit_count + 63) / 64; uint64_t *digits; if (dest->digit_count == 1) { digits = &dest->data.digit; } else { digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); dest->data.digits = digits; } size_t bits_in_last_digit = bit_count % 64; if (bits_in_last_digit == 0) { bits_in_last_digit = 64; } size_t bytes_in_last_digit = (bits_in_last_digit + 7) / 8; size_t unread_byte_count = 8 - bytes_in_last_digit; if (is_big_endian) { size_t buf_index = 0; uint64_t digit = 0; for (size_t byte_index = unread_byte_count; byte_index < 8; byte_index += 1) { uint8_t byte = buf[buf_index]; buf_index += 1; digit <<= 8; digit |= byte; } digits[dest->digit_count - 1] = digit; for (size_t digit_index = 1; digit_index < dest->digit_count; digit_index += 1) { digit = 0; for (size_t byte_index = 0; byte_index < 8; byte_index += 1) { uint8_t byte = buf[buf_index]; buf_index += 1; digit <<= 8; digit |= byte; } digits[dest->digit_count - 1 - digit_index] = digit; } } else { size_t buf_index = 0; for (size_t digit_index = 0; digit_index < dest->digit_count; digit_index += 1) { uint64_t digit = 0; size_t end_byte_index = (digit_index == dest->digit_count - 1) ? bytes_in_last_digit : 8; for (size_t byte_index = 0; byte_index < end_byte_index; byte_index += 1) { uint64_t byte = buf[buf_index]; buf_index += 1; digit |= byte << (8 * byte_index); } digits[digit_index] = digit; } } if (is_signed) { bigint_normalize(dest); BigInt tmp = {0}; bigint_init_bigint(&tmp, dest); from_twos_complement(dest, &tmp, bit_count, true); } else { dest->is_negative = false; bigint_normalize(dest); } } #if defined(_MSC_VER) static bool add_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { *result = op1 + op2; return *result < op1 || *result < op2; } static bool sub_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { *result = op1 - op2; return *result > op1; } bool mul_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { *result = op1 * op2; if (op1 == 0 || op2 == 0) return false; if (op1 > UINT64_MAX / op2) return true; if (op2 > UINT64_MAX / op1) return true; return false; } #else static bool add_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { return __builtin_uaddll_overflow((unsigned long long)op1, (unsigned long long)op2, (unsigned long long *)result); } static bool sub_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { return __builtin_usubll_overflow((unsigned long long)op1, (unsigned long long)op2, (unsigned long long *)result); } bool mul_u64_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *result) { return __builtin_umulll_overflow((unsigned long long)op1, (unsigned long long)op2, (unsigned long long *)result); } #endif void bigint_add(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op2); } if (op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); } if (op1->is_negative == op2->is_negative) { dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); bool overflow = add_u64_overflow(op1_digits[0], op2_digits[0], &dest->data.digit); if (overflow == 0 && op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } size_t i = 1; uint64_t first_digit = dest->data.digit; dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(max(op1->digit_count, op2->digit_count) + 1); dest->data.digits[0] = first_digit; for (;;) { bool found_digit = false; uint64_t x = overflow; overflow = 0; if (i < op1->digit_count) { found_digit = true; uint64_t digit = op1_digits[i]; overflow += add_u64_overflow(x, digit, &x); } if (i < op2->digit_count) { found_digit = true; uint64_t digit = op2_digits[i]; overflow += add_u64_overflow(x, digit, &x); } dest->data.digits[i] = x; i += 1; if (!found_digit) { dest->digit_count = i; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } } } const BigInt *op_pos; const BigInt *op_neg; if (op1->is_negative) { op_neg = op1; op_pos = op2; } else { op_pos = op1; op_neg = op2; } BigInt op_neg_abs = {0}; bigint_negate(&op_neg_abs, op_neg); const BigInt *bigger_op; const BigInt *smaller_op; switch (bigint_cmp(op_pos, &op_neg_abs)) { case CmpEQ: bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; case CmpLT: bigger_op = &op_neg_abs; smaller_op = op_pos; dest->is_negative = true; break; case CmpGT: bigger_op = op_pos; smaller_op = &op_neg_abs; dest->is_negative = false; break; } const uint64_t *bigger_op_digits = bigint_ptr(bigger_op); const uint64_t *smaller_op_digits = bigint_ptr(smaller_op); uint64_t overflow = sub_u64_overflow(bigger_op_digits[0], smaller_op_digits[0], &dest->data.digit); if (overflow == 0 && bigger_op->digit_count == 1 && smaller_op->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } uint64_t first_digit = dest->data.digit; dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(bigger_op->digit_count); dest->data.digits[0] = first_digit; size_t i = 1; for (;;) { bool found_digit = false; uint64_t x = bigger_op_digits[i]; uint64_t prev_overflow = overflow; overflow = 0; if (i < smaller_op->digit_count) { found_digit = true; uint64_t digit = smaller_op_digits[i]; overflow += sub_u64_overflow(x, digit, &x); } if (sub_u64_overflow(x, prev_overflow, &x)) { found_digit = true; overflow += 1; } dest->data.digits[i] = x; i += 1; if (!found_digit || i >= bigger_op->digit_count) break; } assert(overflow == 0); dest->digit_count = i; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_add_wrap(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { BigInt unwrapped = {0}; bigint_add(&unwrapped, op1, op2); bigint_truncate(dest, &unwrapped, bit_count, is_signed); } void bigint_sub(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { BigInt op2_negated = {0}; bigint_negate(&op2_negated, op2); return bigint_add(dest, op1, &op2_negated); } void bigint_sub_wrap(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { BigInt op2_negated = {0}; bigint_negate(&op2_negated, op2); return bigint_add_wrap(dest, op1, &op2_negated, bit_count, is_signed); } static void mul_overflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2, uint64_t *lo, uint64_t *hi) { uint64_t u1 = (op1 & 0xffffffff); uint64_t v1 = (op2 & 0xffffffff); uint64_t t = (u1 * v1); uint64_t w3 = (t & 0xffffffff); uint64_t k = (t >> 32); op1 >>= 32; t = (op1 * v1) + k; k = (t & 0xffffffff); uint64_t w1 = (t >> 32); op2 >>= 32; t = (u1 * op2) + k; k = (t >> 32); *hi = (op1 * op2) + w1 + k; *lo = (t << 32) + w3; } static void mul_scalar(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op, uint64_t scalar) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); BigInt bi_64; bigint_init_unsigned(&bi_64, 64); const uint64_t *op_digits = bigint_ptr(op); size_t i = op->digit_count - 1; for (;;) { BigInt shifted; bigint_shl(&shifted, dest, &bi_64); uint64_t result_scalar; uint64_t carry_scalar; mul_overflow(scalar, op_digits[i], &result_scalar, &carry_scalar); BigInt result; bigint_init_unsigned(&result, result_scalar); BigInt carry; bigint_init_unsigned(&carry, carry_scalar); BigInt carry_shifted; bigint_shl(&carry_shifted, &carry, &bi_64); BigInt tmp; bigint_add(&tmp, &shifted, &carry_shifted); bigint_add(dest, &tmp, &result); if (i == 0) { break; } i -= 1; } } void bigint_mul(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->digit_count == 0 || op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); uint64_t carry; mul_overflow(op1_digits[0], op2_digits[0], &dest->data.digit, &carry); if (carry == 0 && op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->is_negative = (op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative); dest->digit_count = 1; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); BigInt bi_64; bigint_init_unsigned(&bi_64, 64); size_t i = op2->digit_count - 1; for (;;) { BigInt shifted; bigint_shl(&shifted, dest, &bi_64); BigInt scalar_result; mul_scalar(&scalar_result, op1, op2_digits[i]); bigint_add(dest, &scalar_result, &shifted); if (i == 0) { break; } i -= 1; } dest->is_negative = (op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative); bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_mul_wrap(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { BigInt unwrapped = {0}; bigint_mul(&unwrapped, op1, op2); bigint_truncate(dest, &unwrapped, bit_count, is_signed); } enum ZeroBehavior { /// \brief The returned value is undefined. ZB_Undefined, /// \brief The returned value is numeric_limits::max() ZB_Max, /// \brief The returned value is numeric_limits::digits ZB_Width }; template struct LeadingZerosCounter { static std::size_t count(T Val, ZeroBehavior) { if (!Val) return std::numeric_limits::digits; // Bisection method. std::size_t ZeroBits = 0; for (T Shift = std::numeric_limits::digits >> 1; Shift; Shift >>= 1) { T Tmp = Val >> Shift; if (Tmp) Val = Tmp; else ZeroBits |= Shift; } return ZeroBits; } }; #if __GNUC__ >= 4 || defined(_MSC_VER) template struct LeadingZerosCounter { static std::size_t count(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB) { if (ZB != ZB_Undefined && Val == 0) return 32; #if defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned long Index; _BitScanReverse(&Index, Val); return Index ^ 31; #else return __builtin_clz(Val); #endif } }; #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_M_X64) template struct LeadingZerosCounter { static std::size_t count(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB) { if (ZB != ZB_Undefined && Val == 0) return 64; #if defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned long Index; _BitScanReverse64(&Index, Val); return Index ^ 63; #else return __builtin_clzll(Val); #endif } }; #endif #endif /// \brief Count number of 0's from the most significant bit to the least /// stopping at the first 1. /// /// Only unsigned integral types are allowed. /// /// \param ZB the behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Width and ZB_Undefined are /// valid arguments. template std::size_t countLeadingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Width) { static_assert(std::numeric_limits::is_integer && !std::numeric_limits::is_signed, "Only unsigned integral types are allowed."); return LeadingZerosCounter::count(Val, ZB); } /// Make a 64-bit integer from a high / low pair of 32-bit integers. constexpr inline uint64_t Make_64(uint32_t High, uint32_t Low) { return ((uint64_t)High << 32) | (uint64_t)Low; } /// Return the high 32 bits of a 64 bit value. constexpr inline uint32_t Hi_32(uint64_t Value) { return static_cast(Value >> 32); } /// Return the low 32 bits of a 64 bit value. constexpr inline uint32_t Lo_32(uint64_t Value) { return static_cast(Value); } /// Implementation of Knuth's Algorithm D (Division of nonnegative integers) /// from "Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2", section 4.3.1, p. 272. The /// variables here have the same names as in the algorithm. Comments explain /// the algorithm and any deviation from it. static void KnuthDiv(uint32_t *u, uint32_t *v, uint32_t *q, uint32_t* r, unsigned m, unsigned n) { assert(u && "Must provide dividend"); assert(v && "Must provide divisor"); assert(q && "Must provide quotient"); assert(u != v && u != q && v != q && "Must use different memory"); assert(n>1 && "n must be > 1"); // b denotes the base of the number system. In our case b is 2^32. const uint64_t b = uint64_t(1) << 32; // D1. [Normalize.] Set d = b / (v[n-1] + 1) and multiply all the digits of // u and v by d. Note that we have taken Knuth's advice here to use a power // of 2 value for d such that d * v[n-1] >= b/2 (b is the base). A power of // 2 allows us to shift instead of multiply and it is easy to determine the // shift amount from the leading zeros. We are basically normalizing the u // and v so that its high bits are shifted to the top of v's range without // overflow. Note that this can require an extra word in u so that u must // be of length m+n+1. unsigned shift = countLeadingZeros(v[n-1]); uint32_t v_carry = 0; uint32_t u_carry = 0; if (shift) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m+n; ++i) { uint32_t u_tmp = u[i] >> (32 - shift); u[i] = (u[i] << shift) | u_carry; u_carry = u_tmp; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { uint32_t v_tmp = v[i] >> (32 - shift); v[i] = (v[i] << shift) | v_carry; v_carry = v_tmp; } } u[m+n] = u_carry; // D2. [Initialize j.] Set j to m. This is the loop counter over the places. int j = m; do { // D3. [Calculate q'.]. // Set qp = (u[j+n]*b + u[j+n-1]) / v[n-1]. (qp=qprime=q') // Set rp = (u[j+n]*b + u[j+n-1]) % v[n-1]. (rp=rprime=r') // Now test if qp == b or qp*v[n-2] > b*rp + u[j+n-2]; if so, decrease // qp by 1, increase rp by v[n-1], and repeat this test if rp < b. The test // on v[n-2] determines at high speed most of the cases in which the trial // value qp is one too large, and it eliminates all cases where qp is two // too large. uint64_t dividend = Make_64(u[j+n], u[j+n-1]); uint64_t qp = dividend / v[n-1]; uint64_t rp = dividend % v[n-1]; if (qp == b || qp*v[n-2] > b*rp + u[j+n-2]) { qp--; rp += v[n-1]; if (rp < b && (qp == b || qp*v[n-2] > b*rp + u[j+n-2])) qp--; } // D4. [Multiply and subtract.] Replace (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]...u[j]) with // (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]..u[j]) - qp * (v[n-1]...v[1]v[0]). This computation // consists of a simple multiplication by a one-place number, combined with // a subtraction. // The digits (u[j+n]...u[j]) should be kept positive; if the result of // this step is actually negative, (u[j+n]...u[j]) should be left as the // true value plus b**(n+1), namely as the b's complement of // the true value, and a "borrow" to the left should be remembered. int64_t borrow = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { uint64_t p = uint64_t(qp) * uint64_t(v[i]); int64_t subres = int64_t(u[j+i]) - borrow - Lo_32(p); u[j+i] = Lo_32(subres); borrow = Hi_32(p) - Hi_32(subres); } bool isNeg = u[j+n] < borrow; u[j+n] -= Lo_32(borrow); // D5. [Test remainder.] Set q[j] = qp. If the result of step D4 was // negative, go to step D6; otherwise go on to step D7. q[j] = Lo_32(qp); if (isNeg) { // D6. [Add back]. The probability that this step is necessary is very // small, on the order of only 2/b. Make sure that test data accounts for // this possibility. Decrease q[j] by 1 q[j]--; // and add (0v[n-1]...v[1]v[0]) to (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]...u[j+1]u[j]). // A carry will occur to the left of u[j+n], and it should be ignored // since it cancels with the borrow that occurred in D4. bool carry = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { uint32_t limit = std::min(u[j+i],v[i]); u[j+i] += v[i] + carry; carry = u[j+i] < limit || (carry && u[j+i] == limit); } u[j+n] += carry; } // D7. [Loop on j.] Decrease j by one. Now if j >= 0, go back to D3. } while (--j >= 0); // D8. [Unnormalize]. Now q[...] is the desired quotient, and the desired // remainder may be obtained by dividing u[...] by d. If r is non-null we // compute the remainder (urem uses this). if (r) { // The value d is expressed by the "shift" value above since we avoided // multiplication by d by using a shift left. So, all we have to do is // shift right here. if (shift) { uint32_t carry = 0; for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[i] = (u[i] >> shift) | carry; carry = u[i] << (32 - shift); } } else { for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[i] = u[i]; } } } } // Implementation ported from LLVM/lib/Support/APInt.cpp static void bigint_unsigned_division(const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2, BigInt *Quotient, BigInt *Remainder) { Cmp cmp = bigint_cmp(op1, op2); if (cmp == CmpLT) { if (Quotient != nullptr) { bigint_init_unsigned(Quotient, 0); } if (Remainder != nullptr) { bigint_init_bigint(Remainder, op1); } return; } if (cmp == CmpEQ) { if (Quotient != nullptr) { bigint_init_unsigned(Quotient, 1); } if (Remainder != nullptr) { bigint_init_unsigned(Remainder, 0); } return; } const uint64_t *LHS = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *RHS = bigint_ptr(op2); unsigned lhsWords = op1->digit_count; unsigned rhsWords = op2->digit_count; // First, compose the values into an array of 32-bit words instead of // 64-bit words. This is a necessity of both the "short division" algorithm // and the Knuth "classical algorithm" which requires there to be native // operations for +, -, and * on an m bit value with an m*2 bit result. We // can't use 64-bit operands here because we don't have native results of // 128-bits. Furthermore, casting the 64-bit values to 32-bit values won't // work on large-endian machines. unsigned n = rhsWords * 2; unsigned m = (lhsWords * 2) - n; // Allocate space for the temporary values we need either on the stack, if // it will fit, or on the heap if it won't. uint32_t SPACE[128]; uint32_t *U = nullptr; uint32_t *V = nullptr; uint32_t *Q = nullptr; uint32_t *R = nullptr; if ((Remainder?4:3)*n+2*m+1 <= 128) { U = &SPACE[0]; V = &SPACE[m+n+1]; Q = &SPACE[(m+n+1) + n]; if (Remainder) R = &SPACE[(m+n+1) + n + (m+n)]; } else { U = new uint32_t[m + n + 1]; V = new uint32_t[n]; Q = new uint32_t[m+n]; if (Remainder) R = new uint32_t[n]; } // Initialize the dividend memset(U, 0, (m+n+1)*sizeof(uint32_t)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lhsWords; ++i) { uint64_t tmp = LHS[i]; U[i * 2] = Lo_32(tmp); U[i * 2 + 1] = Hi_32(tmp); } U[m+n] = 0; // this extra word is for "spill" in the Knuth algorithm. // Initialize the divisor memset(V, 0, (n)*sizeof(uint32_t)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < rhsWords; ++i) { uint64_t tmp = RHS[i]; V[i * 2] = Lo_32(tmp); V[i * 2 + 1] = Hi_32(tmp); } // initialize the quotient and remainder memset(Q, 0, (m+n) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (Remainder) memset(R, 0, n * sizeof(uint32_t)); // Now, adjust m and n for the Knuth division. n is the number of words in // the divisor. m is the number of words by which the dividend exceeds the // divisor (i.e. m+n is the length of the dividend). These sizes must not // contain any zero words or the Knuth algorithm fails. for (unsigned i = n; i > 0 && V[i-1] == 0; i--) { n--; m++; } for (unsigned i = m+n; i > 0 && U[i-1] == 0; i--) m--; // If we're left with only a single word for the divisor, Knuth doesn't work // so we implement the short division algorithm here. This is much simpler // and faster because we are certain that we can divide a 64-bit quantity // by a 32-bit quantity at hardware speed and short division is simply a // series of such operations. This is just like doing short division but we // are using base 2^32 instead of base 10. assert(n != 0 && "Divide by zero?"); if (n == 1) { uint32_t divisor = V[0]; uint32_t remainder = 0; for (int i = m; i >= 0; i--) { uint64_t partial_dividend = Make_64(remainder, U[i]); if (partial_dividend == 0) { Q[i] = 0; remainder = 0; } else if (partial_dividend < divisor) { Q[i] = 0; remainder = Lo_32(partial_dividend); } else if (partial_dividend == divisor) { Q[i] = 1; remainder = 0; } else { Q[i] = Lo_32(partial_dividend / divisor); remainder = Lo_32(partial_dividend - (Q[i] * divisor)); } } if (R) R[0] = remainder; } else { // Now we're ready to invoke the Knuth classical divide algorithm. In this // case n > 1. KnuthDiv(U, V, Q, R, m, n); } // If the caller wants the quotient if (Quotient) { Quotient->is_negative = false; Quotient->digit_count = lhsWords; if (lhsWords == 1) { Quotient->data.digit = Make_64(Q[1], Q[0]); } else { Quotient->data.digits = allocate(lhsWords); for (size_t i = 0; i < lhsWords; i += 1) { Quotient->data.digits[i] = Make_64(Q[i*2+1], Q[i*2]); } } } // If the caller wants the remainder if (Remainder) { Remainder->is_negative = false; Remainder->digit_count = rhsWords; if (rhsWords == 1) { Remainder->data.digit = Make_64(R[1], R[0]); } else { Remainder->data.digits = allocate(rhsWords); for (size_t i = 0; i < rhsWords; i += 1) { Remainder->data.digits[i] = Make_64(R[i*2+1], R[i*2]); } } } } void bigint_div_trunc(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { assert(op2->digit_count != 0); // division by zero if (op1->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] / op2_digits[0]; dest->digit_count = 1; dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } if (op2->digit_count == 1 && op2_digits[0] == 1) { // X / 1 == X bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } const BigInt *op1_positive; BigInt op1_positive_data; if (op1->is_negative) { bigint_negate(&op1_positive_data, op1); op1_positive = &op1_positive_data; } else { op1_positive = op1; } const BigInt *op2_positive; BigInt op2_positive_data; if (op2->is_negative) { bigint_negate(&op2_positive_data, op2); op2_positive = &op2_positive_data; } else { op2_positive = op2; } bigint_unsigned_division(op1_positive, op2_positive, dest, nullptr); dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_div_floor(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->is_negative != op2->is_negative) { bigint_div_trunc(dest, op1, op2); BigInt mult_again = {0}; bigint_mul(&mult_again, dest, op2); mult_again.is_negative = op1->is_negative; if (bigint_cmp(&mult_again, op1) != CmpEQ) { BigInt tmp = {0}; bigint_init_bigint(&tmp, dest); BigInt neg_one = {0}; bigint_init_signed(&neg_one, -1); bigint_add(dest, &tmp, &neg_one); } bigint_normalize(dest); } else { bigint_div_trunc(dest, op1, op2); } } void bigint_rem(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { assert(op2->digit_count != 0); // division by zero if (op1->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] % op2_digits[0]; dest->digit_count = 1; dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } if (op2->digit_count == 2 && op2_digits[0] == 0 && op2_digits[1] == 1) { // special case this divisor bigint_init_unsigned(dest, op1_digits[0]); dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } if (op2->digit_count == 1 && op2_digits[0] == 1) { // X % 1 == 0 bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } const BigInt *op1_positive; BigInt op1_positive_data; if (op1->is_negative) { bigint_negate(&op1_positive_data, op1); op1_positive = &op1_positive_data; } else { op1_positive = op1; } const BigInt *op2_positive; BigInt op2_positive_data; if (op2->is_negative) { bigint_negate(&op2_positive_data, op2); op2_positive = &op2_positive_data; } else { op2_positive = op2; } bigint_unsigned_division(op1_positive, op2_positive, nullptr, dest); dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_mod(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->is_negative) { BigInt first_rem; bigint_rem(&first_rem, op1, op2); first_rem.is_negative = !op2->is_negative; BigInt op2_minus_rem; bigint_add(&op2_minus_rem, op2, &first_rem); bigint_rem(dest, &op2_minus_rem, op2); dest->is_negative = false; } else { bigint_rem(dest, op1, op2); dest->is_negative = false; } } void bigint_or(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op2); } if (op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); } if (op1->is_negative || op2->is_negative) { size_t big_bit_count = max(bigint_bits_needed(op1), bigint_bits_needed(op2)); BigInt twos_comp_op1 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op1, op1, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_op2 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op2, op2, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_dest = {0}; bigint_or(&twos_comp_dest, &twos_comp_op1, &twos_comp_op2); from_twos_complement(dest, &twos_comp_dest, big_bit_count, true); } else { dest->is_negative = false; const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] | op2_digits[0]; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } dest->digit_count = max(op1->digit_count, op2->digit_count); dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < dest->digit_count; i += 1) { uint64_t digit = 0; if (i < op1->digit_count) { digit |= op1_digits[i]; } if (i < op2->digit_count) { digit |= op2_digits[i]; } dest->data.digits[i] = digit; } bigint_normalize(dest); } } void bigint_and(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->digit_count == 0 || op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } if (op1->is_negative || op2->is_negative) { size_t big_bit_count = max(bigint_bits_needed(op1), bigint_bits_needed(op2)); BigInt twos_comp_op1 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op1, op1, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_op2 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op2, op2, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_dest = {0}; bigint_and(&twos_comp_dest, &twos_comp_op1, &twos_comp_op2); from_twos_complement(dest, &twos_comp_dest, big_bit_count, true); } else { dest->is_negative = false; const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] & op2_digits[0]; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } dest->digit_count = max(op1->digit_count, op2->digit_count); dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); size_t i = 0; for (; i < op1->digit_count && i < op2->digit_count; i += 1) { dest->data.digits[i] = op1_digits[i] & op2_digits[i]; } for (; i < dest->digit_count; i += 1) { dest->data.digits[i] = 0; } bigint_normalize(dest); } } void bigint_xor(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op2); } if (op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); } if (op1->is_negative || op2->is_negative) { size_t big_bit_count = max(bigint_bits_needed(op1), bigint_bits_needed(op2)); BigInt twos_comp_op1 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op1, op1, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_op2 = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp_op2, op2, big_bit_count); BigInt twos_comp_dest = {0}; bigint_xor(&twos_comp_dest, &twos_comp_op1, &twos_comp_op2); from_twos_complement(dest, &twos_comp_dest, big_bit_count, true); } else { dest->is_negative = false; const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); assert(op1->digit_count > 0 && op2->digit_count > 0); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && op2->digit_count == 1) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] ^ op2_digits[0]; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } dest->digit_count = max(op1->digit_count, op2->digit_count); dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); size_t i = 0; for (; i < op1->digit_count && i < op2->digit_count; i += 1) { dest->data.digits[i] = op1_digits[i] ^ op2_digits[i]; } for (; i < dest->digit_count; i += 1) { if (i < op1->digit_count) { dest->data.digits[i] = op1_digits[i]; } else if (i < op2->digit_count) { dest->data.digits[i] = op2_digits[i]; } else { zig_unreachable(); } } bigint_normalize(dest); } } void bigint_shl(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { assert(!op2->is_negative); if (op2->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); return; } if (op1->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } if (op2->digit_count != 1) { zig_panic("TODO shift left by amount greater than 64 bit integer"); } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); uint64_t shift_amt = bigint_as_unsigned(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1 && shift_amt < 64) { dest->data.digit = op1_digits[0] << shift_amt; if (dest->data.digit > op1_digits[0]) { dest->digit_count = 1; dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; return; } } uint64_t digit_shift_count = shift_amt / 64; uint64_t leftover_shift_count = shift_amt % 64; dest->data.digits = allocate(op1->digit_count + digit_shift_count + 1); dest->digit_count = digit_shift_count; uint64_t carry = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < op1->digit_count; i += 1) { uint64_t digit = op1_digits[i]; dest->data.digits[dest->digit_count] = carry | (digit << leftover_shift_count); dest->digit_count += 1; if (leftover_shift_count > 0) { carry = digit >> (64 - leftover_shift_count); } else { carry = 0; } } dest->data.digits[dest->digit_count] = carry; dest->digit_count += 1; dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_shl_trunc(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { BigInt unwrapped = {0}; bigint_shl(&unwrapped, op1, op2); bigint_truncate(dest, &unwrapped, bit_count, is_signed); } void bigint_shr(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { assert(!op2->is_negative); if (op1->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } if (op2->digit_count == 0) { return bigint_init_bigint(dest, op1); } if (op2->digit_count != 1) { zig_panic("TODO shift right by amount greater than 64 bit integer"); } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); uint64_t shift_amt = bigint_as_unsigned(op2); if (op1->digit_count == 1) { dest->data.digit = (shift_amt < 64) ? op1_digits[0] >> shift_amt : 0; dest->digit_count = 1; dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); return; } size_t digit_shift_count = shift_amt / 64; size_t leftover_shift_count = shift_amt % 64; if (digit_shift_count >= op1->digit_count) { return bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); } dest->digit_count = op1->digit_count - digit_shift_count; uint64_t *digits; if (dest->digit_count == 1) { digits = &dest->data.digit; } else { digits = allocate(dest->digit_count); dest->data.digits = digits; } uint64_t carry = 0; for (size_t op_digit_index = op1->digit_count - 1;;) { uint64_t digit = op1_digits[op_digit_index]; size_t dest_digit_index = op_digit_index - digit_shift_count; digits[dest_digit_index] = carry | (digit >> leftover_shift_count); carry = digit << (64 - leftover_shift_count); if (dest_digit_index == 0) { break; } op_digit_index -= 1; } dest->is_negative = op1->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_negate(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op) { bigint_init_bigint(dest, op); dest->is_negative = !dest->is_negative; bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_negate_wrap(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op, size_t bit_count) { BigInt zero; bigint_init_unsigned(&zero, 0); bigint_sub_wrap(dest, &zero, op, bit_count, true); } void bigint_not(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { if (bit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(dest, 0); return; } if (is_signed) { BigInt twos_comp = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp, op, bit_count); BigInt inverted = {0}; bigint_not(&inverted, &twos_comp, bit_count, false); from_twos_complement(dest, &inverted, bit_count, true); return; } assert(!op->is_negative); dest->is_negative = false; const uint64_t *op_digits = bigint_ptr(op); if (bit_count <= 64) { dest->digit_count = 1; if (op->digit_count == 0) { if (bit_count == 64) { dest->data.digit = UINT64_MAX; } else { dest->data.digit = (1ULL << bit_count) - 1; } } else if (op->digit_count == 1) { dest->data.digit = ~op_digits[0]; if (bit_count != 64) { uint64_t mask = (1ULL << bit_count) - 1; dest->data.digit &= mask; } } bigint_normalize(dest); return; } dest->digit_count = (bit_count + 63) / 64; assert(dest->digit_count >= op->digit_count); dest->data.digits = allocate_nonzero(dest->digit_count); size_t i = 0; for (; i < op->digit_count; i += 1) { dest->data.digits[i] = ~op_digits[i]; } for (; i < dest->digit_count; i += 1) { dest->data.digits[i] = 0xffffffffffffffffULL; } size_t digit_index = dest->digit_count - 1; size_t digit_bit_index = bit_count % 64; if (digit_bit_index != 0) { uint64_t mask = (1ULL << digit_bit_index) - 1; dest->data.digits[digit_index] &= mask; } bigint_normalize(dest); } void bigint_truncate(BigInt *dest, const BigInt *op, size_t bit_count, bool is_signed) { BigInt twos_comp; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp, op, bit_count); from_twos_complement(dest, &twos_comp, bit_count, is_signed); } Cmp bigint_cmp(const BigInt *op1, const BigInt *op2) { if (op1->is_negative && !op2->is_negative) { return CmpLT; } else if (!op1->is_negative && op2->is_negative) { return CmpGT; } else if (op1->digit_count > op2->digit_count) { return op1->is_negative ? CmpLT : CmpGT; } else if (op2->digit_count > op1->digit_count) { return op1->is_negative ? CmpGT : CmpLT; } else if (op1->digit_count == 0) { return CmpEQ; } const uint64_t *op1_digits = bigint_ptr(op1); const uint64_t *op2_digits = bigint_ptr(op2); for (size_t i = op1->digit_count - 1; ;) { uint64_t op1_digit = op1_digits[i]; uint64_t op2_digit = op2_digits[i]; if (op1_digit > op2_digit) { return op1->is_negative ? CmpLT : CmpGT; } if (op1_digit < op2_digit) { return op1->is_negative ? CmpGT : CmpLT; } if (i == 0) { return CmpEQ; } i -= 1; } } void bigint_append_buf(Buf *buf, const BigInt *op, uint64_t base) { if (op->digit_count == 0) { buf_append_char(buf, '0'); return; } if (op->is_negative) { buf_append_char(buf, '-'); } if (op->digit_count == 1 && base == 10) { buf_appendf(buf, "%" ZIG_PRI_u64, op->data.digit); return; } if (op->digit_count == 1 && base == 16) { buf_appendf(buf, "%" ZIG_PRI_x64, op->data.digit); return; } size_t first_digit_index = buf_len(buf); BigInt digit_bi = {0}; BigInt a1 = {0}; BigInt a2 = {0}; BigInt *a = &a1; BigInt *other_a = &a2; bigint_init_bigint(a, op); BigInt base_bi = {0}; bigint_init_unsigned(&base_bi, base); for (;;) { bigint_rem(&digit_bi, a, &base_bi); uint8_t digit = bigint_as_unsigned(&digit_bi); buf_append_char(buf, digit_to_char(digit, false)); bigint_div_trunc(other_a, a, &base_bi); { BigInt *tmp = a; a = other_a; other_a = tmp; } if (bigint_cmp_zero(a) == CmpEQ) { break; } } // reverse for (size_t i = first_digit_index; i < buf_len(buf) / 2; i += 1) { size_t other_i = buf_len(buf) + first_digit_index - i - 1; uint8_t tmp = buf_ptr(buf)[i]; buf_ptr(buf)[i] = buf_ptr(buf)[other_i]; buf_ptr(buf)[other_i] = tmp; } } size_t bigint_popcount_unsigned(const BigInt *bi) { assert(!bi->is_negative); if (bi->digit_count == 0) return 0; size_t count = 0; size_t bit_count = bi->digit_count * 64; for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_count; i += 1) { if (bit_at_index(bi, i)) count += 1; } return count; } size_t bigint_popcount_signed(const BigInt *bi, size_t bit_count) { if (bit_count == 0) return 0; if (bi->digit_count == 0) return 0; BigInt twos_comp = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp, bi, bit_count); size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_count; i += 1) { if (bit_at_index(&twos_comp, i)) count += 1; } return count; } size_t bigint_ctz(const BigInt *bi, size_t bit_count) { if (bit_count == 0) return 0; if (bi->digit_count == 0) return bit_count; BigInt twos_comp = {0}; to_twos_complement(&twos_comp, bi, bit_count); size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_count; i += 1) { if (bit_at_index(&twos_comp, i)) return count; count += 1; } return count; } size_t bigint_clz(const BigInt *bi, size_t bit_count) { if (bi->is_negative || bit_count == 0) return 0; if (bi->digit_count == 0) return bit_count; size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = bit_count - 1;;) { if (bit_at_index(bi, i)) return count; count += 1; if (i == 0) break; i -= 1; } return count; } static uint64_t bigint_as_unsigned(const BigInt *bigint) { assert(!bigint->is_negative); if (bigint->digit_count == 0) { return 0; } else if (bigint->digit_count == 1) { return bigint->data.digit; } else { zig_unreachable(); } } uint64_t bigint_as_u64(const BigInt *bigint) { return bigint_as_unsigned(bigint); } uint32_t bigint_as_u32(const BigInt *bigint) { uint64_t value64 = bigint_as_unsigned(bigint); uint32_t value32 = (uint32_t)value64; assert (value64 == value32); return value32; } size_t bigint_as_usize(const BigInt *bigint) { uint64_t value64 = bigint_as_unsigned(bigint); size_t valueUsize = (size_t)value64; assert (value64 == valueUsize); return valueUsize; } int64_t bigint_as_signed(const BigInt *bigint) { if (bigint->digit_count == 0) { return 0; } else if (bigint->digit_count == 1) { if (bigint->is_negative) { if (bigint->data.digit <= 9223372036854775808ULL) { return (-((int64_t)(bigint->data.digit - 1))) - 1; } else { zig_unreachable(); } } else { return bigint->data.digit; } } else { zig_unreachable(); } } Cmp bigint_cmp_zero(const BigInt *op) { if (op->digit_count == 0) { return CmpEQ; } return op->is_negative ? CmpLT : CmpGT; } uint32_t bigint_hash(BigInt x) { if (x.digit_count == 0) { return 0; } else { return bigint_ptr(&x)[0]; } } bool bigint_eql(BigInt a, BigInt b) { return bigint_cmp(&a, &b) == CmpEQ; } void bigint_incr(BigInt *x) { if (x->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_unsigned(x, 1); return; } if (x->digit_count == 1) { if (x->is_negative && x->data.digit != 0) { x->data.digit -= 1; return; } else if (!x->is_negative && x->data.digit != UINT64_MAX) { x->data.digit += 1; return; } } BigInt copy; bigint_init_bigint(©, x); BigInt one; bigint_init_unsigned(&one, 1); bigint_add(x, ©, &one); } void bigint_decr(BigInt *x) { if (x->digit_count == 0) { bigint_init_signed(x, -1); return; } if (x->digit_count == 1) { if (x->is_negative && x->data.digit != UINT64_MAX) { x->data.digit += 1; return; } else if (!x->is_negative && x->data.digit != 0) { x->data.digit -= 1; return; } } BigInt copy; bigint_init_bigint(©, x); BigInt neg_one; bigint_init_signed(&neg_one, -1); bigint_add(x, ©, &neg_one); }