const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const mem = std.mem; const builtin = @import("builtin"); pub fn foo() error!i32 { const x = try bar(); return x + 1; } pub fn bar() error!i32 { return 13; } pub fn baz() error!i32 { const y = foo() catch 1234; return y + 1; } test "error wrapping" { assert((baz() catch unreachable) == 15); } fn gimmeItBroke() []const u8 { return @errorName(error.ItBroke); } test "@errorName" { assert(mem.eql(u8, @errorName(error.AnError), "AnError")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @errorName(error.ALongerErrorName), "ALongerErrorName")); } test "error values" { const a = i32(error.err1); const b = i32(error.err2); assert(a != b); } test "redefinition of error values allowed" { shouldBeNotEqual(error.AnError, error.SecondError); } fn shouldBeNotEqual(a: error, b: error) void { if (a == b) unreachable; } test "error binary operator" { const a = errBinaryOperatorG(true) catch 3; const b = errBinaryOperatorG(false) catch 3; assert(a == 3); assert(b == 10); } fn errBinaryOperatorG(x: bool) error!isize { return if (x) error.ItBroke else isize(10); } test "unwrap simple value from error" { const i = unwrapSimpleValueFromErrorDo() catch unreachable; assert(i == 13); } fn unwrapSimpleValueFromErrorDo() error!isize { return 13; } test "error return in assignment" { doErrReturnInAssignment() catch unreachable; } fn doErrReturnInAssignment() error!void { var x : i32 = undefined; x = try makeANonErr(); } fn makeANonErr() error!i32 { return 1; } test "error union type " { testErrorUnionType(); comptime testErrorUnionType(); } fn testErrorUnionType() void { const x: error!i32 = 1234; if (x) |value| assert(value == 1234) else |_| unreachable; assert(@typeId(@typeOf(x)) == builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(x).ErrorSet) == builtin.TypeId.ErrorSet); assert(@typeOf(x).ErrorSet == error); } test "error set type " { testErrorSetType(); comptime testErrorSetType(); } const MyErrSet = error {OutOfMemory, FileNotFound}; fn testErrorSetType() void { assert(@memberCount(MyErrSet) == 2); const a: MyErrSet!i32 = 5678; const b: MyErrSet!i32 = MyErrSet.OutOfMemory; if (a) |value| assert(value == 5678) else |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => unreachable, error.FileNotFound => unreachable, } } test "explicit error set cast" { testExplicitErrorSetCast(Set1.A); comptime testExplicitErrorSetCast(Set1.A); } const Set1 = error{A, B}; const Set2 = error{A, C}; fn testExplicitErrorSetCast(set1: Set1) void { var x = Set2(set1); var y = Set1(x); assert(y == error.A); } test "comptime test error for empty error set" { testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(1234); comptime testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(1234); } const EmptyErrorSet = error {}; fn testComptimeTestErrorEmptySet(x: EmptyErrorSet!i32) void { if (x) |v| assert(v == 1234) else |err| @compileError("bad"); } test "syntax: nullable operator in front of error union operator" { comptime { assert(?error!i32 == ?(error!i32)); } } test "comptime err to int of error set with only 1 possible value" { testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(error.A, u32(error.A)); comptime testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(error.A, u32(error.A)); } fn testErrToIntWithOnePossibleValue(x: error{A}, comptime value: u32) void { if (u32(x) != value) { @compileError("bad"); } } test "error union peer type resolution" { testErrorUnionPeerTypeResolution(1); comptime testErrorUnionPeerTypeResolution(1); } fn testErrorUnionPeerTypeResolution(x: i32) void { const y = switch (x) { 1 => bar_1(), 2 => baz_1(), else => quux_1(), }; } fn bar_1() error { return error.A; } fn baz_1() !i32 { return error.B; } fn quux_1() !i32 { return error.C; }