const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const math = std.math; const common = @import("common.zig"); pub const panic = common.panic; comptime { @export(__mulosi4, .{ .name = "__mulosi4", .linkage = common.linkage }); @export(__mulodi4, .{ .name = "__mulodi4", .linkage = common.linkage }); @export(__muloti4, .{ .name = "__muloti4", .linkage = common.linkage }); } // mulo - multiplication overflow // * return a*%b. // * return if a*b overflows => 1 else => 0 // - muloXi4_genericSmall as default // - muloXi4_genericFast for 2*bitsize <= usize inline fn muloXi4_genericSmall(comptime ST: type, a: ST, b: ST, overflow: *c_int) ST { overflow.* = 0; const min = math.minInt(ST); var res: ST = a *% b; // Hacker's Delight section Overflow subsection Multiplication // case a=-2^{31}, b=-1 problem, because // on some machines a*b = -2^{31} with overflow // Then -2^{31}/-1 overflows and any result is possible. // => check with a<0 and b=-2^{31} if ((a < 0 and b == min) or (a != 0 and @divTrunc(res, a) != b)) overflow.* = 1; return res; } inline fn muloXi4_genericFast(comptime ST: type, a: ST, b: ST, overflow: *c_int) ST { overflow.* = 0; const EST = switch (ST) { i32 => i64, i64 => i128, i128 => i256, else => unreachable, }; const min = math.minInt(ST); const max = math.maxInt(ST); var res: EST = @as(EST, a) * @as(EST, b); //invariant: -2^{bitwidth(EST)} < res < 2^{bitwidth(EST)-1} if (res < min or max < res) overflow.* = 1; return @truncate(ST, res); } pub fn __mulosi4(a: i32, b: i32, overflow: *c_int) callconv(.C) i32 { if (2 * @bitSizeOf(i32) <= @bitSizeOf(usize)) { return muloXi4_genericFast(i32, a, b, overflow); } else { return muloXi4_genericSmall(i32, a, b, overflow); } } pub fn __mulodi4(a: i64, b: i64, overflow: *c_int) callconv(.C) i64 { if (2 * @bitSizeOf(i64) <= @bitSizeOf(usize)) { return muloXi4_genericFast(i64, a, b, overflow); } else { return muloXi4_genericSmall(i64, a, b, overflow); } } pub fn __muloti4(a: i128, b: i128, overflow: *c_int) callconv(.C) i128 { switch (builtin.zig_backend) { .stage1, .stage2_llvm => { // Workaround for // When we call the genericSmall implementation instead, LLVM optimizer // optimizes __muloti4 to a call to itself. return muloXi4_genericFast(i128, a, b, overflow); }, else => {}, } if (2 * @bitSizeOf(i128) <= @bitSizeOf(usize)) { return muloXi4_genericFast(i128, a, b, overflow); } else { return muloXi4_genericSmall(i128, a, b, overflow); } } test { _ = @import("mulosi4_test.zig"); _ = @import("mulodi4_test.zig"); _ = @import("muloti4_test.zig"); }