const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); pub const Transition = struct { ts: i64, timetype: *Timetype, }; pub const Timetype = struct { offset: i32, flags: u8, name_data: [6:0]u8, pub fn name(self: Timetype) [:0]const u8 { return std.mem.sliceTo(self.name_data[0..], 0); } pub fn isDst(self: Timetype) bool { return (self.flags & 0x01) > 0; } pub fn standardTimeIndicator(self: Timetype) bool { return (self.flags & 0x02) > 0; } pub fn utIndicator(self: Timetype) bool { return (self.flags & 0x04) > 0; } }; pub const Leapsecond = struct { occurrence: i48, correction: i16, }; pub const Tz = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, transitions: []const Transition, timetypes: []const Timetype, leapseconds: []const Leapsecond, footer: []const u8, pub fn parse(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !Tz { const Header = extern struct { magic: [4]u8, version: u8, reserved: [15]u8, }; const Counts = extern struct { isutcnt: u32, isstdcnt: u32, leapcnt: u32, timecnt: u32, typecnt: u32, charcnt: u32, }; // Parse and skip the legacy header and data { const header = try reader.readStruct(Header); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &header.magic, "TZif")) return error.BadHeader; if (header.version == 0) return error.UnsupportedLegacyFormat; if (header.version != '2' and header.version != '3') return error.BadVersion; var counts = try reader.readStruct(Counts); if ( != std.builtin.Endian.Big) { std.mem.bswapAllFields(Counts, &counts); } const skipv = counts.timecnt * 5 + counts.typecnt * 6 + counts.charcnt + counts.leapcnt * 8 + counts.isstdcnt + counts.isutcnt; try reader.skipBytes(skipv, .{}); } const header = try reader.readStruct(Header); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &header.magic, "TZif")) return error.BadHeader; if (header.version != '2' and header.version != '3') return error.BadVersion; var counts = try reader.readStruct(Counts); if ( != std.builtin.Endian.Big) { std.mem.bswapAllFields(Counts, &counts); } if (counts.isstdcnt != 0 and counts.isstdcnt != counts.typecnt) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: isstdcnt [...] MUST either be zero or equal to "typecnt" if (counts.isutcnt != 0 and counts.isutcnt != counts.typecnt) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: isutcnt [...] MUST either be zero or equal to "typecnt" if (counts.typecnt == 0) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: typecnt [...] MUST NOT be zero if (counts.charcnt == 0) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: charcnt [...] MUST NOT be zero if (counts.charcnt > 256 + 6) return error.Malformed; // Not explicitly banned by rfc8536 but nonsensical var leapseconds = try allocator.alloc(Leapsecond, counts.leapcnt); errdefer; var transitions = try allocator.alloc(Transition, counts.timecnt); errdefer; var timetypes = try allocator.alloc(Timetype, counts.typecnt); errdefer; // Parse transition types var i: usize = 0; while (i < counts.timecnt) : (i += 1) { transitions[i].ts = try reader.readIntBig(i64); } i = 0; while (i < counts.timecnt) : (i += 1) { const tt = try reader.readByte(); if (tt >= timetypes.len) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: Each type index MUST be in the range [0, "typecnt" - 1] transitions[i].timetype = &timetypes[tt]; } // Parse time types i = 0; while (i < counts.typecnt) : (i += 1) { const offset = try reader.readIntBig(i32); if (offset < -2147483648) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: utoff [...] MUST NOT be -2**31 const dst = try reader.readByte(); if (dst != 0 and dst != 1) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: (is)dst [...] The value MUST be 0 or 1. const idx = try reader.readByte(); if (idx > counts.charcnt - 1) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: (desig)idx [...] Each index MUST be in the range [0, "charcnt" - 1] timetypes[i] = .{ .offset = offset, .flags = dst, .name_data = undefined, }; // Temporarily cache idx in name_data to be processed after we've read the designator names below timetypes[i].name_data[0] = idx; } var designators_data: [256 + 6]u8 = undefined; try reader.readNoEof(designators_data[0..counts.charcnt]); const designators = designators_data[0..counts.charcnt]; if (designators[designators.len - 1] != 0) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: charcnt [...] includes the trailing NUL (0x00) octet // Iterate through the timetypes again, setting the designator names for (timetypes) |*tt| { const name = std.mem.sliceTo(designators[tt.name_data[0]..], 0); // We are mandating the "SHOULD" 6-character limit so we can pack the struct better, and to conform to POSIX. if (name.len > 6) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: Time zone designations SHOULD consist of at least three (3) and no more than six (6) ASCII characters. std.mem.copy(u8, tt.name_data[0..], name); tt.name_data[name.len] = 0; } // Parse leap seconds i = 0; while (i < counts.leapcnt) : (i += 1) { const occur = try reader.readIntBig(i64); if (occur < 0) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: occur [...] MUST be nonnegative if (i > 0 and leapseconds[i - 1].occurrence + 2419199 > occur) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: occur [...] each later value MUST be at least 2419199 greater than the previous value if (occur > std.math.maxInt(i48)) return error.Malformed; // Unreasonably far into the future const corr = try reader.readIntBig(i32); if (i == 0 and corr != -1 and corr != 1) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: The correction value in the first leap-second record, if present, MUST be either one (1) or minus one (-1) if (i > 0 and leapseconds[i - 1].correction != corr + 1 and leapseconds[i - 1].correction != corr - 1) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: The correction values in adjacent leap-second records MUST differ by exactly one (1) if (corr > std.math.maxInt(i16)) return error.Malformed; // Unreasonably large correction leapseconds[i] = .{ .occurrence = @intCast(i48, occur), .correction = @intCast(i16, corr), }; } // Parse standard/wall indicators i = 0; while (i < counts.isstdcnt) : (i += 1) { const stdtime = try reader.readByte(); if (stdtime == 1) { timetypes[i].flags |= 0x02; } } // Parse UT/local indicators i = 0; while (i < counts.isutcnt) : (i += 1) { const ut = try reader.readByte(); if (ut == 1) { timetypes[i].flags |= 0x04; if (!timetypes[i].standardTimeIndicator()) return error.Malformed; // rfc8536: standard/wall value MUST be one (1) if the UT/local value is one (1) } } if ((try reader.readByte()) != '\n') return error.Malformed; // An rfc8536 footer must start with a newline // Footer var footerdata_buf: [128]u8 = undefined; const footer = reader.readUntilDelimiter(&footerdata_buf, '\n') catch |err| switch (err) { error.StreamTooLong => return error.OverlargeFooter, // Read more than 128 bytes, much larger than any reasonable POSIX TZ string else => return err, }; const footer_dup = try allocator.dupe(u8, footer); errdefer; return Tz{ .allocator = allocator, .transitions = transitions, .timetypes = timetypes, .leapseconds = leapseconds, .footer = footer_dup, }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Tz) void {;;;; } }; test "slim" { const data = @embedFile("tz/asia_tokyo.tzif"); var in_stream =; var tz = try std.Tz.parse(std.testing.allocator, in_stream.reader()); defer tz.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqual(tz.transitions.len, 9); try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, tz.transitions[3], "JDT")); try std.testing.expectEqual(tz.transitions[5].ts, -620298000); // 1950-05-06 15:00:00 UTC try std.testing.expectEqual(tz.leapseconds[13].occurrence, 567993613); // 1988-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (+23s in TAI, and +13 in the data since it doesn't store the initial 10 second offset) } test "fat" { const data = @embedFile("tz/antarctica_davis.tzif"); var in_stream =; var tz = try std.Tz.parse(std.testing.allocator, in_stream.reader()); defer tz.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqual(tz.transitions.len, 8); try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, tz.transitions[3], "+05")); try std.testing.expectEqual(tz.transitions[4].ts, 1268251224); // 2010-03-10 20:00:00 UTC }