const std = @import("index.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const net = this; const posix = std.os.posix; const mem = std.mem; pub const TmpWinAddr = struct { family: u8, data: [14]u8, }; pub const OsAddress = switch (builtin.os) { => TmpWinAddr, else => posix.sockaddr, }; pub const Address = struct { os_addr: OsAddress, pub fn initIp4(ip4: u32, port: u16) Address { return Address{ .os_addr = posix.sockaddr{ .in = posix.sockaddr_in{ .family = posix.AF_INET, .port = std.mem.endianSwapIfLe(u16, port), .addr = ip4, .zero = []u8{0} ** 8, } } }; } pub fn initIp6(ip6: &const Ip6Addr, port: u16) Address { return Address{ .family = posix.AF_INET6, .os_addr = posix.sockaddr{ .in6 = posix.sockaddr_in6{ .family = posix.AF_INET6, .port = std.mem.endianSwapIfLe(u16, port), .flowinfo = 0, .addr = ip6.addr, .scope_id = ip6.scope_id, } }, }; } pub fn initPosix(addr: &const posix.sockaddr) Address { return Address{ .os_addr = addr.* }; } pub fn format(self: &const Address, out_stream: var) !void { switch ( { posix.AF_INET => { const native_endian_port = std.mem.endianSwapIfLe(u16,; const bytes = ([]const u8)((&[0..1]); try out_stream.print("{}.{}.{}.{}:{}", bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], native_endian_port); }, posix.AF_INET6 => { const native_endian_port = std.mem.endianSwapIfLe(u16, self.os_addr.in6.port); try out_stream.print("[TODO render ip6 address]:{}", native_endian_port); }, else => try out_stream.write("(unrecognized address family)"), } } }; pub fn parseIp4(buf: []const u8) !u32 { var result: u32 = undefined; const out_ptr = ([]u8)((&result)[0..1]); var x: u8 = 0; var index: u8 = 0; var saw_any_digits = false; for (buf) |c| { if (c == '.') { if (!saw_any_digits) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } if (index == 3) { return error.InvalidEnd; } out_ptr[index] = x; index += 1; x = 0; saw_any_digits = false; } else if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') { saw_any_digits = true; const digit = c - '0'; if (@mulWithOverflow(u8, x, 10, &x)) { return error.Overflow; } if (@addWithOverflow(u8, x, digit, &x)) { return error.Overflow; } } else { return error.InvalidCharacter; } } if (index == 3 and saw_any_digits) { out_ptr[index] = x; return result; } return error.Incomplete; } pub const Ip6Addr = struct { scope_id: u32, addr: [16]u8, }; pub fn parseIp6(buf: []const u8) !Ip6Addr { var result: Ip6Addr = undefined; result.scope_id = 0; const ip_slice = result.addr[0..]; var x: u16 = 0; var saw_any_digits = false; var index: u8 = 0; var scope_id = false; for (buf) |c| { if (scope_id) { if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') { const digit = c - '0'; if (@mulWithOverflow(u32, result.scope_id, 10, &result.scope_id)) { return error.Overflow; } if (@addWithOverflow(u32, result.scope_id, digit, &result.scope_id)) { return error.Overflow; } } else { return error.InvalidCharacter; } } else if (c == ':') { if (!saw_any_digits) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } if (index == 14) { return error.InvalidEnd; } ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8); index += 1; ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x); index += 1; x = 0; saw_any_digits = false; } else if (c == '%') { if (!saw_any_digits) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } if (index == 14) { ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8); index += 1; ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x); index += 1; } scope_id = true; saw_any_digits = false; } else { const digit = try std.fmt.charToDigit(c, 16); if (@mulWithOverflow(u16, x, 16, &x)) { return error.Overflow; } if (@addWithOverflow(u16, x, digit, &x)) { return error.Overflow; } saw_any_digits = true; } } if (!saw_any_digits) { return error.Incomplete; } if (scope_id) { return result; } if (index == 14) { ip_slice[14] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8); ip_slice[15] = @truncate(u8, x); return result; } return error.Incomplete; } test "" { assert((try parseIp4("")) == std.mem.endianSwapIfLe(u32, 0x7f000001)); testParseIp4Fail("", error.Overflow); testParseIp4Fail("x.0.0.1", error.InvalidCharacter); testParseIp4Fail("", error.InvalidEnd); testParseIp4Fail("127.0.0.", error.Incomplete); testParseIp4Fail("100..0.1", error.InvalidCharacter); } fn testParseIp4Fail(buf: []const u8, expected_err: error) void { if (parseIp4(buf)) |_| { @panic("expected error"); } else |e| { assert(e == expected_err); } } test "" { const addr = try parseIp6("FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:FB"); assert(addr.addr[0] == 0xff); assert(addr.addr[1] == 0x01); assert(addr.addr[2] == 0x00); }