const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const event = std.event; const util = @import("util.zig"); const Target = std.Target; const c = @import("c.zig"); const fs = std.fs; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; /// See the render function implementation for documentation of the fields. pub const LibCInstallation = struct { include_dir: []const u8, lib_dir: ?[]const u8, static_lib_dir: ?[]const u8, msvc_lib_dir: ?[]const u8, kernel32_lib_dir: ?[]const u8, dynamic_linker_path: ?[]const u8, pub const FindError = error{ OutOfMemory, FileSystem, UnableToSpawnCCompiler, CCompilerExitCode, CCompilerCrashed, CCompilerCannotFindHeaders, LibCRuntimeNotFound, LibCStdLibHeaderNotFound, LibCKernel32LibNotFound, UnsupportedArchitecture, }; pub fn parse( self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator, libc_file: []const u8, stderr: *, ) !void { self.initEmpty(); const keys = [_][]const u8{ "include_dir", "lib_dir", "static_lib_dir", "msvc_lib_dir", "kernel32_lib_dir", "dynamic_linker_path", }; const FoundKey = struct { found: bool, allocated: ?[]u8, }; var found_keys = [1]FoundKey{FoundKey{ .found = false, .allocated = null }} ** keys.len; errdefer { self.initEmpty(); for (found_keys) |found_key| { if (found_key.allocated) |s|; } } const contents = try, libc_file); defer; var it = std.mem.tokenize(contents, "\n"); while ( |line| { if (line.len == 0 or line[0] == '#') continue; var line_it = std.mem.separate(line, "="); const name = orelse { try stderr.print("missing equal sign after field name\n"); return error.ParseError; }; const value =; inline for (keys) |key, i| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, key)) { found_keys[i].found = true; switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(@field(self, key)))) { .Optional => { if (value.len == 0) { @field(self, key) = null; } else { found_keys[i].allocated = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, value); @field(self, key) = found_keys[i].allocated; } }, else => { if (value.len == 0) { try stderr.print("field cannot be empty: {}\n", key); return error.ParseError; } const dupe = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, value); found_keys[i].allocated = dupe; @field(self, key) = dupe; }, } break; } } } for (found_keys) |found_key, i| { if (!found_key.found) { try stderr.print("missing field: {}\n", keys[i]); return error.ParseError; } } } pub fn render(self: *const LibCInstallation, out: * !void { @setEvalBranchQuota(4000); try out.print( \\# The directory that contains `stdlib.h`. \\# On Linux, can be found with: `cc -E -Wp,-v -xc /dev/null` \\include_dir={} \\ \\# The directory that contains `crt1.o`. \\# On Linux, can be found with `cc -print-file-name=crt1.o`. \\# Not needed when targeting MacOS. \\lib_dir={} \\ \\# The directory that contains `crtbegin.o`. \\# On Linux, can be found with `cc -print-file-name=crtbegin.o`. \\# Not needed when targeting MacOS or Windows. \\static_lib_dir={} \\ \\# The directory that contains `vcruntime.lib`. \\# Only needed when targeting Windows. \\msvc_lib_dir={} \\ \\# The directory that contains `kernel32.lib`. \\# Only needed when targeting Windows. \\kernel32_lib_dir={} \\ \\# The full path to the dynamic linker, on the target system. \\# Only needed when targeting Linux. \\dynamic_linker_path={} \\ , self.include_dir, self.lib_dir orelse "", self.static_lib_dir orelse "", self.msvc_lib_dir orelse "", self.kernel32_lib_dir orelse "", self.dynamic_linker_path orelse util.getDynamicLinkerPath(Target{ .Native = {} }), ); } /// Finds the default, native libc. pub async fn findNative(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator) !void { self.initEmpty(); var group = event.Group(FindError!void).init(allocator); errdefer group.wait() catch {}; var windows_sdk: ?*c.ZigWindowsSDK = null; errdefer if (windows_sdk) |sdk| c.zig_free_windows_sdk(@ptrCast(?[*]c.ZigWindowsSDK, sdk)); switch (builtin.os) { .windows => { var sdk: *c.ZigWindowsSDK = undefined; switch (c.zig_find_windows_sdk(@ptrCast(?[*]?[*]c.ZigWindowsSDK, &sdk))) { c.ZigFindWindowsSdkError.None => { windows_sdk = sdk; if (sdk.msvc_lib_dir_ptr != 0) { self.msvc_lib_dir = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, sdk.msvc_lib_dir_ptr[0..sdk.msvc_lib_dir_len]); } try, allocator, self, sdk); try, self, allocator, sdk); try, self, allocator, sdk); }, c.ZigFindWindowsSdkError.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, c.ZigFindWindowsSdkError.NotFound => return error.NotFound, c.ZigFindWindowsSdkError.PathTooLong => return error.NotFound, } }, .linux => { try, self, allocator); try, self, allocator); try, self, allocator); try, self, allocator); }, .macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd => { self.include_dir = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, "/usr/include"); }, else => @compileError("unimplemented: find libc for this OS"), } return group.wait(); } async fn findNativeIncludeDirLinux(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator) FindError!void { const cc_exe = std.os.getenv("CC") orelse "cc"; const argv = [_][]const u8{ cc_exe, "-E", "-Wp,-v", "-xc", "/dev/null", }; // TODO make this use event loop const errorable_result = std.ChildProcess.exec(allocator, argv, null, null, 1024 * 1024); const exec_result = if (std.debug.runtime_safety) blk: { break :blk errorable_result catch unreachable; } else blk: { break :blk errorable_result catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, else => return error.UnableToSpawnCCompiler, }; }; defer {;; } switch (exec_result.term) { .Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) return error.CCompilerExitCode; }, else => { return error.CCompilerCrashed; }, } var it = std.mem.tokenize(exec_result.stderr, "\n\r"); var search_paths = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer search_paths.deinit(); while ( |line| { if (line.len != 0 and line[0] == ' ') { try search_paths.append(line); } } if (search_paths.len == 0) { return error.CCompilerCannotFindHeaders; } // search in reverse order var path_i: usize = 0; while (path_i < search_paths.len) : (path_i += 1) { const search_path_untrimmed = - path_i - 1); const search_path = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, search_path_untrimmed, " "); const stdlib_path = try fs.path.join(allocator, [_][]const u8{ search_path, "stdlib.h" }); defer; if (try fileExists(stdlib_path)) { self.include_dir = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, search_path); return; } } return error.LibCStdLibHeaderNotFound; } async fn findNativeIncludeDirWindows(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator, sdk: *c.ZigWindowsSDK) !void { var search_buf: [2]Search = undefined; const searches = fillSearch(&search_buf, sdk); var result_buf = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer result_buf.deinit(); for (searches) |search| { result_buf.shrink(0); const stream = &; try stream.print("{}\\Include\\{}\\ucrt", search.path, search.version); const stdlib_path = try fs.path.join( allocator, [_][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "stdlib.h" }, ); defer; if (try fileExists(stdlib_path)) { self.include_dir = result_buf.toOwnedSlice(); return; } } return error.LibCStdLibHeaderNotFound; } async fn findNativeLibDirWindows(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator, sdk: *c.ZigWindowsSDK) FindError!void { var search_buf: [2]Search = undefined; const searches = fillSearch(&search_buf, sdk); var result_buf = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer result_buf.deinit(); for (searches) |search| { result_buf.shrink(0); const stream = &; try stream.print("{}\\Lib\\{}\\ucrt\\", search.path, search.version); switch (builtin.arch) { .i386 => try stream.write("x86"), .x86_64 => try stream.write("x64"), .aarch64 => try stream.write("arm"), else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture, } const ucrt_lib_path = try fs.path.join( allocator, [_][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "ucrt.lib" }, ); defer; if (try fileExists(ucrt_lib_path)) { self.lib_dir = result_buf.toOwnedSlice(); return; } } return error.LibCRuntimeNotFound; } async fn findNativeLibDirLinux(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator) FindError!void { self.lib_dir = try ccPrintFileName(allocator, "crt1.o", true); } async fn findNativeStaticLibDir(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator) FindError!void { self.static_lib_dir = try ccPrintFileName(allocator, "crtbegin.o", true); } async fn findNativeDynamicLinker(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator) FindError!void { var dyn_tests = [_]DynTest{ DynTest{ .name = "", .result = null, }, DynTest{ .name = "", .result = null, }, }; var group = event.Group(FindError!void).init(allocator); errdefer group.wait() catch {}; for (dyn_tests) |*dyn_test| { try, self, allocator, dyn_test); } try group.wait(); for (dyn_tests) |*dyn_test| { if (dyn_test.result) |result| { self.dynamic_linker_path = result; return; } } } const DynTest = struct { name: []const u8, result: ?[]const u8, }; async fn testNativeDynamicLinker(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator, dyn_test: *DynTest) FindError!void { if (ccPrintFileName(allocator,, false)) |result| { dyn_test.result = result; return; } else |err| switch (err) { error.LibCRuntimeNotFound => return, else => return err, } } async fn findNativeKernel32LibDir(self: *LibCInstallation, allocator: *Allocator, sdk: *c.ZigWindowsSDK) FindError!void { var search_buf: [2]Search = undefined; const searches = fillSearch(&search_buf, sdk); var result_buf = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer result_buf.deinit(); for (searches) |search| { result_buf.shrink(0); const stream = &; try stream.print("{}\\Lib\\{}\\um\\", search.path, search.version); switch (builtin.arch) { .i386 => try stream.write("x86\\"), .x86_64 => try stream.write("x64\\"), .aarch64 => try stream.write("arm\\"), else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture, } const kernel32_path = try fs.path.join( allocator, [_][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "kernel32.lib" }, ); defer; if (try fileExists(kernel32_path)) { self.kernel32_lib_dir = result_buf.toOwnedSlice(); return; } } return error.LibCKernel32LibNotFound; } fn initEmpty(self: *LibCInstallation) void { self.* = LibCInstallation{ .include_dir = @as([*]const u8, undefined)[0..0], .lib_dir = null, .static_lib_dir = null, .msvc_lib_dir = null, .kernel32_lib_dir = null, .dynamic_linker_path = null, }; } }; /// caller owns returned memory async fn ccPrintFileName(allocator: *Allocator, o_file: []const u8, want_dirname: bool) ![]u8 { const cc_exe = std.os.getenv("CC") orelse "cc"; const arg1 = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "-print-file-name={}", o_file); defer; const argv = [_][]const u8{ cc_exe, arg1 }; // TODO This simulates evented I/O for the child process exec std.event.Loop.instance.?.yield(); const errorable_result = std.ChildProcess.exec(allocator, argv, null, null, 1024 * 1024); const exec_result = if (std.debug.runtime_safety) blk: { break :blk errorable_result catch unreachable; } else blk: { break :blk errorable_result catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, else => return error.UnableToSpawnCCompiler, }; }; defer {;; } switch (exec_result.term) { .Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) return error.CCompilerExitCode; }, else => { return error.CCompilerCrashed; }, } var it = std.mem.tokenize(exec_result.stdout, "\n\r"); const line = orelse return error.LibCRuntimeNotFound; const dirname = fs.path.dirname(line) orelse return error.LibCRuntimeNotFound; if (want_dirname) { return std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, dirname); } else { return std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, line); } } const Search = struct { path: []const u8, version: []const u8, }; fn fillSearch(search_buf: *[2]Search, sdk: *c.ZigWindowsSDK) []Search { var search_end: usize = 0; if (sdk.path10_ptr != 0) { if (sdk.version10_ptr != 0) { search_buf[search_end] = Search{ .path = sdk.path10_ptr[0..sdk.path10_len], .version = sdk.version10_ptr[0..sdk.version10_len], }; search_end += 1; } } if (sdk.path81_ptr != 0) { if (sdk.version81_ptr != 0) { search_buf[search_end] = Search{ .path = sdk.path81_ptr[0..sdk.path81_len], .version = sdk.version81_ptr[0..sdk.version81_len], }; search_end += 1; } } return search_buf[0..search_end]; } fn fileExists(path: []const u8) !bool { if (fs.File.access(path)) |_| { return true; } else |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => return false, else => return error.FileSystem, } }