const std = @import("std"); const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation; const Scope = @import("scope.zig").Scope; const ast = std.zig.ast; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = Value.Type; const assert = std.debug.assert; const Token = std.zig.Token; const Span = @import("errmsg.zig").Span; const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const codegen = @import("codegen.zig"); const ObjectFile = codegen.ObjectFile; const Decl = @import("decl.zig").Decl; const mem = std.mem; pub const LVal = enum { None, Ptr, }; pub const IrVal = union(enum) { Unknown, KnownType: *Type, KnownValue: *Value, const Init = enum { Unknown, NoReturn, Void, }; pub fn dump(self: IrVal) void { switch (self) { .Unknown => std.debug.warn("Unknown"), .KnownType => |typ| { std.debug.warn("KnownType("); typ.dump(); std.debug.warn(")"); }, .KnownValue => |value| { std.debug.warn("KnownValue("); value.dump(); std.debug.warn(")"); }, } } }; pub const Inst = struct { id: Id, scope: *Scope, debug_id: usize, val: IrVal, ref_count: usize, span: Span, owner_bb: *BasicBlock, /// true if this instruction was generated by zig and not from user code is_generated: bool, /// the instruction that is derived from this one in analysis child: ?*Inst, /// the instruction that this one derives from in analysis parent: ?*Inst, /// populated durign codegen llvm_value: ?*llvm.Value, pub fn cast(base: *Inst, comptime T: type) ?*T { if ( == comptime typeToId(T)) { return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base); } return null; } pub fn typeToId(comptime T: type) Id { comptime var i = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(Id)) : (i += 1) { if (T == @field(Inst, @memberName(Id, i))) { return @field(Id, @memberName(Id, i)); } } unreachable; } pub fn dump(base: *const Inst) void { comptime var i = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(Id)) : (i += 1) { if ( == @field(Id, @memberName(Id, i))) { const T = @field(Inst, @memberName(Id, i)); std.debug.warn("#{} = {}(", base.debug_id, @tagName(; @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base).dump(); std.debug.warn(")"); return; } } unreachable; } pub fn hasSideEffects(base: *const Inst) bool { comptime var i = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(Id)) : (i += 1) { if ( == @field(Id, @memberName(Id, i))) { const T = @field(Inst, @memberName(Id, i)); return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base).hasSideEffects(); } } unreachable; } pub async fn analyze(base: *Inst, ira: *Analyze) Analyze.Error!*Inst { switch ( { .Return => return @fieldParentPtr(Return, "base", base).analyze(ira), .Const => return @fieldParentPtr(Const, "base", base).analyze(ira), .Call => return @fieldParentPtr(Call, "base", base).analyze(ira), .DeclRef => return @fieldParentPtr(DeclRef, "base", base).analyze(ira), .Ref => return @fieldParentPtr(Ref, "base", base).analyze(ira), .DeclVar => return @fieldParentPtr(DeclVar, "base", base).analyze(ira), .CheckVoidStmt => return @fieldParentPtr(CheckVoidStmt, "base", base).analyze(ira), .Phi => return @fieldParentPtr(Phi, "base", base).analyze(ira), .Br => return @fieldParentPtr(Br, "base", base).analyze(ira), .AddImplicitReturnType => return @fieldParentPtr(AddImplicitReturnType, "base", base).analyze(ira), .PtrType => return @fieldParentPtr(PtrType, "base", base).analyze(ira), .VarPtr => return @fieldParentPtr(VarPtr, "base", base).analyze(ira), .LoadPtr => return @fieldParentPtr(LoadPtr, "base", base).analyze(ira), } } pub fn render(base: *Inst, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) (error{OutOfMemory}!?*llvm.Value) { switch ( { .Return => return @fieldParentPtr(Return, "base", base).render(ofile, fn_val), .Const => return @fieldParentPtr(Const, "base", base).render(ofile, fn_val), .Call => return @fieldParentPtr(Call, "base", base).render(ofile, fn_val), .VarPtr => return @fieldParentPtr(VarPtr, "base", base).render(ofile, fn_val), .LoadPtr => return @fieldParentPtr(LoadPtr, "base", base).render(ofile, fn_val), .DeclRef => unreachable, .PtrType => unreachable, .Ref => @panic("TODO"), .DeclVar => @panic("TODO"), .CheckVoidStmt => @panic("TODO"), .Phi => @panic("TODO"), .Br => @panic("TODO"), .AddImplicitReturnType => @panic("TODO"), } } fn ref(base: *Inst, builder: *Builder) void { base.ref_count += 1; if (base.owner_bb != builder.current_basic_block and !base.isCompTime()) { base.owner_bb.ref(builder); } } fn copyVal(base: *Inst, comp: *Compilation) !*Value { if (base.parent.?.ref_count == 0) { return base.val.KnownValue.derefAndCopy(comp); } return base.val.KnownValue.copy(comp); } fn getAsParam(param: *Inst) !*Inst { param.ref_count -= 1; const child = param.child orelse return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; switch (child.val) { .Unknown => return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed, else => return child, } } fn getConstVal(self: *Inst, ira: *Analyze) !*Value { if (self.isCompTime()) { return self.val.KnownValue; } else { try ira.addCompileError(self.span, "unable to evaluate constant expression"); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } } fn getAsConstType(param: *Inst, ira: *Analyze) !*Type { const meta_type = Type.MetaType.get(ira.irb.comp); meta_type.base.base.deref(ira.irb.comp); const inst = try param.getAsParam(); const casted = try ira.implicitCast(inst, &meta_type.base); const val = try casted.getConstVal(ira); return val.cast(Value.Type).?; } fn getAsConstAlign(param: *Inst, ira: *Analyze) !u32 { return error.Unimplemented; //const align_type = Type.Int.get_align(ira.irb.comp); //align_type.base.base.deref(ira.irb.comp); //const inst = try param.getAsParam(); //const casted = try ira.implicitCast(inst, align_type); //const val = try casted.getConstVal(ira); //uint32_t align_bytes = bigint_as_unsigned(&const_val->data.x_bigint); //if (align_bytes == 0) { // ir_add_error(ira, value, buf_sprintf("alignment must be >= 1")); // return false; //} //if (!is_power_of_2(align_bytes)) { // ir_add_error(ira, value, buf_sprintf("alignment value %" PRIu32 " is not a power of 2", align_bytes)); // return false; //} } /// asserts that the type is known fn getKnownType(self: *Inst) *Type { switch (self.val) { .KnownType => |typ| return typ, .KnownValue => |value| return value.typ, .Unknown => unreachable, } } pub fn setGenerated(base: *Inst) void { base.is_generated = true; } pub fn isNoReturn(base: *const Inst) bool { switch (base.val) { .Unknown => return false, .KnownValue => |x| return == .NoReturn, .KnownType => |typ| return == .NoReturn, } } pub fn isCompTime(base: *const Inst) bool { return base.val == .KnownValue; } pub fn linkToParent(self: *Inst, parent: *Inst) void { assert(self.parent == null); assert(parent.child == null); self.parent = parent; parent.child = self; } pub const Id = enum { Return, Const, Ref, DeclVar, CheckVoidStmt, Phi, Br, AddImplicitReturnType, Call, DeclRef, PtrType, VarPtr, LoadPtr, }; pub const Call = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { fn_ref: *Inst, args: []*Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(self: *const Call) void { std.debug.warn("#{}(", self.params.fn_ref.debug_id); for (self.params.args) |arg| { std.debug.warn("#{},", arg.debug_id); } std.debug.warn(")"); } pub fn hasSideEffects(self: *const Call) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const Call, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const fn_ref = try self.params.fn_ref.getAsParam(); const fn_ref_type = fn_ref.getKnownType(); const fn_type = fn_ref_type.cast(Type.Fn) orelse { try ira.addCompileError(fn_ref.span, "type '{}' not a function",; return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; }; const fn_type_param_count = fn_type.paramCount(); if (fn_type_param_count != self.params.args.len) { try ira.addCompileError( self.base.span, "expected {} arguments, found {}", fn_type_param_count, self.params.args.len, ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } const args = try ira.irb.arena().alloc(*Inst, self.params.args.len); for (self.params.args) |arg, i| { args[i] = try arg.getAsParam(); } const new_inst = try, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Params{ .fn_ref = fn_ref, .args = args, }); new_inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownType = }; return new_inst; } pub fn render(self: *Call, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) !?*llvm.Value { const fn_ref = self.params.fn_ref.llvm_value.?; const args = try ofile.arena.alloc(*llvm.Value, self.params.args.len); for (self.params.args) |arg, i| { args[i] = arg.llvm_value.?; } const llvm_cc = llvm.CCallConv; const fn_inline = llvm.FnInline.Auto; return llvm.BuildCall( ofile.builder, fn_ref, args.ptr, @intCast(c_uint, args.len), llvm_cc, fn_inline, c"", ) orelse error.OutOfMemory; } }; pub const Const = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct {}; // Use Builder.buildConst* methods, or, after building a Const instruction, // manually set the ir_val field. const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(self: *const Const) void { self.base.val.KnownValue.dump(); } pub fn hasSideEffects(self: *const Const) bool { return false; } pub fn analyze(self: *const Const, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const new_inst = try, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Params{}); new_inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownValue = self.base.val.KnownValue.getRef() }; return new_inst; } pub fn render(self: *Const, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) !?*llvm.Value { return self.base.val.KnownValue.getLlvmConst(ofile); } }; pub const Return = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { return_value: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.NoReturn; pub fn dump(self: *const Return) void { std.debug.warn("#{}", self.params.return_value.debug_id); } pub fn hasSideEffects(self: *const Return) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const Return, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const value = try self.params.return_value.getAsParam(); const casted_value = try ira.implicitCast(value, ira.explicit_return_type); // TODO detect returning local variable address return, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Params{ .return_value = casted_value }); } pub fn render(self: *Return, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) !?*llvm.Value { const value = self.params.return_value.llvm_value; const return_type = self.params.return_value.getKnownType(); if (return_type.handleIsPtr()) { @panic("TODO"); } else { _ = llvm.BuildRet(ofile.builder, value) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } return null; } }; pub const Ref = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { target: *Inst, mut: Type.Pointer.Mut, volatility: Type.Pointer.Vol, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const Ref) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const Ref) bool { return false; } pub async fn analyze(self: *const Ref, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; if (ira.getCompTimeValOrNullUndefOk(target)) |val| { return ira.getCompTimeRef( val, Value.Ptr.Mut.CompTimeConst, self.params.mut, self.params.volatility, ); } const new_inst = try, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Params{ .target = target, .mut = self.params.mut, .volatility = self.params.volatility, }); const elem_type = target.getKnownType(); const ptr_type = try Type.Pointer.get(ira.irb.comp, Type.Pointer.Key{ .child_type = elem_type, .mut = self.params.mut, .vol = self.params.volatility, .size = .One, .alignment = .Abi, }); // TODO: potentially set the hint that this is a stack pointer. But it might not be - this // could be a ref of a global, for example new_inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownType = &ptr_type.base }; // TODO potentially add an alloca entry here return new_inst; } }; pub const DeclRef = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { decl: *Decl, lval: LVal, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const DeclRef) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const DeclRef) bool { return false; } pub async fn analyze(self: *const DeclRef, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { (ira.irb.comp.resolveDecl(self.params.decl)) catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, else => return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed, }; switch ( { .CompTime => unreachable, .Var => return error.Unimplemented, .Fn => { const fn_decl = @fieldParentPtr(Decl.Fn, "base", self.params.decl); const decl_val = switch (fn_decl.value) { .Unresolved => unreachable, .Fn => |fn_val| &fn_val.base, .FnProto => |fn_proto| &fn_proto.base, }; switch (self.params.lval) { .None => { return ira.irb.buildConstValue(self.base.scope, self.base.span, decl_val); }, .Ptr => return error.Unimplemented, } }, } } }; pub const VarPtr = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { var_scope: *Scope.Var, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const VarPtr) void { std.debug.warn("{}",; } pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const VarPtr) bool { return false; } pub async fn analyze(self: *const VarPtr, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { switch ( { .Const => @panic("TODO"), .Param => |param| { const new_inst = try Inst.VarPtr, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Inst.VarPtr.Params{ .var_scope = self.params.var_scope }, ); const ptr_type = try Type.Pointer.get(ira.irb.comp, Type.Pointer.Key{ .child_type = param.typ, .mut = .Const, .vol = .Non, .size = .One, .alignment = .Abi, }); new_inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownType = &ptr_type.base }; return new_inst; }, } } pub fn render(self: *VarPtr, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) *llvm.Value { switch ( { .Const => unreachable, // turned into Inst.Const in analyze pass .Param => |param| return param.llvm_value, } } }; pub const LoadPtr = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { target: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const LoadPtr) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const LoadPtr) bool { return false; } pub async fn analyze(self: *const LoadPtr, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; const target_type = target.getKnownType(); if ( != .Pointer) { try ira.addCompileError(self.base.span, "dereference of non pointer type '{}'",; return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } const ptr_type = @fieldParentPtr(Type.Pointer, "base", target_type); // if (instr_is_comptime(ptr)) { // if (ptr-> == ConstPtrMutComptimeConst || // ptr-> == ConstPtrMutComptimeVar) // { // ConstExprValue *pointee = const_ptr_pointee(ira->codegen, &ptr->value); // if (pointee->special != ConstValSpecialRuntime) { // IrInstruction *result = ir_create_const(&ira->new_irb, source_instruction->scope, // source_instruction->source_node, child_type); // copy_const_val(&result->value, pointee, ptr-> == ConstPtrMutComptimeConst); // result->value.type = child_type; // return result; // } // } // } const new_inst = try Inst.LoadPtr, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Inst.LoadPtr.Params{ .target = target }, ); new_inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownType = ptr_type.key.child_type }; return new_inst; } pub fn render(self: *LoadPtr, ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn) !?*llvm.Value { const child_type = self.base.getKnownType(); if (!child_type.hasBits()) { return null; } const ptr =; const ptr_type =; return try codegen.getHandleValue(ofile, ptr, ptr_type); //uint32_t unaligned_bit_count = ptr_type->data.pointer.unaligned_bit_count; //if (unaligned_bit_count == 0) // return get_handle_value(g, ptr, child_type, ptr_type); //bool big_endian = g->is_big_endian; //assert(!handle_is_ptr(child_type)); //LLVMValueRef containing_int = gen_load(g, ptr, ptr_type, ""); //uint32_t bit_offset = ptr_type->data.pointer.bit_offset; //uint32_t host_bit_count = LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(LLVMTypeOf(containing_int)); //uint32_t shift_amt = big_endian ? host_bit_count - bit_offset - unaligned_bit_count : bit_offset; //LLVMValueRef shift_amt_val = LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(containing_int), shift_amt, false); //LLVMValueRef shifted_value = LLVMBuildLShr(g->builder, containing_int, shift_amt_val, ""); //return LLVMBuildTrunc(g->builder, shifted_value, child_type->type_ref, ""); } }; pub const PtrType = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { child_type: *Inst, mut: Type.Pointer.Mut, vol: Type.Pointer.Vol, size: Type.Pointer.Size, alignment: ?*Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const PtrType) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const PtrType) bool { return false; } pub async fn analyze(self: *const PtrType, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const child_type = try self.params.child_type.getAsConstType(ira); // if (child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdUnreachable) { // ir_add_error(ira, &instruction->base, buf_sprintf("pointer to noreturn not allowed")); // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid; // } else if (child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdOpaque && instruction->ptr_len == PtrLenUnknown) { // ir_add_error(ira, &instruction->base, buf_sprintf("unknown-length pointer to opaque")); // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid; // } const alignment = if (self.params.alignment) |align_inst| blk: { const amt = try align_inst.getAsConstAlign(ira); break :blk Type.Pointer.Align{ .Override = amt }; } else blk: { break :blk Type.Pointer.Align{ .Abi = {} }; }; const ptr_type = try Type.Pointer.get(ira.irb.comp, Type.Pointer.Key{ .child_type = child_type, .mut = self.params.mut, .vol = self.params.vol, .size = self.params.size, .alignment = alignment, }); ptr_type.base.base.deref(ira.irb.comp); return ira.irb.buildConstValue(self.base.scope, self.base.span, &ptr_type.base.base); } }; pub const DeclVar = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { variable: *Variable, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const DeclVar) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const DeclVar) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const DeclVar, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { return error.Unimplemented; // TODO } }; pub const CheckVoidStmt = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { target: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(self: *const CheckVoidStmt) void { std.debug.warn("#{}",; } pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const CheckVoidStmt) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const CheckVoidStmt, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; if (target.getKnownType().id != .Void) { try ira.addCompileError(self.base.span, "expression value is ignored"); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } return ira.irb.buildConstVoid(self.base.scope, self.base.span, true); } }; pub const Phi = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { incoming_blocks: []*BasicBlock, incoming_values: []*Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const Phi) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const Phi) bool { return false; } pub fn analyze(self: *const Phi, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { return error.Unimplemented; // TODO } }; pub const Br = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { dest_block: *BasicBlock, is_comptime: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.NoReturn; pub fn dump(inst: *const Br) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const Br) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const Br, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { return error.Unimplemented; // TODO } }; pub const CondBr = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct { condition: *Inst, then_block: *BasicBlock, else_block: *BasicBlock, is_comptime: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.NoReturn; pub fn dump(inst: *const CondBr) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const CondBr) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const CondBr, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { return error.Unimplemented; // TODO } }; pub const AddImplicitReturnType = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, pub const Params = struct { target: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const AddImplicitReturnType) void { std.debug.warn("#{}",; } pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const AddImplicitReturnType) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const AddImplicitReturnType, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; try ira.src_implicit_return_type_list.append(target); return ira.irb.buildConstVoid(self.base.scope, self.base.span, true); } }; pub const TestErr = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, pub const Params = struct { target: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const TestErr) void { std.debug.warn("#{}",; } pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const TestErr) bool { return false; } pub fn analyze(self: *const TestErr, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; const target_type = target.getKnownType(); switch ( { .ErrorUnion => { return error.Unimplemented; // if (instr_is_comptime(value)) { // ConstExprValue *err_union_val = ir_resolve_const(ira, value, UndefBad); // if (!err_union_val) // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid; // if (err_union_val->special != ConstValSpecialRuntime) { // ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base); // out_val->data.x_bool = (err_union_val->data.x_err_union.err != nullptr); // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_bool; // } // } // TypeTableEntry *err_set_type = type_entry->data.error_union.err_set_type; // if (!resolve_inferred_error_set(ira->codegen, err_set_type, instruction->base.source_node)) { // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid; // } // if (!type_is_global_error_set(err_set_type) && // err_set_type->data.error_set.err_count == 0) // { // assert(err_set_type->data.error_set.infer_fn == nullptr); // ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base); // out_val->data.x_bool = false; // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_bool; // } // ir_build_test_err_from(&ira->new_irb, &instruction->base, value); // return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_bool; }, .ErrorSet => { return ira.irb.buildConstBool(self.base.scope, self.base.span, true); }, else => { return ira.irb.buildConstBool(self.base.scope, self.base.span, false); }, } } }; pub const TestCompTime = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, pub const Params = struct { target: *Inst, }; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const TestCompTime) void { std.debug.warn("#{}",; } pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const TestCompTime) bool { return false; } pub fn analyze(self: *const TestCompTime, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { const target = try; return ira.irb.buildConstBool(self.base.scope, self.base.span, target.isCompTime()); } }; pub const SaveErrRetAddr = struct { base: Inst, params: Params, const Params = struct {}; const ir_val_init = IrVal.Init.Unknown; pub fn dump(inst: *const SaveErrRetAddr) void {} pub fn hasSideEffects(inst: *const SaveErrRetAddr) bool { return true; } pub fn analyze(self: *const SaveErrRetAddr, ira: *Analyze) !*Inst { return, self.base.scope, self.base.span, Params{}); } }; }; pub const Variable = struct { child_scope: *Scope, }; pub const BasicBlock = struct { ref_count: usize, name_hint: [*]const u8, // must be a C string literal debug_id: usize, scope: *Scope, instruction_list: std.ArrayList(*Inst), ref_instruction: ?*Inst, /// for codegen llvm_block: *llvm.BasicBlock, llvm_exit_block: *llvm.BasicBlock, /// the basic block that is derived from this one in analysis child: ?*BasicBlock, /// the basic block that this one derives from in analysis parent: ?*BasicBlock, pub fn ref(self: *BasicBlock, builder: *Builder) void { self.ref_count += 1; } pub fn linkToParent(self: *BasicBlock, parent: *BasicBlock) void { assert(self.parent == null); assert(parent.child == null); self.parent = parent; parent.child = self; } }; /// Stuff that survives longer than Builder pub const Code = struct { basic_block_list: std.ArrayList(*BasicBlock), arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, return_type: ?*Type, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, /// allocator is comp.gpa() pub fn destroy(self: *Code, allocator: *Allocator) void { self.arena.deinit(); allocator.destroy(self); } pub fn dump(self: *Code) void { var bb_i: usize = 0; for (self.basic_block_list.toSliceConst()) |bb| { std.debug.warn("{s}_{}:\n", bb.name_hint, bb.debug_id); for (bb.instruction_list.toSliceConst()) |instr| { std.debug.warn(" "); instr.dump(); std.debug.warn("\n"); } } } /// returns a ref-incremented value, or adds a compile error pub fn getCompTimeResult(self: *Code, comp: *Compilation) !*Value { const bb =; for (bb.instruction_list.toSliceConst()) |inst| { if (inst.cast(Inst.Return)) |ret_inst| { const ret_value = ret_inst.params.return_value; if (ret_value.isCompTime()) { return ret_value.val.KnownValue.getRef(); } try comp.addCompileError( self.tree_scope, ret_value.span, "unable to evaluate constant expression", ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } else if (inst.hasSideEffects()) { try comp.addCompileError( self.tree_scope, inst.span, "unable to evaluate constant expression", ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } } unreachable; } }; pub const Builder = struct { comp: *Compilation, code: *Code, current_basic_block: *BasicBlock, next_debug_id: usize, is_comptime: bool, is_async: bool, begin_scope: ?*Scope, pub const Error = Analyze.Error; pub fn init(comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, begin_scope: ?*Scope) !Builder { const code = try comp.gpa().create(Code); code.* = Code{ .basic_block_list = undefined, .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(comp.gpa()), .return_type = null, .tree_scope = tree_scope, }; code.basic_block_list = std.ArrayList(*BasicBlock).init(&code.arena.allocator); errdefer code.destroy(comp.gpa()); return Builder{ .comp = comp, .current_basic_block = undefined, .code = code, .next_debug_id = 0, .is_comptime = false, .is_async = false, .begin_scope = begin_scope, }; } pub fn abort(self: *Builder) void { self.code.destroy(self.comp.gpa()); } /// Call code.destroy() when done pub fn finish(self: *Builder) *Code { return self.code; } /// No need to clean up resources thanks to the arena allocator. pub fn createBasicBlock(self: *Builder, scope: *Scope, name_hint: [*]const u8) !*BasicBlock { const basic_block = try self.arena().create(BasicBlock); basic_block.* = BasicBlock{ .ref_count = 0, .name_hint = name_hint, .debug_id = self.next_debug_id, .scope = scope, .instruction_list = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.arena()), .child = null, .parent = null, .ref_instruction = null, .llvm_block = undefined, .llvm_exit_block = undefined, }; self.next_debug_id += 1; return basic_block; } pub fn setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(self: *Builder, basic_block: *BasicBlock) !void { try self.code.basic_block_list.append(basic_block); self.setCursorAtEnd(basic_block); } pub fn setCursorAtEnd(self: *Builder, basic_block: *BasicBlock) void { self.current_basic_block = basic_block; } pub async fn genNode(irb: *Builder, node: *ast.Node, scope: *Scope, lval: LVal) Error!*Inst { switch ( { .Root => unreachable, .Use => unreachable, .TestDecl => unreachable, .VarDecl => return error.Unimplemented, .Defer => return error.Unimplemented, .InfixOp => return error.Unimplemented, .PrefixOp => { const prefix_op = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.PrefixOp, "base", node); switch (prefix_op.op) { .AddressOf => return error.Unimplemented, .ArrayType => |n| return error.Unimplemented, .Await => return error.Unimplemented, .BitNot => return error.Unimplemented, .BoolNot => return error.Unimplemented, .Cancel => return error.Unimplemented, .OptionalType => return error.Unimplemented, .Negation => return error.Unimplemented, .NegationWrap => return error.Unimplemented, .Resume => return error.Unimplemented, .PtrType => |ptr_info| { const inst = try irb.genPtrType(prefix_op, ptr_info, scope); return irb.lvalWrap(scope, inst, lval); }, .SliceType => |ptr_info| return error.Unimplemented, .Try => return error.Unimplemented, } }, .SuffixOp => { const suffix_op = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.SuffixOp, "base", node); switch (suffix_op.op) { .Call => |*call| { const inst = try irb.genCall(suffix_op, call, scope); return irb.lvalWrap(scope, inst, lval); }, .ArrayAccess => |n| return error.Unimplemented, .Slice => |slice| return error.Unimplemented, .ArrayInitializer => |init_list| return error.Unimplemented, .StructInitializer => |init_list| return error.Unimplemented, .Deref => return error.Unimplemented, .UnwrapOptional => return error.Unimplemented, } }, .Switch => return error.Unimplemented, .While => return error.Unimplemented, .For => return error.Unimplemented, .If => return error.Unimplemented, .ControlFlowExpression => { const control_flow_expr = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression, "base", node); return irb.genControlFlowExpr(control_flow_expr, scope, lval); }, .Suspend => return error.Unimplemented, .VarType => return error.Unimplemented, .ErrorType => return error.Unimplemented, .FnProto => return error.Unimplemented, .AnyFrameType => return error.Unimplemented, .IntegerLiteral => { const int_lit = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.IntegerLiteral, "base", node); return irb.lvalWrap(scope, try irb.genIntLit(int_lit, scope), lval); }, .FloatLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .StringLiteral => { const str_lit = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.StringLiteral, "base", node); const inst = try irb.genStrLit(str_lit, scope); return irb.lvalWrap(scope, inst, lval); }, .MultilineStringLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .CharLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .BoolLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .NullLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .UndefinedLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, .Unreachable => return error.Unimplemented, .Identifier => { const identifier = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.Identifier, "base", node); return irb.genIdentifier(identifier, scope, lval); }, .GroupedExpression => { const grouped_expr = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.GroupedExpression, "base", node); return irb.genNode(grouped_expr.expr, scope, lval); }, .BuiltinCall => return error.Unimplemented, .ErrorSetDecl => return error.Unimplemented, .ContainerDecl => return error.Unimplemented, .Asm => return error.Unimplemented, .Comptime => return error.Unimplemented, .Block => { const block = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.Block, "base", node); const inst = try irb.genBlock(block, scope); return irb.lvalWrap(scope, inst, lval); }, .DocComment => return error.Unimplemented, .SwitchCase => return error.Unimplemented, .SwitchElse => return error.Unimplemented, .Else => return error.Unimplemented, .Payload => return error.Unimplemented, .PointerPayload => return error.Unimplemented, .PointerIndexPayload => return error.Unimplemented, .ContainerField => return error.Unimplemented, .ErrorTag => return error.Unimplemented, .AsmInput => return error.Unimplemented, .AsmOutput => return error.Unimplemented, .ParamDecl => return error.Unimplemented, .FieldInitializer => return error.Unimplemented, .EnumLiteral => return error.Unimplemented, } } async fn genCall(irb: *Builder, suffix_op: *ast.Node.SuffixOp, call: *ast.Node.SuffixOp.Op.Call, scope: *Scope) !*Inst { const fn_ref = try irb.genNode(suffix_op.lhs, scope, .None); const args = try irb.arena().alloc(*Inst, call.params.len); var it = call.params.iterator(0); var i: usize = 0; while ( |arg_node_ptr| : (i += 1) { args[i] = try irb.genNode(arg_node_ptr.*, scope, .None); } //bool is_async = node->data.fn_call_expr.is_async; //IrInstruction *async_allocator = nullptr; //if (is_async) { // if (node->data.fn_call_expr.async_allocator) { // async_allocator = ir_gen_node(irb, node->data.fn_call_expr.async_allocator, scope); // if (async_allocator == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction) // return async_allocator; // } //} return, scope, Span.token(suffix_op.rtoken), Inst.Call.Params{ .fn_ref = fn_ref, .args = args, }); //IrInstruction *fn_call = ir_build_call(irb, scope, node, nullptr, fn_ref, arg_count, args, false, FnInlineAuto, is_async, async_allocator, nullptr); //return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, fn_call, lval); } async fn genPtrType( irb: *Builder, prefix_op: *ast.Node.PrefixOp, ptr_info: ast.Node.PrefixOp.PtrInfo, scope: *Scope, ) !*Inst { // TODO port more logic //assert(node->type == NodeTypePointerType); //PtrLen ptr_len = (node->data.pointer_type.star_token->id == TokenIdStar || // node->data.pointer_type.star_token->id == TokenIdStarStar) ? PtrLenSingle : PtrLenUnknown; //bool is_const = node->data.pointer_type.is_const; //bool is_volatile = node->data.pointer_type.is_volatile; //AstNode *expr_node = node->data.pointer_type.op_expr; //AstNode *align_expr = node->data.pointer_type.align_expr; //IrInstruction *align_value; //if (align_expr != nullptr) { // align_value = ir_gen_node(irb, align_expr, scope); // if (align_value == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction) // return align_value; //} else { // align_value = nullptr; //} const child_type = try irb.genNode(prefix_op.rhs, scope, .None); //uint32_t bit_offset_start = 0; //if (node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_start != nullptr) { // if (!bigint_fits_in_bits(node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_start, 32, false)) { // Buf *val_buf = buf_alloc(); // bigint_append_buf(val_buf, node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_start, 10); // exec_add_error_node(irb->codegen, irb->exec, node, // buf_sprintf("value %s too large for u32 bit offset", buf_ptr(val_buf))); // return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // bit_offset_start = bigint_as_unsigned(node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_start); //} //uint32_t bit_offset_end = 0; //if (node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_end != nullptr) { // if (!bigint_fits_in_bits(node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_end, 32, false)) { // Buf *val_buf = buf_alloc(); // bigint_append_buf(val_buf, node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_end, 10); // exec_add_error_node(irb->codegen, irb->exec, node, // buf_sprintf("value %s too large for u32 bit offset", buf_ptr(val_buf))); // return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // bit_offset_end = bigint_as_unsigned(node->data.pointer_type.bit_offset_end); //} //if ((bit_offset_start != 0 || bit_offset_end != 0) && bit_offset_start >= bit_offset_end) { // exec_add_error_node(irb->codegen, irb->exec, node, // buf_sprintf("bit offset start must be less than bit offset end")); // return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction; //} return, scope, Span.node(&prefix_op.base), Inst.PtrType.Params{ .child_type = child_type, .mut = .Mut, .vol = .Non, .size = .Many, .alignment = null, }); } fn isCompTime(irb: *Builder, target_scope: *Scope) bool { if (irb.is_comptime) return true; var scope = target_scope; while (true) { switch ( { .CompTime => return true, .FnDef => return false, .Decls => unreachable, .Root => unreachable, .AstTree => unreachable, .Block, .Defer, .DeferExpr, .Var, => scope = scope.parent.?, } } } pub fn genIntLit(irb: *Builder, int_lit: *ast.Node.IntegerLiteral, scope: *Scope) !*Inst { const int_token = irb.code.tree_scope.tree.tokenSlice(int_lit.token); var base: u8 = undefined; var rest: []const u8 = undefined; if (int_token.len >= 3 and int_token[0] == '0') { base = switch (int_token[1]) { 'b' => u8(2), 'o' => u8(8), 'x' => u8(16), else => unreachable, }; rest = int_token[2..]; } else { base = 10; rest = int_token; } const comptime_int_type = Type.ComptimeInt.get(irb.comp); defer comptime_int_type.base.base.deref(irb.comp); const int_val = Value.Int.createFromString( irb.comp, &comptime_int_type.base, base, rest, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, error.InvalidBase => unreachable, error.InvalidCharForDigit => unreachable, error.DigitTooLargeForBase => unreachable, }; errdefer int_val.base.deref(irb.comp); const inst = try, scope, Span.token(int_lit.token), Inst.Const.Params{}); inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownValue = &int_val.base }; return inst; } pub async fn genStrLit(irb: *Builder, str_lit: *ast.Node.StringLiteral, scope: *Scope) !*Inst { const str_token = irb.code.tree_scope.tree.tokenSlice(str_lit.token); const src_span = Span.token(str_lit.token); var bad_index: usize = undefined; var buf = std.zig.parseStringLiteral(irb.comp.gpa(), str_token, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, error.InvalidCharacter => { try irb.comp.addCompileError( irb.code.tree_scope, src_span, "invalid character in string literal: '{c}'", str_token[bad_index], ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; }, }; var buf_cleaned = false; errdefer if (!buf_cleaned) irb.comp.gpa().free(buf); if (str_token[0] == 'c') { // first we add a null buf = try irb.comp.gpa().realloc(buf, buf.len + 1); buf[buf.len - 1] = 0; // next make an array value const array_val = try Value.Array.createOwnedBuffer(irb.comp, buf); buf_cleaned = true; defer array_val.base.deref(irb.comp); // then make a pointer value pointing at the first element const ptr_val = try Value.Ptr.createArrayElemPtr( irb.comp, array_val, .Const, .Many, 0, ); defer ptr_val.base.deref(irb.comp); return irb.buildConstValue(scope, src_span, &ptr_val.base); } else { const array_val = try Value.Array.createOwnedBuffer(irb.comp, buf); buf_cleaned = true; defer array_val.base.deref(irb.comp); return irb.buildConstValue(scope, src_span, &array_val.base); } } pub async fn genBlock(irb: *Builder, block: *ast.Node.Block, parent_scope: *Scope) !*Inst { const block_scope = try Scope.Block.create(irb.comp, parent_scope); const outer_block_scope = &block_scope.base; var child_scope = outer_block_scope; if (parent_scope.findFnDef()) |fndef_scope| { if (fndef_scope.fn_val.?.block_scope == null) { fndef_scope.fn_val.?.block_scope = block_scope; } } if (block.statements.len == 0) { // {} return irb.buildConstVoid(child_scope, Span.token(block.lbrace), false); } if (block.label) |label| { block_scope.incoming_values = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(irb.arena()); block_scope.incoming_blocks = std.ArrayList(*BasicBlock).init(irb.arena()); block_scope.end_block = try irb.createBasicBlock(parent_scope, c"BlockEnd"); block_scope.is_comptime = try irb.buildConstBool( parent_scope, Span.token(block.lbrace), irb.isCompTime(parent_scope), ); } var is_continuation_unreachable = false; var noreturn_return_value: ?*Inst = null; var stmt_it = block.statements.iterator(0); while ( |statement_node_ptr| { const statement_node = statement_node_ptr.*; if (statement_node.cast(ast.Node.Defer)) |defer_node| { // defer starts a new scope const defer_token =; const kind = switch ( { Token.Id.Keyword_defer => Scope.Defer.Kind.ScopeExit, Token.Id.Keyword_errdefer => Scope.Defer.Kind.ErrorExit, else => unreachable, }; const defer_expr_scope = try Scope.DeferExpr.create(irb.comp, parent_scope, defer_node.expr); const defer_child_scope = try Scope.Defer.create(irb.comp, parent_scope, kind, defer_expr_scope); child_scope = &defer_child_scope.base; continue; } const statement_value = try irb.genNode(statement_node, child_scope, .None); is_continuation_unreachable = statement_value.isNoReturn(); if (is_continuation_unreachable) { // keep the last noreturn statement value around in case we need to return it noreturn_return_value = statement_value; } if (statement_value.cast(Inst.DeclVar)) |decl_var| { // variable declarations start a new scope child_scope = decl_var.params.variable.child_scope; } else if (!is_continuation_unreachable) { // this statement's value must be void _ = try Inst.CheckVoidStmt, child_scope, Span{ .first = statement_node.firstToken(), .last = statement_node.lastToken(), }, Inst.CheckVoidStmt.Params{ .target = statement_value }, ); } } if (is_continuation_unreachable) { assert(noreturn_return_value != null); if (block.label == null or block_scope.incoming_blocks.len == 0) { return noreturn_return_value.?; } try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(block_scope.end_block); return, parent_scope, Span.token(block.rbrace), Inst.Phi.Params{ .incoming_blocks = block_scope.incoming_blocks.toOwnedSlice(), .incoming_values = block_scope.incoming_values.toOwnedSlice(), }); } if (block.label) |label| { try block_scope.incoming_blocks.append(irb.current_basic_block); try block_scope.incoming_values.append( try irb.buildConstVoid(parent_scope, Span.token(block.rbrace), true), ); _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(child_scope, outer_block_scope, .ScopeExit); _ = try irb.buildGen(Inst.Br, parent_scope, Span.token(block.rbrace), Inst.Br.Params{ .dest_block = block_scope.end_block, .is_comptime = block_scope.is_comptime, }); try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(block_scope.end_block); return, parent_scope, Span.token(block.rbrace), Inst.Phi.Params{ .incoming_blocks = block_scope.incoming_blocks.toOwnedSlice(), .incoming_values = block_scope.incoming_values.toOwnedSlice(), }); } _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(child_scope, outer_block_scope, .ScopeExit); return irb.buildConstVoid(child_scope, Span.token(block.rbrace), true); } pub async fn genControlFlowExpr( irb: *Builder, control_flow_expr: *ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression, scope: *Scope, lval: LVal, ) !*Inst { switch (control_flow_expr.kind) { .Break => |arg| return error.Unimplemented, .Continue => |arg| return error.Unimplemented, .Return => { const src_span = Span.token(control_flow_expr.ltoken); if (scope.findFnDef() == null) { try irb.comp.addCompileError( irb.code.tree_scope, src_span, "return expression outside function definition", ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } if (scope.findDeferExpr()) |scope_defer_expr| { if (!scope_defer_expr.reported_err) { try irb.comp.addCompileError( irb.code.tree_scope, src_span, "cannot return from defer expression", ); scope_defer_expr.reported_err = true; } return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } const outer_scope = irb.begin_scope.?; const return_value = if (control_flow_expr.rhs) |rhs| blk: { break :blk try irb.genNode(rhs, scope, .None); } else blk: { break :blk try irb.buildConstVoid(scope, src_span, true); }; const defer_counts = irb.countDefers(scope, outer_scope); const have_err_defers = defer_counts.error_exit != 0; if (have_err_defers or irb.comp.have_err_ret_tracing) { const err_block = try irb.createBasicBlock(scope, c"ErrRetErr"); const ok_block = try irb.createBasicBlock(scope, c"ErrRetOk"); if (!have_err_defers) { _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(scope, outer_scope, .ScopeExit); } const is_err = try Inst.TestErr, scope, src_span, Inst.TestErr.Params{ .target = return_value }, ); const err_is_comptime = try irb.buildTestCompTime(scope, src_span, is_err); _ = try irb.buildGen(Inst.CondBr, scope, src_span, Inst.CondBr.Params{ .condition = is_err, .then_block = err_block, .else_block = ok_block, .is_comptime = err_is_comptime, }); const ret_stmt_block = try irb.createBasicBlock(scope, c"RetStmt"); try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(err_block); if (have_err_defers) { _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(scope, outer_scope, .ErrorExit); } if (irb.comp.have_err_ret_tracing and !irb.isCompTime(scope)) { _ = try, scope, src_span, Inst.SaveErrRetAddr.Params{}); } _ = try, scope, src_span, Inst.Br.Params{ .dest_block = ret_stmt_block, .is_comptime = err_is_comptime, }); try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(ok_block); if (have_err_defers) { _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(scope, outer_scope, .ScopeExit); } _ = try, scope, src_span, Inst.Br.Params{ .dest_block = ret_stmt_block, .is_comptime = err_is_comptime, }); try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(ret_stmt_block); return irb.genAsyncReturn(scope, src_span, return_value, false); } else { _ = try irb.genDefersForBlock(scope, outer_scope, .ScopeExit); return irb.genAsyncReturn(scope, src_span, return_value, false); } }, } } pub async fn genIdentifier(irb: *Builder, identifier: *ast.Node.Identifier, scope: *Scope, lval: LVal) !*Inst { const src_span = Span.token(identifier.token); const name = irb.code.tree_scope.tree.tokenSlice(identifier.token); //if (buf_eql_str(variable_name, "_") && lval == LValPtr) { // IrInstructionConst *const_instruction = ir_build_instruction(irb, scope, node); // const_instruction->base.value.type = get_pointer_to_type(irb->codegen, // irb->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void, false); // const_instruction->base.value.special = ConstValSpecialStatic; // const_instruction-> = ConstPtrSpecialDiscard; // return &const_instruction->base; //} if (irb.comp.getPrimitiveType(name)) |result| { if (result) |primitive_type| { defer primitive_type.base.deref(irb.comp); switch (lval) { // if (lval == LValPtr) { // return ir_build_ref(irb, scope, node, value, false, false); .Ptr => return error.Unimplemented, .None => return irb.buildConstValue(scope, src_span, &primitive_type.base), } } } else |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => { try irb.comp.addCompileError(irb.code.tree_scope, src_span, "integer too large"); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; }, error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory, } switch (irb.findIdent(scope, name)) { .Decl => |decl| { return, scope, src_span, Inst.DeclRef.Params{ .decl = decl, .lval = lval, }); }, .VarScope => |var_scope| { const var_ptr = try, scope, src_span, Inst.VarPtr.Params{ .var_scope = var_scope }); switch (lval) { .Ptr => return var_ptr, .None => { return, scope, src_span, Inst.LoadPtr.Params{ .target = var_ptr }); }, } }, .NotFound => {}, } //if (node->owner->any_imports_failed) { // // skip the error message since we had a failing import in this file // // if an import breaks we don't need redundant undeclared identifier errors // return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction; //} // TODO put a variable of same name with invalid type in global scope // so that future references to this same name will find a variable with an invalid type try irb.comp.addCompileError(irb.code.tree_scope, src_span, "unknown identifier '{}'", name); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } const DeferCounts = struct { scope_exit: usize, error_exit: usize, }; fn countDefers(irb: *Builder, inner_scope: *Scope, outer_scope: *Scope) DeferCounts { var result = DeferCounts{ .scope_exit = 0, .error_exit = 0 }; var scope = inner_scope; while (scope != outer_scope) { switch ( { .Defer => { const defer_scope = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.Defer, "base", scope); switch (defer_scope.kind) { .ScopeExit => result.scope_exit += 1, .ErrorExit => result.error_exit += 1, } scope = scope.parent orelse break; }, .FnDef => break, .CompTime, .Block, .Decls, .Root, .Var, => scope = scope.parent orelse break, .DeferExpr => unreachable, .AstTree => unreachable, } } return result; } async fn genDefersForBlock( irb: *Builder, inner_scope: *Scope, outer_scope: *Scope, gen_kind: Scope.Defer.Kind, ) !bool { var scope = inner_scope; var is_noreturn = false; while (true) { switch ( { .Defer => { const defer_scope = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.Defer, "base", scope); const generate = switch (defer_scope.kind) { .ScopeExit => true, .ErrorExit => gen_kind == .ErrorExit, }; if (generate) { const defer_expr_scope = defer_scope.defer_expr_scope; const instruction = try irb.genNode( defer_expr_scope.expr_node, &defer_expr_scope.base, .None, ); if (instruction.isNoReturn()) { is_noreturn = true; } else { _ = try Inst.CheckVoidStmt, &defer_expr_scope.base, Span.token(defer_expr_scope.expr_node.lastToken()), Inst.CheckVoidStmt.Params{ .target = instruction }, ); } } }, .FnDef, .Decls, .Root, => return is_noreturn, .CompTime, .Block, .Var, => scope = scope.parent orelse return is_noreturn, .DeferExpr => unreachable, .AstTree => unreachable, } } } pub fn lvalWrap(irb: *Builder, scope: *Scope, instruction: *Inst, lval: LVal) !*Inst { switch (lval) { .None => return instruction, .Ptr => { // We needed a pointer to a value, but we got a value. So we create // an instruction which just makes a const pointer of it. return, scope, instruction.span, Inst.Ref.Params{ .target = instruction, .mut = .Const, .volatility = .Non, }); }, } } fn arena(self: *Builder) *Allocator { return &self.code.arena.allocator; } fn buildExtra( self: *Builder, comptime I: type, scope: *Scope, span: Span, params: I.Params, is_generated: bool, ) !*Inst { const inst = try self.arena().create(I); inst.* = I{ .base = Inst{ .id = Inst.typeToId(I), .is_generated = is_generated, .scope = scope, .debug_id = self.next_debug_id, .val = switch (I.ir_val_init) { .Unknown => IrVal.Unknown, .NoReturn => IrVal{ .KnownValue = &Value.NoReturn.get(self.comp).base }, .Void => IrVal{ .KnownValue = &Value.Void.get(self.comp).base }, }, .ref_count = 0, .span = span, .child = null, .parent = null, .llvm_value = undefined, .owner_bb = self.current_basic_block, }, .params = params, }; // Look at the params and ref() other instructions comptime var i = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(I.Params)) : (i += 1) { const FieldType = comptime @typeOf(@field(I.Params(undefined), @memberName(I.Params, i))); switch (FieldType) { *Inst => @field(inst.params, @memberName(I.Params, i)).ref(self), *BasicBlock => @field(inst.params, @memberName(I.Params, i)).ref(self), ?*Inst => if (@field(inst.params, @memberName(I.Params, i))) |other| other.ref(self), []*Inst => { // TODO for (@field(inst.params, @memberName(I.Params, i))) |other| other.ref(self); }, []*BasicBlock => { // TODO for (@field(inst.params, @memberName(I.Params, i))) |other| other.ref(self); }, Type.Pointer.Mut, Type.Pointer.Vol, Type.Pointer.Size, LVal, *Decl, *Scope.Var, => {}, // it's ok to add more types here, just make sure that // any instructions and basic blocks are ref'd appropriately else => @compileError("unrecognized type in Params: " ++ @typeName(FieldType)), } } self.next_debug_id += 1; try self.current_basic_block.instruction_list.append(&inst.base); return &inst.base; } fn build( self: *Builder, comptime I: type, scope: *Scope, span: Span, params: I.Params, ) !*Inst { return self.buildExtra(I, scope, span, params, false); } fn buildGen( self: *Builder, comptime I: type, scope: *Scope, span: Span, params: I.Params, ) !*Inst { return self.buildExtra(I, scope, span, params, true); } fn buildConstBool(self: *Builder, scope: *Scope, span: Span, x: bool) !*Inst { const inst = try, scope, span, Inst.Const.Params{}); inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownValue = &Value.Bool.get(self.comp, x).base }; return inst; } fn buildConstVoid(self: *Builder, scope: *Scope, span: Span, is_generated: bool) !*Inst { const inst = try self.buildExtra(Inst.Const, scope, span, Inst.Const.Params{}, is_generated); inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownValue = &Value.Void.get(self.comp).base }; return inst; } fn buildConstValue(self: *Builder, scope: *Scope, span: Span, v: *Value) !*Inst { const inst = try, scope, span, Inst.Const.Params{}); inst.val = IrVal{ .KnownValue = v.getRef() }; return inst; } /// If the code is explicitly set to be comptime, then builds a const bool, /// otherwise builds a TestCompTime instruction. fn buildTestCompTime(self: *Builder, scope: *Scope, span: Span, target: *Inst) !*Inst { if (self.isCompTime(scope)) { return self.buildConstBool(scope, span, true); } else { return Inst.TestCompTime, scope, span, Inst.TestCompTime.Params{ .target = target }, ); } } fn genAsyncReturn(irb: *Builder, scope: *Scope, span: Span, result: *Inst, is_gen: bool) !*Inst { _ = try irb.buildGen( Inst.AddImplicitReturnType, scope, span, Inst.AddImplicitReturnType.Params{ .target = result }, ); if (!irb.is_async) { return irb.buildExtra( Inst.Return, scope, span, Inst.Return.Params{ .return_value = result }, is_gen, ); } return error.Unimplemented; } const Ident = union(enum) { NotFound, Decl: *Decl, VarScope: *Scope.Var, }; async fn findIdent(irb: *Builder, scope: *Scope, name: []const u8) Ident { var s = scope; while (true) { switch ( { .Root => return .NotFound, .Decls => { const decls = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.Decls, "base", s); const locked_table = decls.table.acquireRead(); defer locked_table.release(); if (locked_table.value.get(name)) |entry| { return Ident{ .Decl = entry.value }; } }, .Var => { const var_scope = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.Var, "base", s); if (mem.eql(u8,, name)) { return Ident{ .VarScope = var_scope }; } }, else => {}, } s = s.parent.?; } } }; const Analyze = struct { irb: Builder, old_bb_index: usize, const_predecessor_bb: ?*BasicBlock, parent_basic_block: *BasicBlock, instruction_index: usize, src_implicit_return_type_list: std.ArrayList(*Inst), explicit_return_type: ?*Type, pub const Error = error{ /// This is only for when we have already reported a compile error. It is the poison value. SemanticAnalysisFailed, /// This is a placeholder - it is useful to use instead of panicking but once the compiler is /// done this error code will be removed. Unimplemented, OutOfMemory, }; pub fn init(comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, explicit_return_type: ?*Type) !Analyze { var irb = try Builder.init(comp, tree_scope, null); errdefer irb.abort(); return Analyze{ .irb = irb, .old_bb_index = 0, .const_predecessor_bb = null, .parent_basic_block = undefined, // initialized with startBasicBlock .instruction_index = undefined, // initialized with startBasicBlock .src_implicit_return_type_list = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(irb.arena()), .explicit_return_type = explicit_return_type, }; } pub fn abort(self: *Analyze) void { self.irb.abort(); } pub fn getNewBasicBlock(self: *Analyze, old_bb: *BasicBlock, ref_old_instruction: ?*Inst) !*BasicBlock { if (old_bb.child) |child| { if (ref_old_instruction == null or child.ref_instruction != ref_old_instruction) return child; } const new_bb = try self.irb.createBasicBlock(old_bb.scope, old_bb.name_hint); new_bb.linkToParent(old_bb); new_bb.ref_instruction = ref_old_instruction; return new_bb; } pub fn startBasicBlock(self: *Analyze, old_bb: *BasicBlock, const_predecessor_bb: ?*BasicBlock) void { self.instruction_index = 0; self.parent_basic_block = old_bb; self.const_predecessor_bb = const_predecessor_bb; } pub fn finishBasicBlock(ira: *Analyze, old_code: *Code) !void { try ira.irb.code.basic_block_list.append(ira.irb.current_basic_block); ira.instruction_index += 1; while (ira.instruction_index < ira.parent_basic_block.instruction_list.len) { const next_instruction =; if (!next_instruction.is_generated) { try ira.addCompileError(next_instruction.span, "unreachable code"); break; } ira.instruction_index += 1; } ira.old_bb_index += 1; var need_repeat = true; while (true) { while (ira.old_bb_index < old_code.basic_block_list.len) { const old_bb =; const new_bb = old_bb.child orelse { ira.old_bb_index += 1; continue; }; if (new_bb.instruction_list.len != 0) { ira.old_bb_index += 1; continue; } ira.irb.current_basic_block = new_bb; ira.startBasicBlock(old_bb, null); return; } if (!need_repeat) return; need_repeat = false; ira.old_bb_index = 0; continue; } } fn addCompileError(self: *Analyze, span: Span, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) !void { return self.irb.comp.addCompileError(self.irb.code.tree_scope, span, fmt, args); } fn resolvePeerTypes(self: *Analyze, expected_type: ?*Type, peers: []const *Inst) Analyze.Error!*Type { // TODO actual implementation return &Type.Void.get(self.irb.comp).base; } fn implicitCast(self: *Analyze, target: *Inst, optional_dest_type: ?*Type) Analyze.Error!*Inst { const dest_type = optional_dest_type orelse return target; const from_type = target.getKnownType(); if (from_type == dest_type or == .NoReturn) return target; return self.analyzeCast(target, target, dest_type); } fn analyzeCast(ira: *Analyze, source_instr: *Inst, target: *Inst, dest_type: *Type) !*Inst { const from_type = target.getKnownType(); //if (type_is_invalid(wanted_type) || type_is_invalid(actual_type)) { // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; //} //// perfect match or non-const to const //ConstCastOnly const_cast_result = types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_type, actual_type, // source_node, false); //if ( == ConstCastResultIdOk) { // return ir_resolve_cast(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type, CastOpNoop, false); //} //// widening conversion //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt && // wanted_type->data.integral.is_signed == actual_type->data.integral.is_signed && // wanted_type->data.integral.bit_count >= actual_type->data.integral.bit_count) //{ // return ir_analyze_widen_or_shorten(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// small enough unsigned ints can get casted to large enough signed ints //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt && wanted_type->data.integral.is_signed && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt && !actual_type->data.integral.is_signed && // wanted_type->data.integral.bit_count > actual_type->data.integral.bit_count) //{ // return ir_analyze_widen_or_shorten(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// float widening conversion //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdFloat && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdFloat && // wanted_type->data.floating.bit_count >= actual_type->data.floating.bit_count) //{ // return ir_analyze_widen_or_shorten(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// cast from [N]T to []const T //if (is_slice(wanted_type) && actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) { // TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = wanted_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // if ((ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const || actual_type->data.array.len == 0) && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, actual_type->data.array.child_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // return ir_analyze_array_to_slice(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// cast from *const [N]T to []const T //if (is_slice(wanted_type) && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // actual_type->data.pointer.is_const && // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) //{ // TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = wanted_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // TypeTableEntry *array_type = actual_type->data.pointer.child_type; // if ((ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const || array_type->data.array.len == 0) && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, array_type->data.array.child_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // return ir_analyze_array_to_slice(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// cast from [N]T to *const []const T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // wanted_type->data.pointer.is_const && // is_slice(wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type) && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) //{ // TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = // wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // if ((ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const || actual_type->data.array.len == 0) && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, actual_type->data.array.child_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } //} //// cast from [N]T to ?[]const T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdOptional && // is_slice(wanted_type->data.maybe.child_type) && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) //{ // TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = // wanted_type->data.maybe.child_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // if ((ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const || actual_type->data.array.len == 0) && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, actual_type->data.array.child_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.maybe.child_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } //} //// *[N]T to [*]T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // wanted_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenUnknown && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // actual_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenSingle && // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray && // actual_type->data.pointer.alignment >= wanted_type->data.pointer.alignment && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type, // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type->data.array.child_type, source_node, // !wanted_type->data.pointer.is_const).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) //{ // return ir_resolve_ptr_of_array_to_unknown_len_ptr(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// *[N]T to []T //if (is_slice(wanted_type) && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // actual_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenSingle && // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) //{ // TypeTableEntry *slice_ptr_type = wanted_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(slice_ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // if (types_match_const_cast_only(ira, slice_ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type->data.array.child_type, source_node, // !slice_ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // return ir_resolve_ptr_of_array_to_slice(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// cast from T to ?T //// note that the *T to ?*T case is handled via the "ConstCastOnly" mechanism //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdOptional) { // TypeTableEntry *wanted_child_type = wanted_type->data.maybe.child_type; // if (types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_child_type, actual_type, source_node, // false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // return ir_analyze_maybe_wrap(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } else if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat) // { // if (ir_num_lit_fits_in_other_type(ira, value, wanted_child_type, true)) { // return ir_analyze_maybe_wrap(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } else { // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // } else if (wanted_child_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // wanted_child_type->data.pointer.is_const && // (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer || is_container(actual_type))) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_child_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } //} //// cast from null literal to maybe type //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdOptional && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdNull) //{ // return ir_analyze_null_to_maybe(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// cast from child type of error type to error type //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion) { // if (types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type, actual_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // return ir_analyze_err_wrap_payload(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } else if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat) // { // if (ir_num_lit_fits_in_other_type(ira, value, wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type, true)) { // return ir_analyze_err_wrap_payload(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } else { // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // } //} //// cast from [N]T to E![]const T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion && // is_slice(wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type) && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray) //{ // TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = // wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].type_entry; // assert(ptr_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer); // if ((ptr_type->data.pointer.is_const || actual_type->data.array.len == 0) && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, ptr_type->data.pointer.child_type, actual_type->data.array.child_type, // source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } //} //// cast from error set to error union type //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorSet) //{ // return ir_analyze_err_wrap_code(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// cast from T to E!?T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion && // wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdOptional && // actual_type->id != TypeTableEntryIdOptional) //{ // TypeTableEntry *wanted_child_type = wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type->data.maybe.child_type; // if (types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_child_type, actual_type, source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdNull || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.error_union.payload_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } //} // cast from comptime-known integer to another integer where the value fits if (target.isCompTime() and ( == .Int or == .ComptimeInt)) cast: { const target_val = target.val.KnownValue; const from_int = &target_val.cast(Value.Int).?.big_int; const fits = fits: { if (dest_type.cast(Type.ComptimeInt)) |ctint| { break :fits true; } if (dest_type.cast(Type.Int)) |int| { break :fits from_int.fitsInTwosComp(int.key.is_signed, int.key.bit_count); } break :cast; }; if (!fits) { try ira.addCompileError( source_instr.span, "integer value '{}' cannot be stored in type '{}'", from_int,, ); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } const new_val = try target.copyVal(ira.irb.comp); new_val.setType(dest_type, ira.irb.comp); return ira.irb.buildConstValue(source_instr.scope, source_instr.span, new_val); } // cast from number literal to another type // cast from number literal to *const integer //if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat || // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt) //{ // ensure_complete_type(ira->codegen, wanted_type); // if (type_is_invalid(wanted_type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdEnum) { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.enumeration.tag_int_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } else if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && // wanted_type->data.pointer.is_const) // { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } else if (ir_num_lit_fits_in_other_type(ira, value, wanted_type, true)) { // CastOp op; // if ((actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat && // wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdFloat) || // (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt && // wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt)) // { // op = CastOpNumLitToConcrete; // } else if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt) { // op = CastOpFloatToInt; // } else if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdFloat) { // op = CastOpIntToFloat; // } else { // zig_unreachable(); // } // return ir_resolve_cast(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type, op, false); // } else { // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } //} //// cast from typed number to integer or float literal. //// works when the number is known at compile time //if (instr_is_comptime(value) && // ((actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdInt && wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeInt) || // (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdFloat && wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdComptimeFloat))) //{ // return ir_analyze_number_to_literal(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// cast from union to the enum type of the union //if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdUnion && wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdEnum) { // type_ensure_zero_bits_known(ira->codegen, actual_type); // if (type_is_invalid(actual_type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // if (actual_type->data.unionation.tag_type == wanted_type) { // return ir_analyze_union_to_tag(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// enum to union which has the enum as the tag type //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdUnion && actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdEnum && // (wanted_type->data.unionation.decl_node->data.container_decl.auto_enum || // wanted_type->data.unionation.decl_node->data.container_decl.init_arg_expr != nullptr)) //{ // type_ensure_zero_bits_known(ira->codegen, wanted_type); // if (wanted_type->data.unionation.tag_type == actual_type) { // return ir_analyze_enum_to_union(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// enum to &const union which has the enum as the tag type //if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdEnum && wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer) { // TypeTableEntry *union_type = wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type; // if (union_type->data.unionation.decl_node->data.container_decl.auto_enum || // union_type->data.unionation.decl_node->data.container_decl.init_arg_expr != nullptr) // { // type_ensure_zero_bits_known(ira->codegen, union_type); // if (union_type->data.unionation.tag_type == actual_type) { // IrInstruction *cast1 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, union_type, value); // if (type_is_invalid(cast1->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // IrInstruction *cast2 = ir_analyze_cast(ira, source_instr, wanted_type, cast1); // if (type_is_invalid(cast2->value.type)) // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // return cast2; // } // } //} //// cast from *T to *[1]T //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && wanted_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenSingle && // actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && actual_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenSingle) //{ // TypeTableEntry *array_type = wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type; // if (array_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdArray && array_type->data.array.len == 1 && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, array_type->data.array.child_type, // actual_type->data.pointer.child_type, source_node, // !wanted_type->data.pointer.is_const).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) // { // if (wanted_type->data.pointer.alignment > actual_type->data.pointer.alignment) { // ErrorMsg *msg = ir_add_error(ira, source_instr, buf_sprintf("cast increases pointer alignment")); // add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, value->source_node, // buf_sprintf("'%s' has alignment %" PRIu32, buf_ptr(&actual_type->name), // actual_type->data.pointer.alignment)); // add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, source_instr->source_node, // buf_sprintf("'%s' has alignment %" PRIu32, buf_ptr(&wanted_type->name), // wanted_type->data.pointer.alignment)); // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // return ir_analyze_ptr_to_array(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} //// cast from T to *T where T is zero bits //if (wanted_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdPointer && wanted_type->data.pointer.ptr_len == PtrLenSingle && // types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_type->data.pointer.child_type, // actual_type, source_node, !wanted_type->data.pointer.is_const).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) //{ // type_ensure_zero_bits_known(ira->codegen, actual_type); // if (type_is_invalid(actual_type)) { // return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction; // } // if (!type_has_bits(actual_type)) { // return ir_get_ref(ira, source_instr, value, false, false); // } //} //// cast from undefined to anything //if (actual_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdUndefined) { // return ir_analyze_undefined_to_anything(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); //} //// cast from something to const pointer of it //if (!type_requires_comptime(actual_type)) { // TypeTableEntry *const_ptr_actual = get_pointer_to_type(ira->codegen, actual_type, true); // if (types_match_const_cast_only(ira, wanted_type, const_ptr_actual, source_node, false).id == ConstCastResultIdOk) { // return ir_analyze_cast_ref(ira, source_instr, value, wanted_type); // } //} try ira.addCompileError( source_instr.span, "expected type '{}', found '{}'",,, ); //ErrorMsg *parent_msg = ir_add_error_node(ira, source_instr->source_node, // buf_sprintf("expected type '%s', found '%s'", // buf_ptr(&wanted_type->name), // buf_ptr(&actual_type->name))); //report_recursive_error(ira, source_instr->source_node, &const_cast_result, parent_msg); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; } fn getCompTimeValOrNullUndefOk(self: *Analyze, target: *Inst) ?*Value { @panic("TODO"); } fn getCompTimeRef( self: *Analyze, value: *Value, ptr_mut: Value.Ptr.Mut, mut: Type.Pointer.Mut, volatility: Type.Pointer.Vol, ) Analyze.Error!*Inst { return error.Unimplemented; } }; pub async fn gen( comp: *Compilation, body_node: *ast.Node, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, ) !*Code { var irb = try Builder.init(comp, tree_scope, scope); errdefer irb.abort(); const entry_block = try irb.createBasicBlock(scope, c"Entry"); entry_block.ref(&irb); // Entry block gets a reference because we enter it to begin. try irb.setCursorAtEndAndAppendBlock(entry_block); const result = try irb.genNode(body_node, scope, .None); if (!result.isNoReturn()) { // no need for save_err_ret_addr because this cannot return error _ = try irb.genAsyncReturn(scope, Span.token(body_node.lastToken()), result, true); } return irb.finish(); } pub async fn analyze(comp: *Compilation, old_code: *Code, expected_type: ?*Type) !*Code { const old_entry_bb =; var ira = try Analyze.init(comp, old_code.tree_scope, expected_type); errdefer ira.abort(); const new_entry_bb = try ira.getNewBasicBlock(old_entry_bb, null); new_entry_bb.ref(&ira.irb); ira.irb.current_basic_block = new_entry_bb; ira.startBasicBlock(old_entry_bb, null); while (ira.old_bb_index < old_code.basic_block_list.len) { const old_instruction =; if (old_instruction.ref_count == 0 and !old_instruction.hasSideEffects()) { ira.instruction_index += 1; continue; } const return_inst = try old_instruction.analyze(&ira); assert(return_inst.val != IrVal.Unknown); // at least the type should be known at this point return_inst.linkToParent(old_instruction); // Note: if we ever modify the above to handle error.CompileError by continuing analysis, // then here we want to check if ira.isCompTime() and return early if true if (return_inst.isNoReturn()) { try ira.finishBasicBlock(old_code); continue; } ira.instruction_index += 1; } if (ira.src_implicit_return_type_list.len == 0) { ira.irb.code.return_type = &Type.NoReturn.get(comp).base; return ira.irb.finish(); } ira.irb.code.return_type = try ira.resolvePeerTypes(expected_type, ira.src_implicit_return_type_list.toSliceConst()); return ira.irb.finish(); }