const std = @import("std"); const Scope = @import("scope.zig").Scope; const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation; const ObjectFile = @import("codegen.zig").ObjectFile; const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const Buffer = std.Buffer; const assert = std.debug.assert; /// Values are ref-counted, heap-allocated, and copy-on-write /// If there is only 1 ref then write need not copy pub const Value = struct { id: Id, typ: *Type, ref_count: std.atomic.Int(usize), /// Thread-safe pub fn ref(base: *Value) void { _ = base.ref_count.incr(); } /// Thread-safe pub fn deref(base: *Value, comp: *Compilation) void { if (base.ref_count.decr() == 1) { base.typ.base.deref(comp); switch ( { .Type => @fieldParentPtr(Type, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Fn => @fieldParentPtr(Fn, "base", base).destroy(comp), .FnProto => @fieldParentPtr(FnProto, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Void => @fieldParentPtr(Void, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Bool => @fieldParentPtr(Bool, "base", base).destroy(comp), .NoReturn => @fieldParentPtr(NoReturn, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Ptr => @fieldParentPtr(Ptr, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Int => @fieldParentPtr(Int, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Array => @fieldParentPtr(Array, "base", base).destroy(comp), } } } pub fn setType(base: *Value, new_type: *Type, comp: *Compilation) void { base.typ.base.deref(comp); new_type.base.ref(); base.typ = new_type; } pub fn getRef(base: *Value) *Value { base.ref(); return base; } pub fn cast(base: *Value, comptime T: type) ?*T { if ( != @field(Id, @typeName(T))) return null; return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base); } pub fn dump(base: *const Value) void { std.debug.warn("{}", @tagName(; } pub fn getLlvmConst(base: *Value, ofile: *ObjectFile) (error{OutOfMemory}!?*llvm.Value) { switch ( { .Type => unreachable, .Fn => return @fieldParentPtr(Fn, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), .FnProto => return @fieldParentPtr(FnProto, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), .Void => return null, .Bool => return @fieldParentPtr(Bool, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), .NoReturn => unreachable, .Ptr => return @fieldParentPtr(Ptr, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), .Int => return @fieldParentPtr(Int, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), .Array => return @fieldParentPtr(Array, "base", base).getLlvmConst(ofile), } } pub fn derefAndCopy(self: *Value, comp: *Compilation) (error{OutOfMemory}!*Value) { if (self.ref_count.get() == 1) { // ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) return self; } assert(self.ref_count.decr() != 1); return self.copy(comp); } pub fn copy(base: *Value, comp: *Compilation) (error{OutOfMemory}!*Value) { switch ( { .Type => unreachable, .Fn => unreachable, .FnProto => unreachable, .Void => unreachable, .Bool => unreachable, .NoReturn => unreachable, .Ptr => unreachable, .Array => unreachable, .Int => return &(try @fieldParentPtr(Int, "base", base).copy(comp)).base, } } pub const Parent = union(enum) { None, BaseStruct: BaseStruct, BaseArray: BaseArray, BaseUnion: *Value, BaseScalar: *Value, pub const BaseStruct = struct { val: *Value, field_index: usize, }; pub const BaseArray = struct { val: *Value, elem_index: usize, }; }; pub const Id = enum { Type, Fn, Void, Bool, NoReturn, Array, Ptr, Int, FnProto, }; pub const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; pub const FnProto = struct { base: Value, /// The main external name that is used in the .o file. /// TODO symbol_name: Buffer, pub fn create(comp: *Compilation, fn_type: *Type.Fn, symbol_name: Buffer) !*FnProto { const self = try comp.gpa().create(FnProto); self.* = FnProto{ .base = Value{ .id = .FnProto, .typ = &fn_type.base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .symbol_name = symbol_name, }; fn_type.base.base.ref(); return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *FnProto, comp: *Compilation) void { self.symbol_name.deinit(); comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *FnProto, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { const llvm_fn_type = try self.base.typ.getLlvmType(ofile.arena, ofile.context); const llvm_fn = llvm.AddFunction( ofile.module, self.symbol_name.ptr(), llvm_fn_type, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; // TODO port more logic from codegen.cpp:fn_llvm_value return llvm_fn; } }; pub const Fn = struct { base: Value, /// The main external name that is used in the .o file. /// TODO symbol_name: Buffer, /// parent should be the top level decls or container decls fndef_scope: *Scope.FnDef, /// parent is scope for last parameter child_scope: *Scope, /// parent is child_scope block_scope: ?*Scope.Block, /// Path to the object file that contains this function containing_object: Buffer, link_set_node: *std.TailQueue(?*Value.Fn).Node, /// Creates a Fn value with 1 ref /// Takes ownership of symbol_name pub fn create(comp: *Compilation, fn_type: *Type.Fn, fndef_scope: *Scope.FnDef, symbol_name: Buffer) !*Fn { const link_set_node = try comp.gpa().create(Compilation.FnLinkSet.Node); link_set_node.* = Compilation.FnLinkSet.Node{ .data = null, .next = undefined, .prev = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(link_set_node); const self = try comp.gpa().create(Fn); self.* = Fn{ .base = Value{ .id = .Fn, .typ = &fn_type.base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .fndef_scope = fndef_scope, .child_scope = &fndef_scope.base, .block_scope = null, .symbol_name = symbol_name, .containing_object = Buffer.initNull(comp.gpa()), .link_set_node = link_set_node, }; fn_type.base.base.ref(); fndef_scope.fn_val = self; fndef_scope.base.ref(); return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *Fn, comp: *Compilation) void { // remove with a tombstone so that we do not have to grab a lock if ( != null) { // it's now the job of the link step to find this tombstone and // deallocate it. = null; } else { comp.gpa().destroy(self.link_set_node); } self.containing_object.deinit(); self.fndef_scope.base.deref(comp); self.symbol_name.deinit(); comp.gpa().destroy(self); } /// We know that the function definition will end up in an .o file somewhere. /// Here, all we have to do is generate a global prototype. /// TODO cache the prototype per ObjectFile pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *Fn, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { const llvm_fn_type = try self.base.typ.getLlvmType(ofile.arena, ofile.context); const llvm_fn = llvm.AddFunction( ofile.module, self.symbol_name.ptr(), llvm_fn_type, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; // TODO port more logic from codegen.cpp:fn_llvm_value return llvm_fn; } }; pub const Void = struct { base: Value, pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *Void { comp.void_value.base.ref(); return comp.void_value; } pub fn destroy(self: *Void, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Bool = struct { base: Value, x: bool, pub fn get(comp: *Compilation, x: bool) *Bool { if (x) { comp.true_value.base.ref(); return comp.true_value; } else { comp.false_value.base.ref(); return comp.false_value; } } pub fn destroy(self: *Bool, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *Bool, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { const llvm_type = llvm.Int1TypeInContext(ofile.context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; if (self.x) { return llvm.ConstAllOnes(llvm_type); } else { return llvm.ConstNull(llvm_type); } } }; pub const NoReturn = struct { base: Value, pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *NoReturn { comp.noreturn_value.base.ref(); return comp.noreturn_value; } pub fn destroy(self: *NoReturn, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Ptr = struct { base: Value, special: Special, mut: Mut, pub const Mut = enum { CompTimeConst, CompTimeVar, RunTime, }; pub const Special = union(enum) { Scalar: *Value, BaseArray: BaseArray, BaseStruct: BaseStruct, HardCodedAddr: u64, Discard, }; pub const BaseArray = struct { val: *Value, elem_index: usize, }; pub const BaseStruct = struct { val: *Value, field_index: usize, }; pub async fn createArrayElemPtr( comp: *Compilation, array_val: *Array, mut: Type.Pointer.Mut, size: Type.Pointer.Size, elem_index: usize, ) !*Ptr { array_val.base.ref(); errdefer array_val.base.deref(comp); const elem_type = array_val.base.typ.cast(Type.Array).?.key.elem_type; const ptr_type = try Type.Pointer.get(comp, Type.Pointer.Key{ .child_type = elem_type, .mut = mut, .vol = Type.Pointer.Vol.Non, .size = size, .alignment = Type.Pointer.Align.Abi, }); var ptr_type_consumed = false; errdefer if (!ptr_type_consumed) ptr_type.base.base.deref(comp); const self = try comp.gpa().create(Value.Ptr); self.* = Value.Ptr{ .base = Value{ .id = .Ptr, .typ = &ptr_type.base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .special = Special{ .BaseArray = BaseArray{ .val = &array_val.base, .elem_index = 0, }, }, .mut = Mut.CompTimeConst, }; ptr_type_consumed = true; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *Ptr, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *Ptr, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { const llvm_type = self.base.typ.getLlvmType(ofile.arena, ofile.context); // TODO carefully port the logic from codegen.cpp:gen_const_val_ptr switch (self.special) { .Scalar => |scalar| @panic("TODO"), .BaseArray => |base_array| { // TODO put this in one .o file only, and after that, generate extern references to it const array_llvm_value = (try base_array.val.getLlvmConst(ofile)).?; const ptr_bit_count = ofile.comp.target_ptr_bits; const usize_llvm_type = llvm.IntTypeInContext(ofile.context, ptr_bit_count) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; const indices = [_]*llvm.Value{ llvm.ConstNull(usize_llvm_type) orelse return error.OutOfMemory, llvm.ConstInt(usize_llvm_type, base_array.elem_index, 0) orelse return error.OutOfMemory, }; return llvm.ConstInBoundsGEP( array_llvm_value, &indices, @intCast(c_uint, indices.len), ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; }, .BaseStruct => |base_struct| @panic("TODO"), .HardCodedAddr => |addr| @panic("TODO"), .Discard => unreachable, } } }; pub const Array = struct { base: Value, special: Special, pub const Special = union(enum) { Undefined, OwnedBuffer: []u8, Explicit: Data, }; pub const Data = struct { parent: Parent, elements: []*Value, }; /// Takes ownership of buffer pub async fn createOwnedBuffer(comp: *Compilation, buffer: []u8) !*Array { const u8_type = Type.Int.get_u8(comp); defer u8_type.base.base.deref(comp); const array_type = try Type.Array.get(comp, Type.Array.Key{ .elem_type = &u8_type.base, .len = buffer.len, }); errdefer array_type.base.base.deref(comp); const self = try comp.gpa().create(Value.Array); self.* = Value.Array{ .base = Value{ .id = .Array, .typ = &array_type.base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .special = Special{ .OwnedBuffer = buffer }, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *Array, comp: *Compilation) void { switch (self.special) { .Undefined => {}, .OwnedBuffer => |buf| { comp.gpa().free(buf); }, .Explicit => {}, } comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *Array, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { switch (self.special) { .Undefined => { const llvm_type = try self.base.typ.getLlvmType(ofile.arena, ofile.context); return llvm.GetUndef(llvm_type); }, .OwnedBuffer => |buf| { const dont_null_terminate = 1; const llvm_str_init = llvm.ConstStringInContext( ofile.context, buf.ptr, @intCast(c_uint, buf.len), dont_null_terminate, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; const str_init_type = llvm.TypeOf(llvm_str_init); const global = llvm.AddGlobal(ofile.module, str_init_type, c"") orelse return error.OutOfMemory; llvm.SetInitializer(global, llvm_str_init); llvm.SetLinkage(global, llvm.PrivateLinkage); llvm.SetGlobalConstant(global, 1); llvm.SetUnnamedAddr(global, 1); llvm.SetAlignment(global, llvm.ABIAlignmentOfType(ofile.comp.target_data_ref, str_init_type)); return global; }, .Explicit => @panic("TODO"), } //{ // uint64_t len = type_entry->data.array.len; // if (const_val->data.x_array.special == ConstArraySpecialUndef) { // return LLVMGetUndef(type_entry->type_ref); // } // LLVMValueRef *values = allocate(len); // LLVMTypeRef element_type_ref = type_entry->data.array.child_type->type_ref; // bool make_unnamed_struct = false; // for (uint64_t i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { // ConstExprValue *elem_value = &const_val->data.x_array.s_none.elements[i]; // LLVMValueRef val = gen_const_val(g, elem_value, ""); // values[i] = val; // make_unnamed_struct = make_unnamed_struct || is_llvm_value_unnamed_type(elem_value->type, val); // } // if (make_unnamed_struct) { // return LLVMConstStruct(values, len, true); // } else { // return LLVMConstArray(element_type_ref, values, (unsigned)len); // } //} } }; pub const Int = struct { base: Value, big_int: std.math.big.Int, pub fn createFromString(comp: *Compilation, typ: *Type, base: u8, value: []const u8) !*Int { const self = try comp.gpa().create(Value.Int); self.* = Value.Int{ .base = Value{ .id = .Int, .typ = typ, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .big_int = undefined, }; typ.base.ref(); errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); self.big_int = try std.math.big.Int.init(comp.gpa()); errdefer self.big_int.deinit(); try self.big_int.setString(base, value); return self; } pub fn getLlvmConst(self: *Int, ofile: *ObjectFile) !?*llvm.Value { switch ( { .Int => { const type_ref = try self.base.typ.getLlvmType(ofile.arena, ofile.context); if (self.big_int.len() == 0) { return llvm.ConstNull(type_ref); } const unsigned_val = if (self.big_int.len() == 1) blk: { break :blk llvm.ConstInt(type_ref, self.big_int.limbs[0], @boolToInt(false)); } else if (@sizeOf(std.math.big.Limb) == @sizeOf(u64)) blk: { break :blk llvm.ConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision( type_ref, @intCast(c_uint, self.big_int.len()), @ptrCast([*]u64, self.big_int.limbs.ptr), ); } else { @compileError("std.math.Big.Int.Limb size does not match LLVM"); }; return if (self.big_int.isPositive()) unsigned_val else llvm.ConstNeg(unsigned_val); }, .ComptimeInt => unreachable, else => unreachable, } } pub fn copy(old: *Int, comp: *Compilation) !*Int { old.base.typ.base.ref(); errdefer old.base.typ.base.deref(comp); const new = try comp.gpa().create(Value.Int); new.* = Value.Int{ .base = Value{ .id = .Int, .typ = old.base.typ, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .big_int = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(new); new.big_int = try old.big_int.clone(); errdefer new.big_int.deinit(); return new; } pub fn destroy(self: *Int, comp: *Compilation) void { self.big_int.deinit(); comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; };