const assert = @import("debug.zig").assert; pub const Cmp = enum { Equal, Greater, Less, }; pub fn min(x: var, y: var) -> @typeOf(x + y) { if (x < y) x else y } pub fn max(x: var, y: var) -> @typeOf(x + y) { if (x > y) x else y } error Overflow; pub fn mulOverflow(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@mulWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } pub fn addOverflow(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@addWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } pub fn subOverflow(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@subWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } pub fn shlOverflow(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } pub fn log(comptime base: usize, value: var) -> @typeOf(value) { const T = @typeOf(value); if (@isInteger(T)) { if (base == 2) { return T.bit_count - 1 - @clz(value); } else { @compileError("TODO implement log for non base 2 integers"); } } else if (@isFloat(T)) { @compileError("TODO implement log for floats"); } else { @compileError("log expects integer or float, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); } } /// x must be an integer or a float /// Note that this causes undefined behavior if /// @typeOf(x).is_signed && x == @minValue(@typeOf(x)). pub fn abs(x: var) -> @typeOf(x) { const T = @typeOf(x); if (@isInteger(T)) { return if (x < 0) -x else x; } else if (@isFloat(T)) { @compileError("TODO implement abs for floats"); } else { @unreachable(); } } fn getReturnTypeForAbs(comptime T: type) -> type { if (@isInteger(T)) { return @intType(false, T.bit_count); } else { return T; } } fn testMath() { @setFnTest(this); testMathImpl(); comptime testMathImpl(); } fn testMathImpl() { assert(%%mulOverflow(i32, 3, 4) == 12); assert(%%addOverflow(i32, 3, 4) == 7); assert(%%subOverflow(i32, 3, 4) == -1); assert(%%shlOverflow(i32, 0b11, 4) == 0b110000); }