const std = @import("../std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Lock = std.event.Lock; /// This is a value that starts out unavailable, until resolve() is called /// While it is unavailable, functions suspend when they try to get() it, /// and then are resumed when resolve() is called. /// At this point the value remains forever available, and another resolve() is not allowed. pub fn Future(comptime T: type) type { return struct { lock: Lock, data: T, available: Available, const Available = enum(u8) { NotStarted, Started, Finished, }; const Self = @This(); const Queue = std.atomic.Queue(anyframe); pub fn init() Self { return Self{ .lock = Lock.initLocked(), .available = .NotStarted, .data = undefined, }; } /// Obtain the value. If it's not available, wait until it becomes /// available. /// Thread-safe. pub async fn get(self: *Self) *T { if (@atomicLoad(Available, &self.available, .SeqCst) == .Finished) { return &; } const held = self.lock.acquire(); held.release(); return &; } /// Gets the data without waiting for it. If it's available, a pointer is /// returned. Otherwise, null is returned. pub fn getOrNull(self: *Self) ?*T { if (@atomicLoad(Available, &self.available, .SeqCst) == .Finished) { return &; } else { return null; } } /// If someone else has started working on the data, wait for them to complete /// and return a pointer to the data. Otherwise, return null, and the caller /// should start working on the data. /// It's not required to call start() before resolve() but it can be useful since /// this method is thread-safe. pub async fn start(self: *Self) ?*T { const state = @cmpxchgStrong(Available, &self.available, .NotStarted, .Started, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) orelse return null; switch (state) { .Started => { const held = self.lock.acquire(); held.release(); return &; }, .Finished => return &, else => unreachable, } } /// Make the data become available. May be called only once. /// Before calling this, modify the `data` property. pub fn resolve(self: *Self) void { const prev = @atomicRmw(Available, &self.available, .Xchg, .Finished, .SeqCst); assert(prev != .Finished); // resolve() called twice Lock.Held.release(Lock.Held{ .lock = &self.lock }); } }; } test "std.event.Future" { // if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest; // if (builtin.os == .freebsd) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO provide a way to run tests in evented I/O mode if (! return error.SkipZigTest; const handle = async testFuture(); } fn testFuture() void { var future = Future(i32).init(); var a = async waitOnFuture(&future); var b = async waitOnFuture(&future); resolveFuture(&future); const result = (await a) + (await b); testing.expect(result == 12); } fn waitOnFuture(future: *Future(i32)) i32 { return future.get().*; } fn resolveFuture(future: *Future(i32)) void { = 6; future.resolve(); }