// This is Zig code that is used by both stage1 and stage2. // The prototypes in src/userland.h must match these definitions. const std = @import("std"); // ABI warning export fn stage2_zen(ptr: *[*]const u8, len: *usize) void { const info_zen = @import("main.zig").info_zen; ptr.* = &info_zen; len.* = info_zen.len; } // ABI warning export fn stage2_panic(ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize) void { @panic(ptr[0..len]); } // ABI warning const TranslateMode = extern enum { import, translate, }; // ABI warning const Error = extern enum { None, OutOfMemory, InvalidFormat, SemanticAnalyzeFail, AccessDenied, Interrupted, SystemResources, FileNotFound, FileSystem, FileTooBig, DivByZero, Overflow, PathAlreadyExists, Unexpected, ExactDivRemainder, NegativeDenominator, ShiftedOutOneBits, CCompileErrors, EndOfFile, IsDir, NotDir, UnsupportedOperatingSystem, SharingViolation, PipeBusy, PrimitiveTypeNotFound, CacheUnavailable, PathTooLong, CCompilerCannotFindFile, ReadingDepFile, InvalidDepFile, MissingArchitecture, MissingOperatingSystem, UnknownArchitecture, UnknownOperatingSystem, UnknownABI, InvalidFilename, DiskQuota, DiskSpace, UnexpectedWriteFailure, UnexpectedSeekFailure, UnexpectedFileTruncationFailure, Unimplemented, OperationAborted, BrokenPipe, NoSpaceLeft, }; const FILE = std.c.FILE; const ast = std.zig.ast; const translate_c = @import("translate_c.zig"); /// Args should have a null terminating last arg. export fn stage2_translate_c( out_ast: **ast.Tree, out_errors_ptr: *[*]translate_c.ClangErrMsg, out_errors_len: *usize, args_begin: [*]?[*]const u8, args_end: [*]?[*]const u8, mode: TranslateMode, resources_path: [*]const u8, ) Error { var errors: []translate_c.ClangErrMsg = undefined; out_ast.* = translate_c.translate(std.heap.c_allocator, args_begin, args_end, switch (mode) { .import => translate_c.Mode.import, .translate => translate_c.Mode.translate, }, &errors, resources_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.SemanticAnalyzeFail => { out_errors_ptr.* = errors.ptr; out_errors_len.* = errors.len; return Error.CCompileErrors; }, error.OutOfMemory => return Error.OutOfMemory, }; return Error.None; } export fn stage2_free_clang_errors(errors_ptr: [*]translate_c.ClangErrMsg, errors_len: usize) void { translate_c.freeErrors(errors_ptr[0..errors_len]); } export fn stage2_render_ast(tree: *ast.Tree, output_file: *FILE) Error { const c_out_stream = &std.io.COutStream.init(output_file).stream; _ = std.zig.render(std.heap.c_allocator, c_out_stream, tree) catch |e| switch (e) { error.SystemResources => return Error.SystemResources, error.OperationAborted => return Error.OperationAborted, error.BrokenPipe => return Error.BrokenPipe, error.DiskQuota => return Error.DiskQuota, error.FileTooBig => return Error.FileTooBig, error.NoSpaceLeft => return Error.NoSpaceLeft, error.AccessDenied => return Error.AccessDenied, error.OutOfMemory => return Error.OutOfMemory, error.Unexpected => return Error.Unexpected, error.InputOutput => return Error.FileSystem, }; return Error.None; }