const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; test "bool literals" { try expect(true); try expect(!false); } test "cast bool to int" { const t = true; const f = false; try expect(@boolToInt(t) == @as(u32, 1)); try expect(@boolToInt(f) == @as(u32, 0)); try nonConstCastBoolToInt(t, f); } fn nonConstCastBoolToInt(t: bool, f: bool) !void { try expect(@boolToInt(t) == @as(u32, 1)); try expect(@boolToInt(f) == @as(u32, 0)); } test "bool cmp" { try expect(testBoolCmp(true, false) == false); } fn testBoolCmp(a: bool, b: bool) bool { return a == b; } const global_f = false; const global_t = true; const not_global_f = !global_f; const not_global_t = !global_t; test "compile time bool not" { try expect(not_global_f); try expect(!not_global_t); } test "short circuit" { try testShortCircuit(false, true); comptime try testShortCircuit(false, true); } fn testShortCircuit(f: bool, t: bool) !void { var hit_1 = f; var hit_2 = f; var hit_3 = f; var hit_4 = f; if (t or x: { try expect(f); break :x f; }) { hit_1 = t; } if (f or x: { hit_2 = t; break :x f; }) { try expect(f); } if (t and x: { hit_3 = t; break :x f; }) { try expect(f); } if (f and x: { try expect(f); break :x f; }) { try expect(f); } else { hit_4 = t; } try expect(hit_1); try expect(hit_2); try expect(hit_3); try expect(hit_4); }