const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; const mem = @import("std").mem; const cstr = @import("std").cstr; const builtin = @import("builtin"); // normal comment /// this is a documentation comment /// doc comment line 2 fn emptyFunctionWithComments() void {} test "empty function with comments" { emptyFunctionWithComments(); } comptime { @export("disabledExternFn", disabledExternFn, builtin.GlobalLinkage.Internal); } extern fn disabledExternFn() void { } test "call disabled extern fn" { disabledExternFn(); } test "@IntType builtin" { assert(@IntType(true, 8) == i8); assert(@IntType(true, 16) == i16); assert(@IntType(true, 32) == i32); assert(@IntType(true, 64) == i64); assert(@IntType(false, 8) == u8); assert(@IntType(false, 16) == u16); assert(@IntType(false, 32) == u32); assert(@IntType(false, 64) == u64); assert(i8.bit_count == 8); assert(i16.bit_count == 16); assert(i32.bit_count == 32); assert(i64.bit_count == 64); assert(i8.is_signed); assert(i16.is_signed); assert(i32.is_signed); assert(i64.is_signed); assert(isize.is_signed); assert(!u8.is_signed); assert(!u16.is_signed); assert(!u32.is_signed); assert(!u64.is_signed); assert(!usize.is_signed); } test "floating point primitive bit counts" { assert(f32.bit_count == 32); assert(f64.bit_count == 64); } const u1 = @IntType(false, 1); const u63 = @IntType(false, 63); const i1 = @IntType(true, 1); const i63 = @IntType(true, 63); test "@minValue and @maxValue" { assert(@maxValue(u1) == 1); assert(@maxValue(u8) == 255); assert(@maxValue(u16) == 65535); assert(@maxValue(u32) == 4294967295); assert(@maxValue(u64) == 18446744073709551615); assert(@maxValue(i1) == 0); assert(@maxValue(i8) == 127); assert(@maxValue(i16) == 32767); assert(@maxValue(i32) == 2147483647); assert(@maxValue(i63) == 4611686018427387903); assert(@maxValue(i64) == 9223372036854775807); assert(@minValue(u1) == 0); assert(@minValue(u8) == 0); assert(@minValue(u16) == 0); assert(@minValue(u32) == 0); assert(@minValue(u63) == 0); assert(@minValue(u64) == 0); assert(@minValue(i1) == -1); assert(@minValue(i8) == -128); assert(@minValue(i16) == -32768); assert(@minValue(i32) == -2147483648); assert(@minValue(i63) == -4611686018427387904); assert(@minValue(i64) == -9223372036854775808); } test "max value type" { // If the type of @maxValue(i32) was i32 then this implicit cast to // u32 would not work. But since the value is a number literal, // it works fine. const x: u32 = @maxValue(i32); assert(x == 2147483647); } test "short circuit" { testShortCircuit(false, true); comptime testShortCircuit(false, true); } fn testShortCircuit(f: bool, t: bool) void { var hit_1 = f; var hit_2 = f; var hit_3 = f; var hit_4 = f; if (t or x: {assert(f); break :x f;}) { hit_1 = t; } if (f or x: { hit_2 = t; break :x f; }) { assert(f); } if (t and x: { hit_3 = t; break :x f; }) { assert(f); } if (f and x: {assert(f); break :x f;}) { assert(f); } else { hit_4 = t; } assert(hit_1); assert(hit_2); assert(hit_3); assert(hit_4); } test "truncate" { assert(testTruncate(0x10fd) == 0xfd); } fn testTruncate(x: u32) u8 { return @truncate(u8, x); } fn first4KeysOfHomeRow() []const u8 { return "aoeu"; } test "return string from function" { assert(mem.eql(u8, first4KeysOfHomeRow(), "aoeu")); } const g1 : i32 = 1233 + 1; var g2 : i32 = 0; test "global variables" { assert(g2 == 0); g2 = g1; assert(g2 == 1234); } test "memcpy and memset intrinsics" { var foo : [20]u8 = undefined; var bar : [20]u8 = undefined; @memset(&foo[0], 'A', foo.len); @memcpy(&bar[0], &foo[0], bar.len); if (bar[11] != 'A') unreachable; } test "builtin static eval" { const x : i32 = comptime x: {break :x 1 + 2 + 3;}; assert(x == comptime 6); } test "slicing" { var array : [20]i32 = undefined; array[5] = 1234; var slice = array[5..10]; if (slice.len != 5) unreachable; const ptr = &slice[0]; if (ptr[0] != 1234) unreachable; var slice_rest = array[10..]; if (slice_rest.len != 10) unreachable; } test "constant equal function pointers" { const alias = emptyFn; assert(comptime x: {break :x emptyFn == alias;}); } fn emptyFn() void {} test "hex escape" { assert(mem.eql(u8, "\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f", "hello")); } test "string concatenation" { assert(mem.eql(u8, "OK" ++ " IT " ++ "WORKED", "OK IT WORKED")); } test "array mult operator" { assert(mem.eql(u8, "ab" ** 5, "ababababab")); } test "string escapes" { assert(mem.eql(u8, "\"", "\x22")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\'", "\x27")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\n", "\x0a")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\r", "\x0d")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\t", "\x09")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\\", "\x5c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, "\u1234\u0069", "\xe1\x88\xb4\x69")); } test "multiline string" { const s1 = \\one \\two) \\three ; const s2 = "one\ntwo)\nthree"; assert(mem.eql(u8, s1, s2)); } test "multiline C string" { const s1 = c\\one c\\two) c\\three ; const s2 = c"one\ntwo)\nthree"; assert(cstr.cmp(s1, s2) == 0); } test "type equality" { assert(&const u8 != &u8); } const global_a: i32 = 1234; const global_b: &const i32 = &global_a; const global_c: &const f32 = @ptrCast(&const f32, global_b); test "compile time global reinterpret" { const d = @ptrCast(&const i32, global_c); assert(*d == 1234); } test "explicit cast maybe pointers" { const a: ?&i32 = undefined; const b: ?&f32 = @ptrCast(?&f32, a); } test "generic malloc free" { const a = memAlloc(u8, 10) catch unreachable; memFree(u8, a); } var some_mem : [100]u8 = undefined; fn memAlloc(comptime T: type, n: usize) error![]T { return @ptrCast(&T, &some_mem[0])[0..n]; } fn memFree(comptime T: type, memory: []T) void { } test "cast undefined" { const array: [100]u8 = undefined; const slice = ([]const u8)(array); testCastUndefined(slice); } fn testCastUndefined(x: []const u8) void {} test "cast small unsigned to larger signed" { assert(castSmallUnsignedToLargerSigned1(200) == i16(200)); assert(castSmallUnsignedToLargerSigned2(9999) == i64(9999)); } fn castSmallUnsignedToLargerSigned1(x: u8) i16 { return x; } fn castSmallUnsignedToLargerSigned2(x: u16) i64 { return x; } test "implicit cast after unreachable" { assert(outer() == 1234); } fn inner() i32 { return 1234; } fn outer() i64 { return inner(); } test "pointer dereferencing" { var x = i32(3); const y = &x; *y += 1; assert(x == 4); assert(*y == 4); } test "call result of if else expression" { assert(mem.eql(u8, f2(true), "a")); assert(mem.eql(u8, f2(false), "b")); } fn f2(x: bool) []const u8 { return (if (x) fA else fB)(); } fn fA() []const u8 { return "a"; } fn fB() []const u8 { return "b"; } test "const expression eval handling of variables" { var x = true; while (x) { x = false; } } test "constant enum initialization with differing sizes" { test3_1(test3_foo); test3_2(test3_bar); } const Test3Foo = union(enum) { One: void, Two: f32, Three: Test3Point, }; const Test3Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32, }; const test3_foo = Test3Foo { .Three = Test3Point {.x = 3, .y = 4}}; const test3_bar = Test3Foo { .Two = 13}; fn test3_1(f: &const Test3Foo) void { switch (*f) { Test3Foo.Three => |pt| { assert(pt.x == 3); assert(pt.y == 4); }, else => unreachable, } } fn test3_2(f: &const Test3Foo) void { switch (*f) { Test3Foo.Two => |x| { assert(x == 13); }, else => unreachable, } } test "character literals" { assert('\'' == single_quote); } const single_quote = '\''; test "take address of parameter" { testTakeAddressOfParameter(12.34); } fn testTakeAddressOfParameter(f: f32) void { const f_ptr = &f; assert(*f_ptr == 12.34); } test "pointer comparison" { const a = ([]const u8)("a"); const b = &a; assert(ptrEql(b, b)); } fn ptrEql(a: &const []const u8, b: &const []const u8) bool { return a == b; } test "C string concatenation" { const a = c"OK" ++ c" IT " ++ c"WORKED"; const b = c"OK IT WORKED"; const len = cstr.len(b); const len_with_null = len + 1; {var i: u32 = 0; while (i < len_with_null) : (i += 1) { assert(a[i] == b[i]); }} assert(a[len] == 0); assert(b[len] == 0); } test "cast slice to u8 slice" { assert(@sizeOf(i32) == 4); var big_thing_array = []i32{1, 2, 3, 4}; const big_thing_slice: []i32 = big_thing_array[0..]; const bytes = ([]u8)(big_thing_slice); assert(bytes.len == 4 * 4); bytes[4] = 0; bytes[5] = 0; bytes[6] = 0; bytes[7] = 0; assert(big_thing_slice[1] == 0); const big_thing_again = ([]align(1) i32)(bytes); assert(big_thing_again[2] == 3); big_thing_again[2] = -1; assert(bytes[8] == @maxValue(u8)); assert(bytes[9] == @maxValue(u8)); assert(bytes[10] == @maxValue(u8)); assert(bytes[11] == @maxValue(u8)); } test "pointer to void return type" { testPointerToVoidReturnType() catch unreachable; } fn testPointerToVoidReturnType() error!void { const a = testPointerToVoidReturnType2(); return *a; } const test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x = void{}; fn testPointerToVoidReturnType2() &const void { return &test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x; } test "non const ptr to aliased type" { const int = i32; assert(?&int == ?&i32); } test "array 2D const double ptr" { const rect_2d_vertexes = [][1]f32 { []f32{1.0}, []f32{2.0}, }; testArray2DConstDoublePtr(&rect_2d_vertexes[0][0]); } fn testArray2DConstDoublePtr(ptr: &const f32) void { assert(ptr[0] == 1.0); assert(ptr[1] == 2.0); } const Tid = builtin.TypeId; const AStruct = struct { x: i32, }; const AnEnum = enum { One, Two, }; const AUnionEnum = union(enum) { One: i32, Two: void, }; const AUnion = union { One: void, Two: void }; test "@typeId" { comptime { assert(@typeId(type) == Tid.Type); assert(@typeId(void) == Tid.Void); assert(@typeId(bool) == Tid.Bool); assert(@typeId(noreturn) == Tid.NoReturn); assert(@typeId(i8) == Tid.Int); assert(@typeId(u8) == Tid.Int); assert(@typeId(i64) == Tid.Int); assert(@typeId(u64) == Tid.Int); assert(@typeId(f32) == Tid.Float); assert(@typeId(f64) == Tid.Float); assert(@typeId(&f32) == Tid.Pointer); assert(@typeId([2]u8) == Tid.Array); assert(@typeId(AStruct) == Tid.Struct); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(1)) == Tid.IntLiteral); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(1.0)) == Tid.FloatLiteral); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(undefined)) == Tid.UndefinedLiteral); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(null)) == Tid.NullLiteral); assert(@typeId(?i32) == Tid.Nullable); assert(@typeId(error!i32) == Tid.ErrorUnion); assert(@typeId(error) == Tid.ErrorSet); assert(@typeId(AnEnum) == Tid.Enum); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(AUnionEnum.One)) == Tid.Enum); assert(@typeId(AUnionEnum) == Tid.Union); assert(@typeId(AUnion) == Tid.Union); assert(@typeId(fn()void) == Tid.Fn); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(builtin)) == Tid.Namespace); assert(@typeId(@typeOf(x: {break :x this;})) == Tid.Block); // TODO bound fn // TODO arg tuple // TODO opaque } } test "@canImplicitCast" { comptime { assert(@canImplicitCast(i64, i32(3))); assert(!@canImplicitCast(i32, f32(1.234))); assert(@canImplicitCast([]const u8, "aoeu")); } } test "@typeName" { const Struct = struct { }; const Union = union { unused: u8, }; const Enum = enum { Unused, }; comptime { assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(i64), "i64")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(&usize), "&usize")); // assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(TypeFromFn(u8)), "TypeFromFn(u8)")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(Struct), "Struct")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(Union), "Union")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(Enum), "Enum")); } } fn TypeFromFn(comptime T: type) type { return struct {}; } test "volatile load and store" { var number: i32 = 1234; const ptr = (&volatile i32)(&number); *ptr += 1; assert(*ptr == 1235); } test "slice string literal has type []const u8" { comptime { assert(@typeOf("aoeu"[0..]) == []const u8); const array = []i32{1, 2, 3, 4}; assert(@typeOf(array[0..]) == []const i32); } } test "global variable initialized to global variable array element" { assert(global_ptr == &gdt[0]); } const GDTEntry = struct { field: i32, }; var gdt = []GDTEntry { GDTEntry {.field = 1}, GDTEntry {.field = 2}, }; var global_ptr = &gdt[0]; // can't really run this test but we can make sure it has no compile error // and generates code const vram = @intToPtr(&volatile u8, 0x20000000)[0..0x8000]; export fn writeToVRam() void { vram[0] = 'X'; } test "pointer child field" { assert((&u32).Child == u32); } const OpaqueA = @OpaqueType(); const OpaqueB = @OpaqueType(); test "@OpaqueType" { assert(&OpaqueA != &OpaqueB); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(OpaqueA), "OpaqueA")); assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(OpaqueB), "OpaqueB")); } test "variable is allowed to be a pointer to an opaque type" { var x: i32 = 1234; _ = hereIsAnOpaqueType(@ptrCast(&OpaqueA, &x)); } fn hereIsAnOpaqueType(ptr: &OpaqueA) &OpaqueA { var a = ptr; return a; } test "comptime if inside runtime while which unconditionally breaks" { testComptimeIfInsideRuntimeWhileWhichUnconditionallyBreaks(true); comptime testComptimeIfInsideRuntimeWhileWhichUnconditionallyBreaks(true); } fn testComptimeIfInsideRuntimeWhileWhichUnconditionallyBreaks(cond: bool) void { while (cond) { if (false) { } break; } } test "implicit comptime while" { while (false) { @compileError("bad"); } } test "struct inside function" { testStructInFn(); comptime testStructInFn(); } fn testStructInFn() void { const BlockKind = u32; const Block = struct { kind: BlockKind, }; var block = Block { .kind = 1234 }; block.kind += 1; assert(block.kind == 1235); } fn fnThatClosesOverLocalConst() type { const c = 1; return struct { fn g() i32 { return c; } }; } test "function closes over local const" { const x = fnThatClosesOverLocalConst().g(); assert(x == 1); } test "cold function" { thisIsAColdFn(); comptime thisIsAColdFn(); } fn thisIsAColdFn() void { @setCold(true); } const PackedStruct = packed struct { a: u8, b: u8, }; const PackedUnion = packed union { a: u8, b: u32, }; const PackedEnum = packed enum { A, B, }; test "packed struct, enum, union parameters in extern function" { testPackedStuff( PackedStruct{.a = 1, .b = 2}, PackedUnion{.a = 1}, PackedEnum.A, ); } export fn testPackedStuff(a: &const PackedStruct, b: &const PackedUnion, c: PackedEnum) void { } test "slicing zero length array" { const s1 = ""[0..]; const s2 = ([]u32{})[0..]; assert(s1.len == 0); assert(s2.len == 0); assert(mem.eql(u8, s1, "")); assert(mem.eql(u32, s2, []u32{})); }