const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation; const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const c = @import("c.zig"); const ir = @import("ir.zig"); const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const event = std.event; const assert = std.debug.assert; const DW = std.dwarf; pub async fn renderToLlvm(comp: *Compilation, fn_val: *Value.Fn, code: *ir.Code) !void { fn_val.base.ref(); defer fn_val.base.deref(comp); defer code.destroy(comp.gpa()); var output_path = try await (async comp.createRandomOutputPath( catch unreachable); errdefer output_path.deinit(); const llvm_handle = try comp.event_loop_local.getAnyLlvmContext(); defer llvm_handle.release(comp.event_loop_local); const context =; const module = llvm.ModuleCreateWithNameInContext(, context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeModule(module); llvm.SetTarget(module, comp.llvm_triple.ptr()); llvm.SetDataLayout(module, comp.target_layout_str); if ( == builtin.ObjectFormat.coff) { llvm.AddModuleCodeViewFlag(module); } else { llvm.AddModuleDebugInfoFlag(module); } const builder = llvm.CreateBuilderInContext(context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeBuilder(builder); const dibuilder = llvm.CreateDIBuilder(module, true) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeDIBuilder(dibuilder); // Don't use ZIG_VERSION_STRING here. LLVM misparses it when it includes // the git revision. const producer = try std.Buffer.allocPrint( &code.arena.allocator, "zig {}.{}.{}", u32(c.ZIG_VERSION_MAJOR), u32(c.ZIG_VERSION_MINOR), u32(c.ZIG_VERSION_PATCH), ); const flags = c""; const runtime_version = 0; const compile_unit_file = llvm.CreateFile( dibuilder,, comp.root_package.root_src_dir.ptr(), ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; const is_optimized = comp.build_mode != builtin.Mode.Debug; const compile_unit = llvm.CreateCompileUnit( dibuilder, DW.LANG_C99, compile_unit_file, producer.ptr(), is_optimized, flags, runtime_version, c"", 0, !comp.strip, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; var ofile = ObjectFile{ .comp = comp, .module = module, .builder = builder, .dibuilder = dibuilder, .context = context, .lock = event.Lock.init(comp.loop), }; try renderToLlvmModule(&ofile, fn_val, code); // TODO module level assembly //if (buf_len(&g->global_asm) != 0) { // LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(g->module, buf_ptr(&g->global_asm)); //} llvm.DIBuilderFinalize(dibuilder); if (comp.verbose_llvm_ir) { std.debug.warn("raw module:\n"); llvm.DumpModule(ofile.module); } // verify the llvm module when safety is on if (std.debug.runtime_safety) { var error_ptr: ?[*]u8 = null; _ = llvm.VerifyModule(ofile.module, llvm.AbortProcessAction, &error_ptr); } assert(comp.emit_file_type == Compilation.Emit.Binary); // TODO support other types const is_small = comp.build_mode == builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall; const is_debug = comp.build_mode == builtin.Mode.Debug; var err_msg: [*]u8 = undefined; // TODO integrate this with evented I/O if (llvm.TargetMachineEmitToFile( comp.target_machine, module, output_path.ptr(), llvm.EmitBinary, &err_msg, is_debug, is_small, )) { if (std.debug.runtime_safety) { std.debug.panic("unable to write object file {}: {s}\n", output_path.toSliceConst(), err_msg); } return error.WritingObjectFileFailed; } //validate_inline_fns(g); TODO fn_val.containing_object = output_path; if (comp.verbose_llvm_ir) { std.debug.warn("optimized module:\n"); llvm.DumpModule(ofile.module); } if (comp.verbose_link) { std.debug.warn("created {}\n", output_path.toSliceConst()); } } pub const ObjectFile = struct { comp: *Compilation, module: llvm.ModuleRef, builder: llvm.BuilderRef, dibuilder: *llvm.DIBuilder, context: llvm.ContextRef, lock: event.Lock, fn gpa(self: *ObjectFile) *std.mem.Allocator { return self.comp.gpa(); } }; pub fn renderToLlvmModule(ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: *Value.Fn, code: *ir.Code) !void { // TODO audit more of codegen.cpp:fn_llvm_value and port more logic const llvm_fn_type = try fn_val.base.typeof.getLlvmType(ofile); const llvm_fn = llvm.AddFunction( ofile.module, fn_val.symbol_name.ptr(), llvm_fn_type, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; const want_fn_safety =; if (want_fn_safety and ofile.comp.haveLibC()) { try addLLVMFnAttr(ofile, llvm_fn, "sspstrong"); try addLLVMFnAttrStr(ofile, llvm_fn, "stack-protector-buffer-size", "4"); } // TODO //if (fn_val.align_stack) |align_stack| { // try addLLVMFnAttrInt(ofile, llvm_fn, "alignstack", align_stack); //} const fn_type = fn_val.base.typeof.cast(Type.Fn).?; try addLLVMFnAttr(ofile, llvm_fn, "nounwind"); //add_uwtable_attr(g, fn_table_entry->llvm_value); try addLLVMFnAttr(ofile, llvm_fn, "nobuiltin"); //if (g->build_mode == BuildModeDebug && fn_table_entry->fn_inline != FnInlineAlways) { // ZigLLVMAddFunctionAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, "no-frame-pointer-elim", "true"); // ZigLLVMAddFunctionAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf", nullptr); //} //if (fn_table_entry->section_name) { // LLVMSetSection(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, buf_ptr(fn_table_entry->section_name)); //} //if (fn_table_entry->align_bytes > 0) { // LLVMSetAlignment(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, (unsigned)fn_table_entry->align_bytes); //} else { // // We'd like to set the best alignment for the function here, but on Darwin LLVM gives // // "Cannot getTypeInfo() on a type that is unsized!" assertion failure when calling // // any of the functions for getting alignment. Not specifying the alignment should // // use the ABI alignment, which is fine. //} //if (!type_has_bits(return_type)) { // // nothing to do //} else if (type_is_codegen_pointer(return_type)) { // addLLVMAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, 0, "nonnull"); //} else if (handle_is_ptr(return_type) && // calling_convention_does_first_arg_return(fn_type-> //{ // addLLVMArgAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, 0, "sret"); // addLLVMArgAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, 0, "nonnull"); //} // TODO set parameter attributes // TODO //uint32_t err_ret_trace_arg_index = get_err_ret_trace_arg_index(g, fn_table_entry); //if (err_ret_trace_arg_index != UINT32_MAX) { // addLLVMArgAttr(fn_table_entry->llvm_value, (unsigned)err_ret_trace_arg_index, "nonnull"); //} const cur_ret_ptr = if (fn_type.return_type.handleIsPtr()) llvm.GetParam(llvm_fn, 0) else null; // build all basic blocks for (code.basic_block_list.toSlice()) |bb| { bb.llvm_block = llvm.AppendBasicBlockInContext( ofile.context, llvm_fn, bb.name_hint, ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } const entry_bb =; llvm.PositionBuilderAtEnd(ofile.builder, entry_bb.llvm_block); llvm.ClearCurrentDebugLocation(ofile.builder); // TODO set up error return tracing // TODO allocate temporary stack values // TODO create debug variable declarations for variables and allocate all local variables // TODO finishing error return trace setup. we have to do this after all the allocas. // TODO create debug variable declarations for parameters for (code.basic_block_list.toSlice()) |current_block| { llvm.PositionBuilderAtEnd(ofile.builder, current_block.llvm_block); for (current_block.instruction_list.toSlice()) |instruction| { if (instruction.ref_count == 0 and !instruction.hasSideEffects()) continue; instruction.llvm_value = try instruction.render(ofile, fn_val); } current_block.llvm_exit_block = llvm.GetInsertBlock(ofile.builder); } } fn addLLVMAttr( ofile: *ObjectFile, val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_index: llvm.AttributeIndex, attr_name: []const u8, ) !void { const kind_id = llvm.GetEnumAttributeKindForName(attr_name.ptr, attr_name.len); assert(kind_id != 0); const llvm_attr = llvm.CreateEnumAttribute(ofile.context, kind_id, 0) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; llvm.AddAttributeAtIndex(val, attr_index, llvm_attr); } fn addLLVMAttrStr( ofile: *ObjectFile, val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_index: llvm.AttributeIndex, attr_name: []const u8, attr_val: []const u8, ) !void { const llvm_attr = llvm.CreateStringAttribute( ofile.context, attr_name.ptr, @intCast(c_uint, attr_name.len), attr_val.ptr, @intCast(c_uint, attr_val.len), ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; llvm.AddAttributeAtIndex(val, attr_index, llvm_attr); } fn addLLVMAttrInt( val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_index: llvm.AttributeIndex, attr_name: []const u8, attr_val: u64, ) !void { const kind_id = llvm.GetEnumAttributeKindForName(attr_name.ptr, attr_name.len); assert(kind_id != 0); const llvm_attr = llvm.CreateEnumAttribute(ofile.context, kind_id, attr_val) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; llvm.AddAttributeAtIndex(val, attr_index, llvm_attr); } fn addLLVMFnAttr(ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_name: []const u8) !void { return addLLVMAttr(ofile, fn_val, @maxValue(llvm.AttributeIndex), attr_name); } fn addLLVMFnAttrStr(ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_name: []const u8, attr_val: []const u8) !void { return addLLVMAttrStr(ofile, fn_val, @maxValue(llvm.AttributeIndex), attr_name, attr_val); } fn addLLVMFnAttrInt(ofile: *ObjectFile, fn_val: llvm.ValueRef, attr_name: []const u8, attr_val: u64) !void { return addLLVMAttrInt(ofile, fn_val, @maxValue(llvm.AttributeIndex), attr_name, attr_val); }