// REQUIRES: aarch64 // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=aarch64-none-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \ // RUN: .text1 0x10000 : { *(.text.01) *(.text.02) *(.text.03) } \ // RUN: .text2 0x8010000 : { *(.text.04) } } " > %t.script // RUN: ld.lld --script %t.script -fix-cortex-a53-843419 -verbose %t.o -o %t2 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PRINT %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -triple=aarch64-linux-gnu -d %t2 | FileCheck %s // %t2 is 128 Megabytes, so delete it early. // RUN: rm %t2 // Test cases for Cortex-A53 Erratum 843419 that involve interactions with // range extension thunks. Both erratum fixes and range extension thunks need // precise address information and after creation alter address information. .section .text.01, "ax", %progbits .balign 4096 .globl _start .type _start, %function _start: bl far_away // Thunk to far_away, size 16-bytes goes here. .section .text.02, "ax", %progbits .space 4096 - 28 // Erratum sequence will only line up at address 0 modulo 0xffc when // Thunk is inserted. .section .text.03, "ax", %progbits .globl t3_ff8_ldr .type t3_ff8_ldr, %function t3_ff8_ldr: adrp x0, dat ldr x1, [x1, #0] ldr x0, [x0, :got_lo12:dat] ret // CHECK-PRINT: detected cortex-a53-843419 erratum sequence starting at 10FFC in unpatched output. // CHECK: t3_ff8_ldr: // CHECK-NEXT: 10ffc: 00 00 04 90 adrp x0, #134217728 // CHECK-NEXT: 11000: 21 00 40 f9 ldr x1, [x1] // CHECK-NEXT: 11004: 02 00 00 14 b #8 // CHECK-NEXT: 11008: c0 03 5f d6 ret // CHECK: __CortexA53843419_11004: // CHECK-NEXT: 1100c: 00 08 40 f9 ldr x0, [x0, #16] // CHECK-NEXT: 11010: fe ff ff 17 b #-8 .section .text.04, "ax", %progbits .globl far_away .type far_away, function far_away: ret .section .data .globl dat dat: .quad 0