const std = @import("index.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Os = builtin.Os; const c = std.c; const math = std.math; const debug = std.debug; const assert = debug.assert; const os = std.os; const mem = std.mem; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const fmt = std.fmt; const File = std.os.File; const is_posix = builtin.os !=; const is_windows = builtin.os ==; const GetStdIoErrs = os.WindowsGetStdHandleErrs; pub fn getStdErr() GetStdIoErrs!File { const handle = if (is_windows) try os.windowsGetStdHandle( else if (is_posix) os.posix.STDERR_FILENO else unreachable; return File.openHandle(handle); } pub fn getStdOut() GetStdIoErrs!File { const handle = if (is_windows) try os.windowsGetStdHandle( else if (is_posix) os.posix.STDOUT_FILENO else unreachable; return File.openHandle(handle); } pub fn getStdIn() GetStdIoErrs!File { const handle = if (is_windows) try os.windowsGetStdHandle( else if (is_posix) os.posix.STDIN_FILENO else unreachable; return File.openHandle(handle); } pub fn InStream(comptime ReadError: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Error = ReadError; /// Return the number of bytes read. If the number read is smaller than buf.len, it /// means the stream reached the end. Reaching the end of a stream is not an error /// condition. readFn: fn (self: *Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize, /// Replaces `buffer` contents by reading from the stream until it is finished. /// If `buffer.len()` would exceed `max_size`, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned and /// the contents read from the stream are lost. pub fn readAllBuffer(self: *Self, buffer: *Buffer, max_size: usize) !void { try buffer.resize(0); var actual_buf_len: usize = 0; while (true) { const dest_slice = buffer.toSlice()[actual_buf_len..]; const bytes_read = try self.readFull(dest_slice); actual_buf_len += bytes_read; if (bytes_read != dest_slice.len) { buffer.shrink(actual_buf_len); return; } const new_buf_size = math.min(max_size, actual_buf_len + os.page_size); if (new_buf_size == actual_buf_len) return error.StreamTooLong; try buffer.resize(new_buf_size); } } /// Allocates enough memory to hold all the contents of the stream. If the allocated /// memory would be greater than `max_size`, returns `error.StreamTooLong`. /// Caller owns returned memory. /// If this function returns an error, the contents from the stream read so far are lost. pub fn readAllAlloc(self: *Self, allocator: *mem.Allocator, max_size: usize) ![]u8 { var buf = Buffer.initNull(allocator); defer buf.deinit(); try self.readAllBuffer(&buf, max_size); return buf.toOwnedSlice(); } /// Replaces `buffer` contents by reading from the stream until `delimiter` is found. /// Does not include the delimiter in the result. /// If `buffer.len()` would exceed `max_size`, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned and the contents /// read from the stream so far are lost. pub fn readUntilDelimiterBuffer(self: *Self, buffer: *Buffer, delimiter: u8, max_size: usize) !void { try buffer.resize(0); while (true) { var byte: u8 = try self.readByte(); if (byte == delimiter) { return; } if (buffer.len() == max_size) { return error.StreamTooLong; } try buffer.appendByte(byte); } } /// Allocates enough memory to read until `delimiter`. If the allocated /// memory would be greater than `max_size`, returns `error.StreamTooLong`. /// Caller owns returned memory. /// If this function returns an error, the contents from the stream read so far are lost. pub fn readUntilDelimiterAlloc(self: *Self, allocator: *mem.Allocator, delimiter: u8, max_size: usize) ![]u8 { var buf = Buffer.initNull(allocator); defer buf.deinit(); try self.readUntilDelimiterBuffer(&buf, delimiter, max_size); return buf.toOwnedSlice(); } /// Returns the number of bytes read. It may be less than buffer.len. /// If the number of bytes read is 0, it means end of stream. /// End of stream is not an error condition. pub fn read(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize { return self.readFn(self, buffer); } /// Returns the number of bytes read. If the number read is smaller than buf.len, it /// means the stream reached the end. Reaching the end of a stream is not an error /// condition. pub fn readFull(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize { var index: usize = 0; while (index != buffer.len) { const amt = try[index..]); if (amt == 0) return index; index += amt; } return index; } /// Same as `readFull` but end of stream returns `error.EndOfStream`. pub fn readNoEof(self: *Self, buf: []u8) !void { const amt_read = try; if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.EndOfStream; } /// Reads 1 byte from the stream or returns `error.EndOfStream`. pub fn readByte(self: *Self) !u8 { var result: [1]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(result[0..]); return result[0]; } /// Same as `readByte` except the returned byte is signed. pub fn readByteSigned(self: *Self) !i8 { return @bitCast(i8, try self.readByte()); } /// Reads a native-endian integer pub fn readIntNe(self: *Self, comptime T: type) !T { return self.readInt(builtin.endian, T); } pub fn readIntLe(self: *Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntLE(T, bytes); } pub fn readIntBe(self: *Self, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readIntBE(T, bytes); } pub fn readInt(self: *Self, endian: builtin.Endian, comptime T: type) !T { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; try self.readNoEof(bytes[0..]); return mem.readInt(bytes, T, endian); } pub fn readVarInt(self: *Self, endian: builtin.Endian, comptime T: type, size: usize) !T { assert(size <= @sizeOf(T)); assert(size <= 8); var input_buf: [8]u8 = undefined; const input_slice = input_buf[0..size]; try self.readNoEof(input_slice); return mem.readInt(input_slice, T, endian); } pub fn skipBytes(self: *Self, num_bytes: usize) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < num_bytes) : (i += 1) { _ = try self.readByte(); } } pub fn readStruct(self: *Self, comptime T: type) !T { // Only extern and packed structs have defined in-memory layout. comptime assert(@typeInfo(T).Struct.layout != builtin.TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Auto); var res: [1]T = undefined; try self.readNoEof(@sliceToBytes(res[0..])); return res[0]; } }; } pub fn OutStream(comptime WriteError: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Error = WriteError; writeFn: fn (self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!void, pub fn print(self: *Self, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) Error!void { return std.fmt.format(self, Error, self.writeFn, format, args); } pub fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!void { return self.writeFn(self, bytes); } pub fn writeByte(self: *Self, byte: u8) Error!void { const slice = (*[1]u8)(&byte)[0..]; return self.writeFn(self, slice); } pub fn writeByteNTimes(self: *Self, byte: u8, n: usize) Error!void { const slice = (*[1]u8)(&byte)[0..]; var i: usize = 0; while (i < n) : (i += 1) { try self.writeFn(self, slice); } } /// Write a native-endian integer. pub fn writeIntNe(self: *Self, comptime T: type, value: T) Error!void { return self.writeInt(builtin.endian, T, value); } pub fn writeIntLe(self: *Self, comptime T: type, value: T) Error!void { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; mem.writeIntLE(T, &bytes, value); return self.writeFn(self, bytes); } pub fn writeIntBe(self: *Self, comptime T: type, value: T) Error!void { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; mem.writeIntBE(T, &bytes, value); return self.writeFn(self, bytes); } pub fn writeInt(self: *Self, endian: builtin.Endian, comptime T: type, value: T) Error!void { var bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined; mem.writeInt(bytes[0..], value, endian); return self.writeFn(self, bytes); } }; } pub fn writeFile(path: []const u8, data: []const u8) !void { var file = try File.openWrite(path); defer file.close(); try file.write(data); } /// On success, caller owns returned buffer. pub fn readFileAlloc(allocator: *mem.Allocator, path: []const u8) ![]u8 { return readFileAllocAligned(allocator, path, @alignOf(u8)); } /// On success, caller owns returned buffer. pub fn readFileAllocAligned(allocator: *mem.Allocator, path: []const u8, comptime A: u29) ![]align(A) u8 { var file = try File.openRead(path); defer file.close(); const size = try file.getEndPos(); const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, A, size); errdefer; var adapter = file.inStream(); try[0..size]); return buf; } pub fn BufferedInStream(comptime Error: type) type { return BufferedInStreamCustom(os.page_size, Error); } pub fn BufferedInStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize, comptime Error: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const Stream = InStream(Error); pub stream: Stream, unbuffered_in_stream: *Stream, buffer: [buffer_size]u8, start_index: usize, end_index: usize, pub fn init(unbuffered_in_stream: *Stream) Self { return Self{ .unbuffered_in_stream = unbuffered_in_stream, .buffer = undefined, // Initialize these two fields to buffer_size so that // in `readFn` we treat the state as being able to read // more from the unbuffered stream. If we set them to 0 // and 0, the code would think we already hit EOF. .start_index = buffer_size, .end_index = buffer_size, .stream = Stream{ .readFn = readFn }, }; } fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, dest: []u8) !usize { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", in_stream); var dest_index: usize = 0; while (true) { const dest_space = dest.len - dest_index; if (dest_space == 0) { return dest_index; } const amt_buffered = self.end_index - self.start_index; if (amt_buffered == 0) { assert(self.end_index <= buffer_size); if (self.end_index == buffer_size) { // we can read more data from the unbuffered stream if (dest_space < buffer_size) { self.start_index = 0; self.end_index = try[0..]); } else { // asking for so much data that buffering is actually less efficient. // forward the request directly to the unbuffered stream const amt_read = try[dest_index..]); return dest_index + amt_read; } } else { // reading from the unbuffered stream returned less than we asked for // so we cannot read any more data. return dest_index; } } const copy_amount = math.min(dest_space, amt_buffered); const copy_end_index = self.start_index + copy_amount; mem.copy(u8, dest[dest_index..], self.buffer[self.start_index..copy_end_index]); self.start_index = copy_end_index; dest_index += copy_amount; } } }; } /// Creates a stream which supports 'un-reading' data, so that it can be read again. /// This makes look-ahead style parsing much easier. pub fn PeekStream(comptime buffer_size: usize, comptime InStreamError: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Error = InStreamError; pub const Stream = InStream(Error); pub stream: Stream, base: *Stream, // Right now the look-ahead space is statically allocated, but a version with dynamic allocation // is not too difficult to derive from this. buffer: [buffer_size]u8, index: usize, at_end: bool, pub fn init(base: *Stream) Self { return Self{ .base = base, .buffer = undefined, .index = 0, .at_end = false, .stream = Stream{ .readFn = readFn }, }; } pub fn putBackByte(self: *Self, byte: u8) void { self.buffer[self.index] = byte; self.index += 1; } pub fn putBack(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) void { var pos = bytes.len; while (pos != 0) { pos -= 1; self.putBackByte(bytes[pos]); } } fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, dest: []u8) Error!usize { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", in_stream); // copy over anything putBack()'d var pos: usize = 0; while (pos < dest.len and self.index != 0) { dest[pos] = self.buffer[self.index - 1]; self.index -= 1; pos += 1; } if (pos == dest.len or self.at_end) { return pos; } // ask the backing stream for more const left = dest.len - pos; const read = try[pos..]); assert(read <= left); self.at_end = (read < left); return pos + read; } }; } pub const SliceInStream = struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Error = error{}; pub const Stream = InStream(Error); pub stream: Stream, pos: usize, slice: []const u8, pub fn init(slice: []const u8) Self { return Self{ .slice = slice, .pos = 0, .stream = Stream{ .readFn = readFn }, }; } fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, dest: []u8) Error!usize { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", in_stream); const size = math.min(dest.len, self.slice.len - self.pos); const end = self.pos + size; mem.copy(u8, dest[0..size], self.slice[self.pos..end]); self.pos = end; return size; } }; /// This is a simple OutStream that writes to a slice, and returns an error /// when it runs out of space. pub const SliceOutStream = struct { pub const Error = error{OutOfSpace}; pub const Stream = OutStream(Error); pub stream: Stream, pub pos: usize, slice: []u8, pub fn init(slice: []u8) SliceOutStream { return SliceOutStream{ .slice = slice, .pos = 0, .stream = Stream{ .writeFn = writeFn }, }; } pub fn getWritten(self: *const SliceOutStream) []const u8 { return self.slice[0..self.pos]; } pub fn reset(self: *SliceOutStream) void { self.pos = 0; } fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) Error!void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(SliceOutStream, "stream", out_stream); assert(self.pos <= self.slice.len); const n = if (self.pos + bytes.len <= self.slice.len) bytes.len else self.slice.len - self.pos; std.mem.copy(u8, self.slice[self.pos .. self.pos + n], bytes[0..n]); self.pos += n; if (n < bytes.len) { return Error.OutOfSpace; } } }; test "io.SliceOutStream" { var buf: [255]u8 = undefined; var slice_stream = SliceOutStream.init(buf[0..]); const stream = &; try stream.print("{}{}!", "Hello", "World"); debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, "HelloWorld!", slice_stream.getWritten())); } var null_out_stream_state = NullOutStream.init(); pub const null_out_stream = &; /// An OutStream that doesn't write to anything. pub const NullOutStream = struct { pub const Error = error{}; pub const Stream = OutStream(Error); pub stream: Stream, pub fn init() NullOutStream { return NullOutStream{ .stream = Stream{ .writeFn = writeFn }, }; } fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) Error!void {} }; test "io.NullOutStream" { var null_stream = NullOutStream.init(); const stream = &; stream.write("yay" ** 10000) catch unreachable; } /// An OutStream that counts how many bytes has been written to it. pub fn CountingOutStream(comptime OutStreamError: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Stream = OutStream(Error); pub const Error = OutStreamError; pub stream: Stream, pub bytes_written: usize, child_stream: *Stream, pub fn init(child_stream: *Stream) Self { return Self{ .stream = Stream{ .writeFn = writeFn }, .bytes_written = 0, .child_stream = child_stream, }; } fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) OutStreamError!void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", out_stream); try self.child_stream.write(bytes); self.bytes_written += bytes.len; } }; } test "io.CountingOutStream" { var null_stream = NullOutStream.init(); var counting_stream = CountingOutStream(NullOutStream.Error).init(&; const stream = &; const bytes = "yay" ** 10000; stream.write(bytes) catch unreachable; debug.assert(counting_stream.bytes_written == bytes.len); } pub fn BufferedOutStream(comptime Error: type) type { return BufferedOutStreamCustom(os.page_size, Error); } pub fn BufferedOutStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize, comptime OutStreamError: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Stream = OutStream(Error); pub const Error = OutStreamError; pub stream: Stream, unbuffered_out_stream: *Stream, buffer: [buffer_size]u8, index: usize, pub fn init(unbuffered_out_stream: *Stream) Self { return Self{ .unbuffered_out_stream = unbuffered_out_stream, .buffer = undefined, .index = 0, .stream = Stream{ .writeFn = writeFn }, }; } pub fn flush(self: *Self) !void { try self.unbuffered_out_stream.write(self.buffer[0..self.index]); self.index = 0; } fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", out_stream); if (bytes.len >= self.buffer.len) { try self.flush(); return self.unbuffered_out_stream.write(bytes); } var src_index: usize = 0; while (src_index < bytes.len) { const dest_space_left = self.buffer.len - self.index; const copy_amt = math.min(dest_space_left, bytes.len - src_index); mem.copy(u8, self.buffer[self.index..], bytes[src_index .. src_index + copy_amt]); self.index += copy_amt; assert(self.index <= self.buffer.len); if (self.index == self.buffer.len) { try self.flush(); } src_index += copy_amt; } } }; } /// Implementation of OutStream trait for Buffer pub const BufferOutStream = struct { buffer: *Buffer, stream: Stream, pub const Error = error{OutOfMemory}; pub const Stream = OutStream(Error); pub fn init(buffer: *Buffer) BufferOutStream { return BufferOutStream{ .buffer = buffer, .stream = Stream{ .writeFn = writeFn }, }; } fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(BufferOutStream, "stream", out_stream); return self.buffer.append(bytes); } }; pub const BufferedAtomicFile = struct { atomic_file: os.AtomicFile, file_stream: os.File.OutStream, buffered_stream: BufferedOutStream(os.File.WriteError), allocator: *mem.Allocator, pub fn create(allocator: *mem.Allocator, dest_path: []const u8) !*BufferedAtomicFile { // TODO with well defined copy elision we don't need this allocation var self = try allocator.create(BufferedAtomicFile{ .atomic_file = undefined, .file_stream = undefined, .buffered_stream = undefined, .allocator = allocator, }); errdefer allocator.destroy(self); self.atomic_file = try os.AtomicFile.init(dest_path, os.File.default_mode); errdefer self.atomic_file.deinit(); self.file_stream = self.atomic_file.file.outStream(); self.buffered_stream = BufferedOutStream(os.File.WriteError).init(&; return self; } /// always call destroy, even after successful finish() pub fn destroy(self: *BufferedAtomicFile) void { self.atomic_file.deinit(); self.allocator.destroy(self); } pub fn finish(self: *BufferedAtomicFile) !void { try self.buffered_stream.flush(); try self.atomic_file.finish(); } pub fn stream(self: *BufferedAtomicFile) *OutStream(os.File.WriteError) { return &; } }; test "import io tests" { comptime { _ = @import("io_test.zig"); } } pub fn readLine(buf: *std.Buffer) ![]u8 { var stdin = try getStdIn(); var stdin_stream = stdin.inStream(); return readLineFrom(&, buf); } /// Reads all characters until the next newline into buf, and returns /// a slice of the characters read (excluding the newline character(s)). pub fn readLineFrom(stream: var, buf: *std.Buffer) ![]u8 { const start = buf.len(); while (true) { const byte = try stream.readByte(); switch (byte) { '\r' => { // trash the following \n _ = try stream.readByte(); return buf.toSlice()[start..]; }, '\n' => return buf.toSlice()[start..], else => try buf.appendByte(byte), } } } test "io.readLineFrom" { var bytes: [128]u8 = undefined; const allocator = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(bytes[0..]).allocator; var buf = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); var mem_stream = SliceInStream.init( \\Line 1 \\Line 22 \\Line 333 ); const stream = &; debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, "Line 1", try readLineFrom(stream, &buf))); debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, "Line 22", try readLineFrom(stream, &buf))); debug.assertError(readLineFrom(stream, &buf), error.EndOfStream); debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, buf.toSlice(), "Line 1Line 22Line 333")); } pub fn readLineSlice(slice: []u8) ![]u8 { var stdin = try getStdIn(); var stdin_stream = stdin.inStream(); return readLineSliceFrom(&, slice); } /// Reads all characters until the next newline into slice, and returns /// a slice of the characters read (excluding the newline character(s)). pub fn readLineSliceFrom(stream: var, slice: []u8) ![]u8 { // We cannot use Buffer.fromOwnedSlice, as it wants to append a null byte // after taking ownership, which would always require an allocation. var buf = std.Buffer{ .list = std.ArrayList(u8).fromOwnedSlice(debug.failing_allocator, slice) }; try buf.resize(0); return try readLineFrom(stream, &buf); } test "io.readLineSliceFrom" { var buf: [7]u8 = undefined; var mem_stream = SliceInStream.init( \\Line 1 \\Line 22 \\Line 333 ); const stream = &; debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, "Line 1", try readLineSliceFrom(stream, buf[0..]))); debug.assertError(readLineSliceFrom(stream, buf[0..]), error.OutOfMemory); }