const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const os = std.os; const assertOrPanic = std.debug.assertOrPanic; var a: *std.mem.Allocator = undefined; pub fn main() !void { var direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init(); defer direct_allocator.deinit(); var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&direct_allocator.allocator); defer arena.deinit(); var arg_it = os.args(); // skip my own exe name _ = arg_it.skip(); a = &arena.allocator; const zig_exe_rel = try ( orelse { std.debug.warn("Expected first argument to be path to zig compiler\n"); return error.InvalidArgs; }); const cache_root = try ( orelse { std.debug.warn("Expected second argument to be cache root directory path\n"); return error.InvalidArgs; }); const zig_exe = try os.path.resolve(a, zig_exe_rel); const dir_path = try os.path.join(a, cache_root, "clitest"); const TestFn = fn ([]const u8, []const u8) error!void; const test_fns = []TestFn{ testZigInitLib, testZigInitExe, testGodboltApi, }; for (test_fns) |testFn| { try os.deleteTree(a, dir_path); try os.makeDir(dir_path); try testFn(zig_exe, dir_path); } } fn unwrapArg(arg: UnwrapArgError![]u8) UnwrapArgError![]u8 { return arg catch |err| { warn("Unable to parse command line: {}\n", err); return err; }; } fn printCmd(cwd: []const u8, argv: []const []const u8) void { std.debug.warn("cd {} && ", cwd); for (argv) |arg| { std.debug.warn("{} ", arg); } std.debug.warn("\n"); } fn exec(cwd: []const u8, argv: []const []const u8) !os.ChildProcess.ExecResult { const max_output_size = 100 * 1024; const result = os.ChildProcess.exec(a, argv, cwd, null, max_output_size) catch |err| { std.debug.warn("The following command failed:\n"); printCmd(cwd, argv); return err; }; switch (result.term) { os.ChildProcess.Term.Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) { std.debug.warn("The following command exited with error code {}:\n", code); printCmd(cwd, argv); std.debug.warn("stderr:\n{}\n", result.stderr); return error.CommandFailed; } }, else => { std.debug.warn("The following command terminated unexpectedly:\n"); printCmd(cwd, argv); std.debug.warn("stderr:\n{}\n", result.stderr); return error.CommandFailed; }, } return result; } fn testZigInitLib(zig_exe: []const u8, dir_path: []const u8) !void { _ = try exec(dir_path, [][]const u8{ zig_exe, "init-lib" }); const test_result = try exec(dir_path, [][]const u8{ zig_exe, "build", "test" }); assertOrPanic(std.mem.endsWith(u8, test_result.stderr, "All tests passed.\n")); } fn testZigInitExe(zig_exe: []const u8, dir_path: []const u8) !void { _ = try exec(dir_path, [][]const u8{ zig_exe, "init-exe" }); const run_result = try exec(dir_path, [][]const u8{ zig_exe, "build", "run" }); assertOrPanic(std.mem.eql(u8, run_result.stderr, "All your base are belong to us.\n")); } fn testGodboltApi(zig_exe: []const u8, dir_path: []const u8) !void { if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.linux or builtin.arch != builtin.Arch.x86_64) return; const example_zig_path = try os.path.join(a, dir_path, "example.zig"); const example_s_path = try os.path.join(a, dir_path, "example.s"); try, \\// Type your code here, or load an example. \\export fn square(num: i32) i32 { \\ return num * num; \\} ); const args = [][]const u8{ zig_exe, "build-obj", "--cache-dir", dir_path, "--output", example_s_path, "--output-h", "/dev/null", "--emit", "asm", "-mllvm", "--x86-asm-syntax=intel", "--strip", "--release-fast", example_zig_path, }; _ = try exec(dir_path, args); const out_asm = try, example_s_path); assertOrPanic(std.mem.indexOf(u8, out_asm, "square:") != null); assertOrPanic(std.mem.indexOf(u8, out_asm, "imul\tedi, edi") != null); }