const std = @import("std"); const TestContext = @import("../src/test.zig").TestContext; // Self-hosted has differing levels of support for various architectures. For now we pass explicit // target parameters to each test case. At some point we will take this to the next level and have // a set of targets that all test cases run on unless specifically overridden. For now, each test // case applies to only the specified target. const linux_x64 = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, }; pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void { try @import("compile_errors.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/cbe.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/arm.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/aarch64.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/llvm.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/wasm.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/darwin.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/riscv64.zig").addCases(ctx); try @import("stage2/plan9.zig").addCases(ctx); { var case = ctx.exe("hello world with updates", linux_x64); case.addError("", &[_][]const u8{ ":97:9: error: struct 'tmp.tmp' has no member named 'main'", }); // Incorrect return type case.addError( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\} , &[_][]const u8{":2:1: error: expected noreturn, found void"}); // Regular old hello world case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ print(); \\ \\ exit(); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (14) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "Hello, World!\n", ); // Convert to pub fn main case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ print(); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (14) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , "Hello, World!\n", ); // Now change the message only case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ print(); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , "What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n", ); // Now we print it twice. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ print(); \\ print(); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , \\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space. \\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space. \\ ); } { var case = ctx.exe("adding numbers at comptime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (10 + 4) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (@as(usize, 230) + @as(usize, 1)), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "Hello, World!\n", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("adding numbers at runtime and comptime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ add(3, 4); \\ \\ exit(); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ if (a + b != 7) unreachable; \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // comptime function call case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ exit(); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ return a + b; \\} \\ \\const x = add(3, 4); \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (x - 7) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // Inline function call case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var x: usize = 3; \\ const y = add(1, 2, x); \\ exit(y - 6); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ return a + b + c; \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("subtracting numbers at runtime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ sub(7, 4); \\} \\ \\fn sub(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ if (a - b != 3) unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("unused vars", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const x = 1; \\} , &.{":2:11: error: unused local constant"}); } { var case = ctx.exe("@TypeOf", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var x: usize = 0; \\ _ = x; \\ const z = @TypeOf(x, @as(u128, 5)); \\ assert(z == u128); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const z = @TypeOf(true); \\ assert(z == bool); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ _ = @TypeOf(true, 1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:9: error: incompatible types: 'bool' and 'comptime_int'", ":2:17: note: type 'bool' here", ":2:23: note: type 'comptime_int' here", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("multiplying numbers at runtime and comptime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ mul(3, 4); \\ \\ exit(); \\} \\ \\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ if (a * b != 12) unreachable; \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // comptime function call case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn _start() noreturn { \\ exit(); \\} \\ \\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ return a * b; \\} \\ \\const x = mul(3, 4); \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (x - 12) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // Inline function call case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var x: usize = 5; \\ const y = mul(2, 3, x); \\ exit(y - 30); \\} \\ \\fn mul(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ return a * b * c; \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("assert function", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ add(3, 4); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ assert(a + b == 7); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // Tests copying a register. For the `c = a + b`, it has to // preserve both a and b, because they are both used later. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ add(3, 4); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ assert(e == 14); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // More stress on the liveness detection. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ add(3, 4); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ const f = d + e; // 24 \\ const g = e + f; // 38 \\ const h = f + g; // 62 \\ const i = g + h; // 100 \\ assert(i == 100); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Requires a second move. The register allocator should figure out to re-use rax. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ add(3, 4); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ const f = d + e; // 24 \\ const g = e + f; // 38 \\ const h = f + g; // 62 \\ const i = g + h; // 100 \\ const j = i + d; // 110 \\ assert(j == 110); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Now we test integer return values. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 7); \\ assert(add(20, 10) == 30); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ return a + b; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Local mutable variables. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 7); \\ assert(add(20, 10) == 30); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ var x: u32 = undefined; \\ x = 0; \\ x += a; \\ x += b; \\ return x; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Optionals case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const a: u32 = 2; \\ const b: ?u32 = a; \\ const c = b.?; \\ if (c != 2) unreachable; \\} , "", ); // While loops case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u32 = 0; \\ while (i < 4) : (i += 1) print(); \\ assert(i == 4); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("hello\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (6) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "hello\nhello\nhello\nhello\n", ); // inline while requires the condition to be comptime known. case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u32 = 0; \\ inline while (i < 4) : (i += 1) print(); \\ assert(i == 4); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("hello\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (6) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , &[_][]const u8{":3:21: error: unable to resolve comptime value"}); // Labeled blocks (no conditional branch) case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 20); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ const x: u32 = blk: { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ break :blk e; \\ }; \\ const y = x + a; // 17 \\ const z = y + a; // 20 \\ return z; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // This catches a possible bug in the logic for re-using dying operands. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 116); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ const x: u32 = blk: { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ const f = d + e; // 24 \\ const g = e + f; // 38 \\ const h = f + g; // 62 \\ const i = g + h; // 100 \\ const j = i + d; // 110 \\ break :blk j; \\ }; \\ const y = x + a; // 113 \\ const z = y + a; // 116 \\ return z; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Spilling registers to the stack. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 1221); \\ assert(mul(3, 4) == 21609); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ const x: u32 = blk: { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ const f = d + e; // 24 \\ const g = e + f; // 38 \\ const h = f + g; // 62 \\ const i = g + h; // 100 \\ const j = i + d; // 110 \\ const k = i + j; // 210 \\ const l = j + k; // 320 \\ const m = l + c; // 327 \\ const n = m + d; // 337 \\ const o = n + e; // 351 \\ const p = o + f; // 375 \\ const q = p + g; // 413 \\ const r = q + h; // 475 \\ const s = r + i; // 575 \\ const t = s + j; // 685 \\ const u = t + k; // 895 \\ const v = u + l; // 1215 \\ break :blk v; \\ }; \\ const y = x + a; // 1218 \\ const z = y + a; // 1221 \\ return z; \\} \\ \\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ const x: u32 = blk: { \\ const c = a * a * a * a; // 81 \\ const d = a * a * a * b; // 108 \\ const e = a * a * b * a; // 108 \\ const f = a * a * b * b; // 144 \\ const g = a * b * a * a; // 108 \\ const h = a * b * a * b; // 144 \\ const i = a * b * b * a; // 144 \\ const j = a * b * b * b; // 192 \\ const k = b * a * a * a; // 108 \\ const l = b * a * a * b; // 144 \\ const m = b * a * b * a; // 144 \\ const n = b * a * b * b; // 192 \\ const o = b * b * a * a; // 144 \\ const p = b * b * a * b; // 192 \\ const q = b * b * b * a; // 192 \\ const r = b * b * b * b; // 256 \\ const s = c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q + r; // 2401 \\ break :blk s; \\ }; \\ const y = x * a; // 7203 \\ const z = y * a; // 21609 \\ return z; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Reusing the registers of dead operands playing nicely with conditional branching. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(add(3, 4) == 791); \\ assert(add(4, 3) == 79); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 { \\ const x: u32 = if (a < b) blk: { \\ const c = a + b; // 7 \\ const d = a + c; // 10 \\ const e = d + b; // 14 \\ const f = d + e; // 24 \\ const g = e + f; // 38 \\ const h = f + g; // 62 \\ const i = g + h; // 100 \\ const j = i + d; // 110 \\ const k = i + j; // 210 \\ const l = k + c; // 217 \\ const m = l + d; // 227 \\ const n = m + e; // 241 \\ const o = n + f; // 265 \\ const p = o + g; // 303 \\ const q = p + h; // 365 \\ const r = q + i; // 465 \\ const s = r + j; // 575 \\ const t = s + k; // 785 \\ break :blk t; \\ } else blk: { \\ const t = b + b + a; // 10 \\ const c = a + t; // 14 \\ const d = c + t; // 24 \\ const e = d + t; // 34 \\ const f = e + t; // 44 \\ const g = f + t; // 54 \\ const h = c + g; // 68 \\ break :blk h + b; // 71 \\ }; \\ const y = x + a; // 788, 75 \\ const z = y + a; // 791, 79 \\ return z; \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Character literals and multiline strings. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const ignore = \\ \\ cool thx \\ \\ \\ ; \\ _ = ignore; \\ add('ぁ', '\x03'); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ assert(a + b == 12356); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Global const. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ add(aa, bb); \\} \\ \\const aa = 'ぁ'; \\const bb = '\x03'; \\ \\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void { \\ assert(a + b == 12356); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Array access. case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert("hello"[0] == 'h'); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Array access to a global array. case.addCompareOutput( \\const hello = "hello".*; \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(hello[1] == 'e'); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // 64bit set stack case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u64 = 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988; \\ assert(i == 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988); \\} \\ \\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , "", ); // Basic for loop case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ for ("hello") |_| print(); \\} \\ \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("hello\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (6) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , "hello\nhello\nhello\nhello\nhello\n", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("basic import", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ @import("print.zig").print(); \\} , "Hello, World!\n", ); try case.files.append(.{ .src = \\pub fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (@as(usize, 1)), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (@as(usize, 1)), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (@as(usize, 14)) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , .path = "print.zig", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("redundant comptime", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var a: comptime u32 = 0; \\} , &.{":2:12: error: redundant comptime keyword in already comptime scope"}, ); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ comptime { \\ var a: u32 = comptime 0; \\ } \\} , &.{":3:22: error: redundant comptime keyword in already comptime scope"}, ); } { var case = ctx.exe("try in comptime in struct in test", linux_x64); case.addError( \\test "@unionInit on union w/ tag but no fields" { \\ const S = struct { \\ comptime { \\ try expect(false); \\ } \\ }; \\ _ = S; \\} , &.{":4:13: error: 'try' outside function scope"}, ); } { var case = ctx.exe("import private", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ @import("print.zig").print(); \\} , &.{ ":2:25: error: 'print' is not marked 'pub'", "print.zig:2:1: note: declared here", }, ); try case.files.append(.{ .src = \\// dummy comment to make print be on line 2 \\fn print() void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (@as(usize, 1)), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (@as(usize, 1)), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (@as(usize, 14)) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , .path = "print.zig", }); } ctx.compileError("function redeclaration", linux_x64, \\// dummy comment \\fn entry() void {} \\fn entry() void {} \\ \\fn foo() void { \\ var foo = 1234; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:1: error: redeclaration of 'entry'", ":2:1: note: other declaration here", ":6:9: error: local shadows declaration of 'foo'", ":5:1: note: declared here", }); ctx.compileError("returns in try", linux_x64, \\pub fn main() !void { \\ try a(); \\ try b(); \\} \\ \\pub fn a() !void { \\ defer try b(); \\} \\pub fn b() !void { \\ defer return a(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":7:8: error: 'try' not allowed inside defer expression", ":10:8: error: cannot return from defer expression", }); ctx.compileError("ambiguous references", linux_x64, \\const T = struct { \\ const T = struct { \\ fn f() void { \\ _ = T; \\ } \\ }; \\}; , &.{ ":4:17: error: ambiguous reference", ":2:5: note: declared here", ":1:1: note: also declared here", }); ctx.compileError("inner func accessing outer var", linux_x64, \\pub fn f() void { \\ var bar: bool = true; \\ const S = struct { \\ fn baz() bool { \\ return bar; \\ } \\ }; \\ _ = S; \\} , &.{ ":5:20: error: mutable 'bar' not accessible from here", ":2:9: note: declared mutable here", ":3:15: note: crosses namespace boundary here", }); ctx.compileError("global variable redeclaration", linux_x64, \\// dummy comment \\var foo = false; \\var foo = true; , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:1: error: redeclaration of 'foo'", ":2:1: note: other declaration here", }); ctx.compileError("compileError", linux_x64, \\export fn foo() void { \\ @compileError("this is an error"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{":2:3: error: this is an error"}); { var case = ctx.exe("intToPtr", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ _ = @intToPtr(*u8, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:24: error: pointer type '*u8' does not allow address zero", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ _ = @intToPtr(*u32, 2); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:25: error: pointer type '*u32' requires aligned address", }); } { var case = ctx.obj("variable shadowing", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u32 = 10; \\ var i: u32 = 10; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:9: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\var testing: i64 = 10; \\pub fn main() void { \\ var testing: i64 = 20; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:9: error: local shadows declaration of 'testing'", ":1:1: note: declared here", }); case.addError( \\fn a() type { \\ return struct { \\ pub fn b() void { \\ const c = 6; \\ const c = 69; \\ } \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":5:19: error: redeclaration of local constant 'c'", ":4:19: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ for ("n") |_, i| { \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:19: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ for ("n") |i| { \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:16: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ while ("n") |i| { \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:18: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ while ("n") |bruh| { \\ _ = bruh; \\ } else |i| { \\ \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":5:13: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ if (true) |i| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:16: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ if (true) |i| {} else |e| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:16: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i = 0; \\ if (true) |_| {} else |i| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:28: error: redeclaration of local variable 'i'", ":2:9: note: previous declaration here", }); } { // TODO make the test harness support checking the compile log output too var case = ctx.obj("@compileLog", linux_x64); // The other compile error prevents emission of a "found compile log" statement. case.addError( \\export fn _start() noreturn { \\ const b = true; \\ var f: u32 = 1; \\ @compileLog(b, 20, f, x); \\ @compileLog(1000); \\ var bruh: usize = true; \\ _ = bruh; \\ unreachable; \\} \\export fn other() void { \\ @compileLog(1234); \\} \\fn x() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ ":6:23: error: expected usize, found bool", }); // Now only compile log statements remain. One per Decl. case.addError( \\export fn _start() noreturn { \\ const b = true; \\ var f: u32 = 1; \\ @compileLog(b, 20, f, x); \\ @compileLog(1000); \\ unreachable; \\} \\export fn other() void { \\ @compileLog(1234); \\} \\fn x() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ ":9:5: error: found compile log statement", ":4:5: note: also here", }); } { var case = ctx.obj("extern variable has no type", linux_x64); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ const x = foo + foo; \\ _ = x; \\} \\extern var foo: i32; , &[_][]const u8{":2:15: error: unable to resolve comptime value"}); case.addError( \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = foo; \\} \\extern var foo; , &[_][]const u8{":4:8: error: unable to infer variable type"}); } { var case = ctx.exe("break/continue", linux_x64); // Break out of loop case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ while (true) { \\ break; \\ } \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ foo: while (true) { \\ break :foo; \\ } \\} , "", ); // Continue in loop case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var i: u64 = 0; \\ while (true) : (i+=1) { \\ if (i == 4) exit(); \\ continue; \\ } \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var i: u64 = 0; \\ foo: while (true) : (i+=1) { \\ if (i == 4) exit(); \\ continue :foo; \\ } \\} \\ \\fn exit() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("unused labels", linux_x64); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ foo: {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{":2:5: error: unused block label"}); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ foo: while (true) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{":2:5: error: unused while loop label"}); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ foo: for ("foo") |_| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{":2:5: error: unused for loop label"}); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ blk: {blk: {}} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:11: error: redefinition of label 'blk'", ":2:5: note: previous definition here", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("bad inferred variable type", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var x = null; \\ _ = x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:9: error: variable of type '@Type(.Null)' must be const or comptime", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("compile error in inline fn call fixed", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var x: usize = 3; \\ const y = add(10, 2, x); \\ exit(y - 6); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ if (a == 10) @compileError("bad"); \\ return a + b + c; \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{":8:18: error: bad"}); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ var x: usize = 3; \\ const y = add(1, 2, x); \\ exit(y - 6); \\} \\ \\fn add(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ if (a == 10) @compileError("bad"); \\ return a + b + c; \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("recursive inline function", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ const y = fibonacci(7); \\ exit(y - 21); \\} \\ \\fn fibonacci(n: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ if (n <= 2) return n; \\ return fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1); \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); // This additionally tests that the compile error reports the correct source location. // Without storing source locations relative to the owner decl, the compile error // here would be off by 2 bytes (from the "7" -> "999"). case.addError( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ const y = fibonacci(999); \\ exit(y - 21); \\} \\ \\fn fibonacci(n: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize { \\ if (n <= 2) return n; \\ return fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1); \\} \\ \\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{":8:21: error: evaluation exceeded 1000 backwards branches"}); } { var case = ctx.exe("orelse at comptime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const i: ?u64 = 0; \\ const result = i orelse 5; \\ assert(result == 0); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const i: ?u64 = null; \\ const result = i orelse 5; \\ assert(result == 5); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("only 1 function and it gets updated", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (60), // exit \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub export fn _start() noreturn { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), // exit_group \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("passing u0 to function", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ doNothing(0); \\} \\fn doNothing(arg: u0) void { \\ _ = arg; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("catch at comptime", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const i: anyerror!u64 = 0; \\ const caught = i catch 5; \\ assert(caught == 0); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const i: anyerror!u64 = error.B; \\ const caught = i catch 5; \\ assert(caught == 5); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const a: anyerror!comptime_int = 42; \\ const b: *const comptime_int = &(a catch unreachable); \\ assert(b.* == 42); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; // assertion failure \\} , ""); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const a: anyerror!u32 = error.B; \\ _ = &(a catch |err| assert(err == error.B)); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , ""); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const a: anyerror!u32 = error.Bar; \\ a catch |err| assert(err == error.Bar); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , ""); } { var case = ctx.exe("runtime bitwise and", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u32 = 10; \\ var j: u32 = 11; \\ assert(i & 1 == 0); \\ assert(j & 1 == 1); \\ var m1: u32 = 0b1111; \\ var m2: u32 = 0b0000; \\ assert(m1 & 0b1010 == 0b1010); \\ assert(m2 & 0b1010 == 0b0000); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("runtime bitwise or", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var i: u32 = 10; \\ var j: u32 = 11; \\ assert(i | 1 == 11); \\ assert(j | 1 == 11); \\ var m1: u32 = 0b1111; \\ var m2: u32 = 0b0000; \\ assert(m1 | 0b1010 == 0b1111); \\ assert(m2 | 0b1010 == 0b1010); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("merge error sets", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const E = error{ A, B, D } || error { A, B, C }; \\ E.A catch {}; \\ E.B catch {}; \\ E.C catch {}; \\ E.D catch {}; \\ const E2 = error { X, Y } || @TypeOf(error.Z); \\ E2.X catch {}; \\ E2.Y catch {}; \\ E2.Z catch {}; \\ assert(anyerror || error { Z } == anyerror); \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const z = true || false; \\ _ = z; \\} , &.{ ":2:15: error: expected error set type, found 'bool'", ":2:20: note: '||' merges error sets; 'or' performs boolean OR", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("error set equality", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ assert(@TypeOf(error.Foo) == @TypeOf(error.Foo)); \\ assert(@TypeOf(error.Bar) != @TypeOf(error.Foo)); \\ assert(anyerror == anyerror); \\ assert(error{Foo} != error{Foo}); \\ // TODO put inferred error sets here when @typeInfo works \\} \\fn assert(b: bool) void { \\ if (!b) unreachable; \\} , "", ); } { var case = ctx.exe("inline assembly", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const number = 1234; \\ const x = asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : [o] "{rax}" (-> number) \\ : [number] "{rax}" (231), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (60) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ _ = x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{":4:27: error: expected type, found comptime_int"}); case.addError( \\const S = struct { \\ comptime { \\ asm volatile ( \\ \\zig_moment: \\ \\syscall \\ ); \\ } \\}; \\pub fn main() void { \\ _ = S; \\} , &.{":3:13: error: volatile is meaningless on global assembly"}); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var bruh: u32 = 1; \\ asm ("" \\ : \\ : [bruh] "{rax}" (4) \\ : "memory" \\ ); \\} , &.{":3:5: error: assembly expression with no output must be marked volatile"}); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void {} \\comptime { \\ asm ("" \\ : \\ : [bruh] "{rax}" (4) \\ : "memory" \\ ); \\} , &.{":3:5: error: global assembly cannot have inputs, outputs, or clobbers"}); } { var case = ctx.exe("comptime var", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var a: u32 = 0; \\ comptime var b: u32 = 0; \\ if (a == 0) b = 3; \\} , &.{ ":4:21: error: store to comptime variable depends on runtime condition", ":4:11: note: runtime condition here", }); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var a: u32 = 0; \\ comptime var b: u32 = 0; \\ switch (a) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ else => b = 3, \\ } \\} , &.{ ":6:21: error: store to comptime variable depends on runtime condition", ":4:13: note: runtime condition here", }); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ comptime var len: u32 = 5; \\ print(len); \\ len += 9; \\ print(len); \\} \\ \\fn print(len: usize) void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (len) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , "HelloHello, World!\n"); case.addError( \\comptime { \\ var x: i32 = 1; \\ x += 1; \\ if (x != 1) unreachable; \\} \\pub fn main() void {} , &.{":4:17: error: unable to resolve comptime value"}); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ comptime var i: u64 = 0; \\ while (i < 5) : (i += 1) {} \\} , &.{ ":3:24: error: cannot store to comptime variable in non-inline loop", ":3:5: note: non-inline loop here", }); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ var a: u32 = 0; \\ if (a == 0) { \\ comptime var b: u32 = 0; \\ b = 1; \\ } \\} \\comptime { \\ var x: i32 = 1; \\ x += 1; \\ if (x != 2) unreachable; \\} , ""); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ comptime var i: u64 = 2; \\ inline while (i < 6) : (i+=1) { \\ print(i); \\ } \\} \\fn print(len: usize) void { \\ asm volatile ("syscall" \\ : \\ : [number] "{rax}" (1), \\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1), \\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello")), \\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (len) \\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory" \\ ); \\ return; \\} , "HeHelHellHello"); } { var case = ctx.exe("double ampersand", linux_x64); case.addError( \\pub const a = if (true && false) 1 else 2; , &[_][]const u8{":1:24: error: `&&` is invalid; note that `and` is boolean AND"}); case.addError( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const a = true; \\ const b = false; \\ _ = a & &b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:11: error: incompatible types: 'bool' and '*const bool'", ":4:9: note: type 'bool' here", ":4:13: note: type '*const bool' here", }); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const b: u8 = 1; \\ _ = &&b; \\} , ""); } { var case = ctx.exe("setting an address space on a local variable", linux_x64); case.addError( \\export fn entry() i32 { \\ var foo: i32 addrspace(".general") = 1234; \\ return foo; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:28: error: cannot set address space of local variable 'foo'", }); } { var case = ctx.exe("issue 10138: callee preserved regs working", linux_x64); case.addCompareOutput( \\pub fn main() void { \\ const fd = open(); \\ _ = write(fd, "a", 1); \\ _ = close(fd); \\} \\ \\fn open() usize { \\ return 42; \\} \\ \\fn write(fd: usize, a: [*]const u8, len: usize) usize { \\ return syscall4(.WRITE, fd, @ptrToInt(a), len); \\} \\ \\fn syscall4(n: enum { WRITE }, a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) usize { \\ _ = n; \\ _ = a; \\ _ = b; \\ _ = c; \\ return 23; \\} \\ \\fn close(fd: usize) usize { \\ if (fd != 42) \\ unreachable; \\ return 0; \\} , ""); } }