const std = @import("std"); const os = std.os; const tests = @import("tests.zig"); pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompareOutputContext) void { cases.addC("hello world with libc", \\const c = @cImport({ \\ // See \\ @cDefine("_NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE", "1"); \\ @cInclude("stdio.h"); \\}); \\pub export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: [*][*]u8) c_int { \\ _ = argc; \\ _ = argv; \\ _ = c.puts("Hello, world!"); \\ return 0; \\} , "Hello, world!" ++ if (@import("builtin").os.tag == .windows) "\r\n" else "\n"); cases.add("hello world without libc", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\ \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("Hello, world!\n{d:4} {x:3} {c}\n", .{@as(u32, 12), @as(u16, 0x12), @as(u8, 'a')}) catch unreachable; \\} , "Hello, world!\n 12 12 a\n"); cases.addC("number literals", \\const std = @import("std"); \\const builtin = @import("builtin"); \\const is_windows = builtin.os.tag == .windows; \\const c = @cImport({ \\ if (is_windows) { \\ // See \\ @cDefine("_NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE", "1"); \\ @cInclude("io.h"); \\ @cInclude("fcntl.h"); \\ } \\ @cInclude("stdio.h"); \\}); \\ \\pub export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: [*][*]u8) c_int { \\ _ = argc; \\ _ = argv; \\ if (is_windows) { \\ // we want actual \n, not \r\n \\ _ = c._setmode(1, c._O_BINARY); \\ } \\ _ = c.printf("0: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0)); \\ _ = c.printf("320402575052271: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 320402575052271)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x01236789abcdef: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0x01236789abcdef)); \\ _ = c.printf("0xffffffffffffffff: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0xffffffffffffffff)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x000000ffffffffffffffff: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0x000000ffffffffffffffff)); \\ _ = c.printf("0o1777777777777777777777: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0o1777777777777777777777)); \\ _ = c.printf("0o0000001777777777777777777777: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0o0000001777777777777777777777)); \\ _ = c.printf("0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)); \\ _ = c.printf("0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: %llu\n", \\ @as(u64, 0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)); \\ \\ _ = c.printf("\n"); \\ \\ _ = c.printf("0.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0e0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0e0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0.0e0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0.0e0)); \\ _ = c.printf("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0e0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0.0e0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); \\ _ = c.printf("1.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 1.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("10.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 10.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("10.5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 10.5)); \\ _ = c.printf("10.5e5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 10.5e5)); \\ _ = c.printf("10.5e+5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 10.5e+5)); \\ _ = c.printf("50.0e-2: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 50.0e-2)); \\ _ = c.printf("50e-2: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 50e-2)); \\ \\ _ = c.printf("\n"); \\ \\ _ = c.printf("0x1.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x1.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x10.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x10.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x100.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x100.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.0: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.0)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.7: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.7)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.70: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.70)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.70p4: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.70p4)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.70p5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.70p5)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.70p+5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.70p+5)); \\ _ = c.printf("0x103.70p-5: %.013a\n", \\ @as(f64, 0x103.70p-5)); \\ \\ return 0; \\} , \\0: 0 \\320402575052271: 320402575052271 \\0x01236789abcdef: 320402575052271 \\0xffffffffffffffff: 18446744073709551615 \\0x000000ffffffffffffffff: 18446744073709551615 \\0o1777777777777777777777: 18446744073709551615 \\0o0000001777777777777777777777: 18446744073709551615 \\0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: 18446744073709551615 \\0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: 18446744073709551615 \\ \\0.0: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\0e0: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\0.0e0: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0e0: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 0x0.0000000000000p+0 \\1.0: 0x1.0000000000000p+0 \\10.0: 0x1.4000000000000p+3 \\10.5: 0x1.5000000000000p+3 \\10.5e5: 0x1.0059000000000p+20 \\10.5e+5: 0x1.0059000000000p+20 \\50.0e-2: 0x1.0000000000000p-1 \\50e-2: 0x1.0000000000000p-1 \\ \\0x1.0: 0x1.0000000000000p+0 \\0x10.0: 0x1.0000000000000p+4 \\0x100.0: 0x1.0000000000000p+8 \\0x103.0: 0x1.0300000000000p+8 \\0x103.7: 0x1.0370000000000p+8 \\0x103.70: 0x1.0370000000000p+8 \\0x103.70p4: 0x1.0370000000000p+12 \\0x103.70p5: 0x1.0370000000000p+13 \\0x103.70p+5: 0x1.0370000000000p+13 \\0x103.70p-5: 0x1.0370000000000p+3 \\ ); cases.add("order-independent declarations", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\const z = io.stdin_fileno; \\const x : @TypeOf(y) = 1234; \\const y : u16 = 5678; \\pub fn main() void { \\ var x_local : i32 = print_ok(x); \\ _ = x_local; \\} \\fn print_ok(val: @TypeOf(x)) @TypeOf(foo) { \\ _ = val; \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("OK\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ return 0; \\} \\const foo : i32 = 0; , "OK\n"); cases.addC("expose function pointer to C land", \\const c = @cImport(@cInclude("stdlib.h")); \\ \\export fn compare_fn(a: ?*const anyopaque, b: ?*const anyopaque) c_int { \\ const a_int: *const i32 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(a)); \\ const b_int: *const i32 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(b)); \\ if (a_int.* < b_int.*) { \\ return -1; \\ } else if (a_int.* > b_int.*) { \\ return 1; \\ } else { \\ return 0; \\ } \\} \\ \\pub export fn main() c_int { \\ var array = [_]u32{ 1, 7, 3, 2, 0, 9, 4, 8, 6, 5 }; \\ \\ c.qsort(@ptrCast(&array), @intCast(array.len), @sizeOf(i32), compare_fn); \\ \\ for (array, 0..) |item, i| { \\ if (item != i) { \\ c.abort(); \\ } \\ } \\ \\ return 0; \\} , ""); cases.addC("casting between float and integer types", \\const std = @import("std"); \\const builtin = @import("builtin"); \\const is_windows = builtin.os.tag == .windows; \\const c = @cImport({ \\ if (is_windows) { \\ // See \\ @cDefine("_NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE", "1"); \\ @cInclude("io.h"); \\ @cInclude("fcntl.h"); \\ } \\ @cInclude("stdio.h"); \\}); \\ \\pub export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: [*][*]u8) c_int { \\ _ = argc; \\ _ = argv; \\ if (is_windows) { \\ // we want actual \n, not \r\n \\ _ = c._setmode(1, c._O_BINARY); \\ } \\ const small: f32 = 3.25; \\ const x: f64 = small; \\ const y: i32 = @intFromFloat(x); \\ const z: f64 = @floatFromInt(y); \\ _ = c.printf("%.2f\n%d\n%.2f\n%.2f\n", x, y, z, @as(f64, -0.4)); \\ return 0; \\} , "3.25\n3\n3.00\n-0.40\n"); cases.add("same named methods in incomplete struct", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\ \\const Foo = struct { \\ field1: Bar, \\ \\ fn method(a: *const Foo) bool { \\ _ = a; \\ return true; \\ } \\}; \\ \\const Bar = struct { \\ field2: i32, \\ \\ fn method(b: *const Bar) bool { \\ _ = b; \\ return true; \\ } \\}; \\ \\pub fn main() void { \\ const bar = Bar {.field2 = 13,}; \\ const foo = Foo {.field1 = bar,}; \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ if (!foo.method()) { \\ stdout.print("BAD\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ } \\ if (!bar.method()) { \\ stdout.print("BAD\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ } \\ stdout.print("OK\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\} , "OK\n"); cases.add("defer with only fallthrough", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("before\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer1\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer2\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer3\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ stdout.print("after\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\} , "before\nafter\ndefer3\ndefer2\ndefer1\n"); cases.add("defer with return", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\const os = @import("std").os; \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("before\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer1\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer2\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ var gpa = @import("std").heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; \\ defer _ = gpa.deinit(); \\ var arena = @import("std").heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa.allocator()); \\ defer arena.deinit(); \\ var args_it = @import("std").process.argsWithAllocator(arena.allocator()) catch unreachable; \\ if (args_it.skip() and !args_it.skip()) return; \\ defer stdout.print("defer3\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ stdout.print("after\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\} , "before\ndefer2\ndefer1\n"); cases.add("errdefer and it fails", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\pub fn main() void { \\ do_test() catch return; \\} \\fn do_test() !void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("before\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer1\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ errdefer stdout.print("deferErr\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ try its_gonna_fail(); \\ defer stdout.print("defer3\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ stdout.print("after\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\} \\fn its_gonna_fail() !void { \\ return error.IToldYouItWouldFail; \\} , "before\ndeferErr\ndefer1\n"); cases.add("errdefer and it passes", \\const io = @import("std").io; \\pub fn main() void { \\ do_test() catch return; \\} \\fn do_test() !void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print("before\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ defer stdout.print("defer1\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ errdefer stdout.print("deferErr\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ try its_gonna_pass(); \\ defer stdout.print("defer3\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\ stdout.print("after\n", .{}) catch unreachable; \\} \\fn its_gonna_pass() anyerror!void { } , "before\nafter\ndefer3\ndefer1\n"); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("@embedFile", \\const foo_txt = @embedFile("foo.txt"); \\const io = @import("std").io; \\ \\pub fn main() void { \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ stdout.print(foo_txt, .{}) catch unreachable; \\} , "1234\nabcd\n"); tc.addSourceFile("foo.txt", "1234\nabcd\n"); break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("parsing args", \\const std = @import("std"); \\const io =; \\const os = std.os; \\ \\pub fn main() !void { \\ var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; \\ defer _ = gpa.deinit(); \\ var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa.allocator()); \\ defer arena.deinit(); \\ var args_it = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(arena.allocator()); \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ var index: usize = 0; \\ _ = args_it.skip(); \\ while ( |arg| : (index += 1) { \\ try stdout.print("{}: {s}\n", .{index, arg}); \\ } \\} , \\0: first arg \\1: 'a' 'b' \ \\2: bare \\3: ba""re \\4: " \\5: last arg \\ ); tc.setCommandLineArgs(&[_][]const u8{ "first arg", "'a' 'b' \\", "bare", "ba\"\"re", "\"", "last arg", }); break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("parsing args new API", \\const std = @import("std"); \\const io =; \\const os = std.os; \\ \\pub fn main() !void { \\ var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; \\ defer _ = gpa.deinit(); \\ var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa.allocator()); \\ defer arena.deinit(); \\ var args_it = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(arena.allocator()); \\ const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer(); \\ var index: usize = 0; \\ _ = args_it.skip(); \\ while ( |arg| : (index += 1) { \\ try stdout.print("{}: {s}\n", .{index, arg}); \\ } \\} , \\0: first arg \\1: 'a' 'b' \ \\2: bare \\3: ba""re \\4: " \\5: last arg \\ ); tc.setCommandLineArgs(&[_][]const u8{ "first arg", "'a' 'b' \\", "bare", "ba\"\"re", "\"", "last arg", }); break :x tc; }); // It is required to override the log function in order to print to stdout instead of stderr cases.add("std.log per scope log level override", \\const std = @import("std"); \\ \\pub const std_options = struct { \\ pub const log_level: std.log.Level = .debug; \\ \\ pub const log_scope_levels = &[_]std.log.ScopeLevel{ \\ .{ .scope = .a, .level = .warn }, \\ .{ .scope = .c, .level = .err }, \\ }; \\ pub const logFn = log; \\}; \\ \\const loga = std.log.scoped(.a); \\const logb = std.log.scoped(.b); \\const logc = std.log.scoped(.c); \\ \\pub fn main() !void { \\ loga.debug("", .{}); \\ logb.debug("", .{}); \\ logc.debug("", .{}); \\ \\"", .{}); \\"", .{}); \\"", .{}); \\ \\ loga.warn("", .{}); \\ logb.warn("", .{}); \\ logc.warn("", .{}); \\ \\ loga.err("", .{}); \\ logb.err("", .{}); \\ logc.err("", .{}); \\} \\pub fn log( \\ comptime level: std.log.Level, \\ comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral), \\ comptime format: []const u8, \\ args: anytype, \\) void { \\ const level_txt = comptime level.asText(); \\ const prefix2 = if (scope == .default) ": " else "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "):"; \\ const stdout =; \\ nosuspend stdout.print(level_txt ++ prefix2 ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch return; \\} , \\debug(b): \\info(b): \\warning(a): \\warning(b): \\error(a): \\error(b): \\error(c): \\ ); // It is required to override the log function in order to print to stdout instead of stderr cases.add("std.heap.LoggingAllocator logs to std.log", \\const std = @import("std"); \\ \\pub const std_options = struct { \\ pub const log_level: std.log.Level = .debug; \\ pub const logFn = log; \\}; \\ \\pub fn main() !void { \\ var allocator_buf: [10]u8 = undefined; \\ var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&allocator_buf); \\ var fba_wrapped = std.mem.validationWrap(fba); \\ var logging_allocator = std.heap.loggingAllocator(fba_wrapped.allocator()); \\ const allocator = logging_allocator.allocator(); \\ \\ var a = try allocator.alloc(u8, 10); \\ try std.testing.expect(allocator.resize(a, 5)); \\ a = a[0..5]; \\ try std.testing.expect(a.len == 5); \\ try std.testing.expect(!allocator.resize(a, 20)); \\; \\} \\ \\pub fn log( \\ comptime level: std.log.Level, \\ comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral), \\ comptime format: []const u8, \\ args: anytype, \\) void { \\ const level_txt = comptime level.asText(); \\ const prefix2 = if (scope == .default) ": " else "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "): "; \\ const stdout =; \\ nosuspend stdout.print(level_txt ++ prefix2 ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch return; \\} , \\debug: alloc - success - len: 10, ptr_align: 0 \\debug: shrink - success - 10 to 5, buf_align: 0 \\error: expand - failure - 5 to 20, buf_align: 0 \\debug: free - len: 5 \\ ); cases.add("valid carriage return example", "const io = @import(\"std\").io;\r\n" ++ // Testing CRLF line endings are valid "\r\n" ++ "pub \r fn main() void {\r\n" ++ // Testing isolated carriage return as whitespace is valid " const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer();\r\n" ++ " stdout.print(\\\\A Multiline\r\n" ++ // testing CRLF at end of multiline string line is valid and normalises to \n in the output " \\\\String\r\n" ++ " , .{}) catch unreachable;\r\n" ++ "}\r\n", "A Multiline\nString"); }