const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const debug = std.debug; const testing = std.testing; const math = std.math; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; const minInt = std.math.minInt; const TypeId = builtin.TypeId; pub const Limb = usize; pub const DoubleLimb = @IntType(false, 2 * Limb.bit_count); pub const Log2Limb = math.Log2Int(Limb); comptime { debug.assert(math.floorPowerOfTwo(usize, Limb.bit_count) == Limb.bit_count); debug.assert(Limb.bit_count <= 64); // u128 set is unsupported debug.assert(Limb.is_signed == false); } /// An arbitrary-precision big integer. /// /// Memory is allocated by an Int as needed to ensure operations never overflow. The range of an /// Int is bounded only by available memory. pub const Int = struct { const sign_bit: usize = 1 << (usize.bit_count - 1); /// Default number of limbs to allocate on creation of an Int. pub const default_capacity = 4; /// Allocator used by the Int when requesting memory. allocator: ?*Allocator, /// Raw digits. These are: /// /// * Little-endian ordered /// * limbs.len >= 1 /// * Zero is represent as Int.len() == 1 with limbs[0] == 0. /// /// Accessing limbs directly should be avoided. limbs: []Limb, /// High bit is the sign bit. If set, Int is negative, else Int is positive. /// The remaining bits represent the number of limbs used by Int. metadata: usize, /// Creates a new Int. default_capacity limbs will be allocated immediately. /// Int will be zeroed. pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) !Int { return try Int.initCapacity(allocator, default_capacity); } /// Creates a new Int. Int will be set to `value`. /// /// This is identical to an `init`, followed by a `set`. pub fn initSet(allocator: *Allocator, value: var) !Int { var s = try Int.init(allocator); try s.set(value); return s; } /// Creates a new Int with a specific capacity. If capacity < default_capacity then the /// default capacity will be used instead. pub fn initCapacity(allocator: *Allocator, capacity: usize) !Int { return Int{ .allocator = allocator, .metadata = 1, .limbs = block: { var limbs = try allocator.alloc(Limb, math.max(default_capacity, capacity)); limbs[0] = 0; break :block limbs; }, }; } /// Returns the number of limbs currently in use. pub fn len(self: Int) usize { return self.metadata & ~sign_bit; } /// Returns whether an Int is positive. pub fn isPositive(self: Int) bool { return self.metadata & sign_bit == 0; } /// Sets the sign of an Int. pub fn setSign(self: *Int, positive: bool) void { if (positive) { self.metadata &= ~sign_bit; } else { self.metadata |= sign_bit; } } /// Sets the length of an Int. /// /// If setLen is used, then the Int must be normalized to suit. pub fn setLen(self: *Int, new_len: usize) void { self.metadata &= sign_bit; self.metadata |= new_len; } /// Returns an Int backed by a fixed set of limb values. /// This is read-only and cannot be used as a result argument. If the Int tries to allocate /// memory a runtime panic will occur. pub fn initFixed(limbs: []const Limb) Int { var self = Int{ .allocator = null, .metadata = limbs.len, // Cast away the const, invalid use to pass as a pointer argument. .limbs = @intToPtr([*]Limb, @ptrToInt(limbs.ptr))[0..limbs.len], }; self.normalize(limbs.len); return self; } /// Ensures an Int has enough space allocated for capacity limbs. If the Int does not have /// sufficient capacity, the exact amount will be allocated. This occurs even if the requested /// capacity is only greater than the current capacity by one limb. pub fn ensureCapacity(self: *Int, capacity: usize) !void { self.assertWritable(); if (capacity <= self.limbs.len) { return; } self.limbs = try self.allocator.?.realloc(self.limbs, capacity); } fn assertWritable(self: Int) void { if (self.allocator == null) { @panic("provided Int value is read-only but must be writable"); } } /// Frees all memory associated with an Int. pub fn deinit(self: *Int) void { self.assertWritable(); self.allocator.?.free(self.limbs); self.* = undefined; } /// Clones an Int and returns a new Int with the same value. The new Int is a deep copy and /// can be modified separately from the original. pub fn clone(other: Int) !Int { other.assertWritable(); return Int{ .allocator = other.allocator, .metadata = other.metadata, .limbs = block: { var limbs = try other.allocator.?.alloc(Limb, other.len()); mem.copy(Limb, limbs[0..], other.limbs[0..other.len()]); break :block limbs; }, }; } /// Copies the value of an Int to an existing Int so that they both have the same value. /// Extra memory will be allocated if the receiver does not have enough capacity. pub fn copy(self: *Int, other: Int) !void { self.assertWritable(); if (self.limbs.ptr == other.limbs.ptr) { return; } try self.ensureCapacity(other.len()); mem.copy(Limb, self.limbs[0..], other.limbs[0..other.len()]); self.metadata = other.metadata; } /// Efficiently swap an Int with another. This swaps the limb pointers and a full copy is not /// performed. The address of the limbs field will not be the same after this function. pub fn swap(self: *Int, other: *Int) void { self.assertWritable(); mem.swap(Int, self, other); } pub fn dump(self: Int) void { for (self.limbs) |limb| { debug.warn("{x} ", limb); } debug.warn("\n"); } /// Negate the sign of an Int. pub fn negate(self: *Int) void { self.metadata ^= sign_bit; } /// Make an Int positive. pub fn abs(self: *Int) void { self.metadata &= ~sign_bit; } /// Returns true if an Int is odd. pub fn isOdd(self: Int) bool { return self.limbs[0] & 1 != 0; } /// Returns true if an Int is even. pub fn isEven(self: Int) bool { return !self.isOdd(); } /// Returns the number of bits required to represent the absolute value an Int. fn bitCountAbs(self: Int) usize { return (self.len() - 1) * Limb.bit_count + (Limb.bit_count - @clz(Limb, self.limbs[self.len() - 1])); } /// Returns the number of bits required to represent the integer in twos-complement form. /// /// If the integer is negative the value returned is the number of bits needed by a signed /// integer to represent the value. If positive the value is the number of bits for an /// unsigned integer. Any unsigned integer will fit in the signed integer with bitcount /// one greater than the returned value. /// /// e.g. -127 returns 8 as it will fit in an i8. 127 returns 7 since it fits in a u7. fn bitCountTwosComp(self: Int) usize { var bits = self.bitCountAbs(); // If the entire value has only one bit set (e.g. 0b100000000) then the negation in twos // complement requires one less bit. if (!self.isPositive()) block: { bits += 1; if (@popCount(Limb, self.limbs[self.len() - 1]) == 1) { for (self.limbs[0 .. self.len() - 1]) |limb| { if (@popCount(Limb, limb) != 0) { break :block; } } bits -= 1; } } return bits; } fn fitsInTwosComp(self: Int, is_signed: bool, bit_count: usize) bool { if (self.eqZero()) { return true; } if (!is_signed and !self.isPositive()) { return false; } const req_bits = self.bitCountTwosComp() + @boolToInt(self.isPositive() and is_signed); return bit_count >= req_bits; } /// Returns whether self can fit into an integer of the requested type. pub fn fits(self: Int, comptime T: type) bool { return self.fitsInTwosComp(T.is_signed, T.bit_count); } /// Returns the approximate size of the integer in the given base. Negative values accommodate for /// the minus sign. This is used for determining the number of characters needed to print the /// value. It is inexact and may exceed the given value by ~1-2 bytes. pub fn sizeInBase(self: Int, base: usize) usize { const bit_count = usize(@boolToInt(!self.isPositive())) + self.bitCountAbs(); return (bit_count / math.log2(base)) + 1; } /// Sets an Int to value. Value must be an primitive integer type. pub fn set(self: *Int, value: var) Allocator.Error!void { self.assertWritable(); const T = @typeOf(value); switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Int => |info| { const UT = if (T.is_signed) @IntType(false, T.bit_count - 1) else T; try self.ensureCapacity(@sizeOf(UT) / @sizeOf(Limb)); self.metadata = 0; self.setSign(value >= 0); var w_value: UT = if (value < 0) @intCast(UT, -value) else @intCast(UT, value); if (info.bits <= Limb.bit_count) { self.limbs[0] = Limb(w_value); self.metadata += 1; } else { var i: usize = 0; while (w_value != 0) : (i += 1) { self.limbs[i] = @truncate(Limb, w_value); self.metadata += 1; // TODO: shift == 64 at compile-time fails. Fails on u128 limbs. w_value >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; w_value >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; } } }, TypeId.ComptimeInt => { comptime var w_value = if (value < 0) -value else value; const req_limbs = @divFloor(math.log2(w_value), Limb.bit_count) + 1; try self.ensureCapacity(req_limbs); self.metadata = req_limbs; self.setSign(value >= 0); if (w_value <= maxInt(Limb)) { self.limbs[0] = w_value; } else { const mask = (1 << Limb.bit_count) - 1; comptime var i = 0; inline while (w_value != 0) : (i += 1) { self.limbs[i] = w_value & mask; w_value >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; w_value >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; } } }, else => { @compileError("cannot set Int using type " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } pub const ConvertError = error{ NegativeIntoUnsigned, TargetTooSmall, }; /// Convert self to type T. /// /// Returns an error if self cannot be narrowed into the requested type without truncation. pub fn to(self: Int, comptime T: type) ConvertError!T { switch (@typeId(T)) { TypeId.Int => { const UT = @IntType(false, T.bit_count); if (self.bitCountTwosComp() > T.bit_count) { return error.TargetTooSmall; } var r: UT = 0; if (@sizeOf(UT) <= @sizeOf(Limb)) { r = @intCast(UT, self.limbs[0]); } else { for (self.limbs[0..self.len()]) |_, ri| { const limb = self.limbs[self.len() - ri - 1]; r <<= Limb.bit_count; r |= limb; } } if (!T.is_signed) { return if (self.isPositive()) @intCast(T, r) else error.NegativeIntoUnsigned; } else { if (self.isPositive()) { return @intCast(T, r); } else { if (math.cast(T, r)) |ok| { return -ok; } else |_| { return minInt(T); } } } }, else => { @compileError("cannot convert Int to type " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } fn charToDigit(ch: u8, base: u8) !u8 { const d = switch (ch) { '0'...'9' => ch - '0', 'a'...'f' => (ch - 'a') + 0xa, else => return error.InvalidCharForDigit, }; return if (d < base) d else return error.DigitTooLargeForBase; } fn digitToChar(d: u8, base: u8) !u8 { if (d >= base) { return error.DigitTooLargeForBase; } return switch (d) { 0...9 => '0' + d, 0xa...0xf => ('a' - 0xa) + d, else => unreachable, }; } /// Set self from the string representation `value`. /// /// value must contain only digits <= `base`. Base prefixes are not allowed (e.g. 0x43 should /// simply be 43). /// /// Returns an error if memory could not be allocated or `value` has invalid digits for the /// requested base. pub fn setString(self: *Int, base: u8, value: []const u8) !void { self.assertWritable(); if (base < 2 or base > 16) { return error.InvalidBase; } var i: usize = 0; var positive = true; if (value.len > 0 and value[0] == '-') { positive = false; i += 1; } const ap_base = Int.initFixed(([_]Limb{base})[0..]); try self.set(0); for (value[i..]) |ch| { const d = try charToDigit(ch, base); const ap_d = Int.initFixed(([_]Limb{d})[0..]); try self.mul(self.*, ap_base); try self.add(self.*, ap_d); } self.setSign(positive); } /// Converts self to a string in the requested base. Memory is allocated from the provided /// allocator and not the one present in self. /// TODO make this call format instead of the other way around pub fn toString(self: Int, allocator: *Allocator, base: u8) ![]const u8 { if (base < 2 or base > 16) { return error.InvalidBase; } var digits = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); try digits.ensureCapacity(self.sizeInBase(base) + 1); defer digits.deinit(); if (self.eqZero()) { try digits.append('0'); return digits.toOwnedSlice(); } // Power of two: can do a single pass and use masks to extract digits. if (math.isPowerOfTwo(base)) { const base_shift = math.log2_int(Limb, base); for (self.limbs[0..self.len()]) |limb| { var shift: usize = 0; while (shift < Limb.bit_count) : (shift += base_shift) { const r = @intCast(u8, (limb >> @intCast(Log2Limb, shift)) & Limb(base - 1)); const ch = try digitToChar(r, base); try digits.append(ch); } } while (true) { // always will have a non-zero digit somewhere const c = digits.pop(); if (c != '0') { digits.append(c) catch unreachable; break; } } } // Non power-of-two: batch divisions per word size. else { const digits_per_limb = math.log(Limb, base, maxInt(Limb)); var limb_base: Limb = 1; var j: usize = 0; while (j < digits_per_limb) : (j += 1) { limb_base *= base; } var q = try self.clone(); q.abs(); var r = try Int.init(allocator); var b = try Int.initSet(allocator, limb_base); while (q.len() >= 2) { try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, q, b); var r_word = r.limbs[0]; var i: usize = 0; while (i < digits_per_limb) : (i += 1) { const ch = try digitToChar(@intCast(u8, r_word % base), base); r_word /= base; try digits.append(ch); } } { debug.assert(q.len() == 1); var r_word = q.limbs[0]; while (r_word != 0) { const ch = try digitToChar(@intCast(u8, r_word % base), base); r_word /= base; try digits.append(ch); } } } if (!self.isPositive()) { try digits.append('-'); } var s = digits.toOwnedSlice(); mem.reverse(u8, s); return s; } /// To allow `std.fmt.printf` to work with Int. /// TODO make this non-allocating pub fn format( self: Int, comptime fmt: []const u8, comptime options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, context: var, comptime FmtError: type, output: fn (@typeOf(context), []const u8) FmtError!void, ) FmtError!void { self.assertWritable(); // TODO look at fmt and support other bases // TODO support read-only fixed integers const str = self.toString(self.allocator.?, 10) catch @panic("TODO make this non allocating"); defer self.allocator.?.free(str); return output(context, str); } /// Returns -1, 0, 1 if |a| < |b|, |a| == |b| or |a| > |b| respectively. pub fn cmpAbs(a: Int, b: Int) i8 { if (a.len() < b.len()) { return -1; } if (a.len() > b.len()) { return 1; } var i: usize = a.len() - 1; while (i != 0) : (i -= 1) { if (a.limbs[i] != b.limbs[i]) { break; } } if (a.limbs[i] < b.limbs[i]) { return -1; } else if (a.limbs[i] > b.limbs[i]) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /// Returns -1, 0, 1 if a < b, a == b or a > b respectively. pub fn cmp(a: Int, b: Int) i8 { if (a.isPositive() != b.isPositive()) { return if (a.isPositive()) i8(1) else -1; } else { const r = cmpAbs(a, b); return if (a.isPositive()) r else -r; } } /// Returns true if a == 0. pub fn eqZero(a: Int) bool { return a.len() == 1 and a.limbs[0] == 0; } /// Returns true if |a| == |b|. pub fn eqAbs(a: Int, b: Int) bool { return cmpAbs(a, b) == 0; } /// Returns true if a == b. pub fn eq(a: Int, b: Int) bool { return cmp(a, b) == 0; } // Normalize a possible sequence of leading zeros. // // [1, 2, 3, 4, 0] -> [1, 2, 3, 4] // [1, 2, 0, 0, 0] -> [1, 2] // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] -> [0] fn normalize(r: *Int, length: usize) void { debug.assert(length > 0); debug.assert(length <= r.limbs.len); var j = length; while (j > 0) : (j -= 1) { if (r.limbs[j - 1] != 0) { break; } } // Handle zero r.setLen(if (j != 0) j else 1); } // Cannot be used as a result argument to any function. fn readOnlyPositive(a: Int) Int { return Int{ .allocator = null, .metadata = a.len(), .limbs = a.limbs, }; } /// r = a + b /// /// r, a and b may be aliases. /// /// Returns an error if memory could not be allocated. pub fn add(r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) Allocator.Error!void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.eqZero()) { try r.copy(b); return; } else if (b.eqZero()) { try r.copy(a); return; } if (a.isPositive() != b.isPositive()) { if (a.isPositive()) { // (a) + (-b) => a - b try r.sub(a, readOnlyPositive(b)); } else { // (-a) + (b) => b - a try r.sub(b, readOnlyPositive(a)); } } else { if (a.len() >= b.len()) { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() + 1); lladd(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.normalize(a.len() + 1); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len() + 1); lladd(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.normalize(b.len() + 1); } r.setSign(a.isPositive()); } } // Knuth 4.3.1, Algorithm A. fn lladd(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len != 0 and b.len != 0); debug.assert(a.len >= b.len); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len + 1); var i: usize = 0; var carry: Limb = 0; while (i < b.len) : (i += 1) { var c: Limb = 0; c += @boolToInt(@addWithOverflow(Limb, a[i], b[i], &r[i])); c += @boolToInt(@addWithOverflow(Limb, r[i], carry, &r[i])); carry = c; } while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { carry = @boolToInt(@addWithOverflow(Limb, a[i], carry, &r[i])); } r[i] = carry; } /// r = a - b /// /// r, a and b may be aliases. /// /// Returns an error if memory could not be allocated. pub fn sub(r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.isPositive() != b.isPositive()) { if (a.isPositive()) { // (a) - (-b) => a + b try r.add(a, readOnlyPositive(b)); } else { // (-a) - (b) => -(a + b) try r.add(readOnlyPositive(a), b); r.setSign(false); } } else { if (a.isPositive()) { // (a) - (b) => a - b if (a.cmp(b) >= 0) { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() + 1); llsub(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.normalize(a.len()); r.setSign(true); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len() + 1); llsub(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.normalize(b.len()); r.setSign(false); } } else { // (-a) - (-b) => -(a - b) if (a.cmp(b) < 0) { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() + 1); llsub(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.normalize(a.len()); r.setSign(false); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len() + 1); llsub(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.normalize(b.len()); r.setSign(true); } } } } // Knuth 4.3.1, Algorithm S. fn llsub(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len != 0 and b.len != 0); debug.assert(a.len > b.len or (a.len == b.len and a[a.len - 1] >= b[b.len - 1])); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len); var i: usize = 0; var borrow: Limb = 0; while (i < b.len) : (i += 1) { var c: Limb = 0; c += @boolToInt(@subWithOverflow(Limb, a[i], b[i], &r[i])); c += @boolToInt(@subWithOverflow(Limb, r[i], borrow, &r[i])); borrow = c; } while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { borrow = @boolToInt(@subWithOverflow(Limb, a[i], borrow, &r[i])); } debug.assert(borrow == 0); } /// rma = a * b /// /// rma, a and b may be aliases. However, it is more efficient if rma does not alias a or b. /// /// Returns an error if memory could not be allocated. pub fn mul(rma: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { rma.assertWritable(); var r = rma; var aliased = rma.limbs.ptr == a.limbs.ptr or rma.limbs.ptr == b.limbs.ptr; var sr: Int = undefined; if (aliased) { sr = try Int.initCapacity(rma.allocator.?, a.len() + b.len()); r = &sr; aliased = true; } defer if (aliased) { rma.swap(r); r.deinit(); }; try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() + b.len()); if (a.len() >= b.len()) { llmul(r.limbs, a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); } else { llmul(r.limbs, b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); } r.normalize(a.len() + b.len()); r.setSign(a.isPositive() == b.isPositive()); } // a + b * c + *carry, sets carry to the overflow bits pub fn addMulLimbWithCarry(a: Limb, b: Limb, c: Limb, carry: *Limb) Limb { var r1: Limb = undefined; // r1 = a + *carry const c1: Limb = @boolToInt(@addWithOverflow(Limb, a, carry.*, &r1)); // r2 = b * c const bc = DoubleLimb(math.mulWide(Limb, b, c)); const r2 = @truncate(Limb, bc); const c2 = @truncate(Limb, bc >> Limb.bit_count); // r1 = r1 + r2 const c3: Limb = @boolToInt(@addWithOverflow(Limb, r1, r2, &r1)); // This never overflows, c1, c3 are either 0 or 1 and if both are 1 then // c2 is at least <= maxInt(Limb) - 2. carry.* = c1 + c2 + c3; return r1; } // Knuth 4.3.1, Algorithm M. // // r MUST NOT alias any of a or b. fn llmul(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len >= b.len); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len + b.len); mem.set(Limb, r[0 .. a.len + b.len], 0); var i: usize = 0; while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { var carry: Limb = 0; var j: usize = 0; while (j < b.len) : (j += 1) { r[i + j] = @inlineCall(addMulLimbWithCarry, r[i + j], a[i], b[j], &carry); } r[i + j] = carry; } } /// q = a / b (rem r) /// /// a / b are floored (rounded towards 0). pub fn divFloor(q: *Int, r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { try div(q, r, a, b); // Trunc -> Floor. if (!q.isPositive()) { const one = Int.initFixed(([_]Limb{1})[0..]); try q.sub(q.*, one); try r.add(q.*, one); } r.setSign(b.isPositive()); } /// q = a / b (rem r) /// /// a / b are truncated (rounded towards -inf). pub fn divTrunc(q: *Int, r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { try div(q, r, a, b); r.setSign(a.isPositive()); } // Truncates by default. fn div(quo: *Int, rem: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { quo.assertWritable(); rem.assertWritable(); if (b.eqZero()) { @panic("division by zero"); } if (quo == rem) { @panic("quo and rem cannot be same variable"); } if (a.cmpAbs(b) < 0) { // quo may alias a so handle rem first try rem.copy(a); rem.setSign(a.isPositive() == b.isPositive()); quo.metadata = 1; quo.limbs[0] = 0; return; } // Handle trailing zero-words of divisor/dividend. These are not handled in the following // algorithms. const a_zero_limb_count = blk: { var i: usize = 0; while (i < a.len()) : (i += 1) { if (a.limbs[i] != 0) break; } break :blk i; }; const b_zero_limb_count = blk: { var i: usize = 0; while (i < b.len()) : (i += 1) { if (b.limbs[i] != 0) break; } break :blk i; }; const ab_zero_limb_count = std.math.min(a_zero_limb_count, b_zero_limb_count); if (b.len() - ab_zero_limb_count == 1) { try quo.ensureCapacity(a.len()); lldiv1(quo.limbs[0..], &rem.limbs[0], a.limbs[ab_zero_limb_count..a.len()], b.limbs[b.len() - 1]); quo.normalize(a.len() - ab_zero_limb_count); quo.setSign(a.isPositive() == b.isPositive()); rem.metadata = 1; } else { // x and y are modified during division var x = try Int.initCapacity(quo.allocator.?, a.len()); defer x.deinit(); try x.copy(a); var y = try Int.initCapacity(quo.allocator.?, b.len()); defer y.deinit(); try y.copy(b); // x may grow one limb during normalization try quo.ensureCapacity(a.len() + y.len()); // Shrink x, y such that the trailing zero limbs shared between are removed. if (ab_zero_limb_count != 0) { std.mem.copy(Limb, x.limbs[0..], x.limbs[ab_zero_limb_count..]); std.mem.copy(Limb, y.limbs[0..], y.limbs[ab_zero_limb_count..]); x.metadata -= ab_zero_limb_count; y.metadata -= ab_zero_limb_count; } try divN(quo.allocator.?, quo, rem, &x, &y); quo.setSign(a.isPositive() == b.isPositive()); } if (ab_zero_limb_count != 0) { try rem.shiftLeft(rem.*, ab_zero_limb_count * Limb.bit_count); } } // Knuth 4.3.1, Exercise 16. fn lldiv1(quo: []Limb, rem: *Limb, a: []const Limb, b: Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len > 1 or a[0] >= b); debug.assert(quo.len >= a.len); rem.* = 0; for (a) |_, ri| { const i = a.len - ri - 1; const pdiv = ((DoubleLimb(rem.*) << Limb.bit_count) | a[i]); if (pdiv == 0) { quo[i] = 0; rem.* = 0; } else if (pdiv < b) { quo[i] = 0; rem.* = @truncate(Limb, pdiv); } else if (pdiv == b) { quo[i] = 1; rem.* = 0; } else { quo[i] = @truncate(Limb, @divTrunc(pdiv, b)); rem.* = @truncate(Limb, pdiv - (quo[i] *% b)); } } } // Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 14.20 // // x = qy + r where 0 <= r < y fn divN(allocator: *Allocator, q: *Int, r: *Int, x: *Int, y: *Int) !void { debug.assert(y.len() >= 2); debug.assert(x.len() >= y.len()); debug.assert(q.limbs.len >= x.len() + y.len() - 1); debug.assert(default_capacity >= 3); // see 3.2 var tmp = try Int.init(allocator); defer tmp.deinit(); // Normalize so y > Limb.bit_count / 2 (i.e. leading bit is set) and even var norm_shift = @clz(Limb, y.limbs[y.len() - 1]); if (norm_shift == 0 and y.isOdd()) { norm_shift = Limb.bit_count; } try x.shiftLeft(x.*, norm_shift); try y.shiftLeft(y.*, norm_shift); const n = x.len() - 1; const t = y.len() - 1; // 1. q.metadata = n - t + 1; mem.set(Limb, q.limbs[0..q.len()], 0); // 2. try tmp.shiftLeft(y.*, Limb.bit_count * (n - t)); while (x.cmp(tmp) >= 0) { q.limbs[n - t] += 1; try x.sub(x.*, tmp); } // 3. var i = n; while (i > t) : (i -= 1) { // 3.1 if (x.limbs[i] == y.limbs[t]) { q.limbs[i - t - 1] = maxInt(Limb); } else { const num = (DoubleLimb(x.limbs[i]) << Limb.bit_count) | DoubleLimb(x.limbs[i - 1]); const z = @intCast(Limb, num / DoubleLimb(y.limbs[t])); q.limbs[i - t - 1] = if (z > maxInt(Limb)) maxInt(Limb) else Limb(z); } // 3.2 tmp.limbs[0] = if (i >= 2) x.limbs[i - 2] else 0; tmp.limbs[1] = if (i >= 1) x.limbs[i - 1] else 0; tmp.limbs[2] = x.limbs[i]; tmp.normalize(3); while (true) { // 2x1 limb multiplication unrolled against single-limb q[i-t-1] var carry: Limb = 0; r.limbs[0] = addMulLimbWithCarry(0, if (t >= 1) y.limbs[t - 1] else 0, q.limbs[i - t - 1], &carry); r.limbs[1] = addMulLimbWithCarry(0, y.limbs[t], q.limbs[i - t - 1], &carry); r.limbs[2] = carry; r.normalize(3); if (r.cmpAbs(tmp) <= 0) { break; } q.limbs[i - t - 1] -= 1; } // 3.3 try tmp.set(q.limbs[i - t - 1]); try tmp.mul(tmp, y.*); try tmp.shiftLeft(tmp, Limb.bit_count * (i - t - 1)); try x.sub(x.*, tmp); if (!x.isPositive()) { try tmp.shiftLeft(y.*, Limb.bit_count * (i - t - 1)); try x.add(x.*, tmp); q.limbs[i - t - 1] -= 1; } } // Denormalize q.normalize(q.len()); try r.shiftRight(x.*, norm_shift); r.normalize(r.len()); } /// r = a << shift, in other words, r = a * 2^shift pub fn shiftLeft(r: *Int, a: Int, shift: usize) !void { r.assertWritable(); try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() + (shift / Limb.bit_count) + 1); llshl(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], shift); r.normalize(a.len() + (shift / Limb.bit_count) + 1); r.setSign(a.isPositive()); } fn llshl(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, shift: usize) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len >= 1); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len + (shift / Limb.bit_count) + 1); const limb_shift = shift / Limb.bit_count + 1; const interior_limb_shift = @intCast(Log2Limb, shift % Limb.bit_count); var carry: Limb = 0; var i: usize = 0; while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { const src_i = a.len - i - 1; const dst_i = src_i + limb_shift; const src_digit = a[src_i]; r[dst_i] = carry | @inlineCall(math.shr, Limb, src_digit, Limb.bit_count - @intCast(Limb, interior_limb_shift)); carry = (src_digit << interior_limb_shift); } r[limb_shift - 1] = carry; mem.set(Limb, r[0 .. limb_shift - 1], 0); } /// r = a >> shift pub fn shiftRight(r: *Int, a: Int, shift: usize) !void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.len() <= shift / Limb.bit_count) { r.metadata = 1; r.limbs[0] = 0; return; } try r.ensureCapacity(a.len() - (shift / Limb.bit_count)); const r_len = llshr(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], shift); r.metadata = a.len() - (shift / Limb.bit_count); r.setSign(a.isPositive()); } fn llshr(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, shift: usize) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(a.len >= 1); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len - (shift / Limb.bit_count)); const limb_shift = shift / Limb.bit_count; const interior_limb_shift = @intCast(Log2Limb, shift % Limb.bit_count); var carry: Limb = 0; var i: usize = 0; while (i < a.len - limb_shift) : (i += 1) { const src_i = a.len - i - 1; const dst_i = src_i - limb_shift; const src_digit = a[src_i]; r[dst_i] = carry | (src_digit >> interior_limb_shift); carry = @inlineCall(math.shl, Limb, src_digit, Limb.bit_count - @intCast(Limb, interior_limb_shift)); } } /// r = a | b /// /// a and b are zero-extended to the longer of a or b. pub fn bitOr(r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.len() > b.len()) { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len()); llor(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.setLen(a.len()); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len()); llor(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.setLen(b.len()); } } fn llor(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len); debug.assert(a.len >= b.len); var i: usize = 0; while (i < b.len) : (i += 1) { r[i] = a[i] | b[i]; } while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { r[i] = a[i]; } } /// r = a & b pub fn bitAnd(r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.len() > b.len()) { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len()); lland(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.normalize(b.len()); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len()); lland(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.normalize(a.len()); } } fn lland(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(r.len >= b.len); debug.assert(a.len >= b.len); var i: usize = 0; while (i < b.len) : (i += 1) { r[i] = a[i] & b[i]; } } /// r = a ^ b pub fn bitXor(r: *Int, a: Int, b: Int) !void { r.assertWritable(); if (a.len() > b.len()) { try r.ensureCapacity(a.len()); llxor(r.limbs[0..], a.limbs[0..a.len()], b.limbs[0..b.len()]); r.normalize(a.len()); } else { try r.ensureCapacity(b.len()); llxor(r.limbs[0..], b.limbs[0..b.len()], a.limbs[0..a.len()]); r.normalize(b.len()); } } fn llxor(r: []Limb, a: []const Limb, b: []const Limb) void { @setRuntimeSafety(false); debug.assert(r.len >= a.len); debug.assert(a.len >= b.len); var i: usize = 0; while (i < b.len) : (i += 1) { r[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]; } while (i < a.len) : (i += 1) { r[i] = a[i]; } } }; // NOTE: All the following tests assume the max machine-word will be 64-bit. // // They will still run on larger than this and should pass, but the multi-limb code-paths // may be untested in some cases. var buffer: [64 * 8192]u8 = undefined; var fixed = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buffer[0..]); const al = &fixed.allocator; test " comptime_int set" { comptime var s = 0xefffffff00000001eeeeeeefaaaaaaab; var a = try Int.initSet(al, s); const s_limb_count = 128 / Limb.bit_count; comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < s_limb_count) : (i += 1) { const result = Limb(s & maxInt(Limb)); s >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; s >>= Limb.bit_count / 2; testing.expect(a.limbs[i] == result); } } test " comptime_int set negative" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, -10); testing.expect(a.limbs[0] == 10); testing.expect(a.isPositive() == false); } test " int set unaligned small" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, u7(45)); testing.expect(a.limbs[0] == 45); testing.expect(a.isPositive() == true); } test " comptime_int to" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xefffffff00000001eeeeeeefaaaaaaab); testing.expect((try == 0xefffffff00000001eeeeeeefaaaaaaab); } test " sub-limb to" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 10); testing.expect((try == 10); } test " to target too small error" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff); testing.expectError(error.TargetTooSmall,; } test " normalize" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.ensureCapacity(8); a.limbs[0] = 1; a.limbs[1] = 2; a.limbs[2] = 3; a.limbs[3] = 0; a.normalize(4); testing.expect(a.len() == 3); a.limbs[0] = 1; a.limbs[1] = 2; a.limbs[2] = 3; a.normalize(3); testing.expect(a.len() == 3); a.limbs[0] = 0; a.limbs[1] = 0; a.normalize(2); testing.expect(a.len() == 1); a.limbs[0] = 0; a.normalize(1); testing.expect(a.len() == 1); } test " normalize multi" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.ensureCapacity(8); a.limbs[0] = 1; a.limbs[1] = 2; a.limbs[2] = 0; a.limbs[3] = 0; a.normalize(4); testing.expect(a.len() == 2); a.limbs[0] = 1; a.limbs[1] = 2; a.limbs[2] = 3; a.normalize(3); testing.expect(a.len() == 3); a.limbs[0] = 0; a.limbs[1] = 0; a.limbs[2] = 0; a.limbs[3] = 0; a.normalize(4); testing.expect(a.len() == 1); a.limbs[0] = 0; a.normalize(1); testing.expect(a.len() == 1); } test " parity" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.set(0); testing.expect(a.isEven()); testing.expect(!a.isOdd()); try a.set(7); testing.expect(!a.isEven()); testing.expect(a.isOdd()); } test " bitcount + sizeInBase" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.set(0b100); testing.expect(a.bitCountAbs() == 3); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(2) >= 3); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(10) >= 1); a.negate(); testing.expect(a.bitCountAbs() == 3); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(2) >= 4); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(10) >= 2); try a.set(0xffffffff); testing.expect(a.bitCountAbs() == 32); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(2) >= 32); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(10) >= 10); try a.shiftLeft(a, 5000); testing.expect(a.bitCountAbs() == 5032); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(2) >= 5032); a.setSign(false); testing.expect(a.bitCountAbs() == 5032); testing.expect(a.sizeInBase(2) >= 5033); } test " bitcount/to" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.set(0); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 0); testing.expect((try == 0); testing.expect((try == 0); try a.set(-1); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 1); testing.expect((try == -1); try a.set(-8); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 4); testing.expect((try == -8); try a.set(127); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 7); testing.expect((try == 127); try a.set(-128); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 8); testing.expect((try == -128); try a.set(-129); testing.expect(a.bitCountTwosComp() == 9); testing.expect((try == -129); } test " fits" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.set(0); testing.expect(a.fits(u0)); testing.expect(a.fits(i0)); try a.set(255); testing.expect(!a.fits(u0)); testing.expect(!a.fits(u1)); testing.expect(!a.fits(i8)); testing.expect(a.fits(u8)); testing.expect(a.fits(u9)); testing.expect(a.fits(i9)); try a.set(-128); testing.expect(!a.fits(i7)); testing.expect(a.fits(i8)); testing.expect(a.fits(i9)); testing.expect(!a.fits(u9)); try a.set(0x1ffffffffeeeeeeee); testing.expect(!a.fits(u32)); testing.expect(!a.fits(u64)); testing.expect(a.fits(u65)); } test " string set" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.setString(10, "120317241209124781241290847124"); testing.expect((try == 120317241209124781241290847124); } test " string negative" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.setString(10, "-1023"); testing.expect((try == -1023); } test " string set bad char error" { var a = try Int.init(al); testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharForDigit, a.setString(10, "x")); } test " string set bad base error" { var a = try Int.init(al); testing.expectError(error.InvalidBase, a.setString(45, "10")); } test " string to" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 120317241209124781241290847124); const as = try a.toString(al, 10); const es = "120317241209124781241290847124"; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, as, es)); } test " string to base base error" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff); testing.expectError(error.InvalidBase, a.toString(al, 45)); } test " string to base 2" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, -0b1011); const as = try a.toString(al, 2); const es = "-1011"; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, as, es)); } test " string to base 16" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xefffffff00000001eeeeeeefaaaaaaab); const as = try a.toString(al, 16); const es = "efffffff00000001eeeeeeefaaaaaaab"; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, as, es)); } test " neg string to" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, -123907434); const as = try a.toString(al, 10); const es = "-123907434"; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, as, es)); } test " zero string to" { const a = try Int.initSet(al, 0); const as = try a.toString(al, 10); const es = "0"; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, as, es)); } test " clone" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 1234); const b = try a.clone(); testing.expect((try == 1234); testing.expect((try == 1234); try a.set(77); testing.expect((try == 77); testing.expect((try == 1234); } test " swap" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 1234); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5678); testing.expect((try == 1234); testing.expect((try == 5678); a.swap(&b); testing.expect((try == 5678); testing.expect((try == 1234); } test " to negative" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, -10); testing.expect((try == -10); } test " compare" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, -11); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 10); testing.expect(a.cmpAbs(b) == 1); testing.expect(a.cmp(b) == -1); } test " compare similar" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffffeeeeeeeeffffffffeeeeeeee); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffffeeeeeeeeffffffffeeeeeeef); testing.expect(a.cmpAbs(b) == -1); testing.expect(b.cmpAbs(a) == 1); } test " compare different limb size" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 1); testing.expect(a.cmpAbs(b) == 1); testing.expect(b.cmpAbs(a) == -1); } test " compare multi-limb" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, -0x7777777799999999ffffeeeeffffeeeeffffeeeef); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x7777777799999999ffffeeeeffffeeeeffffeeeee); testing.expect(a.cmpAbs(b) == 1); testing.expect(a.cmp(b) == -1); } test " equality" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, -0xffffffff1); testing.expect(a.eqAbs(b)); testing.expect(!a.eq(b)); } test " abs" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, -5); a.abs(); testing.expect((try == 5); a.abs(); testing.expect((try == 5); } test " negate" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 5); a.negate(); testing.expect((try == -5); a.negate(); testing.expect((try == 5); } test " add single-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 50); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.add(a, b); testing.expect((try == 55); } test " add multi-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 1); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.add(a, b); testing.expect((try == maxInt(Limb) + 2); try c.add(b, a); testing.expect((try == maxInt(Limb) + 2); } test " add multi-multi" { const op1 = 0xefefefef7f7f7f7f; const op2 = 0xfefefefe9f9f9f9f; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.add(a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 + op2); } test " add zero-zero" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.add(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " add alias multi-limb nonzero-zero" { const op1 = 0xffffffff777777771; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0); try a.add(a, b); testing.expect((try == op1); } test " add sign" { var a = try Int.init(al); const one = try Int.initSet(al, 1); const two = try Int.initSet(al, 2); const neg_one = try Int.initSet(al, -1); const neg_two = try Int.initSet(al, -2); try a.add(one, two); testing.expect((try == 3); try a.add(neg_one, two); testing.expect((try == 1); try a.add(one, neg_two); testing.expect((try == -1); try a.add(neg_one, neg_two); testing.expect((try == -3); } test " sub single-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 50); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.sub(a, b); testing.expect((try == 45); } test " sub multi-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 1); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.sub(a, b); testing.expect((try == maxInt(Limb)); } test " sub multi-multi" { const op1 = 0xefefefefefefefefefefefef; const op2 = 0xabababababababababababab; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.sub(a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 - op2); } test " sub equal" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x11efefefefefefefefefefefef); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x11efefefefefefefefefefefef); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.sub(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " sub sign" { var a = try Int.init(al); const one = try Int.initSet(al, 1); const two = try Int.initSet(al, 2); const neg_one = try Int.initSet(al, -1); const neg_two = try Int.initSet(al, -2); try a.sub(one, two); testing.expect((try == -1); try a.sub(neg_one, two); testing.expect((try == -3); try a.sub(one, neg_two); testing.expect((try == 3); try a.sub(neg_one, neg_two); testing.expect((try == 1); try a.sub(neg_two, neg_one); testing.expect((try == -1); } test " mul single-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 50); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == 250); } test " mul multi-single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 2); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == 2 * maxInt(Limb)); } test " mul multi-multi" { const op1 = 0x998888efefefefefefefef; const op2 = 0x333000abababababababab; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 * op2); } test " mul alias r with a" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 2); try a.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == 2 * maxInt(Limb)); } test " mul alias r with b" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 2); try a.mul(b, a); testing.expect((try == 2 * maxInt(Limb)); } test " mul alias r with a and b" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); try a.mul(a, a); testing.expect((try == maxInt(Limb) * maxInt(Limb)); } test " mul a*0" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xefefefefefefefef); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " mul 0*0" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0); var c = try Int.init(al); try c.mul(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " div single-single no rem" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 50); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 10); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " div single-single with rem" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 49); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 9); testing.expect((try == 4); } test " div multi-single no rem" { const op1 = 0xffffeeeeddddcccc; const op2 = 34; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 / op2); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " div multi-single with rem" { const op1 = 0xffffeeeeddddcccf; const op2 = 34; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 / op2); testing.expect((try == 3); } test " div multi>2-single" { const op1 = 0xfefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefe; const op2 = 0xefab8; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == op1 / op2); testing.expect((try == 0x3e4e); } test " div single-single q < r" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x0078f432); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x01000000); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); testing.expect((try == 0x0078f432); } test " div single-single q == r" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 10); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 10); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 1); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " div q=0 alias" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 3); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 10); try Int.divTrunc(&a, &b, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); testing.expect((try == 3); } test " div multi-multi q < r" { const op1 = 0x1ffffffff0078f432; const op2 = 0x1ffffffff01000000; var a = try Int.initSet(al, op1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, op2); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); testing.expect((try == op1); } test " div trunc single-single +/+" { const u: i32 = 5; const v: i32 = 3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // 5 = 1 * 3 + 2 const eq = @divTrunc(u, v); const er = @mod(u, v); testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div trunc single-single -/+" { const u: i32 = -5; const v: i32 = 3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // -5 = 1 * -3 - 2 const eq = -1; const er = -2; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div trunc single-single +/-" { const u: i32 = 5; const v: i32 = -3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // 5 = -1 * -3 + 2 const eq = -1; const er = 2; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div trunc single-single -/-" { const u: i32 = -5; const v: i32 = -3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // -5 = 1 * -3 - 2 const eq = 1; const er = -2; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div floor single-single +/+" { const u: i32 = 5; const v: i32 = 3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divFloor(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // 5 = 1 * 3 + 2 const eq = 1; const er = 2; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div floor single-single -/+" { const u: i32 = -5; const v: i32 = 3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divFloor(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // -5 = -2 * 3 + 1 const eq = -2; const er = 1; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div floor single-single +/-" { const u: i32 = 5; const v: i32 = -3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divFloor(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // 5 = -2 * -3 - 1 const eq = -2; const er = -1; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div floor single-single -/-" { const u: i32 = -5; const v: i32 = -3; var a = try Int.initSet(al, u); var b = try Int.initSet(al, v); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divFloor(&q, &r, a, b); // n = q * d + r // -5 = 2 * -3 + 1 const eq = 1; const er = -2; testing.expect((try == eq); testing.expect((try == er); } test " div multi-multi with rem" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x8888999911110000ffffeeeeddddccccbbbbaaaa9999); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x99990000111122223333); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0xe38f38e39161aaabd03f0f1b); testing.expect((try == 0x28de0acacd806823638); } test " div multi-multi no rem" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x8888999911110000ffffeeeedb4fec200ee3a4286361); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x99990000111122223333); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0xe38f38e39161aaabd03f0f1b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " div multi-multi (2 branch)" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x866666665555555588888887777777761111111111111111); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x86666666555555554444444433333333); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0x10000000000000000); testing.expect((try == 0x44444443444444431111111111111111); } test " div multi-multi (3.1/3.3 branch)" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111171); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0xfffffffffffffffffff); testing.expect((try == 0x1111111111111111111110b12222222222222222282); } test " div multi-single zero-limb trailing" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x10000000000000000); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); var expected = try Int.initSet(al, 0x6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); testing.expect(q.eq(expected)); testing.expect(r.eqZero()); } test " div multi-multi zero-limb trailing (with rem)" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x86666666555555558888888777777776111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x8666666655555555444444443333333300000000000000000000000000000000); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0x10000000000000000); const rs = try r.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, rs, "4444444344444443111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000")); } test " div multi-multi zero-limb trailing (with rem) and dividend zero-limb count > divisor zero-limb count" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x8666666655555555888888877777777611111111111111110000000000000000); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x8666666655555555444444443333333300000000000000000000000000000000); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); testing.expect((try == 0x1); const rs = try r.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, rs, "444444434444444311111111111111110000000000000000")); } test " div multi-multi zero-limb trailing (with rem) and dividend zero-limb count < divisor zero-limb count" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x86666666555555558888888777777776111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x866666665555555544444444333333330000000000000000); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); const qs = try q.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, qs, "10000000000000000820820803105186f")); const rs = try r.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, rs, "4e11f2baa5896a321d463b543d0104e30000000000000000")); } test " div multi-multi fuzz case #1" { var a = try Int.init(al); var b = try Int.init(al); try a.setString(16, "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); try b.setString(16, "3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe0000000000000000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc000000000000000000000000000000007fffffffffff"); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); const qs = try q.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, qs, "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")); const rs = try r.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, rs, "310d1d4c414426b4836c2635bad1df3a424e50cbdd167ffccb4dfff57d36b4aae0d6ca0910698220171a0f3373c1060a046c2812f0027e321f72979daa5e7973214170d49e885de0c0ecc167837d44502430674a82522e5df6a0759548052420b91ec1")); } test " div multi-multi fuzz case #2" { var a = try Int.init(al); var b = try Int.init(al); try a.setString(16, "3ffffffffe00000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001fffffffffffffffff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffc000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); try b.setString(16, "ffc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); var q = try Int.init(al); var r = try Int.init(al); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a, b); const qs = try q.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, qs, "40100400fe3f8fe3f8fe3f8fe3f8fe3f8fe4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f93e4f91e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4992649926499264991e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4791e4792e4b92e4b92e4b92e4b92a4a92a4a92a4")); const rs = try r.toString(al, 16); testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, rs, "a900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")); } test " shift-right single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffff0000); try a.shiftRight(a, 16); testing.expect((try == 0xffff); } test " shift-right multi" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffff0000eeee1111dddd2222cccc3333); try a.shiftRight(a, 67); testing.expect((try == 0x1fffe0001dddc222); } test " shift-left single" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffff); try a.shiftLeft(a, 16); testing.expect((try == 0xffff0000); } test " shift-left multi" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x1fffe0001dddc222); try a.shiftLeft(a, 67); testing.expect((try == 0xffff0000eeee11100000000000000000); } test " shift-right negative" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.shiftRight(try Int.initSet(al, -20), 2); testing.expect((try == -20 >> 2); try a.shiftRight(try Int.initSet(al, -5), 10); testing.expect((try == -5 >> 10); } test " shift-left negative" { var a = try Int.init(al); try a.shiftRight(try Int.initSet(al, -10), 1232); testing.expect((try == -10 >> 1232); } test " bitwise and simple" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff11111111); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0xeeeeeeee22222222); try a.bitAnd(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0xeeeeeeee00000000); } test " bitwise and multi-limb" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); try a.bitAnd(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0); } test " bitwise xor simple" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff11111111); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0xeeeeeeee22222222); try a.bitXor(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0x1111111133333333); } test " bitwise xor multi-limb" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); try a.bitXor(a, b); testing.expect((try == (maxInt(Limb) + 1) ^ maxInt(Limb)); } test " bitwise or simple" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffff11111111); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0xeeeeeeee22222222); try a.bitOr(a, b); testing.expect((try == 0xffffffff33333333); } test " bitwise or multi-limb" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb) + 1); var b = try Int.initSet(al, maxInt(Limb)); try a.bitOr(a, b); // TODO: or is wrong on multi-limb. testing.expect((try == (maxInt(Limb) + 1) + maxInt(Limb)); } test " var args" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 5); try a.add(a, try Int.initSet(al, 6)); testing.expect((try == 11); testing.expect(a.cmp(try Int.initSet(al, 11)) == 0); testing.expect(a.cmp(try Int.initSet(al, 14)) <= 0); }