; Test that the --stack-first option places the stack at the start of linear ; memory. In this case the --stack-first option is being passed along with a ; stack size of 512. This means (since the stack grows down) the stack pointer ; global should be initialized to 512. RUN: llc -filetype=obj %p/Inputs/start.ll -o %t.o RUN: wasm-ld -z stack-size=512 --stack-first --allow-undefined -o %t.wasm %t.o RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s CHECK: - Type: GLOBAL CHECK-NEXT: Globals: CHECK-NEXT: - Index: 0 CHECK-NEXT: Type: I32 CHECK-NEXT: Mutable: true CHECK-NEXT: InitExpr: CHECK-NEXT: Opcode: I32_CONST CHECK-NEXT: Value: 512 CHECK-NEXT: - Index: 1 CHECK-NEXT: Type: I32 CHECK-NEXT: Mutable: false CHECK-NEXT: InitExpr: CHECK-NEXT: Opcode: I32_CONST CHECK-NEXT: Value: 512 CHECK-NEXT: - Index: 2 CHECK-NEXT: Type: I32 CHECK-NEXT: Mutable: false CHECK-NEXT: InitExpr: CHECK-NEXT: Opcode: I32_CONST CHECK-NEXT: Value: 512 CHECK-NEXT: - Type: EXPORT CHECK-NEXT: Exports: CHECK-NEXT: - Name: memory CHECK-NEXT: Kind: MEMORY CHECK-NEXT: Index: 0 CHECK-NEXT: - Name: __heap_base CHECK-NEXT: Kind: GLOBAL CHECK-NEXT: Index: 1 CHECK-NEXT: - Name: __data_end CHECK-NEXT: Kind: GLOBAL CHECK-NEXT: Index: 2