# RUN: yaml2obj < %p/Inputs/pdb1.yaml > %t1.obj # RUN: yaml2obj < %p/Inputs/pdb2.yaml > %t2.obj ; If /DEBUG is not specified, /pdb is ignored. # RUN: rm -f %t.pdb # RUN: lld-link /pdb:%t.pdb /entry:main /nodefaultlib %t1.obj %t2.obj # RUN: not ls %t.pdb ; If /DEBUG and /pdb are specified, it uses the specified name. # RUN: lld-link /DEBUG /pdb:%t.pdb /entry:main /nodefaultlib %t1.obj %t2.obj # RUN: ls %t.pdb # RUN: rm %t.pdb ; If /DEBUG is specified but not /pdb, it uses a default name in the current ; directory. This is a bit hacky since but we need to be IN our test specific ; temporary directory when we run this command or we can't test this # RUN: cd %T # RUN: lld-link /DEBUG /entry:main /nodefaultlib %t1.obj %t2.obj # RUN: ls %t1.pdb # RUN: rm %t* # RUN: cd %T/..