const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; test "optional type" { const x: ?bool = true; if (x) |y| { if (y) { // OK } else { unreachable; } } else { unreachable; } const next_x: ?i32 = null; const z = next_x orelse 1234; assert(z == 1234); const final_x: ?i32 = 13; const num = final_x orelse unreachable; assert(num == 13); } test "test maybe object and get a pointer to the inner value" { var maybe_bool: ?bool = true; if (maybe_bool) |*b| { b.* = false; } assert(maybe_bool.? == false); } test "rhs maybe unwrap return" { const x: ?bool = true; const y = x orelse return; } test "maybe return" { maybeReturnImpl(); comptime maybeReturnImpl(); } fn maybeReturnImpl() void { assert(foo(1235).?); if (foo(null) != null) unreachable; assert(!foo(1234).?); } fn foo(x: ?i32) ?bool { const value = x orelse return null; return value > 1234; } test "if var maybe pointer" { assert(shouldBeAPlus1(Particle{ .a = 14, .b = 1, .c = 1, .d = 1, }) == 15); } fn shouldBeAPlus1(p: Particle) u64 { var maybe_particle: ?Particle = p; if (maybe_particle) |*particle| { particle.a += 1; } if (maybe_particle) |particle| { return particle.a; } return 0; } const Particle = struct { a: u64, b: u64, c: u64, d: u64, }; test "null literal outside function" { const is_null = here_is_a_null_literal.context == null; assert(is_null); const is_non_null = here_is_a_null_literal.context != null; assert(!is_non_null); } const SillyStruct = struct { context: ?i32, }; const here_is_a_null_literal = SillyStruct{ .context = null }; test "test null runtime" { testTestNullRuntime(null); } fn testTestNullRuntime(x: ?i32) void { assert(x == null); assert(!(x != null)); } test "optional void" { optionalVoidImpl(); comptime optionalVoidImpl(); } fn optionalVoidImpl() void { assert(bar(null) == null); assert(bar({}) != null); } fn bar(x: ?void) ?void { if (x) |_| { return {}; } else { return null; } } const StructWithOptional = struct { field: ?i32, }; var struct_with_optional: StructWithOptional = undefined; test "unwrap optional which is field of global var" { struct_with_optional.field = null; if (struct_with_optional.field) |payload| { unreachable; } struct_with_optional.field = 1234; if (struct_with_optional.field) |payload| { assert(payload == 1234); } else { unreachable; } } test "null with default unwrap" { const x: i32 = null orelse 1; assert(x == 1); } test "optional types" { comptime { const opt_type_struct = StructWithOptionalType{ .t = u8 }; assert(opt_type_struct.t != null and opt_type_struct.t.? == u8); } } const StructWithOptionalType = struct { t: ?type, }; test "optional pointer to 0 bit type null value at runtime" { const EmptyStruct = struct {}; var x: ?*EmptyStruct = null; assert(x == null); }