const c = @import("../c/index.zig"); const assert = @import("../debug.zig").assert; pub use @import("darwin_errno.zig"); pub const PATH_MAX = 1024; pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2; pub const PROT_NONE = 0x00; /// [MC2] no permissions pub const PROT_READ = 0x01; /// [MC2] pages can be read pub const PROT_WRITE = 0x02; /// [MC2] pages can be written pub const PROT_EXEC = 0x04; /// [MC2] pages can be executed pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000; /// allocated from memory, swap space pub const MAP_FILE = 0x0000; /// map from file (default) pub const MAP_FIXED = 0x0010; /// interpret addr exactly pub const MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x0200; /// region may contain semaphores pub const MAP_PRIVATE = 0x0002; /// changes are private pub const MAP_SHARED = 0x0001; /// share changes pub const MAP_NOCACHE = 0x0400; /// don't cache pages for this mapping pub const MAP_NORESERVE = 0x0040; /// don't reserve needed swap area pub const MAP_FAILED = @maxValue(usize); pub const WNOHANG = 0x00000001; /// [XSI] no hang in wait/no child to reap pub const WUNTRACED = 0x00000002; /// [XSI] notify on stop, untraced child pub const SA_ONSTACK = 0x0001; /// take signal on signal stack pub const SA_RESTART = 0x0002; /// restart system on signal return pub const SA_RESETHAND = 0x0004; /// reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal pub const SA_NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008; /// do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop pub const SA_NODEFER = 0x0010; /// don't mask the signal we're delivering pub const SA_NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020; /// don't keep zombies around pub const SA_SIGINFO = 0x0040; /// signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args pub const SA_USERTRAMP = 0x0100; /// do not bounce off kernel's sigtramp pub const SA_64REGSET = 0x0200; /// signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args with 64bit regs information pub const O_LARGEFILE = 0x0000; pub const O_PATH = 0x0000; pub const O_RDONLY = 0x0000; /// open for reading only pub const O_WRONLY = 0x0001; /// open for writing only pub const O_RDWR = 0x0002; /// open for reading and writing pub const O_NONBLOCK = 0x0004; /// do not block on open or for data to become available pub const O_APPEND = 0x0008; /// append on each write pub const O_CREAT = 0x0200; /// create file if it does not exist pub const O_TRUNC = 0x0400; /// truncate size to 0 pub const O_EXCL = 0x0800; /// error if O_CREAT and the file exists pub const O_SHLOCK = 0x0010; /// atomically obtain a shared lock pub const O_EXLOCK = 0x0020; /// atomically obtain an exclusive lock pub const O_NOFOLLOW = 0x0100; /// do not follow symlinks pub const O_SYMLINK = 0x200000; /// allow open of symlinks pub const O_EVTONLY = 0x8000; /// descriptor requested for event notifications only pub const O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000; /// mark as close-on-exec pub const SEEK_SET = 0x0; pub const SEEK_CUR = 0x1; pub const SEEK_END = 0x2; pub const SIG_BLOCK = 1; /// block specified signal set pub const SIG_UNBLOCK = 2; /// unblock specified signal set pub const SIG_SETMASK = 3; /// set specified signal set pub const SIGHUP = 1; /// hangup pub const SIGINT = 2; /// interrupt pub const SIGQUIT = 3; /// quit pub const SIGILL = 4; /// illegal instruction (not reset when caught) pub const SIGTRAP = 5; /// trace trap (not reset when caught) pub const SIGABRT = 6; /// abort() pub const SIGPOLL = 7; /// pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported) pub const SIGIOT = SIGABRT; /// compatibility pub const SIGEMT = 7; /// EMT instruction pub const SIGFPE = 8; /// floating point exception pub const SIGKILL = 9; /// kill (cannot be caught or ignored) pub const SIGBUS = 10; /// bus error pub const SIGSEGV = 11; /// segmentation violation pub const SIGSYS = 12; /// bad argument to system call pub const SIGPIPE = 13; /// write on a pipe with no one to read it pub const SIGALRM = 14; /// alarm clock pub const SIGTERM = 15; /// software termination signal from kill pub const SIGURG = 16; /// urgent condition on IO channel pub const SIGSTOP = 17; /// sendable stop signal not from tty pub const SIGTSTP = 18; /// stop signal from tty pub const SIGCONT = 19; /// continue a stopped process pub const SIGCHLD = 20; /// to parent on child stop or exit pub const SIGTTIN = 21; /// to readers pgrp upon background tty read pub const SIGTTOU = 22; /// like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP) pub const SIGIO = 23; /// input/output possible signal pub const SIGXCPU = 24; /// exceeded CPU time limit pub const SIGXFSZ = 25; /// exceeded file size limit pub const SIGVTALRM = 26; /// virtual time alarm pub const SIGPROF = 27; /// profiling time alarm pub const SIGWINCH = 28; /// window size changes pub const SIGINFO = 29; /// information request pub const SIGUSR1 = 30; /// user defined signal 1 pub const SIGUSR2 = 31; /// user defined signal 2 fn wstatus(x: i32) -> i32 { x & 0o177 } const wstopped = 0o177; pub fn WEXITSTATUS(x: i32) -> i32 { x >> 8 } pub fn WTERMSIG(x: i32) -> i32 { wstatus(x) } pub fn WSTOPSIG(x: i32) -> i32 { x >> 8 } pub fn WIFEXITED(x: i32) -> bool { wstatus(x) == 0 } pub fn WIFSTOPPED(x: i32) -> bool { wstatus(x) == wstopped and WSTOPSIG(x) != 0x13 } pub fn WIFSIGNALED(x: i32) -> bool { wstatus(x) != wstopped and wstatus(x) != 0 } /// Get the errno from a syscall return value, or 0 for no error. pub fn getErrno(r: usize) -> usize { const signed_r = @bitCast(isize, r); if (signed_r > -4096 and signed_r < 0) usize(-signed_r) else 0 } pub fn close(fd: i32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.close(fd)) } pub fn abort() -> noreturn { c.abort() } pub fn exit(code: i32) -> noreturn { c.exit(code) } pub fn isatty(fd: i32) -> bool { c.isatty(fd) != 0 } pub fn fstat(fd: i32, buf: &c.stat) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.fstat(fd, buf)) } pub fn lseek(fd: i32, offset: isize, whence: c_int) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.lseek(fd, buf, whence)) } pub fn open(path: &const u8, flags: u32, mode: usize) -> usize { errnoWrap(, @bitCast(c_int, flags), mode)) } pub fn raise(sig: i32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.raise(sig)) } pub fn read(fd: i32, buf: &u8, nbyte: usize) -> usize { errnoWrap(, @ptrCast(&c_void, buf), nbyte)) } pub fn stat(noalias path: &const u8, noalias buf: &stat) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.stat(path, buf)) } pub fn write(fd: i32, buf: &const u8, nbyte: usize) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.write(fd, @ptrCast(&const c_void, buf), nbyte)) } pub fn mmap(address: ?&u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: usize, fd: i32, offset: isize) -> usize { const ptr_result = c.mmap(@ptrCast(&c_void, address), length, @bitCast(c_int, c_uint(prot)), @bitCast(c_int, c_uint(flags)), fd, offset); const isize_result = @bitCast(isize, @ptrToInt(ptr_result)); return errnoWrap(isize_result); } pub fn munmap(address: &u8, length: usize) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.munmap(@ptrCast(&c_void, address), length)) } pub fn unlink(path: &const u8) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.unlink(path)) } pub fn getcwd(buf: &u8, size: usize) -> usize { if (c.getcwd(buf, size) == null) @bitCast(usize, -isize(*c._errno())) else 0 } pub fn waitpid(pid: i32, status: &i32, options: u32) -> usize { comptime assert(i32.bit_count == c_int.bit_count); errnoWrap(c.waitpid(pid, @ptrCast(&c_int, status), @bitCast(c_int, options))) } pub fn fork() -> usize { errnoWrap(c.fork()) } pub fn pipe(fds: &[2]i32) -> usize { comptime assert(i32.bit_count == c_int.bit_count); errnoWrap(c.pipe(@ptrCast(&c_int, fds))) } pub fn mkdir(path: &const u8, mode: u32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.mkdir(path, mode)) } pub fn symlink(existing: &const u8, new: &const u8) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.symlink(existing, new)) } pub fn rename(old: &const u8, new: &const u8) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.rename(old, new)) } pub fn chdir(path: &const u8) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.chdir(path)) } pub fn execve(path: &const u8, argv: &const ?&const u8, envp: &const ?&const u8) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.execve(path, argv, envp)) } pub fn dup2(old: i32, new: i32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.dup2(old, new)) } pub fn readlink(noalias path: &const u8, noalias buf_ptr: &u8, buf_len: usize) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.readlink(path, buf_ptr, buf_len)) } pub fn nanosleep(req: &const timespec, rem: ?×pec) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.nanosleep(req, rem)) } pub fn realpath(noalias filename: &const u8, noalias resolved_name: &u8) -> usize { if (c.realpath(filename, resolved_name) == null) @bitCast(usize, -isize(*c._errno())) else 0 } pub fn setreuid(ruid: u32, euid: u32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.setreuid(ruid, euid)) } pub fn setregid(rgid: u32, egid: u32) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.setregid(rgid, egid)) } pub fn sigprocmask(flags: u32, noalias set: &const sigset_t, noalias oldset: ?&sigset_t) -> usize { errnoWrap(c.sigprocmask(@bitCast(c_int, flags), set, oldset)) } pub fn sigaction(sig: u5, noalias act: &const Sigaction, noalias oact: ?&Sigaction) -> usize { assert(sig != SIGKILL); assert(sig != SIGSTOP); var cact = c.Sigaction { .handler = @ptrCast(extern fn(c_int), act.handler), .sa_flags = @bitCast(c_int, act.flags), .sa_mask = act.mask, }; var coact: c.Sigaction = undefined; const result = errnoWrap(c.sigaction(sig, &cact, &coact)); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (oact) |old| { *old = Sigaction { .handler = @ptrCast(extern fn(i32), coact.handler), .flags = @bitCast(u32, coact.sa_flags), .mask = coact.sa_mask, }; } return result; } pub const sigset_t = c.sigset_t; pub const empty_sigset = sigset_t(0); pub const timespec = c.timespec; /// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with the syscall. pub const Sigaction = struct { handler: extern fn(i32), mask: sigset_t, flags: u32, }; pub fn sigaddset(set: &sigset_t, signo: u5) { *set |= u32(1) << (signo - 1); } /// Takes the return value from a syscall and formats it back in the way /// that the kernel represents it to libc. Errno was a mistake, let's make /// it go away forever. fn errnoWrap(value: isize) -> usize { @bitCast(usize, if (value == -1) { -isize(*c._errno()) } else { value }) }