const std = @import("std"); const io =; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const c = @import("c.zig"); const builtin = std.builtin; const Target = std.Target; const warn = std.debug.warn; const Token = std.zig.Token; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const errmsg = @import("errmsg.zig"); const ast = std.zig.ast; const event = std.event; const assert = std.debug.assert; const AtomicRmwOp = builtin.AtomicRmwOp; const AtomicOrder = builtin.AtomicOrder; const Scope = @import("scope.zig").Scope; const Decl = @import("decl.zig").Decl; const ir = @import("ir.zig"); const Visib = @import("visib.zig").Visib; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = Value.Type; const Span = errmsg.Span; const Msg = errmsg.Msg; const codegen = @import("codegen.zig"); const Package = @import("package.zig").Package; const link = @import("link.zig").link; const LibCInstallation = @import("libc_installation.zig").LibCInstallation; const CInt = @import("c_int.zig").CInt; const fs = event.fs; const util = @import("util.zig"); const max_src_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 2 GiB /// Data that is local to the event loop. pub const ZigCompiler = struct { llvm_handle_pool: std.atomic.Stack(*llvm.Context), lld_lock: event.Lock, allocator: *Allocator, /// TODO pool these so that it doesn't have to lock prng: event.Locked(std.rand.DefaultPrng), native_libc: event.Future(LibCInstallation), var lazy_init_targets = std.lazyInit(void); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) !ZigCompiler { lazy_init_targets.get() orelse { util.initializeAllTargets(); lazy_init_targets.resolve(); }; var seed_bytes: [@sizeOf(u64)]u8 = undefined; try std.crypto.randomBytes(seed_bytes[0..]); const seed = mem.readIntNative(u64, &seed_bytes); return ZigCompiler{ .allocator = allocator, .lld_lock = event.Lock.init(), .llvm_handle_pool = std.atomic.Stack(*llvm.Context).init(), .prng = event.Locked(std.rand.DefaultPrng).init(std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed)), .native_libc = event.Future(LibCInstallation).init(), }; } /// Must be called only after completes. fn deinit(self: *ZigCompiler) void { self.lld_lock.deinit(); while (self.llvm_handle_pool.pop()) |node| { llvm.ContextDispose(; self.allocator.destroy(node); } } /// Gets an exclusive handle on any LlvmContext. /// Caller must release the handle when done. pub fn getAnyLlvmContext(self: *ZigCompiler) !LlvmHandle { if (self.llvm_handle_pool.pop()) |node| return LlvmHandle{ .node = node }; const context_ref = llvm.ContextCreate() orelse return error.OutOfMemory; errdefer llvm.ContextDispose(context_ref); const node = try self.allocator.create(std.atomic.Stack(*llvm.Context).Node); node.* = std.atomic.Stack(*llvm.Context).Node{ .next = undefined, .data = context_ref, }; errdefer self.allocator.destroy(node); return LlvmHandle{ .node = node }; } pub async fn getNativeLibC(self: *ZigCompiler) !*LibCInstallation { if (self.native_libc.start()) |ptr| return ptr; try; self.native_libc.resolve(); return &; } /// Must be called only once, ever. Sets global state. pub fn setLlvmArgv(allocator: *Allocator, llvm_argv: []const []const u8) !void { if (llvm_argv.len != 0) { var c_compatible_args = try std.cstr.NullTerminated2DArray.fromSlices(allocator, [_][]const []const u8{ [_][]const u8{"zig (LLVM option parsing)"}, llvm_argv, }); defer c_compatible_args.deinit(); c.ZigLLVMParseCommandLineOptions(llvm_argv.len + 1, c_compatible_args.ptr); } } }; pub const LlvmHandle = struct { node: *std.atomic.Stack(*llvm.Context).Node, pub fn release(self: LlvmHandle, zig_compiler: *ZigCompiler) void { zig_compiler.llvm_handle_pool.push(self.node); } }; pub const Compilation = struct { zig_compiler: *ZigCompiler, name: Buffer, llvm_triple: Buffer, root_src_path: ?[]const u8, target: Target, llvm_target: *llvm.Target, build_mode: builtin.Mode, zig_lib_dir: []const u8, zig_std_dir: []const u8, /// lazily created when we need it tmp_dir: event.Future(BuildError![]u8), version_major: u32, version_minor: u32, version_patch: u32, linker_script: ?[]const u8, out_h_path: ?[]const u8, is_test: bool, each_lib_rpath: bool, strip: bool, is_static: bool, linker_rdynamic: bool, clang_argv: []const []const u8, lib_dirs: []const []const u8, rpath_list: []const []const u8, assembly_files: []const []const u8, /// paths that are explicitly provided by the user to link against link_objects: []const []const u8, /// functions that have their own objects that we need to link /// it uses an optional pointer so that tombstone removals are possible fn_link_set: event.Locked(FnLinkSet), pub const FnLinkSet = std.TailQueue(?*Value.Fn); windows_subsystem_windows: bool, windows_subsystem_console: bool, link_libs_list: ArrayList(*LinkLib), libc_link_lib: ?*LinkLib, err_color: errmsg.Color, verbose_tokenize: bool, verbose_ast_tree: bool, verbose_ast_fmt: bool, verbose_cimport: bool, verbose_ir: bool, verbose_llvm_ir: bool, verbose_link: bool, darwin_frameworks: []const []const u8, darwin_version_min: DarwinVersionMin, test_filters: []const []const u8, test_name_prefix: ?[]const u8, emit_file_type: Emit, kind: Kind, link_out_file: ?[]const u8, events: *event.Channel(Event), exported_symbol_names: event.Locked(Decl.Table), /// Before code generation starts, must wait on this group to make sure /// the build is complete. prelink_group: event.Group(BuildError!void), compile_errors: event.Locked(CompileErrList), meta_type: *Type.MetaType, void_type: *Type.Void, bool_type: *Type.Bool, noreturn_type: *Type.NoReturn, comptime_int_type: *Type.ComptimeInt, u8_type: *Type.Int, void_value: *Value.Void, true_value: *Value.Bool, false_value: *Value.Bool, noreturn_value: *Value.NoReturn, target_machine: *llvm.TargetMachine, target_data_ref: *llvm.TargetData, target_layout_str: [*]u8, target_ptr_bits: u32, /// for allocating things which have the same lifetime as this Compilation arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, root_package: *Package, std_package: *Package, override_libc: ?*LibCInstallation, /// need to wait on this group before deinitializing deinit_group: event.Group(void), // destroy_frame: @Frame(createAsync), // main_loop_frame: @Frame(Compilation.mainLoop), main_loop_future: event.Future(void), have_err_ret_tracing: bool, /// not locked because it is read-only primitive_type_table: TypeTable, int_type_table: event.Locked(IntTypeTable), array_type_table: event.Locked(ArrayTypeTable), ptr_type_table: event.Locked(PtrTypeTable), fn_type_table: event.Locked(FnTypeTable), c_int_types: [CInt.list.len]*Type.Int, // fs_watch: *fs.Watch(*Scope.Root), const IntTypeTable = std.HashMap(*const Type.Int.Key, *Type.Int, Type.Int.Key.hash, Type.Int.Key.eql); const ArrayTypeTable = std.HashMap(*const Type.Array.Key, *Type.Array, Type.Array.Key.hash, Type.Array.Key.eql); const PtrTypeTable = std.HashMap(*const Type.Pointer.Key, *Type.Pointer, Type.Pointer.Key.hash, Type.Pointer.Key.eql); const FnTypeTable = std.HashMap(*const Type.Fn.Key, *Type.Fn, Type.Fn.Key.hash, Type.Fn.Key.eql); const TypeTable = std.StringHashMap(*Type); const CompileErrList = std.ArrayList(*Msg); // TODO handle some of these earlier and report them in a way other than error codes pub const BuildError = error{ OutOfMemory, EndOfStream, IsDir, Unexpected, SystemResources, SharingViolation, PathAlreadyExists, FileNotFound, AccessDenied, PipeBusy, FileTooBig, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, NameTooLong, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, NoDevice, NoSpaceLeft, NotDir, FileSystem, OperationAborted, IoPending, BrokenPipe, WouldBlock, FileClosed, DestinationAddressRequired, DiskQuota, InputOutput, NoStdHandles, Overflow, NotSupported, BufferTooSmall, Unimplemented, // TODO remove this one SemanticAnalysisFailed, // TODO remove this one ReadOnlyFileSystem, LinkQuotaExceeded, EnvironmentVariableNotFound, AppDataDirUnavailable, LinkFailed, LibCRequiredButNotProvidedOrFound, LibCMissingDynamicLinker, InvalidDarwinVersionString, UnsupportedLinkArchitecture, UserResourceLimitReached, InvalidUtf8, BadPathName, DeviceBusy, CurrentWorkingDirectoryUnlinked, }; pub const Event = union(enum) { Ok, Error: BuildError, Fail: []*Msg, }; pub const DarwinVersionMin = union(enum) { None, MacOS: []const u8, Ios: []const u8, }; pub const Kind = enum { Exe, Lib, Obj, }; pub const LinkLib = struct { name: []const u8, path: ?[]const u8, /// the list of symbols we depend on from this lib symbols: ArrayList([]u8), provided_explicitly: bool, }; pub const Emit = enum { Binary, Assembly, LlvmIr, }; pub fn create( zig_compiler: *ZigCompiler, name: []const u8, root_src_path: ?[]const u8, target: Target, kind: Kind, build_mode: builtin.Mode, is_static: bool, zig_lib_dir: []const u8, ) !*Compilation { var optional_comp: ?*Compilation = null; var frame = async createAsync( &optional_comp, zig_compiler, name, root_src_path, target, kind, build_mode, is_static, zig_lib_dir, ); return optional_comp orelse if (await frame) |_| unreachable else |err| err; } async fn createAsync( out_comp: *?*Compilation, zig_compiler: *ZigCompiler, name: []const u8, root_src_path: ?[]const u8, target: Target, kind: Kind, build_mode: builtin.Mode, is_static: bool, zig_lib_dir: []const u8, ) !void { const allocator = zig_compiler.allocator; var comp = Compilation{ .arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator), .zig_compiler = zig_compiler, .events = undefined, .root_src_path = root_src_path, .target = target, .llvm_target = undefined, .kind = kind, .build_mode = build_mode, .zig_lib_dir = zig_lib_dir, .zig_std_dir = undefined, .tmp_dir = event.Future(BuildError![]u8).init(), // .destroy_frame = @frame(), // .main_loop_frame = undefined, .main_loop_future = event.Future(void).init(), .name = undefined, .llvm_triple = undefined, .version_major = 0, .version_minor = 0, .version_patch = 0, .verbose_tokenize = false, .verbose_ast_tree = false, .verbose_ast_fmt = false, .verbose_cimport = false, .verbose_ir = false, .verbose_llvm_ir = false, .verbose_link = false, .linker_script = null, .out_h_path = null, .is_test = false, .each_lib_rpath = false, .strip = false, .is_static = is_static, .linker_rdynamic = false, .clang_argv = [_][]const u8{}, .lib_dirs = [_][]const u8{}, .rpath_list = [_][]const u8{}, .assembly_files = [_][]const u8{}, .link_objects = [_][]const u8{}, .fn_link_set = event.Locked(FnLinkSet).init(FnLinkSet.init()), .windows_subsystem_windows = false, .windows_subsystem_console = false, .link_libs_list = undefined, .libc_link_lib = null, .err_color = errmsg.Color.Auto, .darwin_frameworks = [_][]const u8{}, .darwin_version_min = DarwinVersionMin.None, .test_filters = [_][]const u8{}, .test_name_prefix = null, .emit_file_type = Emit.Binary, .link_out_file = null, .exported_symbol_names = event.Locked(Decl.Table).init(Decl.Table.init(allocator)), .prelink_group = event.Group(BuildError!void).init(allocator), .deinit_group = event.Group(void).init(allocator), .compile_errors = event.Locked(CompileErrList).init(CompileErrList.init(allocator)), .int_type_table = event.Locked(IntTypeTable).init(IntTypeTable.init(allocator)), .array_type_table = event.Locked(ArrayTypeTable).init(ArrayTypeTable.init(allocator)), .ptr_type_table = event.Locked(PtrTypeTable).init(PtrTypeTable.init(allocator)), .fn_type_table = event.Locked(FnTypeTable).init(FnTypeTable.init(allocator)), .c_int_types = undefined, .meta_type = undefined, .void_type = undefined, .void_value = undefined, .bool_type = undefined, .true_value = undefined, .false_value = undefined, .noreturn_type = undefined, .noreturn_value = undefined, .comptime_int_type = undefined, .u8_type = undefined, .target_machine = undefined, .target_data_ref = undefined, .target_layout_str = undefined, .target_ptr_bits = target.getArchPtrBitWidth(), .root_package = undefined, .std_package = undefined, .override_libc = null, .have_err_ret_tracing = false, .primitive_type_table = undefined, // .fs_watch = undefined, }; comp.link_libs_list = ArrayList(*LinkLib).init(comp.arena()); comp.primitive_type_table = TypeTable.init(comp.arena()); defer { comp.int_type_table.private_data.deinit(); comp.array_type_table.private_data.deinit(); comp.ptr_type_table.private_data.deinit(); comp.fn_type_table.private_data.deinit(); comp.arena_allocator.deinit(); } = try Buffer.init(comp.arena(), name); comp.llvm_triple = try util.getTriple(comp.arena(), target); comp.llvm_target = try util.llvmTargetFromTriple(comp.llvm_triple); comp.zig_std_dir = try std.fs.path.join(comp.arena(), [_][]const u8{ zig_lib_dir, "std" }); const opt_level = switch (build_mode) { .Debug => llvm.CodeGenLevelNone, else => llvm.CodeGenLevelAggressive, }; const reloc_mode = if (is_static) llvm.RelocStatic else llvm.RelocPIC; // LLVM creates invalid binaries on Windows sometimes. // See // As a workaround we do not use target native features on Windows. var target_specific_cpu_args: ?[*:0]u8 = null; var target_specific_cpu_features: ?[*:0]u8 = null; defer llvm.DisposeMessage(target_specific_cpu_args); defer llvm.DisposeMessage(target_specific_cpu_features); if (target == Target.Native and !target.isWindows()) { target_specific_cpu_args = llvm.GetHostCPUName() orelse return error.OutOfMemory; target_specific_cpu_features = llvm.GetNativeFeatures() orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } comp.target_machine = llvm.CreateTargetMachine( comp.llvm_target, comp.llvm_triple.toSliceConst(), target_specific_cpu_args orelse "", target_specific_cpu_features orelse "", opt_level, reloc_mode, llvm.CodeModelDefault, false, // TODO: add -ffunction-sections option ) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeTargetMachine(comp.target_machine); comp.target_data_ref = llvm.CreateTargetDataLayout(comp.target_machine) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeTargetData(comp.target_data_ref); comp.target_layout_str = llvm.CopyStringRepOfTargetData(comp.target_data_ref) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeMessage(comp.target_layout_str); = try allocator.create(event.Channel(Event)); defer allocator.destroy(;[0]Event{}); defer; if (root_src_path) |root_src| { const dirname = std.fs.path.dirname(root_src) orelse "."; const basename = std.fs.path.basename(root_src); comp.root_package = try Package.create(comp.arena(), dirname, basename); comp.std_package = try Package.create(comp.arena(), comp.zig_std_dir, "std.zig"); try comp.root_package.add("std", comp.std_package); } else { comp.root_package = try Package.create(comp.arena(), ".", ""); } // comp.fs_watch = try fs.Watch(*Scope.Root).create(16); // defer comp.fs_watch.destroy(); try comp.initTypes(); defer comp.primitive_type_table.deinit(); // comp.main_loop_frame = async comp.mainLoop(); // Set this to indicate that initialization completed successfully. // from here on out we must not return an error. // This must occur before the first suspend/await. out_comp.* = ∁ // This suspend is resumed by destroy() suspend; // From here on is cleanup. comp.deinit_group.wait(); if (comp.tmp_dir.getOrNull()) |tmp_dir_result| if (tmp_dir_result.*) |tmp_dir| { // TODO evented I/O? std.fs.deleteTree(tmp_dir) catch {}; } else |_| {}; } /// it does ref the result because it could be an arbitrary integer size pub async fn getPrimitiveType(comp: *Compilation, name: []const u8) !?*Type { if (name.len >= 2) { switch (name[0]) { 'i', 'u' => blk: { for (name[1..]) |byte| switch (byte) { '0'...'9' => {}, else => break :blk, }; const is_signed = name[0] == 'i'; const bit_count = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, name[1..], 10) catch |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => return error.Overflow, error.InvalidCharacter => unreachable, // we just checked the characters above }; const int_type = try Type.Int.get(comp, Type.Int.Key{ .bit_count = bit_count, .is_signed = is_signed, }); errdefer int_type.base.base.deref(); return &int_type.base; }, else => {}, } } if (comp.primitive_type_table.get(name)) |entry| { entry.value.base.ref(); return entry.value; } return null; } fn initTypes(comp: *Compilation) !void { comp.meta_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.MetaType); comp.meta_type.* = Type.MetaType{ .base = Type{ .name = "type", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = undefined, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(3), // 3 because it references itself twice }, .id = .Type, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, .value = undefined, }; comp.meta_type.value = &comp.meta_type.base; comp.meta_type.base.base.typ = &comp.meta_type.base; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.meta_type.base)) == null); comp.void_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.Void); comp.void_type.* = Type.Void{ .base = Type{ .name = "void", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .Void, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, }; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.void_type.base)) == null); comp.noreturn_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.NoReturn); comp.noreturn_type.* = Type.NoReturn{ .base = Type{ .name = "noreturn", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .NoReturn, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, }; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.noreturn_type.base)) == null); comp.comptime_int_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.ComptimeInt); comp.comptime_int_type.* = Type.ComptimeInt{ .base = Type{ .name = "comptime_int", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .ComptimeInt, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, }; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.comptime_int_type.base)) == null); comp.bool_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.Bool); comp.bool_type.* = Type.Bool{ .base = Type{ .name = "bool", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .Bool, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, }; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.bool_type.base)) == null); comp.void_value = try comp.arena().create(Value.Void); comp.void_value.* = Value.Void{ .base = Value{ .id = .Void, .typ = &Type.Void.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, }; comp.true_value = try comp.arena().create(Value.Bool); comp.true_value.* = Value.Bool{ .base = Value{ .id = .Bool, .typ = &Type.Bool.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .x = true, }; comp.false_value = try comp.arena().create(Value.Bool); comp.false_value.* = Value.Bool{ .base = Value{ .id = .Bool, .typ = &Type.Bool.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .x = false, }; comp.noreturn_value = try comp.arena().create(Value.NoReturn); comp.noreturn_value.* = Value.NoReturn{ .base = Value{ .id = .NoReturn, .typ = &Type.NoReturn.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, }; for (CInt.list) |cint, i| { const c_int_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.Int); c_int_type.* = Type.Int{ .base = Type{ .name = cint.zig_name, .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .Int, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, .key = Type.Int.Key{ .is_signed = cint.is_signed, .bit_count = cint.sizeInBits(, }, .garbage_node = undefined, }; comp.c_int_types[i] = c_int_type; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(cint.zig_name, &c_int_type.base)) == null); } comp.u8_type = try comp.arena().create(Type.Int); comp.u8_type.* = Type.Int{ .base = Type{ .name = "u8", .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = .Int, .abi_alignment = Type.AbiAlignment.init(), }, .key = Type.Int.Key{ .is_signed = false, .bit_count = 8, }, .garbage_node = undefined, }; assert((try comp.primitive_type_table.put(, &comp.u8_type.base)) == null); } pub fn destroy(self: *Compilation) void { // await self.main_loop_frame; // resume self.destroy_frame; } fn start(self: *Compilation) void { self.main_loop_future.resolve(); } async fn mainLoop(self: *Compilation) void { // wait until start() is called _ = self.main_loop_future.get(); var build_result = self.initialCompile(); while (true) { const link_result = if (build_result) blk: { break :blk self.maybeLink(); } else |err| err; // this makes a handy error return trace and stack trace in debug mode if (std.debug.runtime_safety) { link_result catch unreachable; } const compile_errors = blk: { const held = self.compile_errors.acquire(); defer held.release(); break :blk held.value.toOwnedSlice(); }; if (link_result) |_| { if (compile_errors.len == 0) {; } else {{ .Fail = compile_errors }); } } else |err| { // if there's an error then the compile errors have dangling references self.gpa().free(compile_errors);{ .Error = err }); } // // First, get an item from the watch channel, waiting on the channel. // var group = event.Group(BuildError!void).init(self.gpa()); // { // const ev = ( catch |err| { // build_result = err; // continue; // }; // const root_scope =; //, self, root_scope) catch |err| { // build_result = err; // continue; // }; // } // // Next, get all the items from the channel that are buffered up. // while ( |ev_or_err| { // if (ev_or_err) |ev| { // const root_scope =; //, self, root_scope) catch |err| { // build_result = err; // continue; // }; // } else |err| { // build_result = err; // continue; // } // } // build_result = group.wait(); } } async fn rebuildFile(self: *Compilation, root_scope: *Scope.Root) !void { const tree_scope = blk: { const source_code = ""; // const source_code = fs.readFile( // root_scope.realpath, // max_src_size, // ) catch |err| { // try self.addCompileErrorCli(root_scope.realpath, "unable to open: {}", @errorName(err)); // return; // }; // errdefer self.gpa().free(source_code); const tree = try std.zig.parse(self.gpa(), source_code); errdefer { tree.deinit(); } break :blk try Scope.AstTree.create(self, tree, root_scope); }; defer tree_scope.base.deref(self); var error_it = tree_scope.tree.errors.iterator(0); while ( |parse_error| { const msg = try Msg.createFromParseErrorAndScope(self, tree_scope, parse_error); errdefer msg.destroy(); try self.addCompileErrorAsync(msg); } if (tree_scope.tree.errors.len != 0) { return; } const locked_table = root_scope.decls.table.acquireWrite(); defer locked_table.release(); var decl_group = event.Group(BuildError!void).init(self.gpa()); try self.rebuildChangedDecls( &decl_group, locked_table.value, root_scope.decls, &tree_scope.tree.root_node.decls, tree_scope, ); try decl_group.wait(); } async fn rebuildChangedDecls( self: *Compilation, group: *event.Group(BuildError!void), locked_table: *Decl.Table, decl_scope: *Scope.Decls, ast_decls: *ast.Node.Root.DeclList, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, ) !void { var existing_decls = try locked_table.clone(); defer existing_decls.deinit(); var ast_it = ast_decls.iterator(0); while ( |decl_ptr| { const decl = decl_ptr.*; switch ( { .Comptime => { const comptime_node = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.Comptime, "base", decl); // TODO connect existing comptime decls to updated source files try, self, tree_scope, &decl_scope.base, comptime_node); }, .VarDecl => @panic("TODO"), .FnProto => { const fn_proto = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.FnProto, "base", decl); const name = if (fn_proto.name_token) |name_token| tree_scope.tree.tokenSlice(name_token) else { try self.addCompileError(tree_scope, Span{ .first = fn_proto.fn_token, .last = fn_proto.fn_token + 1, }, "missing function name"); continue; }; if (existing_decls.remove(name)) |entry| { // compare new code to existing if (entry.value.cast(Decl.Fn)) |existing_fn_decl| { // Just compare the old bytes to the new bytes of the top level decl. // Even if the AST is technically the same, we want error messages to display // from the most recent source. const old_decl_src = existing_fn_decl.base.tree_scope.tree.getNodeSource( &existing_fn_decl.fn_proto.base, ); const new_decl_src = tree_scope.tree.getNodeSource(&fn_proto.base); if (mem.eql(u8, old_decl_src, new_decl_src)) { // it's the same, we can skip this decl continue; } else { @panic("TODO decl changed implementation"); // Add the new thing before dereferencing the old thing. This way we don't end // up pointlessly re-creating things we end up using in the new thing. } } else { @panic("TODO decl changed kind"); } } else { // add new decl const fn_decl = try self.gpa().create(Decl.Fn); fn_decl.* = Decl.Fn{ .base = Decl{ .id = Decl.Id.Fn, .name = name, .visib = parseVisibToken(tree_scope.tree, fn_proto.visib_token), .resolution = event.Future(BuildError!void).init(), .parent_scope = &decl_scope.base, .tree_scope = tree_scope, }, .value = .Unresolved, .fn_proto = fn_proto, }; tree_scope.base.ref(); errdefer self.gpa().destroy(fn_decl); try, self, &fn_decl.base, locked_table); } }, .TestDecl => @panic("TODO"), else => unreachable, } } var existing_decl_it = existing_decls.iterator(); while ( |entry| { // this decl was deleted const existing_decl = entry.value; @panic("TODO handle decl deletion"); } } async fn initialCompile(self: *Compilation) !void { if (self.root_src_path) |root_src_path| { const root_scope = blk: { // TODO async/await std.fs.realpath const root_src_real_path = std.fs.realpathAlloc(self.gpa(), root_src_path) catch |err| { try self.addCompileErrorCli(root_src_path, "unable to open: {}", @errorName(err)); return; }; errdefer self.gpa().free(root_src_real_path); break :blk try Scope.Root.create(self, root_src_real_path); }; defer root_scope.base.deref(self); // assert((try self.fs_watch.addFile(root_scope.realpath, root_scope)) == null); try self.rebuildFile(root_scope); } } async fn maybeLink(self: *Compilation) !void { (self.prelink_group.wait()) catch |err| switch (err) { error.SemanticAnalysisFailed => {}, else => return err, }; const any_prelink_errors = blk: { const compile_errors = self.compile_errors.acquire(); defer compile_errors.release(); break :blk compile_errors.value.len != 0; }; if (!any_prelink_errors) { try link(self); } } /// caller takes ownership of resulting Code async fn genAndAnalyzeCode( comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node, expected_type: ?*Type, ) !*ir.Code { const unanalyzed_code = try ir.gen( comp, node, tree_scope, scope, ); defer unanalyzed_code.destroy(comp.gpa()); if (comp.verbose_ir) { std.debug.warn("unanalyzed:\n"); unanalyzed_code.dump(); } const analyzed_code = try ir.analyze( comp, unanalyzed_code, expected_type, ); errdefer analyzed_code.destroy(comp.gpa()); if (comp.verbose_ir) { std.debug.warn("analyzed:\n"); analyzed_code.dump(); } return analyzed_code; } async fn addCompTimeBlock( comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, comptime_node: *ast.Node.Comptime, ) BuildError!void { const void_type = Type.Void.get(comp); defer void_type.base.base.deref(comp); const analyzed_code = genAndAnalyzeCode( comp, tree_scope, scope, comptime_node.expr, &void_type.base, ) catch |err| switch (err) { // This poison value should not cause the errdefers to run. It simply means // that comp.compile_errors is populated. error.SemanticAnalysisFailed => return {}, else => return err, }; analyzed_code.destroy(comp.gpa()); } async fn addTopLevelDecl( self: *Compilation, decl: *Decl, locked_table: *Decl.Table, ) BuildError!void { const is_export = decl.isExported(decl.tree_scope.tree); if (is_export) { try, self, decl); try, self, decl); } const gop = try locked_table.getOrPut(; if (gop.found_existing) { try self.addCompileError(decl.tree_scope, decl.getSpan(), "redefinition of '{}'",; // TODO note: other definition here } else { gop.kv.value = decl; } } fn addCompileError(self: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, span: Span, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) !void { const text = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa(), fmt, args); errdefer self.gpa().free(text); const msg = try Msg.createFromScope(self, tree_scope, span, text); errdefer msg.destroy(); try, self, msg); } fn addCompileErrorCli(self: *Compilation, realpath: []const u8, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) !void { const text = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa(), fmt, args); errdefer self.gpa().free(text); const msg = try Msg.createFromCli(self, realpath, text); errdefer msg.destroy(); try, self, msg); } async fn addCompileErrorAsync( self: *Compilation, msg: *Msg, ) BuildError!void { errdefer msg.destroy(); const compile_errors = self.compile_errors.acquire(); defer compile_errors.release(); try compile_errors.value.append(msg); } async fn verifyUniqueSymbol(self: *Compilation, decl: *Decl) BuildError!void { const exported_symbol_names = self.exported_symbol_names.acquire(); defer exported_symbol_names.release(); if (try exported_symbol_names.value.put(, decl)) |other_decl| { try self.addCompileError( decl.tree_scope, decl.getSpan(), "exported symbol collision: '{}'",, ); // TODO add error note showing location of other symbol } } pub fn haveLibC(self: *Compilation) bool { return self.libc_link_lib != null; } pub fn addLinkLib(self: *Compilation, name: []const u8, provided_explicitly: bool) !*LinkLib { const is_libc = mem.eql(u8, name, "c"); if (is_libc) { if (self.libc_link_lib) |libc_link_lib| { return libc_link_lib; } } for (self.link_libs_list.toSliceConst()) |existing_lib| { if (mem.eql(u8, name, { return existing_lib; } } const link_lib = try self.gpa().create(LinkLib); link_lib.* = LinkLib{ .name = name, .path = null, .provided_explicitly = provided_explicitly, .symbols = ArrayList([]u8).init(self.gpa()), }; try self.link_libs_list.append(link_lib); if (is_libc) { self.libc_link_lib = link_lib; // get a head start on looking for the native libc if ( == Target.Native and self.override_libc == null) { try, self); } } return link_lib; } /// cancels itself so no need to await or cancel the promise. async fn startFindingNativeLibC(self: *Compilation) void { std.event.Loop.instance.?.yield(); // we don't care if it fails, we're just trying to kick off the future resolution _ = (self.zig_compiler.getNativeLibC()) catch return; } /// General Purpose Allocator. Must free when done. fn gpa(self: Compilation) *mem.Allocator { return self.zig_compiler.allocator; } /// Arena Allocator. Automatically freed when the Compilation is destroyed. fn arena(self: *Compilation) *mem.Allocator { return &self.arena_allocator.allocator; } /// If the temporary directory for this compilation has not been created, it creates it. /// Then it creates a random file name in that dir and returns it. pub async fn createRandomOutputPath(self: *Compilation, suffix: []const u8) !Buffer { const tmp_dir = try self.getTmpDir(); const file_prefix = self.getRandomFileName(); const file_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa(), "{}{}", file_prefix[0..], suffix); defer self.gpa().free(file_name); const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(self.gpa(), [_][]const u8{ tmp_dir, file_name[0..] }); errdefer self.gpa().free(full_path); return Buffer.fromOwnedSlice(self.gpa(), full_path); } /// If the temporary directory for this Compilation has not been created, creates it. /// Then returns it. The directory is unique to this Compilation and cleaned up when /// the Compilation deinitializes. async fn getTmpDir(self: *Compilation) ![]const u8 { if (self.tmp_dir.start()) |ptr| return ptr.*; = self.getTmpDirImpl(); self.tmp_dir.resolve(); return; } async fn getTmpDirImpl(self: *Compilation) ![]u8 { const comp_dir_name = self.getRandomFileName(); const zig_dir_path = try getZigDir(self.gpa()); defer self.gpa().free(zig_dir_path); const tmp_dir = try std.fs.path.join(self.arena(), [_][]const u8{ zig_dir_path, comp_dir_name[0..] }); try std.fs.makePath(self.gpa(), tmp_dir); return tmp_dir; } async fn getRandomFileName(self: *Compilation) [12]u8 { // here we replace the standard +/ with -_ so that it can be used in a file name const b64_fs_encoder = std.base64.Base64Encoder.init( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", std.base64.standard_pad_char, ); var rand_bytes: [9]u8 = undefined; { const held = self.zig_compiler.prng.acquire(); defer held.release(); held.value.random.bytes(rand_bytes[0..]); } var result: [12]u8 = undefined; b64_fs_encoder.encode(result[0..], rand_bytes); return result; } fn registerGarbage(comp: *Compilation, comptime T: type, node: *std.atomic.Stack(*T).Node) void { // TODO put the garbage somewhere } /// Returns a value which has been ref()'d once async fn analyzeConstValue( comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node, expected_type: *Type, ) !*Value { const analyzed_code = try comp.genAndAnalyzeCode(tree_scope, scope, node, expected_type); defer analyzed_code.destroy(comp.gpa()); return analyzed_code.getCompTimeResult(comp); } async fn analyzeTypeExpr(comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node) !*Type { const meta_type = &Type.MetaType.get(comp).base; defer meta_type.base.deref(comp); const result_val = try comp.analyzeConstValue(tree_scope, scope, node, meta_type); errdefer result_val.base.deref(comp); return result_val.cast(Type).?; } /// This declaration has been blessed as going into the final code generation. pub async fn resolveDecl(comp: *Compilation, decl: *Decl) BuildError!void { if (decl.resolution.start()) |ptr| return ptr.*; = try generateDecl(comp, decl); decl.resolution.resolve(); return; } }; fn parseVisibToken(tree: *ast.Tree, optional_token_index: ?ast.TokenIndex) Visib { if (optional_token_index) |token_index| { const token =; assert( == Token.Id.Keyword_pub); return Visib.Pub; } else { return Visib.Private; } } /// The function that actually does the generation. async fn generateDecl(comp: *Compilation, decl: *Decl) !void { switch ( { .Var => @panic("TODO"), .Fn => { const fn_decl = @fieldParentPtr(Decl.Fn, "base", decl); return generateDeclFn(comp, fn_decl); }, .CompTime => @panic("TODO"), } } async fn generateDeclFn(comp: *Compilation, fn_decl: *Decl.Fn) !void { const tree_scope = fn_decl.base.tree_scope; const body_node = fn_decl.fn_proto.body_node orelse return generateDeclFnProto(comp, fn_decl); const fndef_scope = try Scope.FnDef.create(comp, fn_decl.base.parent_scope); defer fndef_scope.base.deref(comp); const fn_type = try analyzeFnType(comp, tree_scope, fn_decl.base.parent_scope, fn_decl.fn_proto); defer fn_type.base.base.deref(comp); var symbol_name = try std.Buffer.init(comp.gpa(),; var symbol_name_consumed = false; errdefer if (!symbol_name_consumed) symbol_name.deinit(); // The Decl.Fn owns the initial 1 reference count const fn_val = try Value.Fn.create(comp, fn_type, fndef_scope, symbol_name); fn_decl.value = Decl.Fn.Val{ .Fn = fn_val }; symbol_name_consumed = true; // Define local parameter variables for ( |param, i| { //AstNode *param_decl_node = get_param_decl_node(fn_table_entry, i); const param_decl = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.ParamDecl, "base",*); const name_token = param_decl.name_token orelse { try comp.addCompileError(tree_scope, Span{ .first = param_decl.firstToken(), .last = param_decl.type_node.firstToken(), }, "missing parameter name"); return error.SemanticAnalysisFailed; }; const param_name = tree_scope.tree.tokenSlice(name_token); // if (is_noalias && get_codegen_ptr_type(param_type) == nullptr) { // add_node_error(g, param_decl_node, buf_sprintf("noalias on non-pointer parameter")); // } // TODO check for shadowing const var_scope = try Scope.Var.createParam( comp, fn_val.child_scope, param_name, ¶m_decl.base, i, param.typ, ); fn_val.child_scope = &var_scope.base; try fn_type.non_key.Normal.variable_list.append(var_scope); } const analyzed_code = try comp.genAndAnalyzeCode( tree_scope, fn_val.child_scope, body_node,, ); errdefer analyzed_code.destroy(comp.gpa()); assert(fn_val.block_scope != null); // Kick off rendering to LLVM module, but it doesn't block the fn decl // analysis from being complete. try, comp, fn_val, analyzed_code); try, comp, fn_val); } async fn addFnToLinkSet(comp: *Compilation, fn_val: *Value.Fn) Compilation.BuildError!void { fn_val.base.ref(); defer fn_val.base.deref(comp); = fn_val; const held = comp.fn_link_set.acquire(); defer held.release(); held.value.append(fn_val.link_set_node); } fn getZigDir(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]u8 { return std.fs.getAppDataDir(allocator, "zig"); } async fn analyzeFnType( comp: *Compilation, tree_scope: *Scope.AstTree, scope: *Scope, fn_proto: *ast.Node.FnProto, ) !*Type.Fn { const return_type_node = switch (fn_proto.return_type) { .Explicit => |n| n, .InferErrorSet => |n| n, }; const return_type = try comp.analyzeTypeExpr(tree_scope, scope, return_type_node); return_type.base.deref(comp); var params = ArrayList(Type.Fn.Param).init(comp.gpa()); var params_consumed = false; defer if (!params_consumed) { for (params.toSliceConst()) |param| { param.typ.base.deref(comp); } params.deinit(); }; { var it = fn_proto.params.iterator(0); while ( |param_node_ptr| { const param_node = param_node_ptr.*.cast(ast.Node.ParamDecl).?; const param_type = try comp.analyzeTypeExpr(tree_scope, scope, param_node.type_node); errdefer param_type.base.deref(comp); try params.append(Type.Fn.Param{ .typ = param_type, .is_noalias = param_node.noalias_token != null, }); } } const key = Type.Fn.Key{ .alignment = null, .data = Type.Fn.Key.Data{ .Normal = Type.Fn.Key.Normal{ .return_type = return_type, .params = params.toOwnedSlice(), .is_var_args = false, // TODO .cc = .Unspecified, // TODO }, }, }; params_consumed = true; var key_consumed = false; defer if (!key_consumed) { for ( |param| { param.typ.base.deref(comp); } comp.gpa().free(; }; const fn_type = try Type.Fn.get(comp, key); key_consumed = true; errdefer fn_type.base.base.deref(comp); return fn_type; } async fn generateDeclFnProto(comp: *Compilation, fn_decl: *Decl.Fn) !void { const fn_type = try analyzeFnType( comp, fn_decl.base.tree_scope, fn_decl.base.parent_scope, fn_decl.fn_proto, ); defer fn_type.base.base.deref(comp); var symbol_name = try std.Buffer.init(comp.gpa(),; var symbol_name_consumed = false; defer if (!symbol_name_consumed) symbol_name.deinit(); // The Decl.Fn owns the initial 1 reference count const fn_proto_val = try Value.FnProto.create(comp, fn_type, symbol_name); fn_decl.value = Decl.Fn.Val{ .FnProto = fn_proto_val }; symbol_name_consumed = true; }