const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std.zig"); const os = std.os; const fs = std.fs; const BufMap = std.BufMap; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const mem = std.mem; const math = std.math; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; pub const abort = os.abort; pub const exit = os.exit; pub const changeCurDir = os.chdir; pub const changeCurDirC = os.chdirC; /// The result is a slice of `out_buffer`, from index `0`. pub fn getCwd(out_buffer: *[fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) ![]u8 { return os.getcwd(out_buffer); } /// Caller must free the returned memory. pub fn getCwdAlloc(allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 { var buf: [fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, try os.getcwd(&buf)); } test "getCwdAlloc" { // at least call it so it gets compiled var buf: [1000]u8 = undefined; const allocator = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf).allocator; _ = getCwdAlloc(allocator) catch undefined; } /// Caller must free result when done. /// TODO make this go through libc when we have it pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator) !BufMap { var result = BufMap.init(allocator); errdefer result.deinit(); if ( { const ptr = try; defer; var i: usize = 0; while (true) { if (ptr[i] == 0) return result; const key_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0 and ptr[i] != '=') : (i += 1) {} const key_w = ptr[key_start..i]; const key = try std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, key_w); errdefer; if (ptr[i] == '=') i += 1; const value_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {} const value_w = ptr[value_start..i]; const value = try std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, value_w); errdefer; i += 1; // skip over null byte try result.setMove(key, value); } } else if (builtin.os == .wasi) { var environ_count: usize = undefined; var environ_buf_size: usize = undefined; const environ_sizes_get_ret = os.wasi.environ_sizes_get(&environ_count, &environ_buf_size); if (environ_sizes_get_ret != os.wasi.ESUCCESS) { return os.unexpectedErrno(environ_sizes_get_ret); } // TODO: Verify that the documentation is incorrect // var environ = try allocator.alloc(?[*]u8, environ_count + 1); defer; var environ_buf = try std.heap.wasm_allocator.alloc(u8, environ_buf_size); defer; const environ_get_ret = os.wasi.environ_get(environ.ptr, environ_buf.ptr); if (environ_get_ret != os.wasi.ESUCCESS) { return os.unexpectedErrno(environ_get_ret); } for (environ) |env| { if (env) |ptr| { const pair = mem.toSlice(u8, ptr); var parts = mem.separate(pair, "="); const key =; const value =; try result.set(key, value); } } return result; } else { for (os.environ) |ptr| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (ptr[line_i] != 0 and ptr[line_i] != '=') : (line_i += 1) {} const key = ptr[0..line_i]; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (ptr[end_i] != 0) : (end_i += 1) {} const value = ptr[line_i + 1 .. end_i]; try result.set(key, value); } return result; } } test "os.getEnvMap" { var env = try getEnvMap(std.debug.global_allocator); defer env.deinit(); } pub const GetEnvVarOwnedError = error{ OutOfMemory, EnvironmentVariableNotFound, /// See InvalidUtf8, }; /// Caller must free returned memory. /// TODO make this go through libc when we have it pub fn getEnvVarOwned(allocator: *mem.Allocator, key: []const u8) GetEnvVarOwnedError![]u8 { if ( { const key_with_null = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, key); defer; var buf = try allocator.alloc(u16, 256); defer; while (true) { const windows_buf_len = math.cast(, buf.len) catch return error.OutOfMemory; const result = key_with_null.ptr, buf.ptr, windows_buf_len, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.Unexpected => return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound, else => |e| return e, }; if (result > buf.len) { buf = try allocator.realloc(buf, result); continue; } return std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, buf[0..result]) catch |err| switch (err) { error.DanglingSurrogateHalf => return error.InvalidUtf8, error.ExpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.InvalidUtf8, error.UnexpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.InvalidUtf8, else => |e| return e, }; } } else { const result = os.getenv(key) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, result); } } test "os.getEnvVarOwned" { var ga = std.debug.global_allocator; testing.expectError(error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound, getEnvVarOwned(ga, "BADENV")); } pub const ArgIteratorPosix = struct { index: usize, count: usize, pub fn init() ArgIteratorPosix { return ArgIteratorPosix{ .index = 0, .count = os.argv.len, }; } pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) ?[]const u8 { if (self.index == self.count) return null; const s = os.argv[self.index]; self.index += 1; return mem.toSlice(u8, s); } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) bool { if (self.index == self.count) return false; self.index += 1; return true; } }; pub const ArgIteratorWindows = struct { index: usize, cmd_line: [*]const u8, in_quote: bool, quote_count: usize, seen_quote_count: usize, pub const NextError = error{OutOfMemory}; pub fn init() ArgIteratorWindows { return initWithCmdLine(; } pub fn initWithCmdLine(cmd_line: [*]const u8) ArgIteratorWindows { return ArgIteratorWindows{ .index = 0, .cmd_line = cmd_line, .in_quote = false, .quote_count = countQuotes(cmd_line), .seen_quote_count = 0, }; } /// You must free the returned memory when done. pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, allocator: *Allocator) ?(NextError![]u8) { // march forward over whitespace while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return null, ' ', '\t' => continue, else => break, } } return self.internalNext(allocator); } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) bool { // march forward over whitespace while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return false, ' ', '\t' => continue, else => break, } } var backslash_count: usize = 0; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return true, '"' => { const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; if (quote_is_real) { self.seen_quote_count += 1; } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t' => { if (self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 0 or self.seen_quote_count == self.quote_count) { return true; } backslash_count = 0; }, else => { backslash_count = 0; continue; }, } } } fn internalNext(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, allocator: *Allocator) NextError![]u8 { var buf = try Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer buf.deinit(); var backslash_count: usize = 0; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return buf.toOwnedSlice(), '"' => { const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count / 2); backslash_count = 0; if (quote_is_real) { self.seen_quote_count += 1; if (self.seen_quote_count == self.quote_count and self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 1) { try buf.appendByte('"'); } } else { try buf.appendByte('"'); } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t' => { try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; if (self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 1 and self.seen_quote_count != self.quote_count) { try buf.appendByte(byte); } else { return buf.toOwnedSlice(); } }, else => { try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; try buf.appendByte(byte); }, } } } fn emitBackslashes(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, buf: *Buffer, emit_count: usize) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < emit_count) : (i += 1) { try buf.appendByte('\\'); } } fn countQuotes(cmd_line: [*]const u8) usize { var result: usize = 0; var backslash_count: usize = 0; var index: usize = 0; while (true) : (index += 1) { const byte = cmd_line[index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return result, '\\' => backslash_count += 1, '"' => { result += 1 - (backslash_count % 2); backslash_count = 0; }, else => { backslash_count = 0; }, } } } }; pub const ArgIterator = struct { const InnerType = if (builtin.os == .windows) ArgIteratorWindows else ArgIteratorPosix; inner: InnerType, pub fn init() ArgIterator { if (builtin.os == .wasi) { // TODO: Figure out a compatible interface accomodating WASI @compileError("ArgIterator is not yet supported in WASI. Use argsAlloc and argsFree instead."); } return ArgIterator{ .inner = InnerType.init() }; } pub const NextError = ArgIteratorWindows.NextError; /// You must free the returned memory when done. pub fn next(self: *ArgIterator, allocator: *Allocator) ?(NextError![]u8) { if (builtin.os == .windows) { return; } else { return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, orelse return null); } } /// If you only are targeting posix you can call this and not need an allocator. pub fn nextPosix(self: *ArgIterator) ?[]const u8 { return; } /// Parse past 1 argument without capturing it. /// Returns `true` if skipped an arg, `false` if we are at the end. pub fn skip(self: *ArgIterator) bool { return self.inner.skip(); } }; pub fn args() ArgIterator { return ArgIterator.init(); } /// Caller must call argsFree on result. pub fn argsAlloc(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![][]u8 { if (builtin.os == .wasi) { var count: usize = undefined; var buf_size: usize = undefined; const args_sizes_get_ret = os.wasi.args_sizes_get(&count, &buf_size); if (args_sizes_get_ret != os.wasi.ESUCCESS) { return os.unexpectedErrno(args_sizes_get_ret); } var argv = try allocator.alloc([*]u8, count); defer; var argv_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, buf_size); const args_get_ret = os.wasi.args_get(argv.ptr, argv_buf.ptr); if (args_get_ret != os.wasi.ESUCCESS) { return os.unexpectedErrno(args_get_ret); } var result_slice = try allocator.alloc([]u8, count); var i: usize = 0; while (i < count) : (i += 1) { result_slice[i] = mem.toSlice(u8, argv[i]); } return result_slice; } // TODO refactor to only make 1 allocation. var it = args(); var contents = try Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer contents.deinit(); var slice_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(allocator); defer slice_list.deinit(); while ( |arg_or_err| { const arg = try arg_or_err; defer; try contents.append(arg); try slice_list.append(arg.len); } const contents_slice = contents.toSliceConst(); const slice_sizes = slice_list.toSliceConst(); const slice_list_bytes = try math.mul(usize, @sizeOf([]u8), slice_sizes.len); const total_bytes = try math.add(usize, slice_list_bytes, contents_slice.len); const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf([]u8), total_bytes); errdefer; const result_slice_list = @bytesToSlice([]u8, buf[0..slice_list_bytes]); const result_contents = buf[slice_list_bytes..]; mem.copy(u8, result_contents, contents_slice); var contents_index: usize = 0; for (slice_sizes) |len, i| { const new_index = contents_index + len; result_slice_list[i] = result_contents[contents_index..new_index]; contents_index = new_index; } return result_slice_list; } pub fn argsFree(allocator: *mem.Allocator, args_alloc: []const []u8) void { if (builtin.os == .wasi) { const last_item = args_alloc[args_alloc.len - 1]; const last_byte_addr = @ptrToInt(last_item.ptr) + last_item.len + 1; // null terminated const first_item_ptr = args_alloc[0].ptr; const len = last_byte_addr - @ptrToInt(first_item_ptr);[0..len]); return; } var total_bytes: usize = 0; for (args_alloc) |arg| { total_bytes += @sizeOf([]u8) + arg.len; } const unaligned_allocated_buf = @ptrCast([*]const u8, args_alloc.ptr)[0..total_bytes]; const aligned_allocated_buf = @alignCast(@alignOf([]u8), unaligned_allocated_buf); return; } test "windows arg parsing" { testWindowsCmdLine(c"a b\tc d", [_][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c", "d" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"\"abc\" d e", [_][]const u8{ "abc", "d", "e" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\b d\"e f\"g h", [_][]const u8{ "a\\\\\\b", "de fg", "h" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\\"b c d", [_][]const u8{ "a\\\"b", "c", "d" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\\\\"b c\" d e", [_][]const u8{ "a\\\\b c", "d", "e" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a b\tc \"d f", [_][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c", "\"d", "f" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"\".\\..\\zig-cache\\build\" \"bin\\zig.exe\" \".\\..\" \".\\..\\zig-cache\" \"--help\"", [_][]const u8{ ".\\..\\zig-cache\\build", "bin\\zig.exe", ".\\..", ".\\..\\zig-cache", "--help", }); } fn testWindowsCmdLine(input_cmd_line: [*]const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) void { var it = ArgIteratorWindows.initWithCmdLine(input_cmd_line); for (expected_args) |expected_arg| { const arg = catch unreachable; testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_arg, arg); } testing.expect( == null); } pub const UserInfo = struct { uid: u32, gid: u32, }; /// POSIX function which gets a uid from username. pub fn getUserInfo(name: []const u8) !UserInfo { return switch (builtin.os) { .linux, .macosx, .watchos, .tvos, .ios, .freebsd, .netbsd => posixGetUserInfo(name), else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; } /// TODO this reads /etc/passwd. But sometimes the user/id mapping is in something else /// like NIS, AD, etc. See `man nss` or look at an strace for `id myuser`. pub fn posixGetUserInfo(name: []const u8) !UserInfo { var in_stream = try"/etc/passwd", null); defer in_stream.close(); const State = enum { Start, WaitForNextLine, SkipPassword, ReadUserId, ReadGroupId, }; var buf: [std.mem.page_size]u8 = undefined; var name_index: usize = 0; var state = State.Start; var uid: u32 = 0; var gid: u32 = 0; while (true) { const amt_read = try[0..]); for (buf[0..amt_read]) |byte| { switch (state) { .Start => switch (byte) { ':' => { state = if (name_index == name.len) State.SkipPassword else State.WaitForNextLine; }, '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, else => { if (name_index == name.len or name[name_index] != byte) { state = .WaitForNextLine; } name_index += 1; }, }, .WaitForNextLine => switch (byte) { '\n' => { name_index = 0; state = .Start; }, else => continue, }, .SkipPassword => switch (byte) { '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, ':' => { state = .ReadUserId; }, else => continue, }, .ReadUserId => switch (byte) { ':' => { state = .ReadGroupId; }, '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, else => { const digit = switch (byte) { '0'...'9' => byte - '0', else => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, }; if (@mulWithOverflow(u32, uid, 10, *uid)) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; if (@addWithOverflow(u32, uid, digit, *uid)) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; }, }, .ReadGroupId => switch (byte) { '\n', ':' => { return UserInfo{ .uid = uid, .gid = gid, }; }, else => { const digit = switch (byte) { '0'...'9' => byte - '0', else => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, }; if (@mulWithOverflow(u32, gid, 10, *gid)) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; if (@addWithOverflow(u32, gid, digit, *gid)) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; }, }, } } if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.UserNotFound; } } pub fn getBaseAddress() usize { switch (builtin.os) { .linux => { const base = os.system.getauxval(std.elf.AT_BASE); if (base != 0) { return base; } const phdr = os.system.getauxval(std.elf.AT_PHDR); return phdr - @sizeOf(std.elf.Ehdr); }, .macosx, .freebsd, .netbsd => { return @ptrToInt(&std.c._mh_execute_header); }, .windows => return @ptrToInt(, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } }