const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const builtin = @import("builtin"); test "compile time recursion" { assert(some_data.len == 21); } var some_data: [usize(fibonacci(7))]u8 = undefined; fn fibonacci(x: i32) i32 { if (x <= 1) return 1; return fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2); } fn unwrapAndAddOne(blah: ?i32) i32 { return ??blah + 1; } const should_be_1235 = unwrapAndAddOne(1234); test "static add one" { assert(should_be_1235 == 1235); } test "inlined loop" { comptime var i = 0; comptime var sum = 0; inline while (i <= 5) : (i += 1) sum += i; assert(sum == 15); } fn gimme1or2(comptime a: bool) i32 { const x: i32 = 1; const y: i32 = 2; comptime var z: i32 = if (a) x else y; return z; } test "inline variable gets result of const if" { assert(gimme1or2(true) == 1); assert(gimme1or2(false) == 2); } test "static function evaluation" { assert(statically_added_number == 3); } const statically_added_number = staticAdd(1, 2); fn staticAdd(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { return a + b; } test "const expr eval on single expr blocks" { assert(constExprEvalOnSingleExprBlocksFn(1, true) == 3); } fn constExprEvalOnSingleExprBlocksFn(x: i32, b: bool) i32 { const literal = 3; const result = if (b) b: { break :b literal; } else b: { break :b x; }; return result; } test "statically initialized list" { assert(static_point_list[0].x == 1); assert(static_point_list[0].y == 2); assert(static_point_list[1].x == 3); assert(static_point_list[1].y == 4); } const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32, }; const static_point_list = []Point { makePoint(1, 2), makePoint(3, 4) }; fn makePoint(x: i32, y: i32) Point { return Point { .x = x, .y = y, }; } test "static eval list init" { assert([2] == 1.0); assert(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 3.0).data[2] == 3.0); } const static_vec3 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); pub const Vec3 = struct { data: [3]f32, }; pub fn vec3(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Vec3 { return Vec3 { .data = []f32 { x, y, z, }, }; } test "constant expressions" { var array : [array_size]u8 = undefined; assert(@sizeOf(@typeOf(array)) == 20); } const array_size : u8 = 20; test "constant struct with negation" { assert(vertices[0].x == -0.6); } const Vertex = struct { x: f32, y: f32, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, }; const vertices = []Vertex { Vertex { .x = -0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 1.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 0.0 }, Vertex { .x = 0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 0.0, .g = 1.0, .b = 0.0 }, Vertex { .x = 0.0, .y = 0.6, .r = 0.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 1.0 }, }; test "statically initialized struct" { st_init_str_foo.x += 1; assert(st_init_str_foo.x == 14); } const StInitStrFoo = struct { x: i32, y: bool, }; var st_init_str_foo = StInitStrFoo { .x = 13, .y = true, }; test "statically initalized array literal" { const y : [4]u8 = st_init_arr_lit_x; assert(y[3] == 4); } const st_init_arr_lit_x = []u8{1,2,3,4}; test "const slice" { comptime { const a = "1234567890"; assert(a.len == 10); const b = a[1..2]; assert(b.len == 1); assert(b[0] == '2'); } } test "try to trick eval with runtime if" { assert(testTryToTrickEvalWithRuntimeIf(true) == 10); } fn testTryToTrickEvalWithRuntimeIf(b: bool) usize { comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < 10) : (i += 1) { const result = if (b) false else true; } comptime { return i; } } fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T { if (T == bool) { return a or b; } else if (a > b) { return a; } else { return b; } } fn letsTryToCompareBools(a: bool, b: bool) bool { return max(bool, a, b); } test "inlined block and runtime block phi" { assert(letsTryToCompareBools(true, true)); assert(letsTryToCompareBools(true, false)); assert(letsTryToCompareBools(false, true)); assert(!letsTryToCompareBools(false, false)); comptime { assert(letsTryToCompareBools(true, true)); assert(letsTryToCompareBools(true, false)); assert(letsTryToCompareBools(false, true)); assert(!letsTryToCompareBools(false, false)); } } const CmdFn = struct { name: []const u8, func: fn(i32) i32, }; const cmd_fns = []CmdFn{ CmdFn {.name = "one", .func = one}, CmdFn {.name = "two", .func = two}, CmdFn {.name = "three", .func = three}, }; fn one(value: i32) i32 { return value + 1; } fn two(value: i32) i32 { return value + 2; } fn three(value: i32) i32 { return value + 3; } fn performFn(comptime prefix_char: u8, start_value: i32) i32 { var result: i32 = start_value; comptime var i = 0; inline while (i < cmd_fns.len) : (i += 1) { if (cmd_fns[i].name[0] == prefix_char) { result = cmd_fns[i].func(result); } } return result; } test "comptime iterate over fn ptr list" { assert(performFn('t', 1) == 6); assert(performFn('o', 0) == 1); assert(performFn('w', 99) == 99); } test "eval @setRuntimeSafety at compile-time" { const result = comptime fnWithSetRuntimeSafety(); assert(result == 1234); } fn fnWithSetRuntimeSafety() i32{ @setRuntimeSafety(true); return 1234; } test "eval @setFloatMode at compile-time" { const result = comptime fnWithFloatMode(); assert(result == 1234.0); } fn fnWithFloatMode() f32 { @setFloatMode(this, builtin.FloatMode.Strict); return 1234.0; } const SimpleStruct = struct { field: i32, fn method(self: &const SimpleStruct) i32 { return self.field + 3; } }; var simple_struct = SimpleStruct{ .field = 1234, }; const bound_fn = simple_struct.method; test "call method on bound fn referring to var instance" { assert(bound_fn() == 1237); } test "ptr to local array argument at comptime" { comptime { var bytes: [10]u8 = undefined; modifySomeBytes(bytes[0..]); assert(bytes[0] == 'a'); assert(bytes[9] == 'b'); } } fn modifySomeBytes(bytes: []u8) void { bytes[0] = 'a'; bytes[9] = 'b'; } test "comparisons 0 <= uint and 0 > uint should be comptime" { testCompTimeUIntComparisons(1234); } fn testCompTimeUIntComparisons(x: u32) void { if (!(0 <= x)) { @compileError("this condition should be comptime known"); } if (0 > x) { @compileError("this condition should be comptime known"); } if (!(x >= 0)) { @compileError("this condition should be comptime known"); } if (x < 0) { @compileError("this condition should be comptime known"); } } test "const ptr to variable data changes at runtime" { assert([0] == 'a'); = "b"; assert([0] == 'b'); } const Foo = struct { name: []const u8, }; var foo_contents = Foo { .name = "a", }; const foo_ref = &foo_contents; test "create global array with for loop" { assert(global_array[5] == 5 * 5); assert(global_array[9] == 9 * 9); } const global_array = x: { var result: [10]usize = undefined; for (result) |*item, index| { *item = index * index; } break :x result; }; test "compile-time downcast when the bits fit" { comptime { const spartan_count: u16 = 255; const byte = u8(spartan_count); assert(byte == 255); } } const hi1 = "hi"; const hi2 = hi1; test "const global shares pointer with other same one" { assertEqualPtrs(&hi1[0], &hi2[0]); comptime assert(&hi1[0] == &hi2[0]); } fn assertEqualPtrs(ptr1: &const u8, ptr2: &const u8) void { assert(ptr1 == ptr2); } test "@setEvalBranchQuota" { comptime { // 1001 for the loop and then 1 more for the assert fn call @setEvalBranchQuota(1002); var i = 0; var sum = 0; while (i < 1001) : (i += 1) { sum += i; } assert(sum == 500500); } } // TODO test "float literal at compile time not lossy" { // TODO assert(16777216.0 + 1.0 == 16777217.0); // TODO assert(9007199254740992.0 + 1.0 == 9007199254740993.0); // TODO } test "f32 at compile time is lossy" { assert(f32(1 << 24) + 1 == 1 << 24); } test "f64 at compile time is lossy" { assert(f64(1 << 53) + 1 == 1 << 53); } test "f128 at compile time is lossy" { assert(f128(10384593717069655257060992658440192.0) + 1 == 10384593717069655257060992658440192.0); } // TODO need a better implementation of bigfloat_init_bigint // assert(f128(1 << 113) == 10384593717069655257060992658440192); pub fn TypeWithCompTimeSlice(comptime field_name: []const u8) type { return struct { pub const Node = struct { }; }; } test "string literal used as comptime slice is memoized" { const a = "link"; const b = "link"; comptime assert(TypeWithCompTimeSlice(a).Node == TypeWithCompTimeSlice(b).Node); comptime assert(TypeWithCompTimeSlice("link").Node == TypeWithCompTimeSlice("link").Node); } test "comptime slice of undefined pointer of length 0" { const slice1 = (&i32)(undefined)[0..0]; assert(slice1.len == 0); const slice2 = (&i32)(undefined)[100..100]; assert(slice2.len == 0); } fn copyWithPartialInline(s: []u32, b: []u8) void { comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < 4) : (i += 1) { s[i] = 0; s[i] |= u32(b[i*4+0]) << 24; s[i] |= u32(b[i*4+1]) << 16; s[i] |= u32(b[i*4+2]) << 8; s[i] |= u32(b[i*4+3]) << 0; } } test "binary math operator in partially inlined function" { var s: [4]u32 = undefined; var b: [16]u8 = undefined; for (b) |*r, i| *r = u8(i + 1); copyWithPartialInline(s[0..], b[0..]); assert(s[0] == 0x1020304); assert(s[1] == 0x5060708); assert(s[2] == 0x90a0b0c); assert(s[3] == 0xd0e0f10); } test "comptime function with the same args is memoized" { comptime { assert(MakeType(i32) == MakeType(i32)); assert(MakeType(i32) != MakeType(f64)); } } fn MakeType(comptime T: type) type { return struct { field: T, }; } test "comptime function with mutable pointer is not memoized" { comptime { var x: i32 = 1; const ptr = &x; increment(ptr); increment(ptr); assert(x == 3); } } fn increment(value: &i32) void { *value += 1; } fn generateTable(comptime T: type) [1010]T { var res : [1010]T = undefined; var i : usize = 0; while (i < 1010) : (i += 1) { res[i] = T(i); } return res; } fn doesAlotT(comptime T: type, value: usize) T { @setEvalBranchQuota(5000); const table = comptime blk: { break :blk generateTable(T); }; return table[value]; } test "@setEvalBranchQuota at same scope as generic function call" { assert(doesAlotT(u32, 2) == 2); } test "comptime slice of slice preserves comptime var" { comptime { var buff: [10]u8 = undefined; buff[0..][0..][0] = 1; assert(buff[0..][0..][0] == 1); } } test "comptime slice of pointer preserves comptime var" { comptime { var buff: [10]u8 = undefined; var a = &buff[0]; a[0..1][0] = 1; assert(buff[0..][0..][0] == 1); } } const SingleFieldStruct = struct { x: i32, fn read_x(self: &const SingleFieldStruct) i32 { return self.x; } }; test "const ptr to comptime mutable data is not memoized" { comptime { var foo = SingleFieldStruct {.x = 1}; assert(foo.read_x() == 1); foo.x = 2; assert(foo.read_x() == 2); } } test "array concat of slices gives slice" { comptime { var a: []const u8 = "aoeu"; var b: []const u8 = "asdf"; const c = a ++ b; assert(std.mem.eql(u8, c, "aoeuasdf")); } } test "comptime shlWithOverflow" { const ct_shifted: u64 = comptime amt: { var amt = u64(0); _ = @shlWithOverflow(u64, ~u64(0), 16, &amt); break :amt amt; }; const rt_shifted: u64 = amt: { var amt = u64(0); _ = @shlWithOverflow(u64, ~u64(0), 16, &amt); break :amt amt; }; assert(ct_shifted == rt_shifted); }