const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const c = @import("c.zig"); const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation; const Target = std.Target; const ObjectFormat = Target.ObjectFormat; const LibCInstallation = @import("libc_installation.zig").LibCInstallation; const assert = std.debug.assert; const util = @import("util.zig"); const Context = struct { comp: *Compilation, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, args: std.ArrayList([*:0]const u8), link_in_crt: bool, link_err: error{OutOfMemory}!void, link_msg: std.Buffer, libc: *LibCInstallation, out_file_path: std.Buffer, }; pub fn link(comp: *Compilation) !void { var ctx = Context{ .comp = comp, .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(comp.gpa()), .args = undefined, .link_in_crt = comp.haveLibC() and comp.kind == .Exe, .link_err = {}, .link_msg = undefined, .libc = undefined, .out_file_path = undefined, }; defer ctx.arena.deinit(); ctx.args = std.ArrayList([*:0]const u8).init(&ctx.arena.allocator); ctx.link_msg = std.Buffer.initNull(&ctx.arena.allocator); ctx.out_file_path = try std.Buffer.init(&ctx.arena.allocator,; switch (comp.kind) { .Exe => { try ctx.out_file_path.append(; }, .Lib => { try ctx.out_file_path.append(if (comp.is_static) else; }, .Obj => { try ctx.out_file_path.append(; }, } // even though we're calling LLD as a library it thinks the first // argument is its own exe name try ctx.args.append("lld"); if (comp.haveLibC()) { // TODO var libc = ctx.comp.override_libc orelse blk: { switch ( { Target.Native => { break :blk comp.zig_compiler.getNativeLibC() catch return error.LibCRequiredButNotProvidedOrFound; }, else => return error.LibCRequiredButNotProvidedOrFound, } }; ctx.libc = libc; } try constructLinkerArgs(&ctx); if (comp.verbose_link) { for (ctx.args.toSliceConst()) |arg, i| { const space = if (i == 0) "" else " "; std.debug.warn("{}{s}", .{ space, arg }); } std.debug.warn("\n", .{}); } const extern_ofmt = toExternObjectFormatType(util.getObjectFormat(; const args_slice = ctx.args.toSlice(); { // LLD is not thread-safe, so we grab a global lock. const held = comp.zig_compiler.lld_lock.acquire(); defer held.release(); // Not evented I/O. LLD does its own multithreading internally. if (!ZigLLDLink(extern_ofmt, args_slice.ptr, args_slice.len, linkDiagCallback, @ptrCast(*c_void, &ctx))) { if (!ctx.link_msg.isNull()) { // TODO capture these messages and pass them through the system, reporting them through the // event system instead of printing them directly here. // perhaps try to parse and understand them. std.debug.warn("{}\n", .{ctx.link_msg.toSliceConst()}); } return error.LinkFailed; } } } extern fn ZigLLDLink( oformat: c.ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType, args: [*]const [*]const u8, arg_count: usize, append_diagnostic: extern fn (*c_void, [*]const u8, usize) void, context: *c_void, ) bool; extern fn linkDiagCallback(context: *c_void, ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize) void { const ctx = @ptrCast(*Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), context)); ctx.link_err = linkDiagCallbackErrorable(ctx, ptr[0..len]); } fn linkDiagCallbackErrorable(ctx: *Context, msg: []const u8) !void { if (ctx.link_msg.isNull()) { try ctx.link_msg.resize(0); } try ctx.link_msg.append(msg); } fn toExternObjectFormatType(ofmt: ObjectFormat) c.ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType { return switch (ofmt) { .unknown => .ZigLLVM_UnknownObjectFormat, .coff => .ZigLLVM_COFF, .elf => .ZigLLVM_ELF, .macho => .ZigLLVM_MachO, .wasm => .ZigLLVM_Wasm, }; } fn constructLinkerArgs(ctx: *Context) !void { switch (util.getObjectFormat( { .unknown => unreachable, .coff => return constructLinkerArgsCoff(ctx), .elf => return constructLinkerArgsElf(ctx), .macho => return constructLinkerArgsMachO(ctx), .wasm => return constructLinkerArgsWasm(ctx), } } fn constructLinkerArgsElf(ctx: *Context) !void { // TODO commented out code in this function //if (g->linker_script) { // lj->args.append("-T"); // lj->args.append(g->linker_script); //} try ctx.args.append("--gc-sections"); if (ctx.comp.link_eh_frame_hdr) { try ctx.args.append("--eh-frame-hdr"); } //lj->args.append("-m"); //lj->args.append(getLDMOption(&g->zig_target)); //bool is_lib = g->out_type == OutTypeLib; //bool shared = !g->is_static && is_lib; //Buf *soname = nullptr; if (ctx.comp.is_static) { if (util.isArmOrThumb( { try ctx.args.append("-Bstatic"); } else { try ctx.args.append("-static"); } } //} else if (shared) { // lj->args.append("-shared"); // if (buf_len(&lj->out_file) == 0) { // buf_appendf(&lj->out_file, "" ZIG_PRI_usize ".%" ZIG_PRI_usize ".%" ZIG_PRI_usize "", // buf_ptr(g->root_out_name), g->version_major, g->version_minor, g->version_patch); // } // soname = buf_sprintf("" ZIG_PRI_usize "", buf_ptr(g->root_out_name), g->version_major); //} try ctx.args.append("-o"); try ctx.args.append(ctx.out_file_path.toSliceConst()); if (ctx.link_in_crt) { const crt1o = if (ctx.comp.is_static) "crt1.o" else "Scrt1.o"; const crtbegino = if (ctx.comp.is_static) "crtbeginT.o" else "crtbegin.o"; try addPathJoin(ctx, ctx.libc.lib_dir.?, crt1o); try addPathJoin(ctx, ctx.libc.lib_dir.?, "crti.o"); try addPathJoin(ctx, ctx.libc.static_lib_dir.?, crtbegino); } if (ctx.comp.haveLibC()) { try ctx.args.append("-L"); // TODO addNullByte should probably return [:0]u8 try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, ctx.libc.lib_dir.?)).ptr)); try ctx.args.append("-L"); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, ctx.libc.static_lib_dir.?)).ptr)); if (!ctx.comp.is_static) { const dl = blk: { if (ctx.libc.dynamic_linker_path) |dl| break :blk dl; if (util.getDynamicLinkerPath( |dl| break :blk dl; return error.LibCMissingDynamicLinker; }; try ctx.args.append("-dynamic-linker"); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, dl)).ptr)); } } //if (shared) { // lj->args.append("-soname"); // lj->args.append(buf_ptr(soname)); //} // .o files for (ctx.comp.link_objects) |link_object| { const link_obj_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, link_object); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, link_obj_with_null.ptr)); } try addFnObjects(ctx); //if (g->out_type == OutTypeExe || g->out_type == OutTypeLib) { // if (g->libc_link_lib == nullptr) { // Buf *builtin_o_path = build_o(g, "builtin"); // lj->args.append(buf_ptr(builtin_o_path)); // } // // sometimes libgcc is missing stuff, so we still build compiler_rt and rely on weak linkage // Buf *compiler_rt_o_path = build_compiler_rt(g); // lj->args.append(buf_ptr(compiler_rt_o_path)); //} //for (size_t i = 0; i < g->link_libs_list.length; i += 1) { // LinkLib *link_lib = g->; // if (buf_eql_str(link_lib->name, "c")) { // continue; // } // Buf *arg; // if (buf_starts_with_str(link_lib->name, "/") || buf_ends_with_str(link_lib->name, ".a") || // buf_ends_with_str(link_lib->name, ".so")) // { // arg = link_lib->name; // } else { // arg = buf_sprintf("-l%s", buf_ptr(link_lib->name)); // } // lj->args.append(buf_ptr(arg)); //} // libc dep if (ctx.comp.haveLibC()) { if (ctx.comp.is_static) { try ctx.args.append("--start-group"); try ctx.args.append("-lgcc"); try ctx.args.append("-lgcc_eh"); try ctx.args.append("-lc"); try ctx.args.append("-lm"); try ctx.args.append("--end-group"); } else { try ctx.args.append("-lgcc"); try ctx.args.append("--as-needed"); try ctx.args.append("-lgcc_s"); try ctx.args.append("--no-as-needed"); try ctx.args.append("-lc"); try ctx.args.append("-lm"); try ctx.args.append("-lgcc"); try ctx.args.append("--as-needed"); try ctx.args.append("-lgcc_s"); try ctx.args.append("--no-as-needed"); } } // crt end if (ctx.link_in_crt) { try addPathJoin(ctx, ctx.libc.static_lib_dir.?, "crtend.o"); try addPathJoin(ctx, ctx.libc.lib_dir.?, "crtn.o"); } if ( != Target.Native) { try ctx.args.append("--allow-shlib-undefined"); } } fn addPathJoin(ctx: *Context, dirname: []const u8, basename: []const u8) !void { const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(&ctx.arena.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ dirname, basename }); const full_path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, full_path); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, full_path_with_null.ptr)); } fn constructLinkerArgsCoff(ctx: *Context) !void { try ctx.args.append("-NOLOGO"); if (!ctx.comp.strip) { try ctx.args.append("-DEBUG"); } switch ( { .i386 => try ctx.args.append("-MACHINE:X86"), .x86_64 => try ctx.args.append("-MACHINE:X64"), .aarch64 => try ctx.args.append("-MACHINE:ARM"), else => return error.UnsupportedLinkArchitecture, } const is_library = ctx.comp.kind == .Lib; const out_arg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "-OUT:{}\x00", .{ctx.out_file_path.toSliceConst()}); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, out_arg.ptr)); if (ctx.comp.haveLibC()) { try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "-LIBPATH:{}\x00", .{ctx.libc.msvc_lib_dir.?})).ptr)); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "-LIBPATH:{}\x00", .{ctx.libc.kernel32_lib_dir.?})).ptr)); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, (try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "-LIBPATH:{}\x00", .{ctx.libc.lib_dir.?})).ptr)); } if (ctx.link_in_crt) { const lib_str = if (ctx.comp.is_static) "lib" else ""; const d_str = if (ctx.comp.build_mode == .Debug) "d" else ""; if (ctx.comp.is_static) { const cmt_lib_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "libcmt{}.lib\x00", .{d_str}); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, cmt_lib_name.ptr)); } else { const msvcrt_lib_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "msvcrt{}.lib\x00", .{d_str}); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, msvcrt_lib_name.ptr)); } const vcruntime_lib_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "{}vcruntime{}.lib\x00", .{ lib_str, d_str, }); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, vcruntime_lib_name.ptr)); const crt_lib_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "{}ucrt{}.lib\x00", .{ lib_str, d_str }); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, crt_lib_name.ptr)); // Visual C++ 2015 Conformance Changes // try ctx.args.append("legacy_stdio_definitions.lib"); // msvcrt depends on kernel32 try ctx.args.append("kernel32.lib"); } else { try ctx.args.append("-NODEFAULTLIB"); if (!is_library) { try ctx.args.append("-ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup"); } } if (is_library and !ctx.comp.is_static) { try ctx.args.append("-DLL"); } for (ctx.comp.link_objects) |link_object| { const link_obj_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, link_object); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, link_obj_with_null.ptr)); } try addFnObjects(ctx); switch (ctx.comp.kind) { .Exe, .Lib => { if (!ctx.comp.haveLibC()) { @panic("TODO"); } }, .Obj => {}, } } fn constructLinkerArgsMachO(ctx: *Context) !void { try ctx.args.append("-demangle"); if (ctx.comp.linker_rdynamic) { try ctx.args.append("-export_dynamic"); } const is_lib = ctx.comp.kind == .Lib; const shared = !ctx.comp.is_static and is_lib; if (ctx.comp.is_static) { try ctx.args.append("-static"); } else { try ctx.args.append("-dynamic"); } try ctx.args.append("-arch"); try ctx.args.append(util.getDarwinArchString(; const platform = try DarwinPlatform.get(ctx.comp); switch (platform.kind) { .MacOS => try ctx.args.append("-macosx_version_min"), .IPhoneOS => try ctx.args.append("-iphoneos_version_min"), .IPhoneOSSimulator => try ctx.args.append("-ios_simulator_version_min"), } const ver_str = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "{}.{}.{}\x00", .{ platform.major, platform.minor, platform.micro, }); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, ver_str.ptr)); if (ctx.comp.kind == .Exe) { if (ctx.comp.is_static) { try ctx.args.append("-no_pie"); } else { try ctx.args.append("-pie"); } } try ctx.args.append("-o"); try ctx.args.append(ctx.out_file_path.toSliceConst()); if (shared) { try ctx.args.append("-headerpad_max_install_names"); } else if (ctx.comp.is_static) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt0.o"); } else { switch (platform.kind) { .MacOS => { if (platform.versionLessThan(10, 5)) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt1.o"); } else if (platform.versionLessThan(10, 6)) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt1.10.5.o"); } else if (platform.versionLessThan(10, 8)) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt1.10.6.o"); } }, .IPhoneOS => { if ( == .aarch64) { // iOS does not need any crt1 files for arm64 } else if (platform.versionLessThan(3, 1)) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt1.o"); } else if (platform.versionLessThan(6, 0)) { try ctx.args.append("-lcrt1.3.1.o"); } }, .IPhoneOSSimulator => {}, // no crt1.o needed } } for (ctx.comp.link_objects) |link_object| { const link_obj_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, link_object); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, link_obj_with_null.ptr)); } try addFnObjects(ctx); if ( == Target.Native) { for (ctx.comp.link_libs_list.toSliceConst()) |lib| { if (mem.eql(u8,, "c")) { // on Darwin, libSystem has libc in it, but also you have to use it // to make syscalls because the syscall numbers are not documented // and change between versions. // so we always link against libSystem try ctx.args.append("-lSystem"); } else { if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8,, '/') == null) { const arg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&ctx.arena.allocator, "-l{}\x00", .{}); try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, arg.ptr)); } else { const arg = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator,; try ctx.args.append(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, arg.ptr)); } } } } else { try ctx.args.append("-undefined"); try ctx.args.append("dynamic_lookup"); } if (platform.kind == .MacOS) { if (platform.versionLessThan(10, 5)) { try ctx.args.append("-lgcc_s.10.4"); } else if (platform.versionLessThan(10, 6)) { try ctx.args.append("-lgcc_s.10.5"); } } else { @panic("TODO"); } } fn constructLinkerArgsWasm(ctx: *Context) void { @panic("TODO"); } fn addFnObjects(ctx: *Context) !void { const held = ctx.comp.fn_link_set.acquire(); defer held.release(); var it = held.value.first; while (it) |node| { const fn_val = orelse { // handle the tombstone. See Value.Fn.destroy. it =; held.value.remove(node); ctx.comp.gpa().destroy(node); continue; }; try ctx.args.append(fn_val.containing_object.toSliceConst()); it =; } } const DarwinPlatform = struct { kind: Kind, major: u32, minor: u32, micro: u32, const Kind = enum { MacOS, IPhoneOS, IPhoneOSSimulator, }; fn get(comp: *Compilation) !DarwinPlatform { var result: DarwinPlatform = undefined; const ver_str = switch (comp.darwin_version_min) { .MacOS => |ver| blk: { result.kind = .MacOS; break :blk ver; }, .Ios => |ver| blk: { result.kind = .IPhoneOS; break :blk ver; }, .None => blk: { assert( == .macosx); result.kind = .MacOS; break :blk "10.14"; }, }; var had_extra: bool = undefined; try darwinGetReleaseVersion( ver_str, &result.major, &result.minor, &result.micro, &had_extra, ); if (had_extra or result.major != 10 or result.minor >= 100 or result.micro >= 100) { return error.InvalidDarwinVersionString; } if (result.kind == .IPhoneOS) { switch ( { .i386, .x86_64, => result.kind = .IPhoneOSSimulator, else => {}, } } return result; } fn versionLessThan(self: DarwinPlatform, major: u32, minor: u32) bool { if (self.major < major) return true; if (self.major > major) return false; if (self.minor < minor) return true; return false; } }; /// Parse (([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)?))?)? and return the /// grouped values as integers. Numbers which are not provided are set to 0. /// return true if the entire string was parsed (9.2), or all groups were /// parsed (10.3.5extrastuff). fn darwinGetReleaseVersion(str: []const u8, major: *u32, minor: *u32, micro: *u32, had_extra: *bool) !void { major.* = 0; minor.* = 0; micro.* = 0; had_extra.* = false; if (str.len == 0) return error.InvalidDarwinVersionString; var start_pos: usize = 0; for ([_]*u32{ major, minor, micro }) |v| { const dot_pos = mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, str, start_pos, '.'); const end_pos = dot_pos orelse str.len; v.* = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, str[start_pos..end_pos], 10) catch return error.InvalidDarwinVersionString; start_pos = (dot_pos orelse return) + 1; if (start_pos == str.len) return; } had_extra.* = true; }