const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const AtomicRmwOp = builtin.AtomicRmwOp; const AtomicOrder = builtin.AtomicOrder; /// Thread-safe initialization of global data. /// TODO use a mutex instead of a spinlock pub fn lazyInit(comptime T: type) LazyInit(T) { return LazyInit(T){ .data = undefined, .state = 0, }; } fn LazyInit(comptime T: type) type { return struct { state: u8, // TODO make this an enum data: Data, const Self = @This(); // TODO this isn't working for void, investigate and then remove this special case const Data = if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) u8 else T; const Ptr = if (T == void) void else *T; /// Returns a usable pointer to the initialized data, /// or returns null, indicating that the caller should /// perform the initialization and then call resolve(). pub fn get(self: *Self) ?Ptr { while (true) { var state = @cmpxchgWeak(u8, &self.state, 0, 1, AtomicOrder.SeqCst, AtomicOrder.SeqCst) orelse return null; switch (state) { 0 => continue, 1 => { // TODO mutex instead of a spinlock continue; }, 2 => { if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) { return T(undefined); } else { return &; } }, else => unreachable, } } } pub fn resolve(self: *Self) void { const prev = @atomicRmw(u8, &self.state, AtomicRmwOp.Xchg, 2, AtomicOrder.SeqCst); assert(prev == 1); // resolve() called twice } }; } var global_number = lazyInit(i32); test "std.lazyInit" { if (global_number.get()) |_| @panic("bad") else { = 1234; global_number.resolve(); } if (global_number.get()) |x| { testing.expect(x.* == 1234); } else { @panic("bad"); } if (global_number.get()) |x| { testing.expect(x.* == 1234); } else { @panic("bad"); } } var global_void = lazyInit(void); test "std.lazyInit(void)" { if (global_void.get()) |_| @panic("bad") else { global_void.resolve(); } testing.expect(global_void.get() != null); testing.expect(global_void.get() != null); }