const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const debug = std.debug; const math = std.math; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const TypeId = builtin.TypeId; const bn = @import("int.zig"); const Limb = bn.Limb; const DoubleLimb = bn.DoubleLimb; const Int = bn.Int; pub const Rational = struct { // sign of Rational is a.positive, b.positive is ignored p: Int, q: Int, pub fn init(a: *Allocator) !Rational { return Rational{ .p = try Int.init(a), .q = try Int.initSet(a, 1), }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Rational) void { self.p.deinit(); self.q.deinit(); } pub fn setInt(self: *Rational, a: var) !void { try self.p.set(a); try self.q.set(1); } // TODO: Accept a/b fractions and exponent form pub fn setFloatString(self: *Rational, str: []const u8) !void { if (str.len == 0) { return error.InvalidFloatString; } const State = enum { Integer, Fractional, }; var state = State.Integer; var point: ?usize = null; var start: usize = 0; if (str[0] == '-') { start += 1; } for (str) |c, i| { switch (state) { State.Integer => { switch (c) { '.' => { state = State.Fractional; point = i; }, '0'...'9' => { // okay }, else => { return error.InvalidFloatString; }, } }, State.Fractional => { switch (c) { '0'...'9' => { // okay }, else => { return error.InvalidFloatString; }, } }, } } // TODO: batch the multiplies by 10 if (point) |i| { try self.p.setString(10, str[0..i]); const base = Int.initFixed(([]Limb{10})[0..]); var j: usize = start; while (j < str.len - i - 1) : (j += 1) { try self.p.mul(self.p, base); } try self.q.setString(10, str[i + 1 ..]); try self.p.add(self.p, self.q); try self.q.set(1); var k: usize = i + 1; while (k < str.len) : (k += 1) { try self.q.mul(self.q, base); } try self.reduce(); } else { try self.p.setString(10, str[0..]); try self.q.set(1); } } // Translated from golang.go/src/math/big/rat.go. pub fn setFloat(self: *Rational, comptime T: type, f: T) !void { debug.assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Float); const UnsignedIntType = @IntType(false, T.bit_count); const f_bits = @bitCast(UnsignedIntType, f); const exponent_bits = math.floatExponentBits(T); const exponent_bias = (1 << (exponent_bits - 1)) - 1; const mantissa_bits = math.floatMantissaBits(T); const exponent_mask = (1 << exponent_bits) - 1; const mantissa_mask = (1 << mantissa_bits) - 1; var exponent = @intCast(i16, (f_bits >> mantissa_bits) & exponent_mask); var mantissa = f_bits & mantissa_mask; switch (exponent) { exponent_mask => { return error.NonFiniteFloat; }, 0 => { // denormal exponent -= exponent_bias - 1; }, else => { // normal mantissa |= 1 << mantissa_bits; exponent -= exponent_bias; }, } var shift: i16 = mantissa_bits - exponent; // factor out powers of two early from rational while (mantissa & 1 == 0 and shift > 0) { mantissa >>= 1; shift -= 1; } try self.p.set(mantissa); self.p.positive = f >= 0; try self.q.set(1); if (shift >= 0) { try self.q.shiftLeft(self.q, @intCast(usize, shift)); } else { try self.p.shiftLeft(self.p, @intCast(usize, -shift)); } try self.reduce(); } // Translated from golang.go/src/math/big/rat.go. pub fn toFloat(self: Rational, comptime T: type) !T { debug.assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Float); const fsize = T.bit_count; const BitReprType = @IntType(false, T.bit_count); const msize = math.floatMantissaBits(T); const msize1 = msize + 1; const msize2 = msize1 + 1; const esize = math.floatExponentBits(T); const ebias = (1 << (esize - 1)) - 1; const emin = 1 - ebias; const emax = ebias; if (self.p.eqZero()) { return 0; } // 1. left-shift a or sub so that a/b is in [1 << msize1, 1 << (msize2 + 1)] var exp = @intCast(isize, self.p.bitCountTwosComp()) - @intCast(isize, self.q.bitCountTwosComp()); var a2 = try self.p.clone(); defer a2.deinit(); var b2 = try self.q.clone(); defer b2.deinit(); const shift = msize2 - exp; if (shift >= 0) { try a2.shiftLeft(a2, @intCast(usize, shift)); } else { try b2.shiftLeft(b2, @intCast(usize, -shift)); } // 2. compute quotient and remainder var q = try Int.init(self.p.allocator.?); defer q.deinit(); // unused var r = try Int.init(self.p.allocator.?); defer r.deinit(); try Int.divTrunc(&q, &r, a2, b2); var mantissa = extractLowBits(q, BitReprType); var have_rem = r.len > 0; // 3. q didn't fit in msize2 bits, redo division b2 << 1 if (mantissa >> msize2 == 1) { if (mantissa & 1 == 1) { have_rem = true; } mantissa >>= 1; exp += 1; } if (mantissa >> msize1 != 1) { @panic("unexpected bits in result"); } // 4. Rounding if (emin - msize <= exp and exp <= emin) { // denormal const shift1 = @intCast(math.Log2Int(BitReprType), emin - (exp - 1)); const lost_bits = mantissa & ((@intCast(BitReprType, 1) << shift1) - 1); have_rem = have_rem or lost_bits != 0; mantissa >>= shift1; exp = 2 - ebias; } // round q using round-half-to-even var exact = !have_rem; if (mantissa & 1 != 0) { exact = false; if (have_rem or (mantissa & 2 != 0)) { mantissa += 1; if (mantissa >= 1 << msize2) { // 11...1 => 100...0 mantissa >>= 1; exp += 1; } } } mantissa >>= 1; const f = math.scalbn(@intToFloat(T, mantissa), @intCast(i32, exp - msize1)); if (math.isInf(f)) { exact = false; } return if (self.p.positive) f else -f; } pub fn setRatio(self: *Rational, p: var, q: var) !void { try self.p.set(p); try self.q.set(q); self.p.positive = (@boolToInt(self.p.positive) ^ @boolToInt(self.q.positive)) == 0; self.q.positive = true; try self.reduce(); if (self.q.eqZero()) { @panic("cannot set rational with denominator = 0"); } } pub fn copyInt(self: *Rational, a: Int) !void { try self.p.copy(a); try self.q.set(1); } pub fn copyRatio(self: *Rational, a: Int, b: Int) !void { try self.p.copy(a); try self.q.copy(b); self.p.positive = (@boolToInt(self.p.positive) ^ @boolToInt(self.q.positive)) == 0; self.q.positive = true; try self.reduce(); } pub fn abs(r: *Rational) void { r.p.abs(); } pub fn negate(r: *Rational) void { r.p.negate(); } pub fn swap(r: *Rational, other: *Rational) void { r.p.swap(&other.p); r.q.swap(&other.q); } pub fn cmp(a: Rational, b: Rational) !i8 { return cmpInternal(a, b, true); } pub fn cmpAbs(a: Rational, b: Rational) !i8 { return cmpInternal(a, b, false); } // p/q > x/y iff p*y > x*q fn cmpInternal(a: Rational, b: Rational, is_abs: bool) !i8 { // TODO: Would a div compare algorithm of sorts be viable and quicker? Can we avoid // the memory allocations here? var q = try Int.init(a.p.allocator.?); defer q.deinit(); var p = try Int.init(b.p.allocator.?); defer p.deinit(); try q.mul(a.p, b.q); try p.mul(b.p, a.q); return if (is_abs) q.cmpAbs(p) else q.cmp(p); } // r/q = ap/aq + bp/bq = (ap*bq + bp*aq) / (aq*bq) // // For best performance, rma should not alias a or b. pub fn add(rma: *Rational, a: Rational, b: Rational) !void { var r = rma; var aliased = rma.p.limbs.ptr == a.p.limbs.ptr or rma.p.limbs.ptr == b.p.limbs.ptr; var sr: Rational = undefined; if (aliased) { sr = try Rational.init(rma.p.allocator.?); r = &sr; aliased = true; } defer if (aliased) { rma.swap(r); r.deinit(); }; try r.p.mul(a.p, b.q); try r.q.mul(b.p, a.q); try r.p.add(r.p, r.q); try r.q.mul(a.q, b.q); try r.reduce(); } // r/q = ap/aq - bp/bq = (ap*bq - bp*aq) / (aq*bq) // // For best performance, rma should not alias a or b. pub fn sub(rma: *Rational, a: Rational, b: Rational) !void { var r = rma; var aliased = rma.p.limbs.ptr == a.p.limbs.ptr or rma.p.limbs.ptr == b.p.limbs.ptr; var sr: Rational = undefined; if (aliased) { sr = try Rational.init(rma.p.allocator.?); r = &sr; aliased = true; } defer if (aliased) { rma.swap(r); r.deinit(); }; try r.p.mul(a.p, b.q); try r.q.mul(b.p, a.q); try r.p.sub(r.p, r.q); try r.q.mul(a.q, b.q); try r.reduce(); } // r/q = ap/aq * bp/bq = ap*bp / aq*bq pub fn mul(r: *Rational, a: Rational, b: Rational) !void { try r.p.mul(a.p, b.p); try r.q.mul(a.q, b.q); try r.reduce(); } // r/q = (ap/aq) / (bp/bq) = ap*bq / bp*aq pub fn div(r: *Rational, a: Rational, b: Rational) !void { if (b.p.eqZero()) { @panic("division by zero"); } try r.p.mul(a.p, b.q); try r.q.mul(b.p, a.q); try r.reduce(); } // r/q = q/r pub fn invert(r: *Rational) void { Int.swap(&r.p, &r.q); } // reduce r/q such that gcd(r, q) = 1 fn reduce(r: *Rational) !void { var a = try Int.init(r.p.allocator.?); defer a.deinit(); const sign = r.p.positive; r.p.abs(); try gcd(&a, r.p, r.q); r.p.positive = sign; const one = Int.initFixed(([]Limb{1})[0..]); if (a.cmp(one) != 0) { var unused = try Int.init(r.p.allocator.?); defer unused.deinit(); // TODO: divexact would be useful here // TODO: don't copy r.q for div try Int.divTrunc(&r.p, &unused, r.p, a); try Int.divTrunc(&r.q, &unused, r.q, a); } } }; var al = debug.global_allocator; const SignedDoubleLimb = @IntType(true, DoubleLimb.bit_count); fn gcd(rma: *Int, x: Int, y: Int) !void { var r = rma; var aliased = rma.limbs.ptr == x.limbs.ptr or rma.limbs.ptr == y.limbs.ptr; var sr: Int = undefined; if (aliased) { sr = try Int.initCapacity(rma.allocator.?, math.max(x.len, y.len)); r = &sr; aliased = true; } defer if (aliased) { rma.swap(r); r.deinit(); }; if (x.cmp(y) > 0) { try gcdLehmer(r, x, y); } else { try gcdLehmer(r, y, x); } } // Storage must live for the lifetime of the returned value fn FixedIntFromSignedDoubleLimb(A: SignedDoubleLimb, storage: []Limb) Int { std.debug.assert(storage.len >= 2); var A_is_positive = A >= 0; const Au = @intCast(DoubleLimb, if (A < 0) -A else A); storage[0] = @truncate(Limb, Au); storage[1] = @truncate(Limb, Au >> Limb.bit_count); var Ap = Int.initFixed(storage[0..2]); Ap.positive = A_is_positive; return Ap; } // Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 14.57 // // r = gcd(x, y) where x, y > 0 fn gcdLehmer(r: *Int, xa: Int, ya: Int) !void { debug.assert(xa.positive and ya.positive); debug.assert(xa.cmp(ya) >= 0); var x = try xa.clone(); defer x.deinit(); var y = try ya.clone(); defer y.deinit(); var T = try Int.init(r.allocator.?); defer T.deinit(); while (y.len > 1) { debug.assert(x.len >= y.len); // chop the leading zeros of the limbs and normalize const offset = @clz(x.limbs[x.len - 1]); var xh: SignedDoubleLimb = math.shl(Limb, x.limbs[x.len - 1], offset) | math.shr(Limb, x.limbs[x.len - 2], Limb.bit_count - offset); var yh: SignedDoubleLimb = if (y.len == x.len) math.shl(Limb, y.limbs[y.len - 1], offset) | math.shr(Limb, y.limbs[y.len - 2], Limb.bit_count - offset) else if (y.len == x.len - 1) math.shr(Limb, y.limbs[y.len - 2], Limb.bit_count - offset) else 0; var A: SignedDoubleLimb = 1; var B: SignedDoubleLimb = 0; var C: SignedDoubleLimb = 0; var D: SignedDoubleLimb = 1; while (yh + C != 0 and yh + D != 0) { const q = @divFloor(xh + A, yh + C); const qp = @divFloor(xh + B, yh + D); if (q != qp) { break; } var t = A - q * C; A = C; C = t; t = B - q * D; B = D; D = t; t = xh - q * yh; xh = yh; yh = t; } if (B == 0) { // T = x % y, r is unused try Int.divTrunc(r, &T, x, y); debug.assert(T.positive); x.swap(&y); y.swap(&T); } else { var storage: [8]Limb = undefined; const Ap = FixedIntFromSignedDoubleLimb(A, storage[0..2]); const Bp = FixedIntFromSignedDoubleLimb(B, storage[2..4]); const Cp = FixedIntFromSignedDoubleLimb(C, storage[4..6]); const Dp = FixedIntFromSignedDoubleLimb(D, storage[6..8]); // T = Ax + By try r.mul(x, Ap); try T.mul(y, Bp); try T.add(r.*, T); // u = Cx + Dy, r as u try x.mul(x, Cp); try r.mul(y, Dp); try r.add(x, r.*); x.swap(&T); y.swap(r); } } // euclidean algorithm debug.assert(x.cmp(y) >= 0); while (!y.eqZero()) { try Int.divTrunc(&T, r, x, y); x.swap(&y); y.swap(r); } r.swap(&x); } test "big.rational gcd non-one small" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 17); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 97); var r = try Int.init(al); try gcd(&r, a, b); debug.assert((try == 1); } test "big.rational gcd non-one small" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 4864); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 3458); var r = try Int.init(al); try gcd(&r, a, b); debug.assert((try == 38); } test "big.rational gcd non-one large" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffffffffffff); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0xffffffffffffffff7777); var r = try Int.init(al); try gcd(&r, a, b); debug.assert((try == 4369); } test "big.rational gcd large multi-limb result" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x12345678123456781234567812345678123456781234567812345678); var b = try Int.initSet(al, 0x12345671234567123456712345671234567123456712345671234567); var r = try Int.init(al); try gcd(&r, a, b); debug.assert((try == 0xf000000ff00000fff0000ffff000fffff00ffffff1); } fn extractLowBits(a: Int, comptime T: type) T { debug.assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int); if (T.bit_count <= Limb.bit_count) { return @truncate(T, a.limbs[0]); } else { var r: T = 0; comptime var i: usize = 0; // Remainder is always 0 since if T.bit_count >= Limb.bit_count -> Limb | T and both // are powers of two. inline while (i < T.bit_count / Limb.bit_count) : (i += 1) { r |= math.shl(T, a.limbs[i], i * Limb.bit_count); } return r; } } test "big.rational extractLowBits" { var a = try Int.initSet(al, 0x11112222333344441234567887654321); const a1 = extractLowBits(a, u8); debug.assert(a1 == 0x21); const a2 = extractLowBits(a, u16); debug.assert(a2 == 0x4321); const a3 = extractLowBits(a, u32); debug.assert(a3 == 0x87654321); const a4 = extractLowBits(a, u64); debug.assert(a4 == 0x1234567887654321); const a5 = extractLowBits(a, u128); debug.assert(a5 == 0x11112222333344441234567887654321); } test "big.rational set" { var a = try Rational.init(al); try a.setInt(5); debug.assert((try == 5); debug.assert((try == 1); try a.setRatio(7, 3); debug.assert((try == 7); debug.assert((try == 3); try a.setRatio(9, 3); debug.assert((try == 3); debug.assert((try == 1); try a.setRatio(-9, 3); debug.assert((try == -3); debug.assert((try == 1); try a.setRatio(9, -3); debug.assert((try == -3); debug.assert((try == 1); try a.setRatio(-9, -3); debug.assert((try == 3); debug.assert((try == 1); } test "big.rational setFloat" { var a = try Rational.init(al); try a.setFloat(f64, 2.5); debug.assert((try == 5); debug.assert((try == 2); try a.setFloat(f32, -2.5); debug.assert((try == -5); debug.assert((try == 2); try a.setFloat(f32, 3.141593); // = 3.14159297943115234375 debug.assert((try == 3294199); debug.assert((try == 1048576); try a.setFloat(f64, 72.141593120712409172417410926841290461290467124); // = 72.1415931207124145885245525278151035308837890625 debug.assert((try == 5076513310880537); debug.assert((try == 70368744177664); } test "big.rational setFloatString" { var a = try Rational.init(al); try a.setFloatString("72.14159312071241458852455252781510353"); // = 72.1415931207124145885245525278151035308837890625 debug.assert((try == 7214159312071241458852455252781510353); debug.assert((try == 100000000000000000000000000000000000); } test "big.rational toFloat" { var a = try Rational.init(al); // = 3.14159297943115234375 try a.setRatio(3294199, 1048576); debug.assert((try a.toFloat(f64)) == 3.14159297943115234375); // = 72.1415931207124145885245525278151035308837890625 try a.setRatio(5076513310880537, 70368744177664); debug.assert((try a.toFloat(f64)) == 72.141593120712409172417410926841290461290467124); } test "big.rational set/to Float round-trip" { // toFloat allocates memory in a loop so we need to free it var buf: [512 * 1024]u8 = undefined; var fixed = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buf[0..]); var a = try Rational.init(&fixed.allocator); var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0x5EED); var i: usize = 0; while (i < 512) : (i += 1) { const r = prng.random.float(f64); try a.setFloat(f64, r); debug.assert((try a.toFloat(f64)) == r); } } test "big.rational copy" { var a = try Rational.init(al); const b = try Int.initSet(al, 5); try a.copyInt(b); debug.assert((try == 5); debug.assert((try == 1); const c = try Int.initSet(al, 7); const d = try Int.initSet(al, 3); try a.copyRatio(c, d); debug.assert((try == 7); debug.assert((try == 3); const e = try Int.initSet(al, 9); const f = try Int.initSet(al, 3); try a.copyRatio(e, f); debug.assert((try == 3); debug.assert((try == 1); } test "big.rational negate" { var a = try Rational.init(al); try a.setInt(-50); debug.assert((try == -50); debug.assert((try == 1); a.negate(); debug.assert((try == 50); debug.assert((try == 1); a.negate(); debug.assert((try == -50); debug.assert((try == 1); } test "big.rational abs" { var a = try Rational.init(al); try a.setInt(-50); debug.assert((try == -50); debug.assert((try == 1); a.abs(); debug.assert((try == 50); debug.assert((try == 1); a.abs(); debug.assert((try == 50); debug.assert((try == 1); } test "big.rational swap" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(50, 23); try b.setRatio(17, 3); debug.assert((try == 50); debug.assert((try == 23); debug.assert((try == 17); debug.assert((try == 3); a.swap(&b); debug.assert((try == 17); debug.assert((try == 3); debug.assert((try == 50); debug.assert((try == 23); } test "big.rational cmp" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(500, 231); try b.setRatio(18903, 8584); debug.assert((try a.cmp(b)) < 0); try a.setRatio(890, 10); try b.setRatio(89, 1); debug.assert((try a.cmp(b)) == 0); } test "big.rational add single-limb" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(500, 231); try b.setRatio(18903, 8584); debug.assert((try a.cmp(b)) < 0); try a.setRatio(890, 10); try b.setRatio(89, 1); debug.assert((try a.cmp(b)) == 0); } test "big.rational add" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); var r = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(78923, 23341); try b.setRatio(123097, 12441414); try a.add(a, b); try r.setRatio(984786924199, 290395044174); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); } test "big.rational sub" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); var r = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(78923, 23341); try b.setRatio(123097, 12441414); try a.sub(a, b); try r.setRatio(979040510045, 290395044174); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); } test "big.rational mul" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); var r = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(78923, 23341); try b.setRatio(123097, 12441414); try a.mul(a, b); try r.setRatio(571481443, 17082061422); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); } test "big.rational div" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var b = try Rational.init(al); var r = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(78923, 23341); try b.setRatio(123097, 12441414); try a.div(a, b); try r.setRatio(75531824394, 221015929); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); } test "big.rational div" { var a = try Rational.init(al); var r = try Rational.init(al); try a.setRatio(78923, 23341); a.invert(); try r.setRatio(23341, 78923); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); try a.setRatio(-78923, 23341); a.invert(); try r.setRatio(-23341, 78923); debug.assert((try a.cmp(r)) == 0); }