const expectEqual = @import("std").testing.expectEqual; const FILE = extern struct { dummy_field: u8, }; extern fn printf([*c]const u8, ...) c_int; extern fn fputs([*c]const u8, noalias [*c]FILE) c_int; extern fn ftell([*c]FILE) c_long; extern fn fopen([*c]const u8, [*c]const u8) [*c]FILE; const S = extern struct { state: c_short, extern fn s_do_thing([*c]S, b: c_int) c_short; }; test "Extern function calls in @TypeOf" { const Test = struct { fn test_fn_1(a: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(printf("%d %s\n", a, b)) { return 0; } fn test_fn_2(a: anytype) @TypeOf((S{ .state = 0 }).s_do_thing(a)) { return 1; } fn doTheTest() !void { try expectEqual(c_int, @TypeOf(test_fn_1(0, 42))); try expectEqual(c_short, @TypeOf(test_fn_2(0))); } }; try Test.doTheTest(); comptime try Test.doTheTest(); } test "Peer resolution of extern function calls in @TypeOf" { const Test = struct { fn test_fn() @TypeOf(ftell(null), fputs(null, null)) { return 0; } fn doTheTest() !void { try expectEqual(c_long, @TypeOf(test_fn())); } }; try Test.doTheTest(); comptime try Test.doTheTest(); } test "Extern function calls, dereferences and field access in @TypeOf" { const Test = struct { fn test_fn_1(a: c_long) @TypeOf(fopen("test", "r").*) { _ = a; return .{ .dummy_field = 0 }; } fn test_fn_2(a: anytype) @TypeOf(fopen("test", "r").*.dummy_field) { _ = a; return 255; } fn doTheTest() !void { try expectEqual(FILE, @TypeOf(test_fn_1(0))); try expectEqual(u8, @TypeOf(test_fn_2(0))); } }; try Test.doTheTest(); comptime try Test.doTheTest(); }