const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const assert = std.debug.assert; pub const Inst = struct { tag: Tag, pub const all_types = .{ Constant, PtrToInt, FieldPtr, Deref, Assembly, Unreach, Fn, }; /// These names are used for the IR text format. pub const Tag = enum { constant, ptrtoint, fieldptr, deref, @"asm", unreach, @"fn", }; /// This struct owns the `Value` memory. When the struct is deallocated, /// so is the `Value`. The value of a constant must be copied into /// a memory location for the value to survive after a const instruction. pub const Constant = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .constant }, ty: Type, positionals: struct { value: Value, }, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const PtrToInt = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .ptrtoint }, positionals: struct {}, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const FieldPtr = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .fieldptr }, positionals: struct {}, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const Deref = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .deref }, positionals: struct {}, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const Assembly = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"asm" }, positionals: struct {}, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const Unreach = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .unreach }, positionals: struct {}, kw_args: struct {}, }; pub const Fn = struct { base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"fn" }, positionals: struct { body: Body, }, kw_args: struct { cc: std.builtin.CallingConvention = .Unspecified, }, pub const Body = struct { instructions: []*Inst, }; }; }; pub const ErrorMsg = struct { byte_offset: usize, msg: []const u8, }; pub const Tree = struct { decls: []*Inst, errors: []ErrorMsg, }; const ParseContext = struct { allocator: *Allocator, i: usize, source: []const u8, errors: std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg), decls: std.ArrayList(*Inst), global_name_map: *std.StringHashMap(usize), }; pub fn parse(allocator: *Allocator, source: []const u8) Allocator.Error!Tree { var global_name_map = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(allocator); defer global_name_map.deinit(); var ctx: ParseContext = .{ .allocator = allocator, .i = 0, .source = source, .decls = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(allocator), .errors = std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg).init(allocator), .global_name_map = &global_name_map, }; parseRoot(&ctx) catch |err| switch (err) { error.ParseFailure => { assert(ctx.errors.items.len != 0); }, else => |e| return e, }; return Tree{ .decls = ctx.decls.toOwnedSlice(), .errors = ctx.errors.toOwnedSlice(), }; } pub fn parseRoot(ctx: *ParseContext) !void { // The IR format is designed so that it can be tokenized and parsed at the same time. while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) { ';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '\n'), '@' => { const at_start = ctx.i; const ident = try skipToAndOver(ctx, ' '); var ty: ?*Value = null; if (eatByte(ctx, ':')) { ty = try parseType(ctx); skipSpace(ctx); } try requireEatBytes(ctx, "= "); const inst = try parseInstruction(ctx); const ident_index = ctx.decls.items.len; if (try ctx.global_name_map.put(ident, ident_index)) |_| { return parseError(ctx, "redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident}); } try ctx.decls.append(inst); continue; }, ' ', '\n' => continue, else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}), }; } fn eatByte(ctx: *ParseContext, byte: u8) bool { if (ctx.i >= ctx.source.len) return false; if (ctx.source[ctx.i] != byte) return false; ctx.i += 1; return true; } fn skipSpace(ctx: *ParseContext) void { while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len and ctx.source[ctx.i] == ' ') : (ctx.i += 1) {} } fn requireEatBytes(ctx: *ParseContext, bytes: []const u8) !void { if (ctx.i + bytes.len > ctx.source.len) return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF", .{}); if (!mem.eql(u8, ctx.source[ctx.i..][0..bytes.len], bytes)) return parseError(ctx, "expected '{}'", .{bytes}); ctx.i += bytes.len; } fn skipToAndOver(ctx: *ParseContext, byte: u8) ![]const u8 { const start_i = ctx.i; while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) { if (ctx.source[ctx.i] == byte) { const result = ctx.source[start_i..ctx.i]; ctx.i += 1; return result; } } return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF", .{}); } fn parseError(ctx: *ParseContext, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) error{ ParseFailure, OutOfMemory } { const msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.allocator, format, args); (try ctx.errors.addOne()).* = .{ .byte_offset = ctx.i, .msg = msg, }; return error.ParseFailure; } fn parseType(ctx: *ParseContext) !*Value { return parseError(ctx, "TODO parse type", .{}); } fn parseInstruction(ctx: *ParseContext) error{ OutOfMemory, ParseFailure }!*Inst { switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) { '"' => return parseStringLiteralConst(ctx), '0'...'9' => return parseIntegerLiteralConst(ctx), else => {}, } const fn_name = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '('); inline for (Inst.all_types) |InstType| { const this_name = @tagName(std.meta.fieldInfo(InstType, "base").default_value.?.tag); if (mem.eql(u8, this_name, fn_name)) { return parseInstructionGeneric(ctx, this_name, InstType); } } return parseError(ctx, "unknown instruction '{}'", .{fn_name}); } fn parseInstructionGeneric(ctx: *ParseContext, comptime fn_name: []const u8, comptime InstType: type) !*Inst { const inst_specific = try ctx.allocator.create(InstType); const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst_specific.positionals); inline for (@typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields) |arg_field| { @field(inst_specific.positionals, = try parseParameterGeneric(ctx, arg_field.field_type); } const KW_Args = @TypeOf(inst_specific.kw_args); inst_specific.kw_args = .{}; // assign defaults skipSpace(ctx); while (eatByte(ctx, ',')) { skipSpace(ctx); const name = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '='); inline for (@typeInfo(KW_Args).Struct.fields) |arg_field| { if (mem.eql(u8, name, { @field(inst_specific.kw_args, = try parseParameterGeneric(ctx, arg_field.field_type); break; } } skipSpace(ctx); } try requireEatBytes(ctx, ")"); return &inst_specific.base; } fn parseParameterGeneric(ctx: *ParseContext, comptime T: type) !T { if (@typeInfo(T) == .Enum) { const start = ctx.i; while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) { ' ', '\n', ',', ')' => { const enum_name = ctx.source[start..ctx.i]; ctx.i += 1; return std.meta.stringToEnum(T, enum_name) orelse { return parseError(ctx, "tag '{}' not a member of enum '{}'", .{ enum_name, @typeName(T) }); }; }, else => continue, }; return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF in enum parameter", .{}); } switch (T) { Inst.Fn.Body => return parseBody(ctx), Value => return parseError(ctx, "TODO implement parseParameterGeneric for type Value", .{}), else => @compileError("Unimplemented: ir parseParameterGeneric for type " ++ @typeName(T)), } return parseError(ctx, "TODO parse parameter {}", .{@typeName(T)}); } fn parseBody(ctx: *ParseContext) !Inst.Fn.Body { var instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(ctx.allocator); defer instructions.deinit(); var name_map = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(ctx.allocator); defer name_map.deinit(); try requireEatBytes(ctx, "{"); skipSpace(ctx); while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) { ';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '\n'), '%' => { const at_start = ctx.i; const ident = try skipToAndOver(ctx, ' '); var ty: ?*Value = null; if (eatByte(ctx, ':')) { skipSpace(ctx); ty = try parseType(ctx); skipSpace(ctx); } skipSpace(ctx); try requireEatBytes(ctx, "="); skipSpace(ctx); const inst = try parseInstruction(ctx); const ident_index = instructions.items.len; if (try name_map.put(ident, ident_index)) |_| { return parseError(ctx, "redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident}); } try instructions.append(inst); continue; }, ' ', '\n' => continue, else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}), }; return Inst.Fn.Body{ .instructions = instructions.toOwnedSlice(), }; } fn parseStringLiteralConst(ctx: *ParseContext) !*Inst { const start = ctx.i; ctx.i += 1; // skip over '"' while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) { '"' => { ctx.i += 1; const span = ctx.source[start..ctx.i]; var bad_index: usize = undefined; const parsed = std.zig.parseStringLiteral(ctx.allocator, span, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) { error.InvalidCharacter => { ctx.i = start + bad_index; const bad_byte = ctx.source[ctx.i]; return parseError(ctx, "invalid string literal character: '{c}'\n", .{bad_byte}); }, else => |e| return e, }; const bytes_payload = try ctx.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Bytes); errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(bytes_payload); bytes_payload.* = .{ .data = parsed }; const ty_payload = try ctx.allocator.create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0); errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(ty_payload); ty_payload.* = .{ .len = parsed.len }; const const_inst = try ctx.allocator.create(Inst.Constant); const_inst.* = .{ .ty = Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base), .positionals = .{ .value = Value.initPayload(&bytes_payload.base) }, .kw_args = .{}, }; return &const_inst.base; }, '\\' => { ctx.i += 1; if (ctx.i >= ctx.source.len) break; continue; }, else => continue, }; return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF in string literal", .{}); } fn parseIntegerLiteralConst(ctx: *ParseContext) !*Inst { return parseError(ctx, "TODO parse integer literal", .{}); } pub fn main() anyerror!void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); const src_path = args[1]; const debug_error_trace = true; const source = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, src_path, std.math.maxInt(u32)); const tree = try parse(allocator, source); if (tree.errors.len != 0) { for (tree.errors) |err_msg| { const loc = findLineColumn(source, err_msg.byte_offset); std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}: error: {}\n", .{ src_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1, err_msg.msg }); } if (debug_error_trace) return error.ParseFailure; std.process.exit(1); } } fn findLineColumn(source: []const u8, byte_offset: usize) struct { line: usize, column: usize } { var line: usize = 0; var column: usize = 0; for (source[0..byte_offset]) |byte| { switch (byte) { '\n' => { line += 1; column = 0; }, else => { column += 1; }, } } return .{ .line = line, .column = column }; }