const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; const mem = @import("std").mem; test "enum type" { const foo1 = Foo.One {13}; const foo2 = Foo.Two { Point { .x = 1234, .y = 5678, }}; const bar = Bar.B; assert(bar == Bar.B); assert(@memberCount(Foo) == 3); assert(@memberCount(Bar) == 4); assert(@sizeOf(Foo) == @sizeOf(FooNoVoid)); assert(@sizeOf(Bar) == 1); } test "enum as return value" { switch (returnAnInt(13)) { Foo.One => |value| assert(value == 13), else => unreachable, } } const Point = struct { x: u64, y: u64, }; const Foo = enum { One: i32, Two: Point, Three: void, }; const FooNoVoid = enum { One: i32, Two: Point, }; const Bar = enum { A, B, C, D, }; fn returnAnInt(x: i32) -> Foo { Foo.One { x } } test "constant enum with payload" { var empty = AnEnumWithPayload.Empty; var full = AnEnumWithPayload.Full {13}; shouldBeEmpty(empty); shouldBeNotEmpty(full); } fn shouldBeEmpty(x: &const AnEnumWithPayload) { switch (*x) { AnEnumWithPayload.Empty => {}, else => unreachable, } } fn shouldBeNotEmpty(x: &const AnEnumWithPayload) { switch (*x) { AnEnumWithPayload.Empty => unreachable, else => {}, } } const AnEnumWithPayload = enum { Empty, Full: i32, }; const Number = enum { Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, }; test "enum to int" { shouldEqual(Number.Zero, 0); shouldEqual(Number.One, 1); shouldEqual(Number.Two, 2); shouldEqual(Number.Three, 3); shouldEqual(Number.Four, 4); } fn shouldEqual(n: Number, expected: usize) { assert(usize(n) == expected); } test "int to enum" { testIntToEnumEval(3); } fn testIntToEnumEval(x: i32) { assert(IntToEnumNumber(x) == IntToEnumNumber.Three); } const IntToEnumNumber = enum { Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, }; test "@enumTagName" { assert(mem.eql(u8, testEnumTagNameBare(BareNumber.Three), "Three")); comptime assert(mem.eql(u8, testEnumTagNameBare(BareNumber.Three), "Three")); } fn testEnumTagNameBare(n: BareNumber) -> []const u8 { return @enumTagName(n); } const BareNumber = enum { One, Two, Three, }; test "enum alignment" { comptime { assert(@alignOf(AlignTestEnum) >= @alignOf([9]u8)); assert(@alignOf(AlignTestEnum) >= @alignOf(u64)); } } const AlignTestEnum = enum { A: [9]u8, B: u64, };