#!/bin/sh set -x set -e WORKSPACE="$DRONE_WORKSPACE" LOCAL="/deps/local" ZIG="$LOCAL/bin/zig" ARCH="$(uname -m)" TARGET="${ARCH}-linux-musl" MCPU="baseline" JOBS="-j$(nproc)" export PATH=/deps/local/bin:$PATH # Make the `zig version` number consistent. # This will affect the cmake command below. git config core.abbrev 9 # Build debug zig. echo "BUILD debug zig with zig:$($ZIG version)" export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU" export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU" mkdir _debug cd _debug cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/staging" \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$LOCAL" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DZIG_TARGET_TRIPLE="$TARGET" \ -DZIG_TARGET_MCPU="$MCPU" \ -DZIG_STATIC=ON \ -GNinja # Now cmake will use zig as the C/C++ compiler. We reset the environment variables # so that installation and testing do not get affected by them. unset CC unset CXX ninja $JOBS install ZIG=$(pwd)/staging/bin/zig # Here we rebuild zig but this time using the Zig binary we just now produced to # build zig1.o rather than relying on the one built with stage0. See # https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6830 for more details. cmake .. -DZIG_EXECUTABLE="$ZIG" ninja $JOBS install cd $WORKSPACE # Build release zig. echo "BUILD release zig with zig:$($ZIG version)" echo "zig version: $($ZIG version)" export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU" export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU" mkdir _release cd _release cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/staging" \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$LOCAL" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DZIG_TARGET_TRIPLE="$TARGET" \ -DZIG_TARGET_MCPU="$MCPU" \ -DZIG_STATIC=ON \ -GNinja unset CC unset CXX ninja $JOBS install cd $WORKSPACE # Look for non-conforming code formatting. # Formatting errors can be fixed by running `zig fmt` on the files printed here. $ZIG fmt --check . $ZIG test test/behavior.zig -fno-stage1 -fLLVM -I test $ZIG build test-behavior -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-compiler-rt -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-std -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-minilibc -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-compare-output -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-standalone -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-stack-traces -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-cli -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-asm-link -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-runtime-safety -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-translate-c -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-run-translated-c -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build docs -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build # test building self-hosted without LLVM $ZIG build test-fmt -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime $ZIG build test-stage2 -Denable-qemu -Denable-wasmtime # Look for HTML errors. tidy --drop-empty-elements no -qe zig-cache/langref.html # The remainder of this script is for master branch only. if [ -n "$DRONE_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then exit 0 fi STAGING=_release/staging # Produce the experimental std lib documentation. mkdir -p $STAGING/docs/std $ZIG test lib/std/std.zig \ --zig-lib-dir lib \ -femit-docs=$STAGING/docs/std \ -fno-emit-bin cp LICENSE $STAGING/ cp zig-cache/langref.html $STAGING/docs/ # Remove the unnecessary bin dir in $prefix/bin/zig mv $STAGING/bin/zig $STAGING/ rmdir $STAGING/bin # Remove the unnecessary zig dir in $prefix/lib/zig/std/std.zig mv $STAGING/lib/zig $STAGING/lib2 rmdir $STAGING/lib mv $STAGING/lib2 $STAGING/lib VERSION=$($STAGING/zig version) BASENAME="zig-linux-$ARCH-$VERSION" TARBALL="${BASENAME}.tar.xz" mv "$STAGING" "$BASENAME" tar cfJ "$TARBALL" "$BASENAME" ls -l "$TARBALL" # TODO: push artifact/meta somewhere ## mv "$DOWNLOADSECUREFILE_SECUREFILEPATH" "$HOME/.s3cfg" ## s3cmd put -P --add-header="cache-control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable" "$TARBALL" s3://ziglang.org/builds/ ## ## SHASUM=$(sha256sum $TARBALL | cut '-d ' -f1) ## BYTESIZE=$(wc -c < $TARBALL) ## ## JSONFILE="linux-$GITBRANCH.json" ## touch $JSONFILE ## echo "{\"tarball\": \"$TARBALL\"," >>$JSONFILE ## echo "\"shasum\": \"$SHASUM\"," >>$JSONFILE ## echo "\"size\": \"$BYTESIZE\"}" >>$JSONFILE ## ## s3cmd put -P --add-header="Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate" "$JSONFILE" "s3://ziglang.org/builds/$JSONFILE" ## s3cmd put -P "$JSONFILE" "s3://ziglang.org/builds/$ARCH-linux-$VERSION.json" ## ## # `set -x` causes these variables to be mangled. ## # See https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/375679/pipeline-variable-incorrectly-inserts-single-quote.html ## set +x ## echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=tarball;isOutput=true]$TARBALL" ## echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=shasum;isOutput=true]$SHASUM" ## echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=bytesize;isOutput=true]$BYTESIZE" ## echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=version;isOutput=true]$VERSION"