const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("index.zig"); const io =; const mem = std.mem; const MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xFEEDFACF; const MH_PIE = 0x200000; const LC_SYMTAB = 2; const MachHeader64 = packed struct { magic: u32, cputype: u32, cpusubtype: u32, filetype: u32, ncmds: u32, sizeofcmds: u32, flags: u32, reserved: u32, }; const LoadCommand = packed struct { cmd: u32, cmdsize: u32, }; const SymtabCommand = packed struct { symoff: u32, nsyms: u32, stroff: u32, strsize: u32, }; const Nlist64 = packed struct { n_strx: u32, n_type: u8, n_sect: u8, n_desc: u16, n_value: u64, }; pub const Symbol = struct { name: []const u8, address: u64, fn addressLessThan(lhs: *const Symbol, rhs: *const Symbol) bool { return lhs.address < rhs.address; } }; pub const SymbolTable = struct { allocator: *mem.Allocator, symbols: []const Symbol, strings: []const u8, // Doubles as an eyecatcher to calculate the PIE slide, see loadSymbols(). // Ideally we'd use _mh_execute_header because it's always at 0x100000000 // in the image but as it's located in a different section than executable // code, its displacement is different. pub fn deinit(self: *SymbolTable) void {; self.symbols = []const Symbol{};; self.strings = []const u8{}; } pub fn search(self: *const SymbolTable, address: usize) ?*const Symbol { var min: usize = 0; var max: usize = self.symbols.len - 1; // Exclude sentinel. while (min < max) { const mid = min + (max - min) / 2; const curr = &self.symbols[mid]; const next = &self.symbols[mid + 1]; if (address >= next.address) { min = mid + 1; } else if (address < curr.address) { max = mid; } else { return curr; } } return null; } }; pub fn loadSymbols(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in: *io.FileInStream) !SymbolTable { var file = in.file; try file.seekTo(0); var hdr: MachHeader64 = undefined; try readOneNoEof(in, MachHeader64, &hdr); if (hdr.magic != MH_MAGIC_64) return error.MissingDebugInfo; const is_pie = MH_PIE == (hdr.flags & MH_PIE); var pos: usize = @sizeOf(@typeOf(hdr)); var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds; while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) { try file.seekTo(pos); var lc: LoadCommand = undefined; try readOneNoEof(in, LoadCommand, &lc); if (lc.cmd == LC_SYMTAB) break; pos += lc.cmdsize; } else { return error.MissingDebugInfo; } var cmd: SymtabCommand = undefined; try readOneNoEof(in, SymtabCommand, &cmd); try file.seekTo(cmd.symoff); var syms = try allocator.alloc(Nlist64, cmd.nsyms); defer; try readNoEof(in, Nlist64, syms); try file.seekTo(cmd.stroff); var strings = try allocator.alloc(u8, cmd.strsize); errdefer; try; var nsyms: usize = 0; for (syms) |sym| if (isSymbol(sym)) nsyms += 1; if (nsyms == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo; var symbols = try allocator.alloc(Symbol, nsyms + 1); // Room for sentinel. errdefer; var pie_slide: usize = 0; var nsym: usize = 0; for (syms) |sym| { if (!isSymbol(sym)) continue; const start = sym.n_strx; const end = mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, strings, start, 0).?; const name = strings[start..end]; const address = sym.n_value; symbols[nsym] = Symbol{ .name = name, .address = address }; nsym += 1; if (is_pie and mem.eql(u8, name, "_SymbolTable_deinit")) { pie_slide = @ptrToInt(SymbolTable.deinit) - address; } } // Effectively a no-op, lld emits symbols in ascending order. std.sort.insertionSort(Symbol, symbols[0..nsyms], Symbol.addressLessThan); // Insert the sentinel. Since we don't know where the last function ends, // we arbitrarily limit it to the start address + 4 KB. const top = symbols[nsyms - 1].address + 4096; symbols[nsyms] = Symbol{ .name = "", .address = top }; if (pie_slide != 0) { for (symbols) |*symbol| symbol.address += pie_slide; } return SymbolTable{ .allocator = allocator, .symbols = symbols, .strings = strings, }; } fn readNoEof(in: *io.FileInStream, comptime T: type, result: []T) !void { return; } fn readOneNoEof(in: *io.FileInStream, comptime T: type, result: *T) !void { return readNoEof(in, T, (*[1]T)(result)[0..]); } fn isSymbol(sym: *const Nlist64) bool { return sym.n_value != 0 and sym.n_desc == 0; }