const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const debug = std.debug; const mem = std.mem; const math = std.math; const testing = std.testing; pub const trait = @import("meta/trait.zig"); const TypeId = builtin.TypeId; const TypeInfo = builtin.TypeInfo; pub fn tagName(v: var) []const u8 { const T = @typeOf(v); switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.ErrorSet => return @errorName(v), else => return @tagName(v), } } test "std.meta.tagName" { const E1 = enum { A, B, }; const E2 = enum(u8) { C = 33, D, }; const U1 = union(enum) { G: u8, H: u16, }; const U2 = union(E2) { C: u8, D: u16, }; var u1g = U1{ .G = 0 }; var u1h = U1{ .H = 0 }; var u2a = U2{ .C = 0 }; var u2b = U2{ .D = 0 }; testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(E1.A), "A")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(E1.B), "B")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(E2.C), "C")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(E2.D), "D")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(error.E), "E")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(error.F), "F")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(u1g), "G")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(u1h), "H")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(u2a), "C")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, tagName(u2b), "D")); } pub fn stringToEnum(comptime T: type, str: []const u8) ?T { inline for (@typeInfo(T).Enum.fields) |enumField| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, { return @field(T,; } } return null; } test "std.meta.stringToEnum" { const E1 = enum { A, B, }; testing.expect(E1.A == stringToEnum(E1, "A").?); testing.expect(E1.B == stringToEnum(E1, "B").?); testing.expect(null == stringToEnum(E1, "C")); } pub fn bitCount(comptime T: type) comptime_int { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Int => |info| info.bits, TypeId.Float => |info| info.bits, else => @compileError("Expected int or float type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.bitCount" { testing.expect(bitCount(u8) == 8); testing.expect(bitCount(f32) == 32); } pub fn alignment(comptime T: type) comptime_int { //@alignOf works on non-pointer types const P = if (comptime T else *T; return @typeInfo(P).Pointer.alignment; } test "std.meta.alignment" { testing.expect(alignment(u8) == 1); testing.expect(alignment(*align(1) u8) == 1); testing.expect(alignment(*align(2) u8) == 2); testing.expect(alignment([]align(1) u8) == 1); testing.expect(alignment([]align(2) u8) == 2); } pub fn Child(comptime T: type) type { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Array => |info| info.child, TypeId.Pointer => |info| info.child, TypeId.Optional => |info| info.child, TypeId.Promise => |info| if (info.child) |child| child else null, else => @compileError("Expected promise, pointer, optional, or array type, " ++ "found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.Child" { testing.expect(Child([1]u8) == u8); testing.expect(Child(*u8) == u8); testing.expect(Child([]u8) == u8); testing.expect(Child(?u8) == u8); testing.expect(Child(promise->u8) == u8); } pub fn containerLayout(comptime T: type) TypeInfo.ContainerLayout { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Struct => |info| info.layout, TypeId.Enum => |info| info.layout, TypeId.Union => |info| info.layout, else => @compileError("Expected struct, enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.containerLayout" { const E1 = enum { A, }; const E2 = packed enum { A, }; const E3 = extern enum { A, }; const S1 = struct {}; const S2 = packed struct {}; const S3 = extern struct {}; const U1 = union { a: u8, }; const U2 = packed union { a: u8, }; const U3 = extern union { a: u8, }; testing.expect(containerLayout(E1) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Auto); testing.expect(containerLayout(E2) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Packed); testing.expect(containerLayout(E3) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Extern); testing.expect(containerLayout(S1) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Auto); testing.expect(containerLayout(S2) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Packed); testing.expect(containerLayout(S3) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Extern); testing.expect(containerLayout(U1) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Auto); testing.expect(containerLayout(U2) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Packed); testing.expect(containerLayout(U3) == TypeInfo.ContainerLayout.Extern); } pub fn definitions(comptime T: type) []TypeInfo.Definition { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Struct => |info| info.defs, TypeId.Enum => |info| info.defs, TypeId.Union => |info| info.defs, else => @compileError("Expected struct, enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.definitions" { const E1 = enum { A, fn a() void {} }; const S1 = struct { fn a() void {} }; const U1 = union { a: u8, fn a() void {} }; const defs = comptime [][]TypeInfo.Definition{ definitions(E1), definitions(S1), definitions(U1), }; inline for (defs) |def| { testing.expect(def.len == 1); testing.expect(comptime mem.eql(u8, def[0].name, "a")); } } pub fn definitionInfo(comptime T: type, comptime def_name: []const u8) TypeInfo.Definition { inline for (comptime definitions(T)) |def| { if (comptime mem.eql(u8,, def_name)) return def; } @compileError("'" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "' has no definition '" ++ def_name ++ "'"); } test "std.meta.definitionInfo" { const E1 = enum { A, fn a() void {} }; const S1 = struct { fn a() void {} }; const U1 = union { a: u8, fn a() void {} }; const infos = comptime []TypeInfo.Definition{ definitionInfo(E1, "a"), definitionInfo(S1, "a"), definitionInfo(U1, "a"), }; inline for (infos) |info| { testing.expect(comptime mem.eql(u8,, "a")); testing.expect(!info.is_pub); } } pub fn fields(comptime T: type) switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Struct => []TypeInfo.StructField, TypeId.Union => []TypeInfo.UnionField, TypeId.ErrorSet => []TypeInfo.Error, TypeId.Enum => []TypeInfo.EnumField, else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), } { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Struct => |info| info.fields, TypeId.Union => |info| info.fields, TypeId.Enum => |info| info.fields, TypeId.ErrorSet => |errors| errors.?, // must be non global error set else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.fields" { const E1 = enum { A, }; const E2 = error{A}; const S1 = struct { a: u8, }; const U1 = union { a: u8, }; const e1f = comptime fields(E1); const e2f = comptime fields(E2); const sf = comptime fields(S1); const uf = comptime fields(U1); testing.expect(e1f.len == 1); testing.expect(e2f.len == 1); testing.expect(sf.len == 1); testing.expect(uf.len == 1); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e1f[0].name, "A")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e2f[0].name, "A")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, sf[0].name, "a")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, uf[0].name, "a")); testing.expect(comptime sf[0].field_type == u8); testing.expect(comptime uf[0].field_type == u8); } pub fn fieldInfo(comptime T: type, comptime field_name: []const u8) switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Struct => TypeInfo.StructField, TypeId.Union => TypeInfo.UnionField, TypeId.ErrorSet => TypeInfo.Error, TypeId.Enum => TypeInfo.EnumField, else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), } { inline for (comptime fields(T)) |field| { if (comptime mem.eql(u8,, field_name)) return field; } @compileError("'" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "' has no field '" ++ field_name ++ "'"); } test "std.meta.fieldInfo" { const E1 = enum { A, }; const E2 = error{A}; const S1 = struct { a: u8, }; const U1 = union { a: u8, }; const e1f = comptime fieldInfo(E1, "A"); const e2f = comptime fieldInfo(E2, "A"); const sf = comptime fieldInfo(S1, "a"); const uf = comptime fieldInfo(U1, "a"); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8,, "A")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8,, "A")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8,, "a")); testing.expect(mem.eql(u8,, "a")); testing.expect(comptime sf.field_type == u8); testing.expect(comptime uf.field_type == u8); } pub fn TagType(comptime T: type) type { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { TypeId.Enum => |info| info.tag_type, TypeId.Union => |info| if (info.tag_type) |Tag| Tag else null, else => @compileError("expected enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"), }; } test "std.meta.TagType" { const E = enum(u8) { C = 33, D, }; const U = union(E) { C: u8, D: u16, }; testing.expect(TagType(E) == u8); testing.expect(TagType(U) == E); } ///Returns the active tag of a tagged union pub fn activeTag(u: var) @TagType(@typeOf(u)) { const T = @typeOf(u); return @TagType(T)(u); } test "std.meta.activeTag" { const UE = enum { Int, Float, }; const U = union(UE) { Int: u32, Float: f32, }; var u = U{ .Int = 32 }; testing.expect(activeTag(u) == UE.Int); u = U{ .Float = 112.9876 }; testing.expect(activeTag(u) == UE.Float); } ///Given a tagged union type, and an enum, return the type of the union /// field corresponding to the enum tag. pub fn TagPayloadType(comptime U: type, tag: var) type { const Tag = @typeOf(tag); testing.expect(; testing.expect(; const info = @typeInfo(U).Union; inline for (info.fields) |field_info| { if (field_info.enum_field.?.value == @enumToInt(tag)) return field_info.field_type; } unreachable; } test "std.meta.TagPayloadType" { const Event = union(enum) { Moved: struct { from: i32, to: i32, }, }; const MovedEvent = TagPayloadType(Event, Event.Moved); var e: Event = undefined; testing.expect(MovedEvent == @typeOf(e.Moved)); } ///Compares two of any type for equality. Containers are compared on a field-by-field basis, /// where possible. Pointers are not followed. pub fn eql(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) bool { const T = @typeOf(a); switch (@typeId(T)) { builtin.TypeId.Struct => { const info = @typeInfo(T).Struct; inline for (info.fields) |field_info| { if (!eql(@field(a,, @field(b, return false; } return true; }, builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion => { if (a) |a_p| { if (b) |b_p| return eql(a_p, b_p) else |_| return false; } else |a_e| { if (b) |_| return false else |b_e| return a_e == b_e; } }, builtin.TypeId.Union => { const info = @typeInfo(T).Union; if (info.tag_type) |_| { const tag_a = activeTag(a); const tag_b = activeTag(b); if (tag_a != tag_b) return false; inline for (info.fields) |field_info| { const enum_field = field_info.enum_field.?; if (enum_field.value == @enumToInt(tag_a)) { return eql(@field(a,, @field(b,; } } return false; } @compileError("cannot compare untagged union type " ++ @typeName(T)); }, builtin.TypeId.Array => { if (a.len != b.len) return false; for (a) |e, i| if (!eql(e, b[i])) return false; return true; }, builtin.TypeId.Pointer => { const info = @typeInfo(T).Pointer; switch (info.size) { builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size.One, builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size.Many, builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size.C, => return a == b, builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size.Slice => return a.ptr == b.ptr and a.len == b.len, } }, builtin.TypeId.Optional => { if (a == null and b == null) return true; if (a == null or b == null) return false; return eql(a.?, b.?); }, else => return a == b, } } test "std.meta.eql" { const S = struct { a: u32, b: f64, c: [5]u8, }; const U = union(enum) { s: S, f: ?f32, }; const s_1 = S{ .a = 134, .b = 123.3, .c = "12345", }; const s_2 = S{ .a = 1, .b = 123.3, .c = "54321", }; const s_3 = S{ .a = 134, .b = 123.3, .c = "12345", }; const u_1 = U{ .f = 24 }; const u_2 = U{ .s = s_1 }; const u_3 = U{ .f = 24 }; testing.expect(eql(s_1, s_3)); testing.expect(eql(&s_1, &s_1)); testing.expect(!eql(&s_1, &s_3)); testing.expect(eql(u_1, u_3)); testing.expect(!eql(u_1, u_2)); var a1 = "abcdef"; var a2 = "abcdef"; var a3 = "ghijkl"; testing.expect(eql(a1, a2)); testing.expect(!eql(a1, a3)); testing.expect(!eql(a1[0..], a2[0..])); const EU = struct { fn tst(err: bool) !u8 { if (err) return error.Error; return u8(5); } }; testing.expect(eql(EU.tst(true), EU.tst(true))); testing.expect(eql(EU.tst(false), EU.tst(false))); testing.expect(!eql(EU.tst(false), EU.tst(true))); } test "intToEnum with error return" { const E1 = enum { A, }; const E2 = enum { A, B, }; var zero: u8 = 0; var one: u16 = 1; testing.expect(intToEnum(E1, zero) catch unreachable == E1.A); testing.expect(intToEnum(E2, one) catch unreachable == E2.B); testing.expectError(error.InvalidEnumTag, intToEnum(E1, one)); } pub const IntToEnumError = error{InvalidEnumTag}; pub fn intToEnum(comptime Tag: type, tag_int: var) IntToEnumError!Tag { comptime var i = 0; inline while (i != @memberCount(Tag)) : (i += 1) { const this_tag_value = @field(Tag, @memberName(Tag, i)); if (tag_int == @enumToInt(this_tag_value)) { return this_tag_value; } } return error.InvalidEnumTag; }