/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include "list.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "os.hpp" #include struct TestSourceFile { const char *relative_path; const char *text; }; struct TestCase { const char *case_name; const char *output; const char *source; ZigList compile_errors; ZigList compiler_args; ZigList program_args; }; ZigList test_cases = {0}; const char *tmp_source_path = ".tmp_source.zig"; const char *tmp_exe_path = "./.tmp_exe"; static void add_simple_case(const char *case_name, const char *source, const char *output) { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = case_name; test_case->output = output; test_case->source = source; test_case->compiler_args.append("build"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_source_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--output"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_exe_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--release"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--strip"); test_cases.append(test_case); } static void add_all_test_cases(void) { add_simple_case("hello world with libc", R"SOURCE( #link("c") extern { fn puts(s: *mut u8) -> i32; fn exit(code: i32) -> unreachable; } export fn _start() -> unreachable { puts("Hello, world!"); exit(0); } )SOURCE", "Hello, world!\n"); add_simple_case("function call", R"SOURCE( #link("c") extern { fn puts(s: *mut u8) -> i32; fn exit(code: i32) -> unreachable; } fn empty_function_1() {} fn empty_function_2() { return; } export fn _start() -> unreachable { empty_function_1(); empty_function_2(); this_is_a_function(); } fn this_is_a_function() -> unreachable { puts("OK"); exit(0); } )SOURCE", "OK\n"); add_simple_case("comments", R"SOURCE( #link("c") extern { fn puts(s: *mut u8) -> i32; fn exit(code: i32) -> unreachable; } /** * multi line doc comment */ fn another_function() {} /// this is a documentation comment /// doc comment line 2 export fn _start() -> unreachable { puts(/* mid-line comment /* nested */ */ "OK"); exit(0); } )SOURCE", "OK\n"); } static void run_test(TestCase *test_case) { os_write_file(buf_create_from_str(tmp_source_path), buf_create_from_str(test_case->source)); Buf zig_stderr = BUF_INIT; Buf zig_stdout = BUF_INIT; int return_code; static const char *zig_exe = "./zig"; os_exec_process(zig_exe, test_case->compiler_args, &return_code, &zig_stderr, &zig_stdout); if (return_code != 0) { printf("\nCompile failed with return code %d:\n", return_code); printf("%s", zig_exe); for (int i = 0; i < test_case->compiler_args.length; i += 1) { printf(" %s", test_case->compiler_args.at(i)); } printf("\n"); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } Buf program_stderr = BUF_INIT; Buf program_stdout = BUF_INIT; os_exec_process(tmp_exe_path, test_case->program_args, &return_code, &program_stderr, &program_stdout); if (return_code != 0) { printf("\nProgram exited with return code %d:\n", return_code); printf("%s", tmp_exe_path); for (int i = 0; i < test_case->program_args.length; i += 1) { printf(" %s", test_case->program_args.at(i)); } printf("\n"); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&program_stderr)); exit(1); } if (!buf_eql_str(&program_stdout, test_case->output)) { printf("\n"); printf("==== Test failed. Expected output: ====\n"); printf("%s\n", test_case->output); printf("========= Actual output: ==============\n"); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&program_stdout)); printf("=======================================\n"); exit(1); } } static void run_all_tests(void) { for (int i = 0; i < test_cases.length; i += 1) { TestCase *test_case = test_cases.at(i); printf("Test %d/%d %s...", i + 1, test_cases.length, test_case->case_name); run_test(test_case); printf("OK\n"); } printf("%d tests passed.\n", test_cases.length); } static void cleanup(void) { remove(tmp_source_path); remove(tmp_exe_path); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { add_all_test_cases(); run_all_tests(); cleanup(); }