const tests = @import("tests.zig"); pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompileErrorContext) { cases.add("implicit semicolon - block statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ {} \\ var good = {}; \\ ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - block expr", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - comptime statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ comptime {} \\ var good = {}; \\ comptime ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - comptime expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = comptime {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = comptime {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - defer", \\export fn entry() { \\ defer {} \\ var good = {}; \\ defer ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ if(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = if(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ if(true) {} else {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = if(true) {} else {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ if(true) {} else if(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else if(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if-else statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else if(true) ({}) else ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if-else expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - test statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ if (foo()) |_| {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if (foo()) |_| ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - test expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = if (foo()) |_| {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if (foo()) |_| {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ while(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ while(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = while(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = while(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while-continue statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ while(true):({}) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ while(true):({}) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while-continue expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = while(true):({}) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = while(true):({}) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - for statement", \\export fn entry() { \\ for(foo()) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ for(foo()) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("implicit semicolon - for expression", \\export fn entry() { \\ _ = for(foo()) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = for(foo()) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: invalid token: 'var'"); cases.add("multiple function definitions", \\fn a() {} \\fn a() {} \\export fn entry() { a(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'a'"); cases.add("unreachable with return", \\fn a() -> noreturn {return;} \\export fn entry() { a(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:21: error: expected type 'noreturn', found 'void'"); cases.add("control reaches end of non-void function", \\fn a() -> i32 {} \\export fn entry() { _ = a(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: expected type 'i32', found 'void'"); cases.add("undefined function call", \\export fn a() { \\ b(); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'"); cases.add("wrong number of arguments", \\export fn a() { \\ b(1); \\} \\fn b(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) { } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:6: error: expected 3 arguments, found 1"); cases.add("invalid type", \\fn a() -> bogus {} \\export fn entry() { _ = a(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'"); cases.add("pointer to unreachable", \\fn a() -> &noreturn {} \\export fn entry() { _ = a(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:12: error: pointer to unreachable not allowed"); cases.add("unreachable code", \\export fn a() { \\ return; \\ b(); \\} \\ \\fn b() {} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: unreachable code"); cases.add("bad import", \\const bogus = @import("bogus-does-not-exist.zig"); \\export fn entry() { bogus.bogo(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: unable to find 'bogus-does-not-exist.zig'"); cases.add("undeclared identifier", \\export fn a() { \\ b + \\ c \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'", ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'c'"); cases.add("parameter redeclaration", \\fn f(a : i32, a : i32) { \\} \\export fn entry() { f(1, 2); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); cases.add("local variable redeclaration", \\export fn f() { \\ const a : i32 = 0; \\ const a = 0; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); cases.add("local variable redeclares parameter", \\fn f(a : i32) { \\ const a = 0; \\} \\export fn entry() { f(1); } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); cases.add("variable has wrong type", \\export fn f() -> i32 { \\ const a = c"a"; \\ a \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: expected type 'i32', found '&const u8'"); cases.add("if condition is bool, not int", \\export fn f() { \\ if (0) {} \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:9: error: integer value 0 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'bool'"); cases.add("assign unreachable", \\export fn f() { \\ const a = return; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: unreachable code"); cases.add("unreachable variable", \\export fn f() { \\ const a: noreturn = {}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:14: error: variable of type 'noreturn' not allowed"); cases.add("unreachable parameter", \\fn f(a: noreturn) {} \\export fn entry() { f(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:9: error: parameter of type 'noreturn' not allowed"); cases.add("bad assignment target", \\export fn f() { \\ 3 = 3; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:7: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("assign to constant variable", \\export fn f() { \\ const a = 3; \\ a = 4; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("use of undeclared identifier", \\export fn f() { \\ b = 3; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'"); cases.add("const is a statement, not an expression", \\export fn f() { \\ (const a = 0); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:6: error: invalid token: 'const'"); cases.add("array access of undeclared identifier", \\export fn f() { \\ i[i] = i[i]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'"); cases.add("array access of non array", \\export fn f() { \\ var bad : bool = undefined; \\ bad[bad] = bad[bad]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:8: error: array access of non-array type 'bool'", ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: error: array access of non-array type 'bool'"); cases.add("array access with non integer index", \\export fn f() { \\ var array = "aoeu"; \\ var bad = false; \\ array[bad] = array[bad]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:11: error: expected type 'usize', found 'bool'", ".tmp_source.zig:4:24: error: expected type 'usize', found 'bool'"); cases.add("write to const global variable", \\const x : i32 = 99; \\fn f() { \\ x = 1; \\} \\export fn entry() { f(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("missing else clause", \\fn f(b: bool) { \\ const x : i32 = if (b) { 1 }; \\ const y = if (b) { i32(1) }; \\} \\export fn entry() { f(true); } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:30: error: integer value 1 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'void'", ".tmp_source.zig:3:15: error: incompatible types: 'i32' and 'void'"); cases.add("direct struct loop", \\const A = struct { a : A, }; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(A) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: struct 'A' contains itself"); cases.add("indirect struct loop", \\const A = struct { b : B, }; \\const B = struct { c : C, }; \\const C = struct { a : A, }; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(A) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: struct 'A' contains itself"); cases.add("invalid struct field", \\const A = struct { x : i32, }; \\export fn f() { \\ var a : A = undefined; \\ = 1; \\ const y =; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:6: error: no member named 'foo' in 'A'", ".tmp_source.zig:5:16: error: no member named 'bar' in 'A'"); cases.add("redefinition of struct", \\const A = struct { x : i32, }; \\const A = struct { y : i32, }; , ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'A'"); cases.add("redefinition of enums", \\const A = enum {}; \\const A = enum {}; , ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'A'"); cases.add("redefinition of global variables", \\var a : i32 = 1; \\var a : i32 = 2; , ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'a'", ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: note: previous definition is here"); cases.add("duplicate field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() { \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 1, \\ .y = 2, \\ .x = 3, \\ .z = 4, \\ }; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:11:9: error: duplicate field"); cases.add("missing field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() { \\ // we want the error on the '{' not the 'A' because \\ // the A could be a complicated expression \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 4, \\ .y = 2, \\ }; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:9:17: error: missing field: 'x'"); cases.add("invalid field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() { \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 4, \\ .y = 2, \\ .foo = 42, \\ }; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:10:9: error: no member named 'foo' in 'A'"); cases.add("invalid break expression", \\export fn f() { \\ break; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: break expression outside loop"); cases.add("invalid continue expression", \\export fn f() { \\ continue; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: continue expression outside loop"); cases.add("invalid maybe type", \\export fn f() { \\ if (true) |x| { } \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:9: error: expected nullable type, found 'bool'"); cases.add("cast unreachable", \\fn f() -> i32 { \\ i32(return 1) \\} \\export fn entry() { _ = f(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:8: error: unreachable code"); cases.add("invalid builtin fn", \\fn f() -> @bogus(foo) { \\} \\export fn entry() { _ = f(); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: invalid builtin function: 'bogus'"); cases.add("top level decl dependency loop", \\const a : @typeOf(b) = 0; \\const b : @typeOf(a) = 0; \\export fn entry() { \\ const c = a + b; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: error: 'a' depends on itself"); cases.add("noalias on non pointer param", \\fn f(noalias x: i32) {} \\export fn entry() { f(1234); } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:6: error: noalias on non-pointer parameter"); cases.add("struct init syntax for array", \\const foo = []u16{.x = 1024,}; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:18: error: type '[]u16' does not support struct initialization syntax"); cases.add("type variables must be constant", \\var foo = u8; \\export fn entry() -> foo { \\ return 1; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: error: variable of type 'type' must be constant"); cases.add("variables shadowing types", \\const Foo = struct {}; \\const Bar = struct {}; \\ \\fn f(Foo: i32) { \\ var Bar : i32 = undefined; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() { \\ f(1234); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:6: error: redefinition of 'Foo'", ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: note: previous definition is here", ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: redefinition of 'Bar'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: note: previous definition is here"); cases.add("switch expression - missing enumeration prong", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) -> i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => i32(3), \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:8:5: error: enumeration value 'Number.Four' not handled in switch"); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate enumeration prong", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) -> i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => i32(3), \\ Number.Four => 4, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:13:15: error: duplicate switch value", ".tmp_source.zig:10:15: note: other value is here"); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate enumeration prong when else present", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) -> i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => i32(3), \\ Number.Four => 4, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ else => 10, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:13:15: error: duplicate switch value", ".tmp_source.zig:10:15: note: other value is here"); cases.add("switch expression - multiple else prongs", \\fn f(x: u32) { \\ const value: bool = switch (x) { \\ 1234 => false, \\ else => true, \\ else => true, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() { \\ f(1234); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:9: error: multiple else prongs in switch expression"); cases.add("switch expression - non exhaustive integer prongs", \\fn foo(x: u8) { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: switch must handle all possibilities"); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate or overlapping integer value", \\fn foo(x: u8) -> u8 { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 ... 100 => u8(0), \\ 101 ... 200 => 1, \\ 201, 203 ... 207 => 2, \\ 206 ... 255 => 3, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:6:9: error: duplicate switch value", ".tmp_source.zig:5:14: note: previous value is here"); cases.add("switch expression - switch on pointer type with no else", \\fn foo(x: &u8) { \\ switch (x) { \\ &y => {}, \\ } \\} \\const y: u8 = 100; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: else prong required when switching on type '&u8'"); cases.add("global variable initializer must be constant expression", \\extern fn foo() -> i32; \\const x = foo(); \\export fn entry() -> i32 { x } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("array concatenation with wrong type", \\const src = "aoeu"; \\const derp = usize(1234); \\const a = derp ++ "foo"; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(a)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:11: error: expected array or C string literal, found 'usize'"); cases.add("non compile time array concatenation", \\fn f() -> []u8 { \\ s ++ "foo" \\} \\var s: [10]u8 = undefined; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("@cImport with bogus include", \\const c = @cImport(@cInclude("bogus.h")); \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(c.bogo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: C import failed", ".h:1:10: note: 'bogus.h' file not found"); cases.add("address of number literal", \\const x = 3; \\const y = &x; \\fn foo() -> &const i32 { y } \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:26: error: expected type '&const i32', found '&const (integer literal)'"); cases.add("integer overflow error", \\const x : u8 = 300; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:16: error: integer value 300 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'u8'"); cases.add("incompatible number literals", \\const x = 2 == 2.0; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:11: error: integer value 2 cannot be implicitly casted to type '(float literal)'"); cases.add("missing function call param", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\ \\ fn member_a(foo: &const Foo) -> i32 { \\ return foo.a; \\ } \\ fn member_b(foo: &const Foo) -> i32 { \\ return foo.b; \\ } \\}; \\ \\const member_fn_type = @typeOf(Foo.member_a); \\const members = []member_fn_type { \\ Foo.member_a, \\ Foo.member_b, \\}; \\ \\fn f(foo: &const Foo, index: usize) { \\ const result = members[index](); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:20:34: error: expected 1 arguments, found 0"); cases.add("missing function name and param name", \\fn () {} \\fn f(i32) {} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: error: missing function name", ".tmp_source.zig:2:6: error: missing parameter name"); cases.add("wrong function type", \\const fns = []fn(){ a, b, c }; \\fn a() -> i32 {0} \\fn b() -> i32 {1} \\fn c() -> i32 {2} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(fns)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:21: error: expected type 'fn()', found 'fn() -> i32'"); cases.add("extern function pointer mismatch", \\const fns = [](fn(i32)->i32){ a, b, c }; \\pub fn a(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 0} \\pub fn b(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 1} \\export fn c(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 2} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(fns)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:37: error: expected type 'fn(i32) -> i32', found 'extern fn(i32) -> i32'"); cases.add("implicit cast from f64 to f32", \\const x : f64 = 1.0; \\const y : f32 = x; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: error: expected type 'f32', found 'f64'"); cases.add("colliding invalid top level functions", \\fn func() -> bogus {} \\fn func() -> bogus {} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(func)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'func'", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'"); cases.add("bogus compile var", \\const x = @import("builtin").bogus; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:29: error: no member named 'bogus' in '"); cases.add("non constant expression in array size outside function", \\const Foo = struct { \\ y: [get()]u8, \\}; \\var global_var: usize = 1; \\fn get() -> usize { global_var } \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(Foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:5:21: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", ".tmp_source.zig:2:12: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:2:8: note: called from here"); cases.add("addition with non numbers", \\const Foo = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\const x = Foo {.field = 1} + Foo {.field = 2}; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:28: error: invalid operands to binary expression: 'Foo' and 'Foo'"); cases.add("division by zero", \\const lit_int_x = 1 / 0; \\const lit_float_x = 1.0 / 0.0; \\const int_x = u32(1) / u32(0); \\const float_x = f32(1.0) / f32(0.0); \\ \\export fn entry1() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(lit_int_x)) } \\export fn entry2() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(lit_float_x)) } \\export fn entry3() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(int_x)) } \\export fn entry4() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(float_x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:21: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:2:25: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:3:22: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:4:26: error: division by zero is undefined"); cases.add("normal string with newline", \\const foo = "a \\b"; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:13: error: newline not allowed in string literal"); cases.add("invalid comparison for function pointers", \\fn foo() {} \\const invalid = foo > foo; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(invalid)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:21: error: operator not allowed for type 'fn()'"); cases.add("generic function instance with non-constant expression", \\fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 { return x + y; } \\fn test1(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { \\ return foo(a, b); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(test1)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:16: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("goto jumping into block", \\export fn f() { \\ { \\a_label: \\ } \\ goto a_label; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: no label in scope named 'a_label'"); cases.add("goto jumping past a defer", \\fn f(b: bool) { \\ if (b) goto label; \\ defer derp(); \\label: \\} \\fn derp(){} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:12: error: no label in scope named 'label'"); cases.add("assign null to non-nullable pointer", \\const a: &u8 = null; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(a)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:16: error: expected type '&u8', found '(null)'"); cases.add("indexing an array of size zero", \\const array = []u8{}; \\export fn foo() { \\ const pointer = &array[0]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:27: error: index 0 outside array of size 0"); cases.add("compile time division by zero", \\const y = foo(0); \\fn foo(x: u32) -> u32 { \\ 1 / x \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: note: called from here"); cases.add("branch on undefined value", \\const x = if (undefined) true else false; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(x)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: use of undefined value"); cases.add("endless loop in function evaluation", \\const seventh_fib_number = fibbonaci(7); \\fn fibbonaci(x: i32) -> i32 { \\ return fibbonaci(x - 1) + fibbonaci(x - 2); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(seventh_fib_number)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:21: error: evaluation exceeded 1000 backwards branches", ".tmp_source.zig:3:21: note: called from here"); cases.add("@embedFile with bogus file", \\const resource = @embedFile("bogus.txt"); \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(resource)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:29: error: unable to find '", "/bogus.txt'"); cases.add("non-const expression in struct literal outside function", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\const a = Foo {.x = get_it()}; \\extern fn get_it() -> i32; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(a)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:21: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("non-const expression function call with struct return value outside function", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\const a = get_it(); \\fn get_it() -> Foo { \\ global_side_effect = true; \\ Foo {.x = 13} \\} \\var global_side_effect = false; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(a)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:6:24: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", ".tmp_source.zig:4:17: note: called from here"); cases.add("undeclared identifier error should mark fn as impure", \\export fn foo() { \\ test_a_thing(); \\} \\fn test_a_thing() { \\ bad_fn_call(); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bad_fn_call'"); cases.add("illegal comparison of types", \\fn bad_eql_1(a: []u8, b: []u8) -> bool { \\ a == b \\} \\const EnumWithData = enum { \\ One, \\ Two: i32, \\}; \\fn bad_eql_2(a: &const EnumWithData, b: &const EnumWithData) -> bool { \\ *a == *b \\} \\ \\export fn entry1() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(bad_eql_1)) } \\export fn entry2() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(bad_eql_2)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:7: error: operator not allowed for type '[]u8'", ".tmp_source.zig:9:8: error: operator not allowed for type 'EnumWithData'"); cases.add("non-const switch number literal", \\export fn foo() { \\ const x = switch (bar()) { \\ 1, 2 => 1, \\ 3, 4 => 2, \\ else => 3, \\ }; \\} \\fn bar() -> i32 { \\ 2 \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: unable to infer expression type"); cases.add("atomic orderings of cmpxchg - failure stricter than success", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("builtin").AtomicOrder; \\export fn f() { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchg(&x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Monotonic, AtomicOrder.SeqCst)) {} \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:72: error: failure atomic ordering must be no stricter than success"); cases.add("atomic orderings of cmpxchg - success Monotonic or stricter", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("builtin").AtomicOrder; \\export fn f() { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchg(&x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Unordered, AtomicOrder.Unordered)) {} \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:49: error: success atomic ordering must be Monotonic or stricter"); cases.add("negation overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = neg(-128); \\fn neg(x: i8) -> i8 { \\ -x \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: negation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: note: called from here"); cases.add("add overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = add(65530, 10); \\fn add(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { \\ a + b \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: operation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: note: called from here"); cases.add("sub overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = sub(10, 20); \\fn sub(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { \\ a - b \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: operation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: note: called from here"); cases.add("mul overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = mul(300, 6000); \\fn mul(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { \\ a * b \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(y)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: operation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:1:14: note: called from here"); cases.add("truncate sign mismatch", \\fn f() -> i8 { \\ const x: u32 = 10; \\ @truncate(i8, x) \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: error: expected signed integer type, found 'u32'"); cases.add("%return in function with non error return type", \\export fn f() { \\ %return something(); \\} \\fn something() -> %void { } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: expected type 'void', found 'error'"); cases.add("wrong return type for main", \\pub fn main() { } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: expected return type of main to be '%void', instead is 'void'"); cases.add("double ?? on main return value", \\pub fn main() -> ??void { \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:18: error: expected return type of main to be '%void', instead is '??void'"); cases.add("invalid pointer for var type", \\extern fn ext() -> usize; \\var bytes: [ext()]u8 = undefined; \\export fn f() { \\ for (bytes) |*b, i| { \\ *b = u8(i); \\ } \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:13: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("export function with comptime parameter", \\export fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) -> i32{ \\ x + y \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: comptime parameter not allowed in function with calling convention 'ccc'"); cases.add("extern function with comptime parameter", \\extern fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) -> i32; \\fn f() -> i32 { \\ foo(1, 2) \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:15: error: comptime parameter not allowed in function with calling convention 'ccc'"); cases.add("convert fixed size array to slice with invalid size", \\export fn f() { \\ var array: [5]u8 = undefined; \\ var foo = ([]const u32)(array)[0]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:28: error: unable to convert [5]u8 to []const u32: size mismatch"); cases.add("non-pure function returns type", \\var a: u32 = 0; \\pub fn List(comptime T: type) -> type { \\ a += 1; \\ SmallList(T, 8) \\} \\ \\pub fn SmallList(comptime T: type, comptime STATIC_SIZE: usize) -> type { \\ struct { \\ items: []T, \\ length: usize, \\ prealloc_items: [STATIC_SIZE]T, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn function_with_return_type_type() { \\ var list: List(i32) = undefined; \\ list.length = 10; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", ".tmp_source.zig:16:19: note: called from here"); cases.add("bogus method call on slice", \\var self = "aoeu"; \\fn f(m: []const u8) { \\ m.copy(u8, self[0..], m); \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:6: error: no member named 'copy' in '[]const u8'"); cases.add("wrong number of arguments for method fn call", \\const Foo = struct { \\ fn method(self: &const Foo, a: i32) {} \\}; \\fn f(foo: &const Foo) { \\ \\ foo.method(1, 2); \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:6:15: error: expected 2 arguments, found 3"); cases.add("assign through constant pointer", \\export fn f() { \\ var cstr = c"Hat"; \\ cstr[0] = 'W'; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:11: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("assign through constant slice", \\export fn f() { \\ var cstr: []const u8 = "Hat"; \\ cstr[0] = 'W'; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:11: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("main function with bogus args type", \\pub fn main(args: [][]bogus) -> %void {} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'"); cases.add("for loop missing element param", \\fn foo(blah: []u8) { \\ for (blah) { } \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: for loop expression missing element parameter"); cases.add("misspelled type with pointer only reference", \\const JasonHM = u8; \\const JasonList = &JsonNode; \\ \\const JsonOA = enum { \\ JSONArray: JsonList, \\ JSONObject: JasonHM, \\}; \\ \\const JsonType = enum { \\ JSONNull: void, \\ JSONInteger: isize, \\ JSONDouble: f64, \\ JSONBool: bool, \\ JSONString: []u8, \\ JSONArray, \\ JSONObject, \\}; \\ \\pub const JsonNode = struct { \\ kind: JsonType, \\ jobject: ?JsonOA, \\}; \\ \\fn foo() { \\ var jll: JasonList = undefined; \\ jll.init(1234); \\ var jd = JsonNode {.kind = JsonType.JSONArray , .jobject = JsonOA.JSONArray {jll} }; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:5:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'JsonList'"); cases.add("method call with first arg type primitive", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\ \\ fn init(x: i32) -> Foo { \\ Foo { \\ .x = x, \\ } \\ } \\}; \\ \\export fn f() { \\ const derp = Foo.init(3); \\ \\ derp.init(); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:14:5: error: expected type 'i32', found '&const Foo'"); cases.add("method call with first arg type wrong container", \\pub const List = struct { \\ len: usize, \\ allocator: &Allocator, \\ \\ pub fn init(allocator: &Allocator) -> List { \\ List { \\ .len = 0, \\ .allocator = allocator, \\ } \\ } \\}; \\ \\pub var global_allocator = Allocator { \\ .field = 1234, \\}; \\ \\pub const Allocator = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\ \\export fn foo() { \\ var x = List.init(&global_allocator); \\ x.init(); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:23:5: error: expected type '&Allocator', found '&List'"); cases.add("binary not on number literal", \\const TINY_QUANTUM_SHIFT = 4; \\const TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE = 1 << TINY_QUANTUM_SHIFT; \\var block_aligned_stuff: usize = (4 + TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE) & ~(TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE - 1); \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(block_aligned_stuff)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:60: error: unable to perform binary not operation on type '(integer literal)'"); cases.addCase({ const tc = cases.create("multiple files with private function error", \\const foo = @import("foo.zig"); \\ \\export fn callPrivFunction() { \\ foo.privateFunction(); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private", "foo.zig:1:1: note: declared here"); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\fn privateFunction() { } ); tc }); cases.add("container init with non-type", \\const zero: i32 = 0; \\const a = zero{1}; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(a)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: expected type, found 'i32'"); cases.add("assign to constant field", \\const Foo = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\export fn derp() { \\ const f = Foo {.field = 1234,}; \\ f.field = 0; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:6:13: error: cannot assign to constant"); cases.add("return from defer expression", \\pub fn testTrickyDefer() -> %void { \\ defer canFail() %% {}; \\ \\ defer %return canFail(); \\ \\ const a = maybeInt() ?? return; \\} \\ \\fn canFail() -> %void { } \\ \\pub fn maybeInt() -> ?i32 { \\ return 0; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(testTrickyDefer)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:11: error: cannot return from defer expression"); cases.add("attempt to access var args out of bounds", \\fn add(args: ...) -> i32 { \\ args[0] + args[1] \\} \\ \\fn foo() -> i32 { \\ add(i32(1234)) \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:19: error: index 1 outside argument list of size 1", ".tmp_source.zig:6:8: note: called from here"); cases.add("pass integer literal to var args", \\fn add(args: ...) -> i32 { \\ var sum = i32(0); \\ {comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) { \\ sum += args[i]; \\ }} \\ return sum; \\} \\ \\fn bar() -> i32 { \\ add(1, 2, 3, 4) \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(bar)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:10:9: error: parameter of type '(integer literal)' requires comptime"); cases.add("assign too big number to u16", \\export fn foo() { \\ var vga_mem: u16 = 0xB8000; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:24: error: integer value 753664 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'u16'"); cases.add("global variable alignment non power of 2", \\const some_data: [100]u8 align(3) = undefined; \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(some_data)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:32: error: alignment value 3 is not a power of 2"); cases.add("function alignment non power of 2", \\extern fn foo() align(3); \\export fn entry() { foo() } , ".tmp_source.zig:1:23: error: alignment value 3 is not a power of 2"); cases.add("compile log", \\export fn foo() { \\ comptime bar(12, "hi"); \\} \\fn bar(a: i32, b: []const u8) { \\ @compileLog("begin"); \\ @compileLog("a", a, "b", b); \\ @compileLog("end"); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: found compile log statement", ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: error: found compile log statement", ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:7:5: error: found compile log statement", ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: note: called from here"); cases.add("casting bit offset pointer to regular pointer", \\const BitField = packed struct { \\ a: u3, \\ b: u3, \\ c: u2, \\}; \\ \\fn foo(bit_field: &const BitField) -> u3 { \\ return bar(&bit_field.b); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: &const u3) -> u3 { \\ return *x; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:8:26: error: expected type '&const u3', found '&align(1:3:6) const u3'"); cases.add("referring to a struct that is invalid", \\const UsbDeviceRequest = struct { \\ Type: u8, \\}; \\ \\export fn foo() { \\ comptime assert(@sizeOf(UsbDeviceRequest) == 0x8); \\} \\ \\fn assert(ok: bool) { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:10:14: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", ".tmp_source.zig:6:20: note: called from here"); cases.add("control flow uses comptime var at runtime", \\export fn foo() { \\ comptime var i = 0; \\ while (i < 5) : (i += 1) { \\ bar(); \\ } \\} \\ \\fn bar() { } , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: control flow attempts to use compile-time variable at runtime", ".tmp_source.zig:3:24: note: compile-time variable assigned here"); cases.add("ignored return value", \\export fn foo() { \\ bar(); \\} \\fn bar() -> i32 { 0 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:8: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored assert-err-ok return value", \\export fn foo() { \\ %%bar(); \\} \\fn bar() -> %i32 { 0 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored statement value", \\export fn foo() { \\ 1; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored comptime statement value", \\export fn foo() { \\ comptime {1;} \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored comptime value", \\export fn foo() { \\ comptime 1; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored defered statement value", \\export fn foo() { \\ defer {1;} \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:12: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("ignored defered statement value", \\export fn foo() { \\ defer bar(); \\} \\fn bar() -> %i32 { 0 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:14: error: expression value is ignored"); cases.add("dereference an array", \\var s_buffer: [10]u8 = undefined; \\pub fn pass(in: []u8) -> []u8 { \\ var out = &s_buffer; \\ *out[0] = in[0]; \\ return (*out)[0..1]; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(pass)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: attempt to dereference non pointer type '[10]u8'"); cases.add("pass const ptr to mutable ptr fn", \\fn foo() -> bool { \\ const a = ([]const u8)("a"); \\ const b = &a; \\ return ptrEql(b, b); \\} \\fn ptrEql(a: &[]const u8, b: &[]const u8) -> bool { \\ return true; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:19: error: expected type '&[]const u8', found '&const []const u8'"); cases.addCase({ const tc = cases.create("export collision", \\const foo = @import("foo.zig"); \\ \\export fn bar() -> usize { \\ return foo.baz; \\} , "foo.zig:1:8: error: exported symbol collision: 'bar'", ".tmp_source.zig:3:8: note: other symbol is here"); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\export fn bar() {} \\pub const baz = 1234; ); tc }); cases.add("pass non-copyable type by value to function", \\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32, }; \\fn foo(p: Point) { } \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: type 'Point' is not copyable; cannot pass by value"); cases.add("implicit cast from array to mutable slice", \\var global_array: [10]i32 = undefined; \\fn foo(param: []i32) {} \\export fn entry() { \\ foo(global_array); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:9: error: expected type '[]i32', found '[10]i32'"); cases.add("ptrcast to non-pointer", \\export fn entry(a: &i32) -> usize { \\ return @ptrCast(usize, a); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:21: error: expected pointer, found 'usize'"); cases.add("too many error values to cast to small integer", \\error A; error B; error C; error D; error E; error F; error G; error H; \\const u2 = @IntType(false, 2); \\fn foo(e: error) -> u2 { \\ return u2(e); \\} \\export fn entry() -> usize { @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo)) } , ".tmp_source.zig:4:14: error: too many error values to fit in 'u2'"); cases.add("asm at compile time", \\comptime { \\ doSomeAsm(); \\} \\ \\fn doSomeAsm() { \\ asm volatile ( \\ \\.globl aoeu; \\ \\.type aoeu, @function; \\ \\.set aoeu, derp; \\ ); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); cases.add("invalid member of builtin enum", \\const builtin = @import("builtin"); \\export fn entry() { \\ const foo = builtin.Arch.x86; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:29: error: container 'Arch' has no member called 'x86'"); cases.add("int to ptr of 0 bits", \\export fn foo() { \\ var x: usize = 0x1000; \\ var y: &void = @intToPtr(&void, x); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:31: error: type '&void' has 0 bits and cannot store information"); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - non struct", \\const Foo = i32; \\export fn foo(a: &i32) -> &Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:28: error: expected struct type, found 'i32'"); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - bad field name", \\const Foo = struct { \\ derp: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo(a: &i32) -> &Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:33: error: struct 'Foo' has no field 'a'"); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - field pointer is not pointer", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo(a: i32) -> &Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:38: error: expected pointer, found 'i32'"); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - comptime field ptr not based on struct", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\}; \\const foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 2, }; \\ \\comptime { \\ const field_ptr = @intToPtr(&i32, 0x1234); \\ const another_foo_ptr = @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "b", field_ptr); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:9:55: error: pointer value not based on parent struct"); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - comptime wrong field index", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\}; \\const foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 2, }; \\ \\comptime { \\ const another_foo_ptr = @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "b", &foo.a); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:8:29: error: field 'b' has index 1 but pointer value is index 0 of struct 'Foo'"); cases.add("@offsetOf - non struct", \\const Foo = i32; \\export fn foo() -> usize { \\ return @offsetOf(Foo, "a"); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:22: error: expected struct type, found 'i32'"); cases.add("@offsetOf - bad field name", \\const Foo = struct { \\ derp: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo() -> usize { \\ return @offsetOf(Foo, "a"); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:27: error: struct 'Foo' has no field 'a'"); cases.addExe("missing main fn in executable", \\ , "error: no member named 'main' in '"); cases.addExe("private main fn", \\fn main() {} , "error: 'main' is private", ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: note: declared here"); cases.add("@setGlobalSection extern variable", \\extern var foo: i32; \\comptime { \\ @setGlobalSection(foo, ".text2"); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: cannot set section of external variable 'foo'", ".tmp_source.zig:1:8: note: declared here"); cases.add("@setGlobalSection extern fn", \\extern fn foo(); \\comptime { \\ @setGlobalSection(foo, ".text2"); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: cannot set section of external function 'foo'", ".tmp_source.zig:1:8: note: declared here"); cases.add("returning address of local variable - simple", \\export fn foo() -> &i32 { \\ var a: i32 = undefined; \\ return &a; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:13: error: function returns address of local variable"); cases.add("returning address of local variable - phi", \\export fn foo(c: bool) -> &i32 { \\ var a: i32 = undefined; \\ var b: i32 = undefined; \\ return if (c) &a else &b; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:12: error: function returns address of local variable"); cases.add("inner struct member shadowing outer struct member", \\fn A() -> type { \\ struct { \\ b: B(), \\ \\ const Self = this; \\ \\ fn B() -> type { \\ struct { \\ const Self = this; \\ } \\ } \\ } \\} \\comptime { \\ assert(A().B().Self != A().Self); \\} \\fn assert(ok: bool) { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:9:17: error: redefinition of 'Self'", ".tmp_source.zig:5:9: note: previous definition is here"); cases.add("while expected bool, got nullable", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) {} \\} \\fn bar() -> ?i32 { 1 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'bool', found '?i32'"); cases.add("while expected bool, got error union", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) {} \\} \\fn bar() -> %i32 { 1 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'bool', found '%i32'"); cases.add("while expected nullable, got bool", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} \\} \\fn bar() -> bool { true } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected nullable type, found 'bool'"); cases.add("while expected nullable, got error union", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} \\} \\fn bar() -> %i32 { 1 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected nullable type, found '%i32'"); cases.add("while expected error union, got bool", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} else |err| {} \\} \\fn bar() -> bool { true } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected error union type, found 'bool'"); cases.add("while expected error union, got nullable", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} else |err| {} \\} \\fn bar() -> ?i32 { 1 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected error union type, found '?i32'"); cases.add("inline fn calls itself indirectly", \\export fn foo() { \\ bar(); \\} \\inline fn bar() { \\ baz(); \\ quux(); \\} \\inline fn baz() { \\ bar(); \\ quux(); \\} \\extern fn quux(); , ".tmp_source.zig:4:8: error: unable to inline function"); cases.add("save reference to inline function", \\export fn foo() { \\ quux(@ptrToInt(bar)); \\} \\inline fn bar() { } \\extern fn quux(usize); , ".tmp_source.zig:4:8: error: unable to inline function"); cases.add("signed integer division", \\export fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { \\ a / b \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:7: error: division with 'i32' and 'i32': signed integers must use @divTrunc, @divFloor, or @divExact"); cases.add("signed integer remainder division", \\export fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { \\ a % b \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:7: error: remainder division with 'i32' and 'i32': signed integers and floats must use @rem or @mod"); cases.add("cast negative value to unsigned integer", \\comptime { \\ const value: i32 = -1; \\ const unsigned = u32(value); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:25: error: attempt to cast negative value to unsigned integer"); cases.add("compile-time division by zero", \\comptime { \\ const a: i32 = 1; \\ const b: i32 = 0; \\ const c = a / b; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:17: error: division by zero is undefined"); cases.add("compile-time remainder division by zero", \\comptime { \\ const a: i32 = 1; \\ const b: i32 = 0; \\ const c = a % b; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:17: error: division by zero is undefined"); cases.add("compile-time integer cast truncates bits", \\comptime { \\ const spartan_count: u16 = 300; \\ const byte = u8(spartan_count); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:20: error: cast from 'u16' to 'u8' truncates bits"); cases.add("@setDebugSafety twice for same scope", \\export fn foo() { \\ @setDebugSafety(this, false); \\ @setDebugSafety(this, false); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: debug safety set twice for same scope", ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: note: first set here"); cases.add("@setFloatMode twice for same scope", \\export fn foo() { \\ @setFloatMode(this, @import("builtin").FloatMode.Optimized); \\ @setFloatMode(this, @import("builtin").FloatMode.Optimized); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: float mode set twice for same scope", ".tmp_source.zig:2:5: note: first set here"); cases.add("array access of type", \\export fn foo() { \\ var b: u8[40] = undefined; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:14: error: array access of non-array type 'type'"); cases.add("cannot break out of defer expression", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (true) { \\ defer { \\ break; \\ } \\ } \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:13: error: cannot break out of defer expression"); cases.add("cannot continue out of defer expression", \\export fn foo() { \\ while (true) { \\ defer { \\ continue; \\ } \\ } \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:13: error: cannot continue out of defer expression"); cases.add("cannot goto out of defer expression", \\export fn foo() { \\ defer { \\ goto label; \\ }; \\label: \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:9: error: cannot goto out of defer expression"); cases.add("calling a var args function only known at runtime", \\var foos = []fn(...) { foo1, foo2 }; \\ \\fn foo1(args: ...) {} \\fn foo2(args: ...) {} \\ \\pub fn main() -> %void { \\ foos[0](); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:7:9: error: calling a generic function requires compile-time known function value"); cases.add("calling a generic function only known at runtime", \\var foos = []fn(var) { foo1, foo2 }; \\ \\fn foo1(arg: var) {} \\fn foo2(arg: var) {} \\ \\pub fn main() -> %void { \\ foos[0](true); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:7:9: error: calling a generic function requires compile-time known function value"); cases.add("@compileError shows traceback of references that caused it", \\const foo = @compileError("aoeu"); \\ \\const bar = baz + foo; \\const baz = 1; \\ \\export fn entry() -> i32 { \\ return bar; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:13: error: aoeu", ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: note: referenced here", ".tmp_source.zig:7:12: note: referenced here"); cases.add("instantiating an undefined value for an invalid struct that contains itself", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: Foo, \\}; \\ \\var foo: Foo = undefined; \\ \\export fn entry() -> usize { \\ return @sizeOf(@typeOf(foo.x)); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:13: error: struct 'Foo' contains itself"); cases.add("float literal too large error", \\comptime { \\ const a = 0x1.0p1024; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: float literal out of range of any type"); cases.add("float literal too small error (denormal)", \\comptime { \\ const a = 0x1.0p-1023; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: float literal out of range of any type"); cases.add("explicit cast float literal to integer when there is a fraction component", \\export fn entry() -> i32 { \\ i32(12.34) \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:9: error: fractional component prevents float value 12.340000 from being casted to type 'i32'"); cases.add("non pointer given to @ptrToInt", \\export fn entry(x: i32) -> usize { \\ @ptrToInt(x) \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected pointer, found 'i32'"); cases.add("@shlExact shifts out 1 bits", \\comptime { \\ const x = @shlExact(u8(0b01010101), 2); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: operation caused overflow"); cases.add("@shrExact shifts out 1 bits", \\comptime { \\ const x = @shrExact(u8(0b10101010), 2); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: exact shift shifted out 1 bits"); cases.add("shifting without int type or comptime known", \\export fn entry(x: u8) -> u8 { \\ return 0x11 << x; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: error: LHS of shift must be an integer type, or RHS must be compile-time known"); cases.add("shifting RHS is log2 of LHS int bit width", \\export fn entry(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { \\ return x << y; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:17: error: expected type 'u3', found 'u8'"); cases.add("globally shadowing a primitive type", \\const u16 = @intType(false, 8); \\export fn entry() { \\ const a: u16 = 300; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:1:1: error: declaration shadows type 'u16'"); cases.add("implicitly increasing pointer alignment", \\const Foo = packed struct { \\ a: u8, \\ b: u32, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() { \\ var foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 10 }; \\ bar(&foo.b); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: &u32) { \\ *x += 1; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:8:13: error: expected type '&u32', found '&align(1) u32'"); cases.add("implicitly increasing slice alignment", \\const Foo = packed struct { \\ a: u8, \\ b: u32, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() { \\ var foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 10 }; \\ foo.b += 1; \\ bar((&foo.b)[0..1]); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: []u32) { \\ x[0] += 1; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:9:17: error: expected type '[]u32', found '[]align(1) u32'"); cases.add("increase pointer alignment in @ptrCast", \\export fn entry() -> u32 { \\ var bytes: [4]u8 = []u8{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}; \\ const ptr = @ptrCast(&u32, &bytes[0]); \\ return *ptr; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:17: error: cast increases pointer alignment", ".tmp_source.zig:3:38: note: '&u8' has alignment 1", ".tmp_source.zig:3:27: note: '&u32' has alignment 4"); cases.add("increase pointer alignment in slice resize", \\export fn entry() -> u32 { \\ var bytes = []u8{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}; \\ return ([]u32)(bytes[0..])[0]; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: error: cast increases pointer alignment", ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: note: '[]u8' has alignment 1", ".tmp_source.zig:3:19: note: '[]u32' has alignment 4"); cases.add("@alignCast expects pointer or slice", \\export fn entry() { \\ @alignCast(4, u32(3)) \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:22: error: expected pointer or slice, found 'u32'"); cases.add("passing an under-aligned function pointer", \\export fn entry() { \\ testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(alignedSmall, 1234); \\} \\fn testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(ptr: fn () align(8) -> i32, answer: i32) { \\ if (ptr() != answer) unreachable; \\} \\fn alignedSmall() align(4) -> i32 { 1234 } , ".tmp_source.zig:2:35: error: expected type 'fn() align(8) -> i32', found 'fn() align(4) -> i32'"); cases.add("passing a not-aligned-enough pointer to cmpxchg", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("builtin").AtomicOrder; \\export fn entry() -> bool { \\ var x: i32 align(1) = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchg(&x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.SeqCst, AtomicOrder.SeqCst)) {} \\ return x == 5678; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:4:23: error: expected pointer alignment of at least 4, found 1"); cases.add("wrong size to an array literal", \\comptime { \\ const array = [2]u8{1, 2, 3}; \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:2:24: error: expected [2]u8 literal, found [3]u8 literal"); cases.add("@setEvalBranchQuota in non-root comptime execution context", \\comptime { \\ foo(); \\} \\fn foo() { \\ @setEvalBranchQuota(1001); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: @setEvalBranchQuota must be called from the top of the comptime stack", ".tmp_source.zig:2:8: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:1:10: note: called from here"); cases.add("wrong pointer implicitly casted to pointer to @OpaqueType()", \\const Derp = @OpaqueType(); \\extern fn bar(d: &Derp); \\export fn foo() { \\ const x = u8(1); \\ bar(@ptrCast(&c_void, &x)); \\} , ".tmp_source.zig:5:9: error: expected type '&Derp', found '&c_void'"); cases.add("non-const variables of things that require const variables", \\const Opaque = @OpaqueType(); \\ \\export fn entry(opaque: &Opaque) { \\ var m2 = &2; \\ const y: u32 = *m2; \\ \\ var a = undefined; \\ var b = 1; \\ var c = 1.0; \\ var d = this; \\ var e = null; \\ var f = *opaque; \\ var g = i32; \\ var h = @import("std"); \\ var i = (Foo {}).bar; \\ \\ var z: noreturn = return; \\} \\ \\const Foo = struct { \\ fn bar(self: &const Foo) {} \\}; , ".tmp_source.zig:4:4: error: variable of type '&const (integer literal)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:7:4: error: variable of type '(undefined)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:8:4: error: variable of type '(integer literal)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:9:4: error: variable of type '(float literal)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:10:4: error: variable of type '(block)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:11:4: error: variable of type '(null)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:12:4: error: variable of type 'Opaque' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:13:4: error: variable of type 'type' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:14:4: error: variable of type '(namespace)' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:15:4: error: variable of type '(bound fn(&const Foo))' must be const or comptime", ".tmp_source.zig:17:4: error: unreachable code"); }