RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/pdb-hashes-1.yaml > %t.1.obj RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/pdb-hashes-2.yaml > %t.2.obj RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/pdb-hashes-2-missing.yaml > %t.2.missing.obj RUN: lld-link /debug %t.1.obj %t.2.obj /entry:main /nodefaultlib /PDB:%t.nohash.pdb RUN: lld-link /debug:ghash %t.1.obj %t.2.obj /entry:main /nodefaultlib /PDB:%t.hash.pdb RUN: lld-link /debug:ghash %t.1.obj %t.2.missing.obj /entry:main /nodefaultlib /PDB:%t.mixed.pdb RUN: llvm-pdbutil dump -types -ids -dont-resolve-forward-refs %t.nohash.pdb | FileCheck %s RUN: llvm-pdbutil dump -types -ids -dont-resolve-forward-refs %t.hash.pdb | FileCheck %s RUN: llvm-pdbutil dump -types -ids -dont-resolve-forward-refs %t.mixed.pdb | FileCheck %s ; These object files were generated via the following inputs and commands: ; ---------------------------------------------- ; // obj.h ; namespace NS { ; struct Foo { ; explicit Foo(int x) : X(x) {} ; int X; ; }; ; ; int func(const Foo &f); ; } ; ---------------------------------------------- ; // obj1.cpp ; #include "obj.h" ; ; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ; NS::Foo f(argc); ; return NS::func(f); ; } ; ---------------------------------------------- ; // obj2.cpp ; #include "obj.h" ; ; int NS::func(const Foo &f) { ; return 2 * f.X; ; } ; ---------------------------------------------- ; $ clang-cl /Z7 /GS- obj1.cpp /c /o obj1.obj ; $ clang-cl /Z7 /GS- obj2.cpp /c /o obj2.obj CHECK: Types (TPI Stream) CHECK-NEXT: ============================================================ CHECK-NEXT: Showing 13 records CHECK-NEXT: 0x1000 | LF_POINTER [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: referent = 0x0470 (char*), mode = pointer, opts = None, kind = ptr32 CHECK-NEXT: 0x1001 | LF_ARGLIST [size = 16] CHECK-NEXT: 0x0074 (int): `int` CHECK-NEXT: 0x1000: `char**` CHECK-NEXT: 0x1002 | LF_PROCEDURE [size = 16] CHECK-NEXT: return type = 0x0074 (int), # args = 2, param list = 0x1001 CHECK-NEXT: calling conv = cdecl, options = None CHECK-NEXT: 0x1003 | LF_STRUCTURE [size = 44] `NS::Foo` CHECK-NEXT: unique name: `.?AUFoo@NS@@` CHECK-NEXT: vtable: , base list: , field list: CHECK-NEXT: options: forward ref | has unique name CHECK-NEXT: 0x1004 | LF_POINTER [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: referent = 0x1003, mode = pointer, opts = None, kind = ptr32 CHECK-NEXT: 0x1005 | LF_ARGLIST [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: 0x0074 (int): `int` CHECK-NEXT: 0x1006 | LF_MFUNCTION [size = 28] CHECK-NEXT: return type = 0x0003 (void), # args = 1, param list = 0x1005 CHECK-NEXT: class type = 0x1003, this type = 0x1004, this adjust = 0 CHECK-NEXT: calling conv = thiscall, options = None CHECK-NEXT: 0x1007 | LF_FIELDLIST [size = 28] CHECK-NEXT: - LF_MEMBER [name = `X`, Type = 0x0074 (int), offset = 0, attrs = public] CHECK-NEXT: - LF_ONEMETHOD [name = `Foo`] CHECK-NEXT: type = 0x1006, vftable offset = -1, attrs = public CHECK-NEXT: 0x1008 | LF_STRUCTURE [size = 44] `NS::Foo` CHECK-NEXT: unique name: `.?AUFoo@NS@@` CHECK-NEXT: vtable: , base list: , field list: 0x1007 CHECK-NEXT: options: has unique name CHECK-NEXT: 0x1009 | LF_MODIFIER [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: referent = 0x1003, modifiers = const CHECK-NEXT: 0x100A | LF_POINTER [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: referent = 0x1009, mode = ref, opts = None, kind = ptr32 CHECK-NEXT: 0x100B | LF_ARGLIST [size = 12] CHECK-NEXT: 0x100A: `const NS::Foo&` CHECK-NEXT: 0x100C | LF_PROCEDURE [size = 16] CHECK-NEXT: return type = 0x0074 (int), # args = 1, param list = 0x100B CHECK-NEXT: calling conv = cdecl, options = None CHECK: Types (IPI Stream) CHECK-NEXT: ============================================================ CHECK-NEXT: Showing 6 records CHECK-NEXT: 0x1000 | LF_FUNC_ID [size = 20] CHECK-NEXT: name = main, type = 0x1002, parent scope = CHECK-NEXT: 0x1001 | LF_STRING_ID [size = {{.*}}] ID: , String: {{.*}}obj.h CHECK-NEXT: 0x1002 | LF_UDT_SRC_LINE [size = 16] CHECK-NEXT: udt = 0x1008, file = 4097, line = 2 CHECK-NEXT: 0x1003 | LF_MFUNC_ID [size = 16] CHECK-NEXT: name = Foo, type = 0x1006, class type = 0x1003 CHECK-NEXT: 0x1004 | LF_STRING_ID [size = 12] ID: , String: NS CHECK-NEXT: 0x1005 | LF_FUNC_ID [size = 20] CHECK-NEXT: name = func, type = 0x100C, parent scope = 0x1004