const std = @import("std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; pub const standard_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; pub const standard_pad_char = '='; pub const standard_encoder = Base64Encoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char); pub const Base64Encoder = struct { alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8, /// a bunch of assertions, then simply pass the data right through. pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64Encoder { assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64); var char_in_alphabet = []bool{false} ** 256; for (alphabet_chars) |c| { assert(!char_in_alphabet[c]); assert(c != pad_char); char_in_alphabet[c] = true; } return Base64Encoder{ .alphabet_chars = alphabet_chars, .pad_char = pad_char, }; } /// ceil(source_len * 4/3) pub fn calcSize(source_len: usize) usize { return @divTrunc(source_len + 2, 3) * 4; } /// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcSize. pub fn encode(encoder: *const Base64Encoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) void { assert(dest.len == Base64Encoder.calcSize(source.len)); var i: usize = 0; var out_index: usize = 0; while (i + 2 < source.len) : (i += 3) { dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] >> 2) & 0x3f]; out_index += 1; dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((source[i + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4)]; out_index += 1; dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i + 1] & 0xf) << 2) | ((source[i + 2] & 0xc0) >> 6)]; out_index += 1; dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[i + 2] & 0x3f]; out_index += 1; } if (i < source.len) { dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] >> 2) & 0x3f]; out_index += 1; if (i + 1 == source.len) { dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] & 0x3) << 4]; out_index += 1; dest[out_index] = encoder.pad_char; out_index += 1; } else { dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((source[i + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4)]; out_index += 1; dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i + 1] & 0xf) << 2]; out_index += 1; } dest[out_index] = encoder.pad_char; out_index += 1; } } }; pub const standard_decoder = Base64Decoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char); pub const Base64Decoder = struct { /// e.g. 'A' => 0. /// undefined for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars. char_to_index: [256]u8, /// true only for the 64 chars in the alphabet, not the pad char. char_in_alphabet: [256]bool, pad_char: u8, pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64Decoder { assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64); var result = Base64Decoder{ .char_to_index = undefined, .char_in_alphabet = []bool{false} ** 256, .pad_char = pad_char, }; for (alphabet_chars) |c, i| { assert(!result.char_in_alphabet[c]); assert(c != pad_char); result.char_to_index[c] = @intCast(u8, i); result.char_in_alphabet[c] = true; } return result; } /// If the encoded buffer is detected to be invalid, returns error.InvalidPadding. pub fn calcSize(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source: []const u8) !usize { if (source.len % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; return calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source, decoder.pad_char); } /// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcSize. /// invalid characters result in error.InvalidCharacter. /// invalid padding results in error.InvalidPadding. pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) !void { assert(dest.len == (decoder.calcSize(source) catch unreachable)); assert(source.len % 4 == 0); var src_cursor: usize = 0; var dest_cursor: usize = 0; while (src_cursor < source.len) : (src_cursor += 4) { if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 0]]) return error.InvalidCharacter; if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 1]]) return error.InvalidCharacter; if (src_cursor < source.len - 4 or source[src_cursor + 3] != decoder.pad_char) { // common case if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 2]]) return error.InvalidCharacter; if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 3]]) return error.InvalidCharacter; dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4; dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] >> 2; dest[dest_cursor + 2] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 3]]; dest_cursor += 3; } else if (source[src_cursor + 2] != decoder.pad_char) { // one pad char if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 2]]) return error.InvalidCharacter; dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4; dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] >> 2; if (decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] << 6 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; dest_cursor += 2; } else { // two pad chars dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4; if (decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; dest_cursor += 1; } } assert(src_cursor == source.len); assert(dest_cursor == dest.len); } }; pub const Base64DecoderWithIgnore = struct { decoder: Base64Decoder, char_is_ignored: [256]bool, pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8, ignore_chars: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore { var result = Base64DecoderWithIgnore{ .decoder = Base64Decoder.init(alphabet_chars, pad_char), .char_is_ignored = []bool{false} ** 256, }; for (ignore_chars) |c| { assert(!result.decoder.char_in_alphabet[c]); assert(!result.char_is_ignored[c]); assert(result.decoder.pad_char != c); result.char_is_ignored[c] = true; } return result; } /// If no characters end up being ignored or padding, this will be the exact decoded size. pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(encoded_len: usize) usize { return @divTrunc(encoded_len, 4) * 3; } /// Invalid characters that are not ignored result in error.InvalidCharacter. /// Invalid padding results in error.InvalidPadding. /// Decoding more data than can fit in dest results in error.OutputTooSmall. See also ::calcSizeUpperBound. /// Returns the number of bytes written to dest. pub fn decode(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) !usize { const decoder = &decoder_with_ignore.decoder; var src_cursor: usize = 0; var dest_cursor: usize = 0; while (true) { // get the next 4 chars, if available var next_4_chars: [4]u8 = undefined; var available_chars: usize = 0; var pad_char_count: usize = 0; while (available_chars < 4 and src_cursor < source.len) { var c = source[src_cursor]; src_cursor += 1; if (decoder.char_in_alphabet[c]) { // normal char next_4_chars[available_chars] = c; available_chars += 1; } else if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) { // we're told to skip this one continue; } else if (c == decoder.pad_char) { // the padding has begun. count the pad chars. pad_char_count += 1; while (src_cursor < source.len) { c = source[src_cursor]; src_cursor += 1; if (c == decoder.pad_char) { pad_char_count += 1; if (pad_char_count > 2) return error.InvalidCharacter; } else if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) { // we can even ignore chars during the padding continue; } else return error.InvalidCharacter; } break; } else return error.InvalidCharacter; } switch (available_chars) { 4 => { // common case if (dest_cursor + 3 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall; assert(pad_char_count == 0); dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4; dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] >> 2; dest[dest_cursor + 2] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[3]]; dest_cursor += 3; continue; }, 3 => { if (dest_cursor + 2 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall; if (pad_char_count != 1) return error.InvalidPadding; dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4; dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] >> 2; if (decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] << 6 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; dest_cursor += 2; break; }, 2 => { if (dest_cursor + 1 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall; if (pad_char_count != 2) return error.InvalidPadding; dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4; if (decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; dest_cursor += 1; break; }, 1 => { return error.InvalidPadding; }, 0 => { if (pad_char_count != 0) return error.InvalidPadding; break; }, else => unreachable, } } assert(src_cursor == source.len); return dest_cursor; } }; pub const standard_decoder_unsafe = Base64DecoderUnsafe.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char); pub const Base64DecoderUnsafe = struct { /// e.g. 'A' => 0. /// undefined for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars. char_to_index: [256]u8, pad_char: u8, pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64DecoderUnsafe { assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64); var result = Base64DecoderUnsafe{ .char_to_index = undefined, .pad_char = pad_char, }; for (alphabet_chars) |c, i| { assert(c != pad_char); result.char_to_index[c] = @intCast(u8, i); } return result; } /// The source buffer must be valid. pub fn calcSize(decoder: *const Base64DecoderUnsafe, source: []const u8) usize { return calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source, decoder.pad_char); } /// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe. /// invalid characters or padding will result in undefined values. pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64DecoderUnsafe, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) void { assert(dest.len == decoder.calcSize(source)); var src_index: usize = 0; var dest_index: usize = 0; var in_buf_len: usize = source.len; while (in_buf_len > 0 and source[in_buf_len - 1] == decoder.pad_char) { in_buf_len -= 1; } while (in_buf_len > 4) { dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 1]] >> 4; dest_index += 1; dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 2]] >> 2; dest_index += 1; dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 3]]; dest_index += 1; src_index += 4; in_buf_len -= 4; } if (in_buf_len > 1) { dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 1]] >> 4; dest_index += 1; } if (in_buf_len > 2) { dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 2]] >> 2; dest_index += 1; } if (in_buf_len > 3) { dest[dest_index] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_index + 3]]; dest_index += 1; } } }; fn calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source: []const u8, pad_char: u8) usize { if (source.len == 0) return 0; var result = @divExact(source.len, 4) * 3; if (source[source.len - 1] == pad_char) { result -= 1; if (source[source.len - 2] == pad_char) { result -= 1; } } return result; } test "base64" { @setEvalBranchQuota(8000); testBase64() catch unreachable; comptime (testBase64() catch unreachable); } fn testBase64() !void { try testAllApis("", ""); try testAllApis("f", "Zg=="); try testAllApis("fo", "Zm8="); try testAllApis("foo", "Zm9v"); try testAllApis("foob", "Zm9vYg=="); try testAllApis("fooba", "Zm9vYmE="); try testAllApis("foobar", "Zm9vYmFy"); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("", " "); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("f", "Z g= ="); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("fo", " Zm8="); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foo", "Zm9v "); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foob", "Zm9vYg = = "); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("fooba", "Zm9v YmE="); try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y "); // test getting some api errors try testError("A", error.InvalidPadding); try testError("AA", error.InvalidPadding); try testError("AAA", error.InvalidPadding); try testError("A..A", error.InvalidCharacter); try testError("AA=A", error.InvalidCharacter); try testError("AA/=", error.InvalidPadding); try testError("A/==", error.InvalidPadding); try testError("A===", error.InvalidCharacter); try testError("====", error.InvalidCharacter); try testOutputTooSmallError("AA=="); try testOutputTooSmallError("AAA="); try testOutputTooSmallError("AAAA"); try testOutputTooSmallError("AAAAAA=="); } fn testAllApis(expected_decoded: []const u8, expected_encoded: []const u8) !void { // Base64Encoder { var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var encoded = buffer[0..Base64Encoder.calcSize(expected_decoded.len)]; standard_encoder.encode(encoded, expected_decoded); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_encoded, encoded); } // Base64Decoder { var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var decoded = buffer[0..try standard_decoder.calcSize(expected_encoded)]; try standard_decoder.decode(decoded, expected_encoded); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded); } // Base64DecoderWithIgnore { const standard_decoder_ignore_nothing = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, ""); var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var decoded = buffer[0..Base64DecoderWithIgnore.calcSizeUpperBound(expected_encoded.len)]; var written = try standard_decoder_ignore_nothing.decode(decoded, expected_encoded); testing.expect(written <= decoded.len); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]); } // Base64DecoderUnsafe { var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var decoded = buffer[0..standard_decoder_unsafe.calcSize(expected_encoded)]; standard_decoder_unsafe.decode(decoded, expected_encoded); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded); } } fn testDecodeIgnoreSpace(expected_decoded: []const u8, encoded: []const u8) !void { const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " "); var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var decoded = buffer[0..Base64DecoderWithIgnore.calcSizeUpperBound(encoded.len)]; var written = try standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]); } fn testError(encoded: []const u8, expected_err: anyerror) !void { const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " "); var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; if (standard_decoder.calcSize(encoded)) |decoded_size| { var decoded = buffer[0..decoded_size]; if (standard_decoder.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| { return error.ExpectedError; } else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err; } else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err; if (standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(buffer[0..], encoded)) |_| { return error.ExpectedError; } else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err; } fn testOutputTooSmallError(encoded: []const u8) !void { const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " "); var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined; var decoded = buffer[0 .. calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(encoded, standard_pad_char) - 1]; if (standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| { return error.ExpectedError; } else |err| if (err != error.OutputTooSmall) return err; }