const debug = @import("../debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const mem = @import("../mem.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const os = @import("index.zig"); const math = @import("../math.zig"); pub const sep = switch (@compileVar("os")) { => '\\', else => '/', }; pub const delimiter = switch (@compileVar("os")) { => ';', else => ':', }; /// Naively combines a series of paths with the native path seperator. /// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller. pub fn join(allocator: &Allocator, paths: ...) -> %[]u8 { comptime assert(paths.len >= 2); var total_paths_len: usize = paths.len; // 1 slash per path { comptime var path_i = 0; inline while (path_i < paths.len; path_i += 1) { const arg = ([]const u8)(paths[path_i]); total_paths_len += arg.len; } } const buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, total_paths_len); %defer; var buf_index: usize = 0; comptime var path_i = 0; inline while (true) { const arg = ([]const u8)(paths[path_i]); path_i += 1; mem.copy(u8, buf[buf_index...], arg); buf_index += arg.len; if (path_i >= paths.len) break; if (buf[buf_index - 1] != sep) { buf[buf_index] = sep; buf_index += 1; } } return buf[0...buf_index]; } test "os.path.join" { assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/a/b", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/a/b/", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/", "a", "b/", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/a/", "b/", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/home/andy/dev/zig/build/lib/zig/std", "io.zig"), "/home/andy/dev/zig/build/lib/zig/std/io.zig")); } pub fn isAbsolute(path: []const u8) -> bool { switch (@compileVar("os")) { => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), else => return path[0] == sep, } } /// This function is like a series of `cd` statements executed one after another. /// The result does not have a trailing path separator. pub fn resolve(allocator: &Allocator, args: ...) -> %[]u8 { var paths: [args.len][]const u8 = undefined; comptime var arg_i = 0; inline while (arg_i < args.len; arg_i += 1) { paths[arg_i] = args[arg_i]; } return resolveSlice(allocator, paths); } pub fn resolveSlice(allocator: &Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) -> %[]u8 { if (paths.len == 0) return os.getCwd(allocator); var first_index: usize = 0; var have_abs = false; var max_size: usize = 0; for (paths) |p, i| { if (isAbsolute(p)) { first_index = i; have_abs = true; max_size = 0; } max_size += p.len + 1; } var result: []u8 = undefined; var result_index: usize = 0; if (have_abs) { result = %return allocator.alloc(u8, max_size); } else { const cwd = %return os.getCwd(allocator); defer; result = %return allocator.alloc(u8, max_size + cwd.len + 1); mem.copy(u8, result, cwd); result_index += cwd.len; } %defer; for (paths[first_index...]) |p, i| { var it = mem.split(p, '/'); while (true) { const component = ?? break; if (mem.eql(u8, component, ".")) { continue; } else if (mem.eql(u8, component, "..")) { while (true) { if (result_index == 0) break; result_index -= 1; if (result[result_index] == '/') break; } } else { result[result_index] = '/'; result_index += 1; mem.copy(u8, result[result_index...], component); result_index += component.len; } } } if (result_index == 0) { result[0] = '/'; result_index += 1; } return result[0...result_index]; } test "os.path.resolve" { assert(mem.eql(u8, testResolve("/a/b", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, testResolve("/a/b", "c", "//d", "e///"), "/d/e")); assert(mem.eql(u8, testResolve("/a/b/c", "..", "../"), "/a")); assert(mem.eql(u8, testResolve("/", "..", ".."), "/")); assert(mem.eql(u8, testResolve("/a/b/c/"), "/a/b/c")); } fn testResolve(args: ...) -> []u8 { return %%resolve(&debug.global_allocator, args); } pub fn dirname(path: []const u8) -> []const u8 { if (path.len == 0) return path[0...0]; var end_index: usize = path.len - 1; while (path[end_index] == '/') { if (end_index == 0) return path[0...1]; end_index -= 1; } while (path[end_index] != '/') { if (end_index == 0) return path[0...0]; end_index -= 1; } if (end_index == 0 and path[end_index] == '/') return path[0...1]; return path[0...end_index]; } test "os.path.dirname" { testDirname("/a/b/c", "/a/b"); testDirname("/a/b/c///", "/a/b"); testDirname("/a", "/"); testDirname("/", "/"); testDirname("////", "/"); testDirname("", ""); testDirname("a", ""); testDirname("a/", ""); testDirname("a//", ""); } fn testDirname(input: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) { assert(mem.eql(u8, dirname(input), expected_output)); } /// Returns the relative path from ::from to ::to. If ::from and ::to each /// resolve to the same path (after calling ::resolve on each), a zero-length /// string is returned. pub fn relative(allocator: &Allocator, from: []const u8, to: []const u8) -> %[]u8 { const resolved_from = %return resolve(allocator, from); defer; const resolved_to = %return resolve(allocator, to); defer; var from_it = mem.split(resolved_from, '/'); var to_it = mem.split(resolved_to, '/'); while (true) { const from_component = ?? return mem.dupe(allocator, u8,; const to_rest =; test( |to_component| { if (mem.eql(u8, from_component, to_component)) continue; } var up_count: usize = 1; while (true) { _ = ?? break; up_count += 1; } const up_index_end = up_count * "../".len; const result = %return allocator.alloc(u8, up_index_end + to_rest.len); %defer; var result_index: usize = 0; while (result_index < up_index_end) { result[result_index] = '.'; result_index += 1; result[result_index] = '.'; result_index += 1; result[result_index] = '/'; result_index += 1; } if (to_rest.len == 0) { // shave off the trailing slash return result[0...result_index - 1]; } mem.copy(u8, result[result_index...], to_rest); return result; } return []u8{}; } test "os.path.relative" { testRelative("/var/lib", "/var", ".."); testRelative("/var/lib", "/bin", "../../bin"); testRelative("/var/lib", "/var/lib", ""); testRelative("/var/lib", "/var/apache", "../apache"); testRelative("/var/", "/var/lib", "lib"); testRelative("/", "/var/lib", "var/lib"); testRelative("/foo/test", "/foo/test/bar/package.json", "bar/package.json"); testRelative("/Users/a/web/b/test/mails", "/Users/a/web/b", "../.."); testRelative("/foo/bar/baz-quux", "/foo/bar/baz", "../baz"); testRelative("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar/baz-quux", "../baz-quux"); testRelative("/baz-quux", "/baz", "../baz"); testRelative("/baz", "/baz-quux", "../baz-quux"); } fn testRelative(from: []const u8, to: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) { const result = %%relative(&debug.global_allocator, from, to); assert(mem.eql(u8, result, expected_output)); }