const std = @import("std"); const io =; const fmt = std.fmt; const Rand = std.rand.Rand; const os = std.os; pub fn main() -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("Welcome to the Guess Number Game in Zig.\n"); var seed_bytes: [@sizeOf(usize)]u8 = undefined; %%os.getRandomBytes(seed_bytes[0...]); const seed = std.mem.readInt(seed_bytes, usize, true); var rand = Rand.init(seed); const answer = rand.rangeUnsigned(u8, 0, 100) + 1; while (true) { %%io.stdout.printf("\nGuess a number between 1 and 100: "); var line_buf : [20]u8 = undefined; const line_len =[0...]) %% |err| { %%io.stdout.printf("Unable to read from stdin: {}\n", @errorName(err)); return err; }; const guess = fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, line_buf[0...line_len - 1], 10) %% { %%io.stdout.printf("Invalid number.\n"); continue; }; if (guess > answer) { %%io.stdout.printf("Guess lower.\n"); } else if (guess < answer) { %%io.stdout.printf("Guess higher.\n"); } else { %%io.stdout.printf("You win!\n"); return; } } }