const std = @import("../index.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Os = builtin.Os; const is_windows = builtin.os ==; const is_posix = switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.macosx => true, else => false, }; const os = @This(); test "std.os" { _ = @import("child_process.zig"); _ = @import("darwin.zig"); _ = @import("darwin/errno.zig"); _ = @import("get_user_id.zig"); _ = @import("linux/index.zig"); _ = @import("path.zig"); _ = @import("test.zig"); _ = @import("time.zig"); _ = @import("windows/index.zig"); _ = @import("get_app_data_dir.zig"); } pub const windows = @import("windows/index.zig"); pub const darwin = @import("darwin.zig"); pub const linux = @import("linux/index.zig"); pub const zen = @import("zen.zig"); pub const posix = switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => darwin, Os.zen => zen, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; pub const net = @import("net.zig"); pub const ChildProcess = @import("child_process.zig").ChildProcess; pub const path = @import("path.zig"); pub const File = @import("file.zig").File; pub const time = @import("time.zig"); pub const page_size = 4 * 1024; pub const MAX_PATH_BYTES = switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => posix.PATH_MAX, // Each UTF-16LE character may be expanded to 3 UTF-8 bytes. // If it would require 4 UTF-8 bytes, then there would be a surrogate // pair in the UTF-16LE, and we (over)account 3 bytes for it that way. // +1 for the null byte at the end, which can be encoded in 1 byte. => windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE * 3 + 1, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; pub const UserInfo = @import("get_user_id.zig").UserInfo; pub const getUserInfo = @import("get_user_id.zig").getUserInfo; const windows_util = @import("windows/util.zig"); pub const windowsWaitSingle = windows_util.windowsWaitSingle; pub const windowsWrite = windows_util.windowsWrite; pub const windowsIsCygwinPty = windows_util.windowsIsCygwinPty; pub const windowsOpen = windows_util.windowsOpen; pub const windowsOpenW = windows_util.windowsOpenW; pub const createWindowsEnvBlock = windows_util.createWindowsEnvBlock; pub const WindowsCreateIoCompletionPortError = windows_util.WindowsCreateIoCompletionPortError; pub const windowsCreateIoCompletionPort = windows_util.windowsCreateIoCompletionPort; pub const WindowsPostQueuedCompletionStatusError = windows_util.WindowsPostQueuedCompletionStatusError; pub const windowsPostQueuedCompletionStatus = windows_util.windowsPostQueuedCompletionStatus; pub const WindowsWaitResult = windows_util.WindowsWaitResult; pub const windowsGetQueuedCompletionStatus = windows_util.windowsGetQueuedCompletionStatus; pub const WindowsWaitError = windows_util.WaitError; pub const WindowsOpenError = windows_util.OpenError; pub const WindowsWriteError = windows_util.WriteError; pub const WindowsReadError = windows_util.ReadError; pub const FileHandle = if (is_windows) windows.HANDLE else i32; pub const getAppDataDir = @import("get_app_data_dir.zig").getAppDataDir; pub const GetAppDataDirError = @import("get_app_data_dir.zig").GetAppDataDirError; const debug = std.debug; const assert = debug.assert; const c = std.c; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const BufMap = std.BufMap; const cstr = std.cstr; const io =; const base64 = std.base64; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const math = std.math; /// Fills `buf` with random bytes. If linking against libc, this calls the /// appropriate OS-specific library call. Otherwise it uses the zig standard /// library implementation. pub fn getRandomBytes(buf: []u8) !void { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => while (true) { // TODO check libc version and potentially call c.getrandom. // See #397 const errno = posix.getErrno(posix.getrandom(buf.ptr, buf.len, 0)); switch (errno) { 0 => return, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.ENOSYS => return getRandomBytesDevURandom(buf), else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(errno), } }, Os.macosx, Os.ios => return getRandomBytesDevURandom(buf), => { // Call RtlGenRandom() instead of CryptGetRandom() on Windows // // if (windows.RtlGenRandom(buf.ptr, buf.len) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); return switch (err) { else => unexpectedErrorWindows(err), }; } }, Os.zen => { const randomness = []u8{ 42, 1, 7, 12, 22, 17, 99, 16, 26, 87, 41, 45 }; var i: usize = 0; while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) { if (i > randomness.len) return error.Unknown; buf[i] = randomness[i]; } }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } fn getRandomBytesDevURandom(buf: []u8) !void { const fd = try posixOpenC(c"/dev/urandom", posix.O_RDONLY | posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0); defer close(fd); const stream = &File.openHandle(fd).inStream().stream; stream.readNoEof(buf) catch |err| switch (err) { error.EndOfStream => unreachable, error.OperationAborted => unreachable, error.BrokenPipe => unreachable, error.Unexpected => return error.Unexpected, error.InputOutput => return error.Unexpected, error.SystemResources => return error.Unexpected, error.IsDir => unreachable, }; } test "os.getRandomBytes" { var buf_a: [50]u8 = undefined; var buf_b: [50]u8 = undefined; // Call Twice try getRandomBytes(buf_a[0..]); try getRandomBytes(buf_b[0..]); // Check if random (not 100% conclusive) assert(!mem.eql(u8, buf_a, buf_b)); } /// Raises a signal in the current kernel thread, ending its execution. /// If linking against libc, this calls the abort() libc function. Otherwise /// it uses the zig standard library implementation. pub fn abort() noreturn { @setCold(true); if (builtin.link_libc) { c.abort(); } switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { _ = posix.raise(posix.SIGABRT); _ = posix.raise(posix.SIGKILL); while (true) {} }, => { if (builtin.mode == builtin.Mode.Debug) { @breakpoint(); } windows.ExitProcess(3); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// Exits the program cleanly with the specified status code. pub fn exit(status: u8) noreturn { @setCold(true); if (builtin.link_libc) { c.exit(status); } switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { posix.exit(status); }, => { windows.ExitProcess(status); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// When a file descriptor is closed on linux, it pops the first /// node from this queue and resumes it. /// Async functions which get the EMFILE error code can suspend, /// putting their coroutine handle into this list. /// TODO make this an atomic linked list pub var emfile_promise_queue = std.LinkedList(promise).init(); /// Closes the file handle. Keeps trying if it gets interrupted by a signal. pub fn close(handle: FileHandle) void { if (is_windows) { windows_util.windowsClose(handle); } else { while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.close(handle)); switch (err) { posix.EINTR => continue, else => { if (emfile_promise_queue.popFirst()) |p| resume; return; }, } } } } pub const PosixReadError = error{ InputOutput, SystemResources, IsDir, Unexpected, }; /// Returns the number of bytes that were read, which can be less than /// buf.len. If 0 bytes were read, that means EOF. pub fn posixRead(fd: i32, buf: []u8) PosixReadError!usize { // Linux can return EINVAL when read amount is > 0x7ffff000 // See const max_buf_len = 0x7ffff000; var index: usize = 0; while (index < buf.len) { const want_to_read = math.min(buf.len - index, usize(max_buf_len)); const rc =, buf.ptr + index, want_to_read); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => { index += rc; if (rc == want_to_read) continue; // Read returned less than buf.len. return index; }, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EIO => return error.InputOutput, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ENOBUFS => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } return index; } /// Number of bytes read is returned. Upon reading end-of-file, zero is returned. pub fn posix_preadv(fd: i32, iov: [*]const posix.iovec, count: usize, offset: u64) PosixReadError!usize { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.macosx => { // Darwin does not have preadv but it does have pread. var off: usize = 0; var iov_i: usize = 0; var inner_off: usize = 0; while (true) { const v = iov[iov_i]; const rc = darwin.pread(fd, v.iov_base + inner_off, v.iov_len - inner_off, offset + off); const err = darwin.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => { off += rc; inner_off += rc; if (inner_off == v.iov_len) { iov_i += 1; inner_off = 0; if (iov_i == count) { return off; } } if (rc == 0) return off; // EOF continue; }, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.ESPIPE => unreachable, // fd is not seekable posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // this function is not for non blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EIO => return error.InputOutput, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ENOBUFS => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } }, builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.freebsd => while (true) { const rc = posix.preadv(fd, iov, count, offset); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return rc, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // don't call this function for non blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EIO => return error.InputOutput, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ENOBUFS => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } pub const PosixWriteError = error{ DiskQuota, FileTooBig, InputOutput, NoSpaceLeft, AccessDenied, BrokenPipe, /// See Unexpected, }; /// Calls POSIX write, and keeps trying if it gets interrupted. pub fn posixWrite(fd: i32, bytes: []const u8) PosixWriteError!void { // Linux can return EINVAL when write amount is > 0x7ffff000 // See const max_bytes_len = 0x7ffff000; var index: usize = 0; while (index < bytes.len) { const amt_to_write = math.min(bytes.len - index, usize(max_bytes_len)); const rc = posix.write(fd, bytes.ptr + index, amt_to_write); const write_err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (write_err) { 0 => { index += rc; continue; }, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // use posixAsyncWrite for non-blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // connect was never called posix.EDQUOT => return PosixWriteError.DiskQuota, posix.EFBIG => return PosixWriteError.FileTooBig, posix.EIO => return PosixWriteError.InputOutput, posix.ENOSPC => return PosixWriteError.NoSpaceLeft, posix.EPERM => return PosixWriteError.AccessDenied, posix.EPIPE => return PosixWriteError.BrokenPipe, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(write_err), } } } pub fn posix_pwritev(fd: i32, iov: [*]const posix.iovec_const, count: usize, offset: u64) PosixWriteError!void { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.macosx => { // Darwin does not have pwritev but it does have pwrite. var off: usize = 0; var iov_i: usize = 0; var inner_off: usize = 0; while (true) { const v = iov[iov_i]; const rc = darwin.pwrite(fd, v.iov_base + inner_off, v.iov_len - inner_off, offset + off); const err = darwin.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => { off += rc; inner_off += rc; if (inner_off == v.iov_len) { iov_i += 1; inner_off = 0; if (iov_i == count) { return; } } continue; }, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.ESPIPE => unreachable, // fd is not seekable posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // use posixAsyncPWriteV for non-blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // connect was never called posix.EDQUOT => return PosixWriteError.DiskQuota, posix.EFBIG => return PosixWriteError.FileTooBig, posix.EIO => return PosixWriteError.InputOutput, posix.ENOSPC => return PosixWriteError.NoSpaceLeft, posix.EPERM => return PosixWriteError.AccessDenied, posix.EPIPE => return PosixWriteError.BrokenPipe, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } }, builtin.Os.linux => while (true) { const rc = posix.pwritev(fd, iov, count, offset); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // use posixAsyncPWriteV for non-blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.EDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // connect was never called posix.EDQUOT => return PosixWriteError.DiskQuota, posix.EFBIG => return PosixWriteError.FileTooBig, posix.EIO => return PosixWriteError.InputOutput, posix.ENOSPC => return PosixWriteError.NoSpaceLeft, posix.EPERM => return PosixWriteError.AccessDenied, posix.EPIPE => return PosixWriteError.BrokenPipe, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } pub const PosixOpenError = error{ AccessDenied, FileTooBig, IsDir, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, NameTooLong, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, NoDevice, FileNotFound, SystemResources, NoSpaceLeft, NotDir, PathAlreadyExists, /// See Unexpected, }; /// ::file_path needs to be copied in memory to add a null terminating byte. /// Calls POSIX open, keeps trying if it gets interrupted, and translates /// the return value into zig errors. pub fn posixOpen(file_path: []const u8, flags: u32, perm: usize) PosixOpenError!i32 { const file_path_c = try toPosixPath(file_path); return posixOpenC(&file_path_c, flags, perm); } // TODO pub fn posixOpenC(file_path: [*]const u8, flags: u32, perm: usize) !i32 { while (true) { const result =, flags, perm); const err = posix.getErrno(result); if (err > 0) { switch (err) { posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EACCES => return PosixOpenError.AccessDenied, posix.EFBIG, posix.EOVERFLOW => return PosixOpenError.FileTooBig, posix.EISDIR => return PosixOpenError.IsDir, posix.ELOOP => return PosixOpenError.SymLinkLoop, posix.EMFILE => return PosixOpenError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return PosixOpenError.NameTooLong, posix.ENFILE => return PosixOpenError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENODEV => return PosixOpenError.NoDevice, posix.ENOENT => return PosixOpenError.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return PosixOpenError.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return PosixOpenError.NoSpaceLeft, posix.ENOTDIR => return PosixOpenError.NotDir, posix.EPERM => return PosixOpenError.AccessDenied, posix.EEXIST => return PosixOpenError.PathAlreadyExists, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } return @intCast(i32, result); } } /// Used to convert a slice to a null terminated slice on the stack. /// TODO well defined copy elision pub fn toPosixPath(file_path: []const u8) ![posix.PATH_MAX]u8 { var path_with_null: [posix.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined; if (file_path.len >= posix.PATH_MAX) return error.NameTooLong; mem.copy(u8, path_with_null[0..], file_path); path_with_null[file_path.len] = 0; return path_with_null; } pub fn posixDup2(old_fd: i32, new_fd: i32) !void { while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.dup2(old_fd, new_fd)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { posix.EBUSY, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } return; } } pub fn createNullDelimitedEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator, env_map: *const BufMap) ![]?[*]u8 { const envp_count = env_map.count(); const envp_buf = try allocator.alloc(?[*]u8, envp_count + 1); mem.set(?[*]u8, envp_buf, null); errdefer freeNullDelimitedEnvMap(allocator, envp_buf); { var it = env_map.iterator(); var i: usize = 0; while ( |pair| : (i += 1) { const env_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, pair.key.len + pair.value.len + 2); @memcpy(env_buf.ptr, pair.key.ptr, pair.key.len); env_buf[pair.key.len] = '='; @memcpy(env_buf.ptr + pair.key.len + 1, pair.value.ptr, pair.value.len); env_buf[env_buf.len - 1] = 0; envp_buf[i] = env_buf.ptr; } assert(i == envp_count); } assert(envp_buf[envp_count] == null); return envp_buf; } pub fn freeNullDelimitedEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator, envp_buf: []?[*]u8) void { for (envp_buf) |env| { const env_buf = if (env) |ptr| ptr[0 .. cstr.len(ptr) + 1] else break;; }; } /// This function must allocate memory to add a null terminating bytes on path and each arg. /// It must also convert to KEY=VALUE\0 format for environment variables, and include null /// pointers after the args and after the environment variables. /// `argv[0]` is the executable path. /// This function also uses the PATH environment variable to get the full path to the executable. pub fn posixExecve(argv: []const []const u8, env_map: *const BufMap, allocator: *Allocator) !void { const argv_buf = try allocator.alloc(?[*]u8, argv.len + 1); mem.set(?[*]u8, argv_buf, null); defer { for (argv_buf) |arg| { const arg_buf = if (arg) |ptr| cstr.toSlice(ptr) else break;; }; } for (argv) |arg, i| { const arg_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, arg.len + 1); @memcpy(arg_buf.ptr, arg.ptr, arg.len); arg_buf[arg.len] = 0; argv_buf[i] = arg_buf.ptr; } argv_buf[argv.len] = null; const envp_buf = try createNullDelimitedEnvMap(allocator, env_map); defer freeNullDelimitedEnvMap(allocator, envp_buf); const exe_path = argv[0]; if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, exe_path, '/') != null) { return posixExecveErrnoToErr(posix.getErrno(posix.execve(argv_buf[0].?, argv_buf.ptr, envp_buf.ptr))); } const PATH = getEnvPosix("PATH") orelse "/usr/local/bin:/bin/:/usr/bin"; // PATH.len because it is >= the largest search_path // +1 for the / to join the search path and exe_path // +1 for the null terminating byte const path_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, PATH.len + exe_path.len + 2); defer; var it = mem.split(PATH, ":"); var seen_eacces = false; var err: usize = undefined; while ( |search_path| { mem.copy(u8, path_buf, search_path); path_buf[search_path.len] = '/'; mem.copy(u8, path_buf[search_path.len + 1 ..], exe_path); path_buf[search_path.len + exe_path.len + 1] = 0; err = posix.getErrno(posix.execve(path_buf.ptr, argv_buf.ptr, envp_buf.ptr)); assert(err > 0); if (err == posix.EACCES) { seen_eacces = true; } else if (err != posix.ENOENT) { return posixExecveErrnoToErr(err); } } if (seen_eacces) { err = posix.EACCES; } return posixExecveErrnoToErr(err); } pub const PosixExecveError = error{ SystemResources, AccessDenied, InvalidExe, FileSystem, IsDir, FileNotFound, NotDir, FileBusy, /// See Unexpected, }; fn posixExecveErrnoToErr(err: usize) PosixExecveError { assert(err > 0); switch (err) { posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.E2BIG => return error.SystemResources, posix.EMFILE => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENFILE => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EINVAL => return error.InvalidExe, posix.ENOEXEC => return error.InvalidExe, posix.EIO => return error.FileSystem, posix.ELOOP => return error.FileSystem, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.ETXTBSY => return error.FileBusy, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub var linux_elf_aux_maybe: ?[*]std.elf.Auxv = null; pub var posix_environ_raw: [][*]u8 = undefined; /// See std.elf for the constants. pub fn linuxGetAuxVal(index: usize) usize { if (builtin.link_libc) { return usize(std.c.getauxval(index)); } else if (linux_elf_aux_maybe) |auxv| { var i: usize = 0; while (auxv[i].a_type != std.elf.AT_NULL) : (i += 1) { if (auxv[i].a_type == index) return auxv[i].a_un.a_val; } } return 0; } pub fn getBaseAddress() usize { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => { const base = linuxGetAuxVal(std.elf.AT_BASE); if (base != 0) { return base; } const phdr = linuxGetAuxVal(std.elf.AT_PHDR); const ElfHeader = switch (@sizeOf(usize)) { 4 => std.elf.Elf32_Ehdr, 8 => std.elf.Elf64_Ehdr, else => @compileError("Unsupported architecture"), }; return phdr - @sizeOf(ElfHeader); }, builtin.Os.macosx => return @ptrToInt(&std.c._mh_execute_header), => return @ptrToInt(windows.GetModuleHandleW(null)), else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// Caller must free result when done. /// TODO make this go through libc when we have it pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator) !BufMap { var result = BufMap.init(allocator); errdefer result.deinit(); if (is_windows) { const ptr = windows.GetEnvironmentStringsA() orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer assert(windows.FreeEnvironmentStringsA(ptr) != 0); var i: usize = 0; while (true) { if (ptr[i] == 0) return result; const key_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0 and ptr[i] != '=') : (i += 1) {} const key = ptr[key_start..i]; if (ptr[i] == '=') i += 1; const value_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {} const value = ptr[value_start..i]; i += 1; // skip over null byte try result.set(key, value); } } else { for (posix_environ_raw) |ptr| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (ptr[line_i] != 0 and ptr[line_i] != '=') : (line_i += 1) {} const key = ptr[0..line_i]; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (ptr[end_i] != 0) : (end_i += 1) {} const value = ptr[line_i + 1 .. end_i]; try result.set(key, value); } return result; } } /// TODO make this go through libc when we have it pub fn getEnvPosix(key: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { for (posix_environ_raw) |ptr| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (ptr[line_i] != 0 and ptr[line_i] != '=') : (line_i += 1) {} const this_key = ptr[0..line_i]; if (!mem.eql(u8, key, this_key)) continue; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (ptr[end_i] != 0) : (end_i += 1) {} const this_value = ptr[line_i + 1 .. end_i]; return this_value; } return null; } pub const GetEnvVarOwnedError = error{ OutOfMemory, EnvironmentVariableNotFound, }; /// Caller must free returned memory. /// TODO make this go through libc when we have it pub fn getEnvVarOwned(allocator: *mem.Allocator, key: []const u8) GetEnvVarOwnedError![]u8 { if (is_windows) { const key_with_null = try cstr.addNullByte(allocator, key); defer; var buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 256); errdefer; while (true) { const windows_buf_len = math.cast(windows.DWORD, buf.len) catch return error.OutOfMemory; const result = windows.GetEnvironmentVariableA(key_with_null.ptr, buf.ptr, windows_buf_len); if (result == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); return switch (err) { windows.ERROR.ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND => error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound, else => { _ = unexpectedErrorWindows(err); return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; }, }; } if (result > buf.len) { buf = try allocator.realloc(u8, buf, result); continue; } return allocator.shrink(u8, buf, result); } } else { const result = getEnvPosix(key) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, result); } } /// Caller must free the returned memory. pub fn getCwdAlloc(allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 { var buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, try getCwd(&buf)); } pub const GetCwdError = error{Unexpected}; /// The result is a slice of out_buffer. pub fn getCwd(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) GetCwdError![]u8 { switch (builtin.os) { => { var utf16le_buf: [windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined; const casted_len = @intCast(windows.DWORD, utf16le_buf.len); // TODO shouldn't need this cast const casted_ptr = ([*]u16)(&utf16le_buf); // TODO shouldn't need this cast const result = windows.GetCurrentDirectoryW(casted_len, casted_ptr); if (result == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } assert(result <= utf16le_buf.len); const utf16le_slice = utf16le_buf[0..result]; // Trust that Windows gives us valid UTF-16LE. const end_index = std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8(out_buffer, utf16le_slice) catch unreachable; return out_buffer[0..end_index]; }, else => { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.getcwd(out_buffer, out_buffer.len)); switch (err) { 0 => return cstr.toSlice(out_buffer), posix.ERANGE => unreachable, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } }, } } test "os.getCwd" { // at least call it so it gets compiled _ = getCwdAlloc(debug.global_allocator); var buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; _ = getCwd(&buf); } pub const SymLinkError = PosixSymLinkError || WindowsSymLinkError; /// TODO add a symLinkC variant pub fn symLink(existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) SymLinkError!void { if (is_windows) { return symLinkWindows(existing_path, new_path); } else { return symLinkPosix(existing_path, new_path); } } pub const WindowsSymLinkError = error{ NameTooLong, InvalidUtf8, BadPathName, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn symLinkW(existing_path_w: [*]const u16, new_path_w: [*]const u16) WindowsSymLinkError!void { if (windows.CreateSymbolicLinkW(existing_path_w, new_path_w, 0) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } } pub fn symLinkWindows(existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) WindowsSymLinkError!void { const existing_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(existing_path); const new_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(new_path); return symLinkW(&existing_path_w, &new_path_w); } pub const PosixSymLinkError = error{ AccessDenied, DiskQuota, PathAlreadyExists, FileSystem, SymLinkLoop, NameTooLong, FileNotFound, SystemResources, NoSpaceLeft, ReadOnlyFileSystem, NotDir, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn symLinkPosixC(existing_path: [*]const u8, new_path: [*]const u8) PosixSymLinkError!void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.symlink(existing_path, new_path)); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EDQUOT => return error.DiskQuota, posix.EEXIST => return error.PathAlreadyExists, posix.EIO => return error.FileSystem, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return error.NoSpaceLeft, posix.EROFS => return error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub fn symLinkPosix(existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) PosixSymLinkError!void { const existing_path_c = try toPosixPath(existing_path); const new_path_c = try toPosixPath(new_path); return symLinkPosixC(&existing_path_c, &new_path_c); } // here we replace the standard +/ with -_ so that it can be used in a file name const b64_fs_encoder = base64.Base64Encoder.init("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", base64.standard_pad_char); /// TODO remove the allocator requirement from this API pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: *Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) !void { if (symLink(existing_path, new_path)) { return; } else |err| switch (err) { error.PathAlreadyExists => {}, else => return err, // TODO zig should know this set does not include PathAlreadyExists } const dirname = os.path.dirname(new_path) orelse "."; var rand_buf: [12]u8 = undefined; const tmp_path = try allocator.alloc(u8, dirname.len + 1 + base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(rand_buf.len)); defer; mem.copy(u8, tmp_path[0..], dirname); tmp_path[dirname.len] = os.path.sep; while (true) { try getRandomBytes(rand_buf[0..]); b64_fs_encoder.encode(tmp_path[dirname.len + 1 ..], rand_buf); if (symLink(existing_path, tmp_path)) { return rename(tmp_path, new_path); } else |err| switch (err) { error.PathAlreadyExists => continue, else => return err, // TODO zig should know this set does not include PathAlreadyExists } } } pub const DeleteFileError = error{ FileNotFound, AccessDenied, FileBusy, FileSystem, IsDir, SymLinkLoop, NameTooLong, NotDir, SystemResources, ReadOnlyFileSystem, /// On Windows, file paths must be valid Unicode. InvalidUtf8, /// On Windows, file paths cannot contain these characters: /// '/', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' BadPathName, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn deleteFile(file_path: []const u8) DeleteFileError!void { if (builtin.os == { const file_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(file_path); return deleteFileW(&file_path_w); } else { const file_path_c = try toPosixPath(file_path); return deleteFileC(&file_path_c); } } pub fn deleteFileW(file_path: [*]const u16) DeleteFileError!void { if (windows.DeleteFileW(file_path) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { windows.ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound, windows.ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED => return error.AccessDenied, windows.ERROR.FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE => return error.NameTooLong, windows.ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER => return error.NameTooLong, else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } } pub fn deleteFileC(file_path: [*]const u8) DeleteFileError!void { if (is_windows) { const file_path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path); return deleteFileW(&file_path_w); } else { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.unlink(file_path)); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EBUSY => return error.FileBusy, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EIO => return error.FileSystem, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.EROFS => return error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } } /// Guaranteed to be atomic. However until is /// merged and readily available, /// there is a possibility of power loss or application termination leaving temporary files present /// in the same directory as dest_path. /// Destination file will have the same mode as the source file. pub fn copyFile(source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8) !void { var in_file = try os.File.openRead(source_path); defer in_file.close(); const mode = try in_file.mode(); var atomic_file = try AtomicFile.init(dest_path, mode); defer atomic_file.deinit(); var buf: [page_size]u8 = undefined; while (true) { const amt = try in_file.readFull(buf[0..]); try atomic_file.file.write(buf[0..amt]); if (amt != buf.len) { return atomic_file.finish(); } } } /// Guaranteed to be atomic. However until is /// merged and readily available, /// there is a possibility of power loss or application termination leaving temporary files present pub fn copyFileMode(source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8, mode: File.Mode) !void { var in_file = try os.File.openRead(source_path); defer in_file.close(); var atomic_file = try AtomicFile.init(dest_path, mode); defer atomic_file.deinit(); var buf: [page_size]u8 = undefined; while (true) { const amt = try[0..]); try atomic_file.file.write(buf[0..amt]); if (amt != buf.len) { return atomic_file.finish(); } } } pub const AtomicFile = struct { file: os.File, tmp_path_buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8, dest_path: []const u8, finished: bool, const InitError = os.File.OpenError; /// dest_path must remain valid for the lifetime of AtomicFile /// call finish to atomically replace dest_path with contents /// TODO once we have null terminated pointers, use the /// openWriteNoClobberN function pub fn init(dest_path: []const u8, mode: File.Mode) InitError!AtomicFile { const dirname = os.path.dirname(dest_path); var rand_buf: [12]u8 = undefined; const dirname_component_len = if (dirname) |d| d.len + 1 else 0; const encoded_rand_len = comptime base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(rand_buf.len); const tmp_path_len = dirname_component_len + encoded_rand_len; var tmp_path_buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; if (tmp_path_len >= tmp_path_buf.len) return error.NameTooLong; if (dirname) |dir| { mem.copy(u8, tmp_path_buf[0..], dir); tmp_path_buf[dir.len] = os.path.sep; } tmp_path_buf[tmp_path_len] = 0; while (true) { try getRandomBytes(rand_buf[0..]); b64_fs_encoder.encode(tmp_path_buf[dirname_component_len..tmp_path_len], rand_buf); const file = os.File.openWriteNoClobberC(&tmp_path_buf, mode) catch |err| switch (err) { error.PathAlreadyExists => continue, // TODO zig should figure out that this error set does not include PathAlreadyExists since // it is handled in the above switch else => return err, }; return AtomicFile{ .file = file, .tmp_path_buf = tmp_path_buf, .dest_path = dest_path, .finished = false, }; } } /// always call deinit, even after successful finish() pub fn deinit(self: *AtomicFile) void { if (!self.finished) { self.file.close(); deleteFileC(&self.tmp_path_buf) catch {}; self.finished = true; } } pub fn finish(self: *AtomicFile) !void { assert(!self.finished); self.file.close(); self.finished = true; if (is_posix) { const dest_path_c = try toPosixPath(self.dest_path); return renameC(&self.tmp_path_buf, &dest_path_c); } else if (is_windows) { const dest_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.dest_path); const tmp_path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(&self.tmp_path_buf); return renameW(&tmp_path_w, &dest_path_w); } else { @compileError("Unsupported OS"); } } }; pub fn renameC(old_path: [*]const u8, new_path: [*]const u8) !void { if (is_windows) { const old_path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(old_path); const new_path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(new_path); return renameW(&old_path_w, &new_path_w); } else { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.rename(old_path, new_path)); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EBUSY => return error.FileBusy, posix.EDQUOT => return error.DiskQuota, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EISDIR => return error.IsDir, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.EMLINK => return error.LinkQuotaExceeded, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return error.NoSpaceLeft, posix.EEXIST => return error.PathAlreadyExists, posix.ENOTEMPTY => return error.PathAlreadyExists, posix.EROFS => return error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, posix.EXDEV => return error.RenameAcrossMountPoints, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } } pub fn renameW(old_path: [*]const u16, new_path: [*]const u16) !void { const flags = windows.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | windows.MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH; if (windows.MoveFileExW(old_path, new_path, flags) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } } pub fn rename(old_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) !void { if (is_windows) { const old_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(old_path); const new_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(new_path); return renameW(&old_path_w, &new_path_w); } else { const old_path_c = try toPosixPath(old_path); const new_path_c = try toPosixPath(new_path); return renameC(&old_path_c, &new_path_c); } } pub fn makeDir(dir_path: []const u8) !void { if (is_windows) { return makeDirWindows(dir_path); } else { return makeDirPosix(dir_path); } } pub fn makeDirWindows(dir_path: []const u8) !void { const dir_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(dir_path); if (windows.CreateDirectoryW(&dir_path_w, null) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); return switch (err) { windows.ERROR.ALREADY_EXISTS => error.PathAlreadyExists, windows.ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND => error.FileNotFound, else => unexpectedErrorWindows(err), }; } } pub fn makeDirPosixC(dir_path: [*]const u8) !void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.mkdir(dir_path, 0o755)); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EDQUOT => return error.DiskQuota, posix.EEXIST => return error.PathAlreadyExists, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.EMLINK => return error.LinkQuotaExceeded, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return error.NoSpaceLeft, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.EROFS => return error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub fn makeDirPosix(dir_path: []const u8) !void { const dir_path_c = try toPosixPath(dir_path); return makeDirPosixC(&dir_path_c); } /// Calls makeDir recursively to make an entire path. Returns success if the path /// already exists and is a directory. /// TODO determine if we can remove the allocator requirement from this function pub fn makePath(allocator: *Allocator, full_path: []const u8) !void { const resolved_path = try path.resolve(allocator, full_path); defer; var end_index: usize = resolved_path.len; while (true) { makeDir(resolved_path[0..end_index]) catch |err| switch (err) { error.PathAlreadyExists => { // TODO stat the file and return an error if it's not a directory // this is important because otherwise a dangling symlink // could cause an infinite loop if (end_index == resolved_path.len) return; }, error.FileNotFound => { // march end_index backward until next path component while (true) { end_index -= 1; if (os.path.isSep(resolved_path[end_index])) break; } continue; }, else => return err, }; if (end_index == resolved_path.len) return; // march end_index forward until next path component while (true) { end_index += 1; if (end_index == resolved_path.len or os.path.isSep(resolved_path[end_index])) break; } } } pub const DeleteDirError = error{ AccessDenied, FileBusy, SymLinkLoop, NameTooLong, FileNotFound, SystemResources, NotDir, DirNotEmpty, ReadOnlyFileSystem, InvalidUtf8, BadPathName, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn deleteDirC(dir_path: [*]const u8) DeleteDirError!void { switch (builtin.os) { => { const dir_path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(dir_path); return deleteDirW(&dir_path_w); }, Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.rmdir(dir_path)); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EPERM => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EBUSY => return error.FileBusy, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, posix.EEXIST => return error.DirNotEmpty, posix.ENOTEMPTY => return error.DirNotEmpty, posix.EROFS => return error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } }, else => @compileError("unimplemented"), } } pub fn deleteDirW(dir_path_w: [*]const u16) DeleteDirError!void { if (windows.RemoveDirectoryW(dir_path_w) == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { windows.ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound, windows.ERROR.DIR_NOT_EMPTY => return error.DirNotEmpty, else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } } /// Returns ::error.DirNotEmpty if the directory is not empty. /// To delete a directory recursively, see ::deleteTree pub fn deleteDir(dir_path: []const u8) DeleteDirError!void { switch (builtin.os) { => { const dir_path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(dir_path); return deleteDirW(&dir_path_w); }, Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { const dir_path_c = try toPosixPath(dir_path); return deleteDirC(&dir_path_c); }, else => @compileError("unimplemented"), } } /// Whether ::full_path describes a symlink, file, or directory, this function /// removes it. If it cannot be removed because it is a non-empty directory, /// this function recursively removes its entries and then tries again. const DeleteTreeError = error{ OutOfMemory, AccessDenied, FileTooBig, IsDir, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, NameTooLong, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, NoDevice, SystemResources, NoSpaceLeft, PathAlreadyExists, ReadOnlyFileSystem, NotDir, FileNotFound, FileSystem, FileBusy, DirNotEmpty, /// On Windows, file paths must be valid Unicode. InvalidUtf8, /// On Windows, file paths cannot contain these characters: /// '/', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' BadPathName, /// See Unexpected, }; /// TODO determine if we can remove the allocator requirement pub fn deleteTree(allocator: *Allocator, full_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!void { start_over: while (true) { var got_access_denied = false; // First, try deleting the item as a file. This way we don't follow sym links. if (deleteFile(full_path)) { return; } else |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => return, error.IsDir => {}, error.AccessDenied => got_access_denied = true, error.InvalidUtf8, error.SymLinkLoop, error.NameTooLong, error.SystemResources, error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, error.NotDir, error.FileSystem, error.FileBusy, error.BadPathName, error.Unexpected, => return err, } { var dir =, full_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NotDir => { if (got_access_denied) { return error.AccessDenied; } continue :start_over; }, error.OutOfMemory, error.AccessDenied, error.FileTooBig, error.IsDir, error.SymLinkLoop, error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, error.NameTooLong, error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, error.NoDevice, error.FileNotFound, error.SystemResources, error.NoSpaceLeft, error.PathAlreadyExists, error.Unexpected, error.InvalidUtf8, error.BadPathName, => return err, }; defer dir.close(); var full_entry_buf = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer full_entry_buf.deinit(); while (try |entry| { try full_entry_buf.resize(full_path.len + + 1); const full_entry_path = full_entry_buf.toSlice(); mem.copy(u8, full_entry_path, full_path); full_entry_path[full_path.len] = path.sep; mem.copy(u8, full_entry_path[full_path.len + 1 ..],; try deleteTree(allocator, full_entry_path); } } return deleteDir(full_path); } } pub const Dir = struct { handle: Handle, allocator: *Allocator, pub const Handle = switch (builtin.os) { Os.macosx, Os.ios => struct { fd: i32, seek: i64, buf: []u8, index: usize, end_index: usize, }, Os.linux => struct { fd: i32, buf: []u8, index: usize, end_index: usize, }, => struct { handle: windows.HANDLE, find_file_data: windows.WIN32_FIND_DATAW, first: bool, name_data: [256]u8, }, else => @compileError("unimplemented"), }; pub const Entry = struct { name: []const u8, kind: Kind, pub const Kind = enum { BlockDevice, CharacterDevice, Directory, NamedPipe, SymLink, File, UnixDomainSocket, Whiteout, Unknown, }; }; pub const OpenError = error{ FileNotFound, NotDir, AccessDenied, FileTooBig, IsDir, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, NameTooLong, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, NoDevice, SystemResources, NoSpaceLeft, PathAlreadyExists, OutOfMemory, InvalidUtf8, BadPathName, /// See Unexpected, }; /// TODO remove the allocator requirement from this API pub fn open(allocator: *Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) OpenError!Dir { return Dir{ .allocator = allocator, .handle = switch (builtin.os) { => blk: { var find_file_data: windows.WIN32_FIND_DATAW = undefined; const handle = try windows_util.windowsFindFirstFile(dir_path, &find_file_data); break :blk Handle{ .handle = handle, .find_file_data = find_file_data, // TODO guaranteed copy elision .first = true, .name_data = undefined, }; }, Os.macosx, Os.ios => Handle{ .fd = try posixOpen( dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY | posix.O_NONBLOCK | posix.O_DIRECTORY | posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0, ), .seek = 0, .index = 0, .end_index = 0, .buf = []u8{}, }, Os.linux => Handle{ .fd = try posixOpen( dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY | posix.O_DIRECTORY | posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0, ), .index = 0, .end_index = 0, .buf = []u8{}, }, else => @compileError("unimplemented"), }, }; } pub fn close(self: *Dir) void { switch (builtin.os) { => { _ = windows.FindClose(self.handle.handle); }, Os.macosx, Os.ios, Os.linux => {; os.close(self.handle.fd); }, else => @compileError("unimplemented"), } } /// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid /// with subsequent calls to next, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized. pub fn next(self: *Dir) !?Entry { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => return self.nextLinux(), Os.macosx, Os.ios => return self.nextDarwin(), => return self.nextWindows(), else => @compileError("unimplemented"), } } fn nextDarwin(self: *Dir) !?Entry { start_over: while (true) { if (self.handle.index >= self.handle.end_index) { if (self.handle.buf.len == 0) { self.handle.buf = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, page_size); } while (true) { const result = posix.getdirentries64(self.handle.fd, self.handle.buf.ptr, self.handle.buf.len, &; const err = posix.getErrno(result); if (err > 0) { switch (err) { posix.EBADF, posix.EFAULT, posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => { self.handle.buf = try self.allocator.realloc(u8, self.handle.buf, self.handle.buf.len * 2); continue; }, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } if (result == 0) return null; self.handle.index = 0; self.handle.end_index = result; break; } } const darwin_entry = @ptrCast(*align(1) posix.dirent, &self.handle.buf[self.handle.index]); const next_index = self.handle.index + darwin_entry.d_reclen; self.handle.index = next_index; const name = @ptrCast([*]u8, &darwin_entry.d_name)[0..darwin_entry.d_namlen]; if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) { continue :start_over; } const entry_kind = switch (darwin_entry.d_type) { posix.DT_BLK => Entry.Kind.BlockDevice, posix.DT_CHR => Entry.Kind.CharacterDevice, posix.DT_DIR => Entry.Kind.Directory, posix.DT_FIFO => Entry.Kind.NamedPipe, posix.DT_LNK => Entry.Kind.SymLink, posix.DT_REG => Entry.Kind.File, posix.DT_SOCK => Entry.Kind.UnixDomainSocket, posix.DT_WHT => Entry.Kind.Whiteout, else => Entry.Kind.Unknown, }; return Entry{ .name = name, .kind = entry_kind, }; } } fn nextWindows(self: *Dir) !?Entry { while (true) { if (self.handle.first) { self.handle.first = false; } else { if (!try windows_util.windowsFindNextFile(self.handle.handle, &self.handle.find_file_data)) return null; } const name_utf16le = mem.toSlice(u16, self.handle.find_file_data.cFileName[0..].ptr); if (mem.eql(u16, name_utf16le, []u16{'.'}) or mem.eql(u16, name_utf16le, []u16{ '.', '.' })) continue; // Trust that Windows gives us valid UTF-16LE const name_utf8_len = std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8(self.handle.name_data[0..], name_utf16le) catch unreachable; const name_utf8 = self.handle.name_data[0..name_utf8_len]; const kind = blk: { const attrs = self.handle.find_file_data.dwFileAttributes; if (attrs & windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0) break :blk Entry.Kind.Directory; if (attrs & windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT != 0) break :blk Entry.Kind.SymLink; if (attrs & windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL != 0) break :blk Entry.Kind.File; break :blk Entry.Kind.Unknown; }; return Entry{ .name = name_utf8, .kind = kind, }; } } fn nextLinux(self: *Dir) !?Entry { start_over: while (true) { if (self.handle.index >= self.handle.end_index) { if (self.handle.buf.len == 0) { self.handle.buf = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, page_size); } while (true) { const result = posix.getdents64(self.handle.fd, self.handle.buf.ptr, self.handle.buf.len); const err = posix.getErrno(result); if (err > 0) { switch (err) { posix.EBADF, posix.EFAULT, posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => { self.handle.buf = try self.allocator.realloc(u8, self.handle.buf, self.handle.buf.len * 2); continue; }, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } if (result == 0) return null; self.handle.index = 0; self.handle.end_index = result; break; } } const linux_entry = @ptrCast(*align(1) posix.dirent64, &self.handle.buf[self.handle.index]); const next_index = self.handle.index + linux_entry.d_reclen; self.handle.index = next_index; const name = cstr.toSlice(@ptrCast([*]u8, &linux_entry.d_name)); // skip . and .. entries if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) { continue :start_over; } const entry_kind = switch (linux_entry.d_type) { posix.DT_BLK => Entry.Kind.BlockDevice, posix.DT_CHR => Entry.Kind.CharacterDevice, posix.DT_DIR => Entry.Kind.Directory, posix.DT_FIFO => Entry.Kind.NamedPipe, posix.DT_LNK => Entry.Kind.SymLink, posix.DT_REG => Entry.Kind.File, posix.DT_SOCK => Entry.Kind.UnixDomainSocket, else => Entry.Kind.Unknown, }; return Entry{ .name = name, .kind = entry_kind, }; } } }; pub fn changeCurDir(allocator: *Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) !void { const path_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, dir_path.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, dir_path); path_buf[dir_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.chdir(path_buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { posix.EACCES => error.AccessDenied, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EIO => error.FileSystem, posix.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, posix.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } } /// Read value of a symbolic link. /// The return value is a slice of out_buffer. pub fn readLinkC(out_buffer: *[posix.PATH_MAX]u8, pathname: [*]const u8) ![]u8 { const rc = posix.readlink(pathname, out_buffer, out_buffer.len); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return out_buffer[0..rc], posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EIO => return error.FileSystem, posix.ELOOP => return error.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => unreachable, // out_buffer is at least PATH_MAX posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOTDIR => return error.NotDir, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } /// Read value of a symbolic link. /// The return value is a slice of out_buffer. pub fn readLink(out_buffer: *[posix.PATH_MAX]u8, file_path: []const u8) ![]u8 { const file_path_c = try toPosixPath(file_path); return readLinkC(out_buffer, &file_path_c); } pub fn posix_setuid(uid: u32) !void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.setuid(uid)); if (err == 0) return; return switch (err) { posix.EAGAIN => error.ResourceLimitReached, posix.EINVAL => error.InvalidUserId, posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } pub fn posix_setreuid(ruid: u32, euid: u32) !void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.setreuid(ruid, euid)); if (err == 0) return; return switch (err) { posix.EAGAIN => error.ResourceLimitReached, posix.EINVAL => error.InvalidUserId, posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } pub fn posix_setgid(gid: u32) !void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.setgid(gid)); if (err == 0) return; return switch (err) { posix.EAGAIN => error.ResourceLimitReached, posix.EINVAL => error.InvalidUserId, posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } pub fn posix_setregid(rgid: u32, egid: u32) !void { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.setregid(rgid, egid)); if (err == 0) return; return switch (err) { posix.EAGAIN => error.ResourceLimitReached, posix.EINVAL => error.InvalidUserId, posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied, else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } pub const WindowsGetStdHandleErrs = error{ NoStdHandles, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn windowsGetStdHandle(handle_id: windows.DWORD) WindowsGetStdHandleErrs!windows.HANDLE { if (windows.GetStdHandle(handle_id)) |handle| { if (handle == windows.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); return switch (err) { else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err), }; } return handle; } else { return error.NoStdHandles; } } pub const ArgIteratorPosix = struct { index: usize, count: usize, pub fn init() ArgIteratorPosix { return ArgIteratorPosix{ .index = 0, .count = raw.len, }; } pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) ?[]const u8 { if (self.index == self.count) return null; const s = raw[self.index]; self.index += 1; return cstr.toSlice(s); } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) bool { if (self.index == self.count) return false; self.index += 1; return true; } /// This is marked as public but actually it's only meant to be used /// internally by zig's startup code. pub var raw: [][*]u8 = undefined; }; pub const ArgIteratorWindows = struct { index: usize, cmd_line: [*]const u8, in_quote: bool, quote_count: usize, seen_quote_count: usize, pub const NextError = error{OutOfMemory}; pub fn init() ArgIteratorWindows { return initWithCmdLine(windows.GetCommandLineA()); } pub fn initWithCmdLine(cmd_line: [*]const u8) ArgIteratorWindows { return ArgIteratorWindows{ .index = 0, .cmd_line = cmd_line, .in_quote = false, .quote_count = countQuotes(cmd_line), .seen_quote_count = 0, }; } /// You must free the returned memory when done. pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, allocator: *Allocator) ?(NextError![]u8) { // march forward over whitespace while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return null, ' ', '\t' => continue, else => break, } } return self.internalNext(allocator); } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) bool { // march forward over whitespace while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return false, ' ', '\t' => continue, else => break, } } var backslash_count: usize = 0; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return true, '"' => { const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; if (quote_is_real) { self.seen_quote_count += 1; } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t' => { if (self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 0 or self.seen_quote_count == self.quote_count) { return true; } backslash_count = 0; }, else => { backslash_count = 0; continue; }, } } } fn internalNext(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, allocator: *Allocator) NextError![]u8 { var buf = try Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer buf.deinit(); var backslash_count: usize = 0; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const byte = self.cmd_line[self.index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return buf.toOwnedSlice(), '"' => { const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count / 2); backslash_count = 0; if (quote_is_real) { self.seen_quote_count += 1; if (self.seen_quote_count == self.quote_count and self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 1) { try buf.appendByte('"'); } } else { try buf.appendByte('"'); } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t' => { try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; if (self.seen_quote_count % 2 == 1 and self.seen_quote_count != self.quote_count) { try buf.appendByte(byte); } else { return buf.toOwnedSlice(); } }, else => { try self.emitBackslashes(&buf, backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; try buf.appendByte(byte); }, } } } fn emitBackslashes(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, buf: *Buffer, emit_count: usize) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < emit_count) : (i += 1) { try buf.appendByte('\\'); } } fn countQuotes(cmd_line: [*]const u8) usize { var result: usize = 0; var backslash_count: usize = 0; var index: usize = 0; while (true) : (index += 1) { const byte = cmd_line[index]; switch (byte) { 0 => return result, '\\' => backslash_count += 1, '"' => { result += 1 - (backslash_count % 2); backslash_count = 0; }, else => { backslash_count = 0; }, } } } }; pub const ArgIterator = struct { const InnerType = if (builtin.os == ArgIteratorWindows else ArgIteratorPosix; inner: InnerType, pub fn init() ArgIterator { return ArgIterator{ .inner = InnerType.init() }; } pub const NextError = ArgIteratorWindows.NextError; /// You must free the returned memory when done. pub fn next(self: *ArgIterator, allocator: *Allocator) ?(NextError![]u8) { if (builtin.os == { return; } else { return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, orelse return null); } } /// If you only are targeting posix you can call this and not need an allocator. pub fn nextPosix(self: *ArgIterator) ?[]const u8 { return; } /// Parse past 1 argument without capturing it. /// Returns `true` if skipped an arg, `false` if we are at the end. pub fn skip(self: *ArgIterator) bool { return self.inner.skip(); } }; pub fn args() ArgIterator { return ArgIterator.init(); } /// Caller must call argsFree on result. pub fn argsAlloc(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]const []u8 { // TODO refactor to only make 1 allocation. var it = args(); var contents = try Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0); defer contents.deinit(); var slice_list = ArrayList(usize).init(allocator); defer slice_list.deinit(); while ( |arg_or_err| { const arg = try arg_or_err; defer; try contents.append(arg); try slice_list.append(arg.len); } const contents_slice = contents.toSliceConst(); const slice_sizes = slice_list.toSliceConst(); const slice_list_bytes = try math.mul(usize, @sizeOf([]u8), slice_sizes.len); const total_bytes = try math.add(usize, slice_list_bytes, contents_slice.len); const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf([]u8), total_bytes); errdefer; const result_slice_list = @bytesToSlice([]u8, buf[0..slice_list_bytes]); const result_contents = buf[slice_list_bytes..]; mem.copy(u8, result_contents, contents_slice); var contents_index: usize = 0; for (slice_sizes) |len, i| { const new_index = contents_index + len; result_slice_list[i] = result_contents[contents_index..new_index]; contents_index = new_index; } return result_slice_list; } pub fn argsFree(allocator: *mem.Allocator, args_alloc: []const []u8) void { var total_bytes: usize = 0; for (args_alloc) |arg| { total_bytes += @sizeOf([]u8) + arg.len; } const unaligned_allocated_buf = @ptrCast([*]const u8, args_alloc.ptr)[0..total_bytes]; const aligned_allocated_buf = @alignCast(@alignOf([]u8), unaligned_allocated_buf); return; } test "windows arg parsing" { testWindowsCmdLine(c"a b\tc d", [][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c", "d" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"\"abc\" d e", [][]const u8{ "abc", "d", "e" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\b d\"e f\"g h", [][]const u8{ "a\\\\\\b", "de fg", "h" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\\"b c d", [][]const u8{ "a\\\"b", "c", "d" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a\\\\\\\\\"b c\" d e", [][]const u8{ "a\\\\b c", "d", "e" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"a b\tc \"d f", [][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c", "\"d", "f" }); testWindowsCmdLine(c"\".\\..\\zig-cache\\build\" \"bin\\zig.exe\" \".\\..\" \".\\..\\zig-cache\" \"--help\"", [][]const u8{ ".\\..\\zig-cache\\build", "bin\\zig.exe", ".\\..", ".\\..\\zig-cache", "--help", }); } fn testWindowsCmdLine(input_cmd_line: [*]const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) void { var it = ArgIteratorWindows.initWithCmdLine(input_cmd_line); for (expected_args) |expected_arg| { const arg = catch unreachable; assert(mem.eql(u8, arg, expected_arg)); } assert( == null); } // TODO make this a build variable that you can set const unexpected_error_tracing = false; const UnexpectedError = error{ /// The Operating System returned an undocumented error code. Unexpected, }; /// Call this when you made a syscall or something that sets errno /// and you get an unexpected error. pub fn unexpectedErrorPosix(errno: usize) UnexpectedError { if (unexpected_error_tracing) { debug.warn("unexpected errno: {}\n", errno); debug.dumpCurrentStackTrace(null); } return error.Unexpected; } /// Call this when you made a windows DLL call or something that does SetLastError /// and you get an unexpected error. pub fn unexpectedErrorWindows(err: windows.DWORD) UnexpectedError { if (unexpected_error_tracing) { debug.warn("unexpected GetLastError(): {}\n", err); @breakpoint(); debug.dumpCurrentStackTrace(null); } return error.Unexpected; } pub fn openSelfExe() !os.File { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => return os.File.openReadC(c"/proc/self/exe"), Os.macosx, Os.ios => { var buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; const self_exe_path = try selfExePath(&buf); buf[self_exe_path.len] = 0; return os.File.openReadC(self_exe_path.ptr); }, => { var buf: [windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined; const wide_slice = try selfExePathW(&buf); return os.File.openReadW(wide_slice.ptr); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } test "openSelfExe" { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios, => (try openSelfExe()).close(), else => return error.SkipZigTest, // Unsupported OS. } } pub fn selfExePathW(out_buffer: *[windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16) ![]u16 { const casted_len = @intCast(windows.DWORD, out_buffer.len); // TODO shouldn't need this cast const rc = windows.GetModuleFileNameW(null, out_buffer, casted_len); assert(rc <= out_buffer.len); if (rc == 0) { const err = windows.GetLastError(); switch (err) { else => return unexpectedErrorWindows(err), } } return out_buffer[0..rc]; } /// Get the path to the current executable. /// If you only need the directory, use selfExeDirPath. /// If you only want an open file handle, use openSelfExe. /// This function may return an error if the current executable /// was deleted after spawning. /// Returned value is a slice of out_buffer. /// /// On Linux, depends on procfs being mounted. If the currently executing binary has /// been deleted, the file path looks something like `/a/b/c/exe (deleted)`. /// TODO make the return type of this a null terminated pointer pub fn selfExePath(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) ![]u8 { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => return readLink(out_buffer, "/proc/self/exe"), => { var utf16le_buf: [windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined; const utf16le_slice = try selfExePathW(&utf16le_buf); // Trust that Windows gives us valid UTF-16LE. const end_index = std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8(out_buffer, utf16le_slice) catch unreachable; return out_buffer[0..end_index]; }, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { var u32_len: u32 = @intCast(u32, out_buffer.len); // TODO shouldn't need this cast const rc = c._NSGetExecutablePath(out_buffer, &u32_len); if (rc != 0) return error.NameTooLong; return mem.toSlice(u8, out_buffer); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// `selfExeDirPath` except allocates the result on the heap. /// Caller owns returned memory. pub fn selfExeDirPathAlloc(allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 { var buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, try selfExeDirPath(&buf)); } /// Get the directory path that contains the current executable. /// Returned value is a slice of out_buffer. pub fn selfExeDirPath(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) ![]const u8 { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => { // If the currently executing binary has been deleted, // the file path looks something like `/a/b/c/exe (deleted)` // This path cannot be opened, but it's valid for determining the directory // the executable was in when it was run. const full_exe_path = try readLinkC(out_buffer, c"/proc/self/exe"); // Assume that /proc/self/exe has an absolute path, and therefore dirname // will not return null. return path.dirname(full_exe_path).?; },, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { const self_exe_path = try selfExePath(out_buffer); // Assume that the OS APIs return absolute paths, and therefore dirname // will not return null. return path.dirname(self_exe_path).?; }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } pub fn isTty(handle: FileHandle) bool { if (is_windows) { return windows_util.windowsIsTty(handle); } else { if (builtin.link_libc) { return c.isatty(handle) != 0; } else { return posix.isatty(handle); } } } pub fn supportsAnsiEscapeCodes(handle: FileHandle) bool { if (is_windows) { return windows_util.windowsIsCygwinPty(handle); } else { if (builtin.link_libc) { return c.isatty(handle) != 0; } else { return posix.isatty(handle); } } } pub const PosixSocketError = error{ /// Permission to create a socket of the specified type and/or /// pro‐tocol is denied. PermissionDenied, /// The implementation does not support the specified address family. AddressFamilyNotSupported, /// Unknown protocol, or protocol family not available. ProtocolFamilyNotAvailable, /// The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached. ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, /// The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached. SystemFdQuotaExceeded, /// Insufficient memory is available. The socket cannot be created until sufficient /// resources are freed. SystemResources, /// The protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported within this domain. ProtocolNotSupported, }; pub fn posixSocket(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32) !i32 { const rc = posix.socket(domain, socket_type, protocol); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EACCES => return PosixSocketError.PermissionDenied, posix.EAFNOSUPPORT => return PosixSocketError.AddressFamilyNotSupported, posix.EINVAL => return PosixSocketError.ProtocolFamilyNotAvailable, posix.EMFILE => return PosixSocketError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return PosixSocketError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENOBUFS, posix.ENOMEM => return PosixSocketError.SystemResources, posix.EPROTONOSUPPORT => return PosixSocketError.ProtocolNotSupported, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub const PosixBindError = error{ /// The address is protected, and the user is not the superuser. /// For UNIX domain sockets: Search permission is denied on a component /// of the path prefix. AccessDenied, /// The given address is already in use, or in the case of Internet domain sockets, /// The port number was specified as zero in the socket /// address structure, but, upon attempting to bind to an ephemeral port, it was /// determined that all port numbers in the ephemeral port range are currently in /// use. See the discussion of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range ip(7). AddressInUse, /// A nonexistent interface was requested or the requested address was not local. AddressNotAvailable, /// Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving addr. SymLinkLoop, /// addr is too long. NameTooLong, /// A component in the directory prefix of the socket pathname does not exist. FileNotFound, /// Insufficient kernel memory was available. SystemResources, /// A component of the path prefix is not a directory. NotDir, /// The socket inode would reside on a read-only filesystem. ReadOnlyFileSystem, /// See Unexpected, }; /// addr is `&const T` where T is one of the sockaddr pub fn posixBind(fd: i32, addr: *const posix.sockaddr) PosixBindError!void { const rc = posix.bind(fd, addr, @sizeOf(posix.sockaddr)); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EACCES => return PosixBindError.AccessDenied, posix.EADDRINUSE => return PosixBindError.AddressInUse, posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition if this error is returned posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, posix.EADDRNOTAVAIL => return PosixBindError.AddressNotAvailable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.ELOOP => return PosixBindError.SymLinkLoop, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return PosixBindError.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return PosixBindError.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return PosixBindError.SystemResources, posix.ENOTDIR => return PosixBindError.NotDir, posix.EROFS => return PosixBindError.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } const PosixListenError = error{ /// Another socket is already listening on the same port. /// For Internet domain sockets, the socket referred to by sockfd had not previously /// been bound to an address and, upon attempting to bind it to an ephemeral port, it /// was determined that all port numbers in the ephemeral port range are currently in /// use. See the discussion of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range in ip(7). AddressInUse, /// The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. FileDescriptorNotASocket, /// The socket is not of a type that supports the listen() operation. OperationNotSupported, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn posixListen(sockfd: i32, backlog: u32) PosixListenError!void { const rc = posix.listen(sockfd, backlog); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return, posix.EADDRINUSE => return PosixListenError.AddressInUse, posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => return PosixListenError.FileDescriptorNotASocket, posix.EOPNOTSUPP => return PosixListenError.OperationNotSupported, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub const PosixAcceptError = error{ ConnectionAborted, /// The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached. ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, /// The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached. SystemFdQuotaExceeded, /// Not enough free memory. This often means that the memory allocation is limited /// by the socket buffer limits, not by the system memory. SystemResources, /// The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. FileDescriptorNotASocket, /// The referenced socket is not of type SOCK_STREAM. OperationNotSupported, ProtocolFailure, /// Firewall rules forbid connection. BlockedByFirewall, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn posixAccept(fd: i32, addr: *posix.sockaddr, flags: u32) PosixAcceptError!i32 { while (true) { var sockaddr_size = u32(@sizeOf(posix.sockaddr)); const rc = posix.accept4(fd, addr, &sockaddr_size, flags); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EINTR => continue, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EAGAIN => unreachable, // use posixAsyncAccept for non-blocking posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.ECONNABORTED => return PosixAcceptError.ConnectionAborted, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EMFILE => return PosixAcceptError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return PosixAcceptError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENOBUFS => return PosixAcceptError.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return PosixAcceptError.SystemResources, posix.ENOTSOCK => return PosixAcceptError.FileDescriptorNotASocket, posix.EOPNOTSUPP => return PosixAcceptError.OperationNotSupported, posix.EPROTO => return PosixAcceptError.ProtocolFailure, posix.EPERM => return PosixAcceptError.BlockedByFirewall, } } } /// Returns -1 if would block. pub fn posixAsyncAccept(fd: i32, addr: *posix.sockaddr, flags: u32) PosixAcceptError!i32 { while (true) { var sockaddr_size = u32(@sizeOf(posix.sockaddr)); const rc = posix.accept4(fd, addr, &sockaddr_size, flags); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EINTR => continue, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EAGAIN => return -1, posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition posix.ECONNABORTED => return PosixAcceptError.ConnectionAborted, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EMFILE => return PosixAcceptError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return PosixAcceptError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENOBUFS => return PosixAcceptError.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return PosixAcceptError.SystemResources, posix.ENOTSOCK => return PosixAcceptError.FileDescriptorNotASocket, posix.EOPNOTSUPP => return PosixAcceptError.OperationNotSupported, posix.EPROTO => return PosixAcceptError.ProtocolFailure, posix.EPERM => return PosixAcceptError.BlockedByFirewall, } } } pub const LinuxEpollCreateError = error{ /// The per-user limit on the number of epoll instances imposed by /// /proc/sys/fs/epoll/max_user_instances was encountered. See epoll(7) for further /// details. /// Or, The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached. ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, /// The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached. SystemFdQuotaExceeded, /// There was insufficient memory to create the kernel object. SystemResources, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn linuxEpollCreate(flags: u32) LinuxEpollCreateError!i32 { const rc = posix.epoll_create1(flags); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EMFILE => return LinuxEpollCreateError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return LinuxEpollCreateError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENOMEM => return LinuxEpollCreateError.SystemResources, } } pub const LinuxEpollCtlError = error{ /// op was EPOLL_CTL_ADD, and the supplied file descriptor fd is already registered /// with this epoll instance. FileDescriptorAlreadyPresentInSet, /// fd refers to an epoll instance and this EPOLL_CTL_ADD operation would result in a /// circular loop of epoll instances monitoring one another. OperationCausesCircularLoop, /// op was EPOLL_CTL_MOD or EPOLL_CTL_DEL, and fd is not registered with this epoll /// instance. FileDescriptorNotRegistered, /// There was insufficient memory to handle the requested op control operation. SystemResources, /// The limit imposed by /proc/sys/fs/epoll/max_user_watches was encountered while /// trying to register (EPOLL_CTL_ADD) a new file descriptor on an epoll instance. /// See epoll(7) for further details. UserResourceLimitReached, /// The target file fd does not support epoll. This error can occur if fd refers to, /// for example, a regular file or a directory. FileDescriptorIncompatibleWithEpoll, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn linuxEpollCtl(epfd: i32, op: u32, fd: i32, event: *linux.epoll_event) LinuxEpollCtlError!void { const rc = posix.epoll_ctl(epfd, op, fd, event); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition if this happens posix.EEXIST => return LinuxEpollCtlError.FileDescriptorAlreadyPresentInSet, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ELOOP => return LinuxEpollCtlError.OperationCausesCircularLoop, posix.ENOENT => return LinuxEpollCtlError.FileDescriptorNotRegistered, posix.ENOMEM => return LinuxEpollCtlError.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return LinuxEpollCtlError.UserResourceLimitReached, posix.EPERM => return LinuxEpollCtlError.FileDescriptorIncompatibleWithEpoll, } } pub fn linuxEpollWait(epfd: i32, events: []linux.epoll_event, timeout: i32) usize { while (true) { const rc = posix.epoll_wait(epfd, events.ptr, @intCast(u32, events.len), timeout); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return rc, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, else => unreachable, } } } pub const LinuxEventFdError = error{ InvalidFlagValue, SystemResources, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn linuxEventFd(initval: u32, flags: u32) LinuxEventFdError!i32 { const rc = posix.eventfd(initval, flags); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EINVAL => return LinuxEventFdError.InvalidFlagValue, posix.EMFILE => return LinuxEventFdError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return LinuxEventFdError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENODEV => return LinuxEventFdError.SystemResources, posix.ENOMEM => return LinuxEventFdError.SystemResources, } } pub const PosixGetSockNameError = error{ /// Insufficient resources were available in the system to perform the operation. SystemResources, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn posixGetSockName(sockfd: i32) PosixGetSockNameError!posix.sockaddr { var addr: posix.sockaddr = undefined; var addrlen: posix.socklen_t = @sizeOf(posix.sockaddr); const rc = posix.getsockname(sockfd, &addr, &addrlen); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return addr, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, posix.ENOBUFS => return PosixGetSockNameError.SystemResources, } } pub const PosixConnectError = error{ /// For UNIX domain sockets, which are identified by pathname: Write permission is denied on the socket /// file, or search permission is denied for one of the directories in the path prefix. /// or /// The user tried to connect to a broadcast address without having the socket broadcast flag enabled or /// the connection request failed because of a local firewall rule. PermissionDenied, /// Local address is already in use. AddressInUse, /// (Internet domain sockets) The socket referred to by sockfd had not previously been bound to an /// address and, upon attempting to bind it to an ephemeral port, it was determined that all port numbers /// in the ephemeral port range are currently in use. See the discussion of /// /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range in ip(7). AddressNotAvailable, /// The passed address didn't have the correct address family in its sa_family field. AddressFamilyNotSupported, /// Insufficient entries in the routing cache. SystemResources, /// A connect() on a stream socket found no one listening on the remote address. ConnectionRefused, /// Network is unreachable. NetworkUnreachable, /// Timeout while attempting connection. The server may be too busy to accept new connections. Note /// that for IP sockets the timeout may be very long when syncookies are enabled on the server. ConnectionTimedOut, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn posixConnect(sockfd: i32, sockaddr: *const posix.sockaddr) PosixConnectError!void { while (true) { const rc = posix.connect(sockfd, sockaddr, @sizeOf(posix.sockaddr)); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EACCES => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EPERM => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EADDRINUSE => return PosixConnectError.AddressInUse, posix.EADDRNOTAVAIL => return PosixConnectError.AddressNotAvailable, posix.EAFNOSUPPORT => return PosixConnectError.AddressFamilyNotSupported, posix.EAGAIN => return PosixConnectError.SystemResources, posix.EALREADY => unreachable, // The socket is nonblocking and a previous connection attempt has not yet been completed. posix.EBADF => unreachable, // sockfd is not a valid open file descriptor. posix.ECONNREFUSED => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionRefused, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, // The socket structure address is outside the user's address space. posix.EINPROGRESS => unreachable, // The socket is nonblocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately. posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EISCONN => unreachable, // The socket is already connected. posix.ENETUNREACH => return PosixConnectError.NetworkUnreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. posix.EPROTOTYPE => unreachable, // The socket type does not support the requested communications protocol. posix.ETIMEDOUT => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionTimedOut, } } } /// Same as posixConnect except it is for blocking socket file descriptors. /// It expects to receive EINPROGRESS. pub fn posixConnectAsync(sockfd: i32, sockaddr: *const c_void, len: u32) PosixConnectError!void { while (true) { const rc = posix.connect(sockfd, sockaddr, len); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0, posix.EINPROGRESS => return, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EACCES => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EPERM => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EADDRINUSE => return PosixConnectError.AddressInUse, posix.EADDRNOTAVAIL => return PosixConnectError.AddressNotAvailable, posix.EAFNOSUPPORT => return PosixConnectError.AddressFamilyNotSupported, posix.EAGAIN => return PosixConnectError.SystemResources, posix.EALREADY => unreachable, // The socket is nonblocking and a previous connection attempt has not yet been completed. posix.EBADF => unreachable, // sockfd is not a valid open file descriptor. posix.ECONNREFUSED => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionRefused, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, // The socket structure address is outside the user's address space. posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EISCONN => unreachable, // The socket is already connected. posix.ENETUNREACH => return PosixConnectError.NetworkUnreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. posix.EPROTOTYPE => unreachable, // The socket type does not support the requested communications protocol. posix.ETIMEDOUT => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionTimedOut, } } } pub fn posixGetSockOptConnectError(sockfd: i32) PosixConnectError!void { var err_code: i32 = undefined; var size: u32 = @sizeOf(i32); const rc = posix.getsockopt(sockfd, posix.SOL_SOCKET, posix.SO_ERROR, @ptrCast([*]u8, &err_code), &size); assert(size == 4); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => switch (err_code) { 0 => return, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EACCES => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EPERM => return PosixConnectError.PermissionDenied, posix.EADDRINUSE => return PosixConnectError.AddressInUse, posix.EADDRNOTAVAIL => return PosixConnectError.AddressNotAvailable, posix.EAFNOSUPPORT => return PosixConnectError.AddressFamilyNotSupported, posix.EAGAIN => return PosixConnectError.SystemResources, posix.EALREADY => unreachable, // The socket is nonblocking and a previous connection attempt has not yet been completed. posix.EBADF => unreachable, // sockfd is not a valid open file descriptor. posix.ECONNREFUSED => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionRefused, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, // The socket structure address is outside the user's address space. posix.EISCONN => unreachable, // The socket is already connected. posix.ENETUNREACH => return PosixConnectError.NetworkUnreachable, posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. posix.EPROTOTYPE => unreachable, // The socket type does not support the requested communications protocol. posix.ETIMEDOUT => return PosixConnectError.ConnectionTimedOut, }, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), posix.EBADF => unreachable, // The argument sockfd is not a valid file descriptor. posix.EFAULT => unreachable, // The address pointed to by optval or optlen is not in a valid part of the process address space. posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOPROTOOPT => unreachable, // The option is unknown at the level indicated. posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket. } } pub const Thread = struct { data: Data, pub const use_pthreads = is_posix and builtin.link_libc; /// Represents a kernel thread handle. /// May be an integer or a pointer depending on the platform. /// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Id. pub const Handle = if (use_pthreads) c.pthread_t else switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => i32, => windows.HANDLE, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; /// Represents a unique ID per thread. /// May be an integer or pointer depending on the platform. /// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Handle. pub const Id = switch (builtin.os) { => windows.DWORD, else => Handle, }; pub const Data = if (use_pthreads) struct { handle: Thread.Handle, stack_addr: usize, stack_len: usize, } else switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => struct { handle: Thread.Handle, stack_addr: usize, stack_len: usize, }, => struct { handle: Thread.Handle, alloc_start: *c_void, heap_handle: windows.HANDLE, }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; /// Returns the ID of the calling thread. /// Makes a syscall every time the function is called. /// On Linux and POSIX, this Id is the same as a Handle. pub fn getCurrentId() Id { if (use_pthreads) { return c.pthread_self(); } else return switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => linux.gettid(), => windows.GetCurrentThreadId(), else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; } /// Returns the handle of this thread. /// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Id. pub fn handle(self: Thread) Handle { return; } pub fn wait(self: *const Thread) void { if (use_pthreads) { const err = c.pthread_join(, null); switch (err) { 0 => {}, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ESRCH => unreachable, posix.EDEADLK => unreachable, else => unreachable, } assert(posix.munmap(, == 0); } else switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => { while (true) { const pid_value = @atomicLoad(i32, &, builtin.AtomicOrder.SeqCst); if (pid_value == 0) break; const rc = linux.futex_wait(&, linux.FUTEX_WAIT, pid_value, null); switch (linux.getErrno(rc)) { 0 => continue, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EAGAIN => continue, else => unreachable, } } assert(posix.munmap(, == 0); }, => { assert(windows.WaitForSingleObject(, windows.INFINITE) == windows.WAIT_OBJECT_0); assert(windows.CloseHandle( != 0); assert(windows.HeapFree(, 0, != 0); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } }; pub const SpawnThreadError = error{ /// A system-imposed limit on the number of threads was encountered. /// There are a number of limits that may trigger this error: /// * the RLIMIT_NPROC soft resource limit (set via setrlimit(2)), /// which limits the number of processes and threads for a real /// user ID, was reached; /// * the kernel's system-wide limit on the number of processes and /// threads, /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max, was reached (see /// proc(5)); /// * the maximum number of PIDs, /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max, was /// reached (see proc(5)); or /// * the PID limit (pids.max) imposed by the cgroup "process num‐ /// ber" (PIDs) controller was reached. ThreadQuotaExceeded, /// The kernel cannot allocate sufficient memory to allocate a task structure /// for the child, or to copy those parts of the caller's context that need to /// be copied. SystemResources, /// Not enough userland memory to spawn the thread. OutOfMemory, /// See Unexpected, }; /// caller must call wait on the returned thread /// fn startFn(@typeOf(context)) T /// where T is u8, noreturn, void, or !void /// caller must call wait on the returned thread pub fn spawnThread(context: var, comptime startFn: var) SpawnThreadError!*Thread { // TODO compile-time call graph analysis to determine stack upper bound // const default_stack_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024; const Context = @typeOf(context); comptime assert(@ArgType(@typeOf(startFn), 0) == Context); if (builtin.os == { const WinThread = struct { const OuterContext = struct { thread: Thread, inner: Context, }; extern fn threadMain(raw_arg: windows.LPVOID) windows.DWORD { const arg = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {} else @ptrCast(*Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), raw_arg)).*; switch (@typeId(@typeOf(startFn).ReturnType)) { builtin.TypeId.Int => { return startFn(arg); }, builtin.TypeId.Void => { startFn(arg); return 0; }, else => @compileError("expected return type of startFn to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"), } } }; const heap_handle = windows.GetProcessHeap() orelse return SpawnThreadError.OutOfMemory; const byte_count = @alignOf(WinThread.OuterContext) + @sizeOf(WinThread.OuterContext); const bytes_ptr = windows.HeapAlloc(heap_handle, 0, byte_count) orelse return SpawnThreadError.OutOfMemory; errdefer assert(windows.HeapFree(heap_handle, 0, bytes_ptr) != 0); const bytes = @ptrCast([*]u8, bytes_ptr)[0..byte_count]; const outer_context = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(bytes).allocator.create(WinThread.OuterContext{ .thread = Thread{ .data = Thread.Data{ .heap_handle = heap_handle, .alloc_start = bytes_ptr, .handle = undefined, }, }, .inner = context, }) catch unreachable; const parameter = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) null else @ptrCast(*c_void, &outer_context.inner); = windows.CreateThread(null, default_stack_size, WinThread.threadMain, parameter, 0, null) orelse { const err = windows.GetLastError(); return switch (err) { else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err), }; }; return &outer_context.thread; } const MainFuncs = struct { extern fn linuxThreadMain(ctx_addr: usize) u8 { const arg = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {} else @intToPtr(*const Context, ctx_addr).*; switch (@typeId(@typeOf(startFn).ReturnType)) { builtin.TypeId.Int => { return startFn(arg); }, builtin.TypeId.Void => { startFn(arg); return 0; }, else => @compileError("expected return type of startFn to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"), } } extern fn posixThreadMain(ctx: ?*c_void) ?*c_void { if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) { _ = startFn({}); return null; } else { _ = startFn(@ptrCast(*const Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), ctx)).*); return null; } } }; const MAP_GROWSDOWN = if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux) linux.MAP_GROWSDOWN else 0; const mmap_len = default_stack_size; const stack_addr = posix.mmap(null, mmap_len, posix.PROT_READ | posix.PROT_WRITE, posix.MAP_PRIVATE | posix.MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_GROWSDOWN, -1, 0); if (stack_addr == posix.MAP_FAILED) return error.OutOfMemory; errdefer assert(posix.munmap(stack_addr, mmap_len) == 0); var stack_end: usize = stack_addr + mmap_len; var arg: usize = undefined; if (@sizeOf(Context) != 0) { stack_end -= @sizeOf(Context); stack_end -= stack_end % @alignOf(Context); assert(stack_end >= stack_addr); const context_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), @intToPtr(*Context, stack_end)); context_ptr.* = context; arg = stack_end; } stack_end -= @sizeOf(Thread); stack_end -= stack_end % @alignOf(Thread); assert(stack_end >= stack_addr); const thread_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Thread), @intToPtr(*Thread, stack_end)); = stack_addr; = mmap_len; if (builtin.os == { // use windows API directly @compileError("TODO support spawnThread for Windows"); } else if (Thread.use_pthreads) { // use pthreads var attr: c.pthread_attr_t = undefined; if (c.pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) return SpawnThreadError.SystemResources; defer assert(c.pthread_attr_destroy(&attr) == 0); // align to page stack_end -= stack_end % os.page_size; assert(c.pthread_attr_setstack(&attr, @intToPtr(*c_void, stack_addr), stack_end - stack_addr) == 0); const err = c.pthread_create(&, &attr, MainFuncs.posixThreadMain, @intToPtr(*c_void, arg)); switch (err) { 0 => return thread_ptr, posix.EAGAIN => return SpawnThreadError.SystemResources, posix.EPERM => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(@intCast(usize, err)), } } else if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux) { // use linux API directly. TODO use posix.CLONE_SETTLS and initialize thread local storage correctly const flags = posix.CLONE_VM | posix.CLONE_FS | posix.CLONE_FILES | posix.CLONE_SIGHAND | posix.CLONE_THREAD | posix.CLONE_SYSVSEM | posix.CLONE_PARENT_SETTID | posix.CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID | posix.CLONE_DETACHED; const newtls: usize = 0; const rc = posix.clone(MainFuncs.linuxThreadMain, stack_end, flags, arg, &, newtls, &; const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return thread_ptr, posix.EAGAIN => return SpawnThreadError.ThreadQuotaExceeded, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOMEM => return SpawnThreadError.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => unreachable, posix.EPERM => unreachable, posix.EUSERS => unreachable, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } else { @compileError("Unsupported OS"); } } pub fn posixWait(pid: i32) i32 { var status: i32 = undefined; while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.waitpid(pid, &status, 0)); switch (err) { 0 => return status, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.ECHILD => unreachable, // The process specified does not exist. It would be a race condition to handle this error. posix.EINVAL => unreachable, // The options argument was invalid else => unreachable, } } } pub fn posixFStat(fd: i32) !posix.Stat { var stat: posix.Stat = undefined; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.fstat(fd, &stat)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { // We do not make this an error code because if you get EBADF it's always a bug, // since the fd could have been reused. posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err), }; } return stat; } pub const CpuCountError = error{ OutOfMemory, PermissionDenied, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn cpuCount(fallback_allocator: *mem.Allocator) CpuCountError!usize { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.macosx => { var count: c_int = undefined; var count_len: usize = @sizeOf(c_int); const rc = posix.sysctlbyname(c"hw.logicalcpu", @ptrCast(*c_void, &count), &count_len, null, 0); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(usize, count), posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOMEM => return CpuCountError.OutOfMemory, posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable, posix.EISDIR => unreachable, posix.ENOENT => unreachable, posix.EPERM => unreachable, else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } }, builtin.Os.linux => { const usize_count = 16; const allocator = std.heap.stackFallback(usize_count * @sizeOf(usize), fallback_allocator).get(); var set = try allocator.alloc(usize, usize_count); defer; while (true) { const rc = posix.sched_getaffinity(0, set); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => { if (rc < set.len * @sizeOf(usize)) { const result = set[0 .. rc / @sizeOf(usize)]; var sum: usize = 0; for (result) |x| { sum += @popCount(x); } return sum; } else { set = try allocator.realloc(usize, set, set.len * 2); continue; } }, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EPERM => return CpuCountError.PermissionDenied, posix.ESRCH => unreachable, else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } }, => { var system_info: windows.SYSTEM_INFO = undefined; windows.GetSystemInfo(&system_info); return @intCast(usize, system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors); }, else => @compileError("unsupported OS"), } } pub const BsdKQueueError = error{ /// The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached. ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, /// The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached. SystemFdQuotaExceeded, /// See Unexpected, }; pub fn bsdKQueue() BsdKQueueError!i32 { const rc = posix.kqueue(); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EMFILE => return BsdKQueueError.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return BsdKQueueError.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub const BsdKEventError = error{ /// The process does not have permission to register a filter. AccessDenied, /// The event could not be found to be modified or deleted. EventNotFound, /// No memory was available to register the event. SystemResources, /// The specified process to attach to does not exist. ProcessNotFound, }; pub fn bsdKEvent( kq: i32, changelist: []const posix.Kevent, eventlist: []posix.Kevent, timeout: ?*const posix.timespec, ) BsdKEventError!usize { while (true) { const rc = posix.kevent(kq, changelist, eventlist, timeout); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return rc, posix.EACCES => return BsdKEventError.AccessDenied, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.EINTR => continue, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENOENT => return BsdKEventError.EventNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return BsdKEventError.SystemResources, posix.ESRCH => return BsdKEventError.ProcessNotFound, else => unreachable, } } } pub fn linuxINotifyInit1(flags: u32) !i32 { const rc = linux.inotify_init1(flags); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.EMFILE => return error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENFILE => return error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub fn linuxINotifyAddWatchC(inotify_fd: i32, pathname: [*]const u8, mask: u32) !i32 { const rc = linux.inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, pathname, mask); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return @intCast(i32, rc), posix.EACCES => return error.AccessDenied, posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.EFAULT => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong, posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound, posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources, posix.ENOSPC => return error.UserResourceLimitReached, else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err), } } pub fn linuxINotifyRmWatch(inotify_fd: i32, wd: i32) !void { const rc = linux.inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, wd); const err = posix.getErrno(rc); switch (err) { 0 => return rc, posix.EBADF => unreachable, posix.EINVAL => unreachable, else => unreachable, } }