const std = @import("std"); // TODO codegen pretends that Module is renamed to Build because I plan to // do that refactor at some point const Build = @import("module.zig").Module; // we go through llvm instead of c for 2 reasons: // 1. to avoid accidentally calling the non-thread-safe functions // 2. patch up some of the types to remove nullability const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const ir = @import("ir.zig"); const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const event = std.event; pub async fn renderToLlvm(build: *Build, fn_val: *Value.Fn, code: *ir.Code) !void { fn_val.base.ref(); defer fn_val.base.deref(build); defer code.destroy(build.a()); const llvm_handle = try build.event_loop_local.getAnyLlvmContext(); defer llvm_handle.release(build.event_loop_local); const context =; const module = llvm.ModuleCreateWithNameInContext(, context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeModule(module); const builder = llvm.CreateBuilderInContext(context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; defer llvm.DisposeBuilder(builder); var cunit = CompilationUnit{ .build = build, .module = module, .builder = builder, .context = context, .lock = event.Lock.init(build.loop), }; try renderToLlvmModule(&cunit, fn_val, code); if (build.verbose_llvm_ir) { llvm.DumpModule(cunit.module); } } pub const CompilationUnit = struct { build: *Build, module: llvm.ModuleRef, builder: llvm.BuilderRef, context: llvm.ContextRef, lock: event.Lock, fn a(self: *CompilationUnit) *std.mem.Allocator { return; } }; pub fn renderToLlvmModule(cunit: *CompilationUnit, fn_val: *Value.Fn, code: *ir.Code) !void { // TODO audit more of codegen.cpp:fn_llvm_value and port more logic const llvm_fn_type = try fn_val.base.typeof.getLlvmType(cunit); const llvm_fn = llvm.AddFunction(cunit.module, fn_val.symbol_name.ptr(), llvm_fn_type); }